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On the basis of a thorough understanding of the physical characteristics of remote sensing image,this paper employs the theories of wavelet transform and signal sampling to develop a new image fusion algorithm.The algorithm has been successfully applied to the image fusion of SPOT PAN and TM of Guangdong province, China The experimental results show that a perfect image fusion can be built up by using the image analytical solution and reconstruction in the image frequency domain based on the physical characteristics of the image formation.The method has demonstrated that the results of the image fusion do not change spectral characteristics of the original image.  相似文献   
城市地震灾害风险评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
风险管理研究已成为防灾减灾工作从“被动救灾”到“主动预防”转化的热门课题。本文回顾了地震灾害风险评价研究进展,指出了现有评价方法的不足。提出了基于地震小区划的城市地震危险性评价方法、基于城市用地类型的城市地震易损性评价方法以及基于专家打分法的城市防震减灾能力评价方法。最后设计了城市地震灾害风险评价流程,并给出了城市地震灾害风险区划算法。  相似文献   
Verification of Carbon Sink Assessment: Can We Exclude Natural Sinks?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Any human-induced terrestrial sink is susceptible to the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, nitrogen deposition, climate variability and other natural or indirect human-induced factors. It has been suggested in climate negotiations that the effects of these factors should be excluded from estimates of carbon sequestration used to meet the emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. This paper focuses on the methodologies for factoring out the effects of atmospheric and climate variability/change. We estimate the relative magnitude of the non-human induced effects by using two biosphere models and discuss possibilities for narrowing estimate uncertainty.  相似文献   
Reservoir sizing is one of the most important aspects of water resources engineering as the storage in a reservoir must be sufficient to supply water during extended droughts. Typically, observed streamflow is used to stochastically generate multiple realizations of streamflow to estimate the required storage based on the Sequent Peak Algorithm (SQP). The main limitation in this approach is that the parameters of the stochastic model are purely derived from the observed record (limited to less than 80 years of data) which does not have information related to prehistoric droughts. Further, reservoir sizing is typically estimated to meet future increase in water demand, and there is no guarantee that future streamflow over the planning period will be representative of past streamflow records. In this context, reconstructed streamflow records, usually estimated based on tree ring chronologies, provide better estimates of prehistoric droughts, and future streamflow records over the planning period could be obtained from general circulation models (GCMs) which provide 30 year near-term climate change projections. In this study, we developed paleo streamflow records and future streamflow records for 30 years are obtained by forcing the projected precipitation and temperature from the GCMs over a lumped watershed model. We propose combining observed, reconstructed and projected streamflows to generate synthetic streamflow records using a Bayesian framework that provides the posterior distribution of reservoir storage estimates. The performance of the Bayesian framework is compared to a traditional stochastic streamflow generation approach. Findings based on the split-sample validation show that the Bayesian approach yielded generated streamflow traces more representative of future streamflow conditions than the traditional stochastic approach thereby, reducing uncertainty on storage estimates corresponding to higher reliabilities. Potential strategies for improving future streamflow projections and its utility in reservoir sizing and capacity expansion projects are also discussed.  相似文献   
