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The properties and tectonic significance of the fault bound zone on the northern margin of the Central Tianshan belt are key issues to understand the tectonic framework and evolutionary history of the Tianshan Orogenic Belt. Based on the geological and geochemical studies in the Tianshan orogenic belt, it is suggested that the ophiolitic slices found in the Bingdaban area represent the remaining oceanic crust of the Early Paleozoic ocean between the Hazakstan and Zhungaer blocks. Mainly composed of basalts, gabbros and diabases, the ophiolites were overthrust onto the boundary fault between the Northern Tianshan and Central Tianshan belts. The major element geochemistry is characterized by high TiO2 (1.50%–2.25%) and MgO (6.64%–9.35%), low K2O (0.06%–0.41%) and P2O5 (0.1%–0.2%), and Na2O>K2O as well. Low ΣREE and depletion in LREE indicate that the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source. Compared with a primitive mantle, the geochemistry of the basalts from the Bingdaban area is featureded by depletion in Th, U, Nb, La, Ce and Pr, and unfractionated in HFS elements. The ratios of Zr/Nb, Nb/La, Hf/Ta, Th/Yb and Hf/Th are similar to those of the typical N-MORB. It can be interpreted that the basalts in the Bingdaban area were derived from a depleted mantle source, and formed in a matured mid-oceanic ridge setting during the matured evolutionary stage of the Northern Tianshan ocean. In comparison with the basalts, the diabases from the Bingdaban area show higher contents of Al2O3, ΣREE and HFS elements as well as unfractionated incompatible elements except Cs, Rb and Ba, and about 10 times the values of the primitive mantle. Thus, the diabases are thought to be derived from a primitive mantle and similar to the typical E-MORB. The diabases also have slight Nb depletion accompanying no apparent Th enrichment compared with N-MORB. From studies of the regional geology and all above evidence, it can be suggested that the diabases from the Bingdaban area were formed in the mid-oceanic ridge of the Northern Tianshan ocean during the initial spreading stage. Supported by the Major State Research Program of PRC (Grant No. 2001CB409801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40472115 and 40234041) and the State Research Program of China Geological Survey (Grant No. 2001130000-22)  相似文献   
吴晓东 《福建地质》2014,33(4):293-299
根据福建沿海湄洲湾、江阴、可门3条支线港口铁路的工程地质条件、水文地质特征,综合分析认为在工程施工过程中局部出现不良地质现象,主要有软土、块石填土、不均匀地基、地下水的腐蚀性等.总结在施工过程中因工程地质问题导致的设计变更及处理措施.  相似文献   
Stepwise Conditional Transformation for Simulation of Multiple Variables   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Most geostatistical studies consider multiple-related variables. These relationships often show complex features such as nonlinearity, heteroscedasticity, and mineralogical or other constraints. These features are not handled by the well-established Gaussian simulation techniques. Earth science variables are rarely Gaussian. Transformation or anamorphosis techniques make each variable univariate Gaussian, but do not enforce bivariate or higher order Gaussianity. The stepwise conditional transformation technique is proposed to transform multiple variables to be univariate Gaussian and multivariate Gaussian with no cross correlation. This makes it remarkably easy to simulate multiple variables with arbitrarily complex relationships: (1) transform the multiple variables, (2) perform independent Gaussian simulation on the transformed variables, and (3) back transform to the original variables. The back transformation enforces reproduction of the original complex features. The methodology and underlying assumptions are explained. Several petroleum and mining examples are used to show features of the transformation and implementation details.  相似文献   
由于受到国界、测量成本和数据规模等因素的限制,航空重力测量本质上是一种欠奈奎斯特采样方法,本文通过离散傅里叶变换分析了航空重力测量的稀疏性,提出了利用压缩感知理论实现大规模重力异常数据高精度重构的思路。基于压缩感知理论,重力异常数据重构问题可以转化为基于L1范数的凸二次规划问题,本文结合预处理共轭梯度算法,提出了一种改进的内点法来解决此问题。进一步地,我们利用自主研发的SGA-WZ型捷联式航空重力仪在中国某地区进行了航空重力测量试验。通过对试验中测得的重力异常数据进行重构,与常用的线性插值重构方法对比,结果表明:本文提出的基于压缩感知理论的新方法能够以更高的重构精度,更有效地解决大规模重力异常数据的重构问题。  相似文献   
In this paper,the basic conditions and characteristics of the Datong-Yanggao earthquake are described in detail.The type of the earthquake,the aftershock activity,the earthquake trend,the characteristics of damage are analyzed and discussed.This earthquake belongs to a sequence of earthquake swarm type and is of the concentratedly occurring characteristics of several main shocks in a time sequence,and the aftershock activity was normally attenuated.Because of the unreasonable design of buildings and repeated vibration by several destructive main shocks within a short period,the damage in the high intensity region was aggravated.The analysis and the prediction procedure of the 1991 Datong-Yanggao earthquake(Ms=5.8)are also briefly given.  相似文献   
无机碳与雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)细胞调节物质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以单细胞雨生红球藻为材料,采用酸碱滴定和CO2加富通气培养微藻的方法,对旧液中HCO3^-和CO3^2-浓度变化以及对红球藻细胞生长的影响进行了研究。结果表明,旧液具有限制红球藻细胞生长和诱导细胞转化的作用。同时,旧液中无机碳离子浓度明显高于新液。培养液中富含CO3^2-时,各细胞数量与CO3^2-浓度呈正相关,相关系数为0.88。溶液中仅有HCO3^-时,各细胞数与HCO3^-浓度也呈正相关性。因此,排除了CO3^2-和HCO3^-作为旧液中的调节物质,限制红球藻细胞生长和诱导细胞转化的可能性。旧液乙酸乙酯提取物生物检测实验表明,在粗提取物中有降低细胞增长和诱导细胞转化的活性,表明调节物质能溶于有机相,也反过来证实无机碳离子不是旧液中的调节物质。DNA含量和倍性分析结果表明,红球藻游动细胞DNA复制可以加倍后不经过原生质分裂就可以再次进行,因此推测旧液中的调节物质对原生质分裂过程产生抑制作用,而不对DNA复制过程产生抑制作用。  相似文献   
To meet the increasing demand for air transportation, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport had carried out the offshore extension project at Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport). The airport should be constructed to be perfectly level, but the ground conditions with very thick layers of super soft dredged soils and need for reclamation made the task very difficult. Because of large amount of consolidation settlement, ground improvement by combined vertical drain method was applied to decrease residual and differential settlement after opening of new airport. This paper is aimed to introduce the design concept and method of ground improvement for this project. In addition the result of ground improvement is keeping satisfactory performance for operating airport confirmed by long-term monitoring for airport facilities.  相似文献   
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