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主要分析了构造抬升对水系和地形的影响和恢复,以从古生代灰岩围岩中大面积但零星出露的岩溶砾岩点为研究对象,对区域古水系和地形地貌恢复和反演做出了新的尝试。在收集资料和实测的基础上,尝试性探讨了利用稳定水体参照物高程反演抬升高度以及邻区山峰点的古高程、古水系,恢复区域上古地形地貌的技术方法。并以白彦地区为例,通过白彦岩溶砾岩的分布、产状、金刚石矿物含量、岩性等地质特征,恢复白彦地区古地形线、古水系位置和流向等古地理地貌,指出在白彦期时代,该区总体发育4个水系,邹城市大石墙水系、枣庄水系、平邑水系、费县水系,水系中金刚石含量较为丰富的砾岩点大多分布在凤凰山隆起中心,其中在平邑水系推测存在一个山地峡谷中的古湖泊。认为蒙山凸起中已知的常马庄地区的金伯利岩脉所含有金刚石可能主要供应平邑区水系,其他3个地区水系的金刚石可能来源于凤凰山及其东部隆起剥蚀地区。  相似文献   
???????????????????????????????????????????????????1999-2008????????????仯??????????????????????????????????????????????仯??????????????????????????в??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  相似文献   
绿色矿山建设是矿业健康持续发展的时代要求,是矿产资源管理制度改革发展的重要方向,是建设生态文明、矿业转型升级的必然选择,是山东省矿业发展的必由之路。该文重点论述绿色矿山的内涵、基本条件、重要意义,分析了山东省绿色矿山建设面临的数量偏少、地方标准不健全、各职能部门协同机制有待进一步完善等多方面问题。并在此基础上,提出下步山东省绿色矿山建设的几点建议,包括严格规划管控、坚持试点引路及推进标杆企业建设、加快标准制定及出台相关管理办法、积极推动绿色矿业发展示范区建设等多项建议。  相似文献   
This study aims to assess conservation practices in Izta-Popo National Park(Central Mexico) by evaluating the mechanisms of sediment transfer. We applied a methodology based on fallout ~(137)Cs and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) analysis. This was tested in the upper catchment of Amalacaxco Gorge, selected for being one of the sectors of the park in which man-made actions have been implemented in last decades to favor forest growth in the alpine grassland and to reduce the effect of water runoff. We quantified the ~(137)Cs activity using gamma and beta spectrometry of fine sediment grains extracted from the surface of parcels of 0.4 m2 in areas of natural forest, natural alpine grassland, alpine grassland with conservation practices, ravines and trails. In general, ~(137)Cs values increases as local slope decreases as it was expected. The natural forest is the most stable area in terms of soil erosion and sediment accumulation and, mean ~(137)Cs activity was taken as reference to assess cumulative zones, with higher ~(137)Cs values and erosive, with lower. We found that trails are accumulative surfaces but in other areas, erosion predominates. Man-made ditches, trenches and afforestation in the alpine grassland have higher ~(137)Cs values than thenatural grassland, which indicates that conservation practices are limiting the sediment transfer from hillslopes to channels, however, soil retention is less than in the natural grassland. Additionally, we evaluated the luminescence(OSL) values obtained from samples extracted from the sediment transported in ravines that are cutting into different sectors of the study area to assess the grade of resetting of fluvial materials. These luminescence results indicated that the sediment transported in ravines that are cutting into the natural forest and alpine grassland is bleached more efficiently than the sediment transported in the alpine grassland with conservation practices. Results of fallout ~(137)Cs and luminescence strongly suggest that man-made actions in this part of the Izta-Popo National Park are dramatically modifying the natural mechanisms of sediment transfer and favoring soil erosion. We conclude that made ditches, trenches and afforestation are not an effective conservation practice in Amalacaxco Gorge because they are promoting soil erosion instead of reducing it.  相似文献   