固井材料导热性能是影响地热井取热效果的因素之一。为提升地热井固井材料导热系数,采用正交试验,借助层次分析-指标重复性相关(AHP-CRITIC)混合加权法和极差分析,进行固井材料导热性能研究。结果表明:添加天然鳞片石墨、铁粉和石英砂均可提高固井材料导热系数,其中石墨对导热系数的提升作用最为显著,铁粉次之,石英砂最小;石墨掺量和水固比分别是影响固井材料综合性能的主次要因素;随着石墨掺量递增,其导热系数递增、48 h抗压强度和流动度均递减;得出高导热固井材料的优选配合比为:水固比值0.44,石墨、铁粉和石英砂掺量分别占水泥质量的7.5%、3%、2%,其导热系数可达1.87 W/(m·K),较常规固井材料提高约70%。研究成果可为地热能高效开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   
估计转换波的静校正量是一个复杂的非线性问题,常规的线性静校正方法无法取得好的效果.粒子群算法是一种很好的非线性全局最优化方法,但其缺点是"早熟"现象严重.最大能量法是一种常规求取静校正量的方法,局部寻优能力强且收敛速度快是其优点,但是当地震记录含有大的静校正量时易收敛于局部极值.本文在标准粒子群算法的基础上发展出了一种改进的粒子群算法:团体粒子群算法.并且通过对Rastrigin函数的寻优实验证明了其全局寻优能力优于标准粒子群算法.同时为了解决转换波静校正问题串行融合了团体粒子群算法和最大能量法.最后,建立了含一个水平反射层的模型并合成地震记录,加入随机值作为检波点静校正量.对合成的地震数据分别利用团体粒子群和最大能量的串行融合算法、标准粒子群算法和最大能量法求取静校正量并进行静校正.结果证明串行融合算法得到的静校正量与理论值误差很小,静校正后的叠加剖面连续性较好.  相似文献   
江苏省锡山市西部地区地下水资源计算模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从地下水运动均衡原理的角度分析江苏省锡山市西部地区第Ⅱ承压含水层天然和现状开采条件下的地下水均衡要素.揭示了该区地下水开采与地面沉降的关系,其中现状开采条件下的75%~80%的开采量来自于粘性土层的压密水量.根据地面沉降的发生机理剖析地面沉降严重发育地区忽略地面沉降影响因子建立的地下水资源计算模型中存在的问题针对存在的问题,提出了地下水可开采资源合理的计算方法,并对融有地面沉降影响因子的地下水资源计算模型的可实现性进行了分析.  相似文献   
The extensive spread ofPhragmites australis throughout brackish marshes on the East Coast of the United States is a major factor governing management and restoration decisions because it is assumed that biogeochemical functions are altered by the invasion. Microbial activity is important in providing wetland biogeochemical functions such as carbon and nitrogen cycling, but there is little known about sediment microbial communities inPhragmites marshes. Microbial populations associated with invasivePhragmites vegetation and with native salt marsh cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, may differ in the relative abundance of microbial taxa (community structure) and in the ability of this biota to decompose organic substrates (community biogeochemical function). This study compares sediment microbial communities associated withPhragmites andSpartina vegetation in an undisturbed brackish marsh near Tuckerton, New Jersey (MUL), and in a brackish marsh in the anthropogenically affected Hackensack meadowlands (SMC). We use phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and enzymataic activity to profile sediment microbial communities associated with both plants in each site. Sediment analyses include bulk density, total organic matter, and root biomass. PLFA profiles indicate that the microbial communities differ between sites with the undisturbed site exhibiting greater fatty acid richness (62 PLFA recovered from MUL versus 38 from SMC). Activity of the 5 enzymes analyzed (β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, chitobiase, and 2 oxidases) was higher in the undisturbed site. Differences between vegetation species as measured by Principal Components Analysis were significantly greater at the undisturbed MUL site than at SMC, and patterns of enzyme activity and PLFAs did not correspond to patterns of root biomass. We suggest that in natural wetland sediments, macrophyte rhizosphere effects influence the community composition of sediment microbial populations. Physical and chemical site disturbances may impose limits on these rhizosphere effects, decreasing sediment microbial diversity and potentially, microbial biogeochemical functions.  相似文献   
以高黎贡山羚牛为研究对象,选取了植被类型、植被覆盖度、海拔、坡度、水源、土地覆被、主要道路、居民点8个影响因子,基于GIS技术,构建阻力面,从而探测多因子影响作用下高黎贡山羚牛适宜生境。结果表明:区域内羚牛的适宜生境面积整体占比较少,适宜区域主要分布在研究区的中西部及西南地区,在北部区域也有零散分布。羚牛的迁徙受到人类活动的干扰及道路阻隔的影响,其生境遭到一定程度的破坏。结合现有羚牛栖息地分布及最小阻力模型,建立区域内羚牛的生态廊道,结果显示:廊道主要分布于高黎贡山保护区南段、马边瓦底中段、子巴、俄恰沙迪、马士打亚窟、其期北段、四克洛娃俎及木当一带。  相似文献   
基于ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)模式,对西北太平洋海域进行了水平分辨率高达4km的水动力环境数值模拟,该分辨率可以很好地分辨我国东海陆架环流以及中尺度涡旋等过程,此外模式考虑了8个分潮,模式结果很好地再现了黄、东海陆架环流等。基于模式结果,对"桑吉"号泄漏物质可能的扩散和迁移轨迹进行了数值模拟分析。在"桑吉"号沉船位置的表、底Ekman层内,释放拉格朗日粒子和示踪物来示踪"桑吉"号泄漏物质的可能影响范围。拉格朗日粒子和示踪物模拟结果表明:在未来3个月,"桑吉"号泄漏物质对我国黄海的影响较小,其主要随着对马暖流进入日本海和随着黑潮进入日本九州以南的太平洋海域。随着冬、春的季节转换,三个月后,北风会减弱,减弱风场的试验表明,风场减弱会减少泄漏物质向黄海的输送。5月份后黄海冷水团逐渐形成,由于斜压效应,在黄海深层水中会逐渐建立起气旋式环流,从而进一步阻碍了"桑吉"号泄漏物质向黄海的输送,该气旋式环流有利于"桑吉"号泄漏物质通过对马海峡向日本海的输送,而会抑制底层泄漏物质向我国黄海西侧的输送。  相似文献   
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