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Optical absorption spectra obtained on glasses quenched from sodium silicate melts show Mn3+ to be the dominant species for melts heated in air and Mn2+ to be the dominant species for melts heated at Po2 = 10?17 bar. The absorption spectrum of Mn3+ consists of an intense band at 20,000cm?1 with a 15,000cm?1 satellite possibly arising from the Jahn-Teller effect. The independence of the spectrum from melt composition and the high band intensity is offered as evidence for a distinct Mn3+ complex in the melt. The spectrum of Mn2+ is weak and many expected bands are not observed. A two-band luminescence spectrum from Mn2+ has been tentatively interpreted as due to Mn2+ in interstitial sites in the network and Mn2+ coordinated by non-bridging oxygens.  相似文献   
The northernmost Kamchatka Peninsula is located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea and consists of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing inland from the northwestern Bering Sea, the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat and Koryak superterranes (OLY, UKL and KOR) are crossed. These terranes were accreted to the backstop Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (OChVB) in northernmost Kamchatka. A sedimentary sequence of Albian to Maastrichtian age overlaps the terranes and units of the Koryak superterrane, and constrains their accretion time. A paleomagnetic study of blocks within the Kuyul (KUY) terrane of the Koryak superterrane was completed at two localities (Camp 2: λ=61.83°N, φ=165.83°E and Camp 3: λ=61.67°N, φ=164.75°E). At both localities, paleomagnetic samples were collected from Late Triassic (225–208 Ma) limestone blocks (2–10 m in outcrop height) within a melange zone. Although weak in remanent magnetization, two components of remanent magnetization were observed during stepwise thermal demagnetization at 32 sites. The A component of magnetization was observed between room temperature and approximately 250 °C. This magnetic component is always of downward directed inclination and shows the best grouping at relatively low degrees of unfolding. Using McFadden–Reid inclination-only statistics and averaging all site means, the resulting A component mean is Iopt=60.3°, I95=5.0° and n=36 (sites). The B magnetic component is observed up to 565 °C, at which temperature, most samples have no measurable remanent magnetization, or growth of magnetic minerals has disrupted the thermal demagnetization process. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, where bedding orientation differs within a block, most of these sites show the best grouping of B component directions at 100% unfolding, and two of the blocks display remanent magnetizations of both upward and downward directed magnetic inclination. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, the resulting overall B component paleolatitude and associated uncertainty are λobs=30.4°N or S, λ95=8.9° and n=19 (sites). When compared with the expected North America paleolatitude of λAPWP expected=57.9°N, our data support a model in which blocks within the Koryak superterrane are allochthonous and far travelled.  相似文献   
The Talchir Basin, one of India's oldest basins, has been a subject of interest because of its rich coal deposits. The maximum thickness of the basin is about 1500 m. Beyond the basin is the hard metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age. The ambient noise survey data have been analyzed for the Talchir Basin using Nakamura's technique of horizontal–vertical-spectral-ratio (HVSR) to ascertain the basin structure in terms of the predominant frequency. The predominant frequency varies from 0.25 Hz to 7.8 Hz but a major portion of the basin comes under the range of 0.3 Hz–2.4 Hz while on the metamorphic rocks it is as high as 7.8 Hz. The variation in predominant frequency shows a good correlation with the sediment thickness of the basin. The results have been compared with the previous studies by other researchers and it shows consistency with the northerly dip of the basin. The present study has also been compared with the results of the synthetic seismogram that was performed for the Talchir Basin. The predominant frequency obtained from HVSR technique complements well with the frequency at which the peak response spectra ratio is observed. The present study of the predominant frequency identifies quite well the characteristics of Talchir Basin and is in good agreement with the synthetic ground motion modeling of the region.  相似文献   
Debris flows caused by El Niño events, earthquakes, and glacial releases have affected northern Perú for centuries. The Muralla Pircada, a northeast-trending, 2.5 km long stone wall east of the Santa Rita B archaeological site (Moche-Chimú) in the Chao Valley, is field evidence that ancient Andeans recognized and, more importantly, attempted to mitigate the effects of debris flows. The Muralla is upstream from the site and is perpendicular to local drainages. It is 1–2 m high, up to 5 m wide, and is comprised of intentionally-placed, well-sorted, well-rounded, 20–30 cm cobbles and boulders from nearby streams. Long axes of the stones are gently inclined and parallel local drainage. Case-and-fill construction was used with smaller cobbles and pebbles used as fill. Pre-Muralla debris flows are indicated by meter-sized, angular boulders that were incorporated in-place into construction of the dam and are now exposed in breeches in the dam. Post-Muralla debris flows in the Chao Valley are indicated by meter-sized, angular boulders that now abut the retention dam.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Acknowledging the devastating consequences of past earthquakes, current research efforts focus on the development of tools for assessing and controlling the risk and losses...  相似文献   