为了研究青海省鄂拉山地区找矿远景,基于该区最新一轮1∶5万水系沉积物测量数据,提炼分析其地球化学特征之元素分布特征、元素组合特征、元素异常特征,认为该区主要成矿元素为W,Sn,Mo,Bi,Ag,Cu,Pb,Zn,Au,Sb;并指出该类成矿元素多在元古宙和古生代的地层中明显富集;主要成矿类型为矽卡岩型和热液充填型。结合已知成矿地质条件,最终优选出4个找矿远景区,为该区域提供了较明确的找矿方向。  相似文献   
人为地质灾害加剧,地质环境恶化,势必阻碍山区经济发展,产生的根源在于人类不妥当的工程经济活动。因此,解决问题的基本途径是从调整人的行为入手,以人为本,综合治理,搞好灾害防治工作,促进山区经济持续发展。  相似文献   
Four marine cyanobacterial isolates, named 104, 109, 113 and 115, from marine water off China's coast can release a large amount of exopolysaccharide (EPS) to medium. The effects of different components in medium on EPS production by the four isolates were investigated. Under the optimal condition, the EPS released by isolates 104,109, 113 and 115 reached 7.48 g L^-1, 8.33 g L^-1, 18.26 g L^-1, and 6.78 g L^-1 within 14 d,respectively. Based on the conventional identification methods for cyanobacteria,these isolates were assigned to genus Cyanothece.  相似文献   
印度洋dipole事件的年际变化与ENSO事件的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对nino3指数和DMI序列的分析,发现两种物理现象都有4a左右的主要周期,而且印度洋偶极子事件还存在有2a左右的振荡周期,而厄尔尼诺事件在2a时间尺度上周期性不明显;对nino3指数和DMI进行年际时间尺度滤波,结果表明,在年际时间尺度上,两者的相关性比未滤波时有了一定的提高;对年际滤波之后的偶极子事件和ELNINO事件的相关分析可以发现,ELNINO对于印度洋偶极子事件的影响要大于IOD对于太平洋ENSO事件,显示了两者物理现象的影响不对称。  相似文献   
Sun  Weidong  Zhang  Lipeng  Liao  Renqiang  Sun  Saijun  Li  Congying  Liu  He 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(4):1008-1017
The Indo-Pacific convergence region is the best target to solve the teo remaining challenge s of the plate tectonics theory,i.e.,subduction initiation and the driving force of plate tectonics.Recent studies proposed that the Izu-Bonin subduction initiation belongs to spontaneous initiation,which implies that it started from extension,followed by low angle subduction.Numerical geodynamic modeling suggests that the initiation of plate subduction likely occurred along a transform fault,which put the young spreading ridge in direct contact with old oceanic crust.This,however,does not explain the simultaneous subduction initiation in the west Pacific region in the Cenozoic.Namely,the subduction initiations in the Izu-BoninMariana,the Aleutian,and the Tonga-Kermadec trenches are associated with oceanic crusts of different ages,yet they occurred at roughly the same time,suggesting that they were all triggered by a maj or change in the Pacific plate.Moreover,low angle subduction induces compression rather than extension,which requires external compression forces.Given that the famous Hawaiian-Emperor bending occurred roughly at the same time with the onset of westward subductions in the west Pacific,we propose that these Cenozoic subductions were initiated by the steering of the Pacific plate,which are classified as induced initiation.Induced subduction initiation usually occurs in young ocean basins,forming single-track subduction.The closure s of Neo-Tethys Oceans were likely triggered by plume s in the south,forming northward subductions.Interestingly,the Indian plate kept on moving northward more than 50 Ma after the collision between the Indian and Eurasian continents and the break-off of the subducted oceanic slab attached to it.This strongly suggests that slab pull is not the main driving force of plate tectonics,whereas slab sliding is.  相似文献   
一种非量测相机近景影像外方位元素解算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种角椎体法和共线方程法联合解算非量测相机影像外方位元素的方法。工程应用证明该方法求解像片的外方位元素具有计算速度快、收敛性强、计算精度高等优点。  相似文献   
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