In the context of rural land conservation, neoliberalisation involves an increasingly wide range of changes in formal and informal institutional arrangements. These affect the relationship between the state and the market in a variety of ways and have different implications for the governance of rural land. In the context of rural land conservation in the UK, we identify a broad range of changes to policy that promote altered ownership and market related institutional forms, all of which might be seen as forms of neoliberalisation. In some instances these promote market forces and private ownership, while in others they push back the market and support collectivisation. We argue that the complex processes of the decomposition property and reassignment of property rights and the emergence of new forms of governance and partnership are better characterised in terms of institutional blending.  相似文献   
Contourite drift systems form a significant component of the marine clastic sedimentary record. Although contourites form in all tectonic settings, few studies have described their development along convergent margins; such characterization is needed to underpin oceanographic and palaeoenvironmental studies in active settings. This study is the first to document contourite drift development along the Hikurangi subduction margin of New Zealand. Integration of bathymetric, seismic and well data enables five classes of drift to be recognized around the subduction wedge, occurring in three principal associations: (i) an upper slope drift association of giant elongate mounded (ca 150 km long, 50 km wide and up to 1100 m thick) and plastered drifts (ca 300 km long, 8 km wide and <600 m thick), which occurs upon and inboard of a major intrabasinal thrust‐cored high, whose long axis parallels the coast; shallow bottom currents disperse sub‐parallel to this axis; (ii) a spatiotemporally discontinuous association of confined and mounded hybrid drifts (ca 500 m long, <2 km wide and up to 500 m thick) that occurs along the mid‐to‐outer slope domain of the wedge, recording the interaction of along‐slope and downslope currents within trench‐slope basins; and (iii) a trench fill assemblage that implies the passage of abyssal bottom currents across a 40 km reach of the trench‐axial Hikurangi Channel‐levée, with associated modification of the channel form and of overbank sediment waves. The fundamental presence of contourites along this margin appears to depend on the orientation and strength of oceanographic bottom currents. However, drift type and evolution vary depending on the slope gradient and the presence of irregular seafloor topography created by tectonic structures. The documented drifts are generally smaller, less continuous, and develop more intermittently than similar styles of drifts documented on passive margins; this mode of occurrence may be characteristic of contourite development on convergent margins.  相似文献   
The calculation of a maximum depositional age(MDA)from a detrital zircon sample can provide insight into a variety of geological problems.However,the impact of sample size and calculation method on the accuracy of a resulting MDA has not been evaluated.We use large populations of synthetic zircon dates(N≈25,000)to analyze the impact of varying sample size(n),measurement uncertainty,and the abundance of neardepositional-age zircons on the accuracy and uncertainty of 9 commonly used MDA calculation methods.Furthermore,a new method,the youngest statistical population is tested.For each method,500 samples of n synthetic dates were drawn from the parent population and MDAs were calculated.The mean and standard deviation of each method ove r the 500 trials at each n-value(50-1000,in increments of 50)were compa red to the known depositional age of the synthetic population and used to compare the methods quantitatively in two simulation scenarios.The first simulation scenario varied the proportion of near-depositional-age grains in the synthetic population.The second scenario varied the uncertainty of the dates used to calculate the MDAs.Increasing sample size initially decreased the mean residual error and standard deviation calculated by each method.At higher n-values(>~300 grains),calculated MDAs changed more slowly and the mean resid ual error increased or decreased depending on the method used.Increasing the p roportion of near-depositional-age grains and lowering measurement uncertainty decreased the number of measurements required for the calculated MDAs to stabilize and decreased the standard deviation in calculated MDAs of the 500 samples.Results of the two simulation scenarios show that the most successful way to increase the accuracy of a calculated M DA is by acquiring a large number of low-uncertainty measurements(300300)approach is used if the calculation of accurate MDAs are key to research goals.Other acquisition method s,such as high-to moderate-precision measurement methods(e.g.,1%-5%,2σ)acquiring low-to moderate-n datasets(50300).Additionally,they are most susceptible to producing erroneous MDAs due to contamination in the field or laboratory,or through disturbances of the youngest zircon’s U-Pb systematics(e.g.,lead loss).More conservative methods that still produce accurate MDAs and are less susceptible to contamination or lead loss include:youngest grain cluster at 1σunce rtainty(YGC 1σ),youngest grain clusterat 2σuncertainty(YGC 2σ),and youngest statistical population(YSP).The ages calculated by these methods may be more useful and appealing when fitting calculated MDAs in to pre-existing chronostratigraphic frameworks,as they are less likely to be younger than the true depositional age.From the results of our numerical models we illustrate what geologic processes(i.e.,tectonic or sedimentary)can be resolved using MDAs derived from strata of different ages.  相似文献   
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