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The potential role of tropical Pacific forcing in driving the seasonal variability of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) is explored using both observational data and a simple general circulation model (SGCM). A lead–lag regression technique is first applied to the monthly averaged sea surface temperature (SST) and the AO index. The AO maximum is found to be related to a negative SST anomaly over the tropical Pacific three months earlier. A singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis is then performed on the tropical Pacific SST and the sea level pressure (SLP) over the Northern Hemisphere. An AO-like atmospheric pattern and its associated SST appear as the second pair of SVD modes. Ensemble integrations are carried out with the SGCM to test the atmospheric response to different tropical Pacific forcings. The atmospheric response to the linear fit of the model’s empirical forcing associated with the SST variability in the second SVD modes strongly projects onto the AO. Idealized thermal forcings are then designed based on the regression of the seasonally averaged tropical Pacific precipitation against the AO index. Results indicate that forcing anomalies over the western tropical Pacific are more effective in generating an AO-like response while those over the eastern tropical Pacific tend to produce a Pacific-North American (PNA)-like response. The physical mechanisms responsible for the energy transport from the tropical Pacific to the extratropical North Atlantic are investigated using wave activity flux and vorticity forcing formalisms. The energy from the western tropical Pacific forcing tends to propagate zonally to the North Atlantic because of the jet stream waveguide effect while the transport of the energy from the eastern tropical Pacific forcing mostly concentrates over the PNA area. The linearized SGCM results show that nonlinear processes are involved in the generation of the forced AO-like pattern.  相似文献   
利用呼和浩特市南郊1961-2008年夏季降水资料与海温、亚洲季风、西太平洋副热带高压和东亚阻塞高压等因子进行相关分析,结果表明:这些因子的异常变化,可以作为呼和浩特市南郊夏季降水的预测信号。  相似文献   
针对中国开展的国外农作物产量遥感估测大多依靠中低分辨率耕地信息、省级(州级)或国家级作物产量统计数据的现状,本文以美国玉米为例,探讨利用多年中高分辨率作物分布信息、时序遥感植被指数和县级作物产量统计数据开展国外重点地区作物单产遥感估测技术研究,以期进一步提高中国对国外农作物产量监测精度和精细化水平。首先,利用美国农业部国家农业统计局(NASS/USDA)生产的作物分布数据(CDL)获得多个年份玉米空间分布图,并对相应年份250 m分辨率16天合成的MODIS-NDVI时序数据进行掩膜处理,统计获得每年各县域内玉米主要生育期NDVI均值;其次,以各州为估产区,以多年县级玉米统计单产和县域内玉米主要生育期NDVI均值为基础,建立各州玉米主要生育期NDVI与玉米单产间关系模型;然后,通过主要生育期玉米单产和玉米植被指数间拟合程度,筛选确定各州玉米最佳估产期和最佳估产模型。最终,利用最佳估产模型实现美国各州玉米单产估测和全国玉米单产推算。其中,建模数据覆盖时间为2007年—2010年,验证数据为2011年。结果表明,应用最佳估产模型的2011年美国各州玉米单产估测相对误差在-4.16%—4.92%,均方根误差在148.75—820.93 kg/ha,各州估测结果计算获得全国玉米单产的相对误差仅为2.12%,均方根误差为285.57 kg/ha。可见,本研究的作物单产遥感估测技术方法具有一定可行性,可准确估测全球重点地区作物单产信息。  相似文献   
长江下游仪征河段处于枯季潮流界的上边界,揭示其汊道分流属性及滩槽联动演变机制,对河势控制工程及深水航道工程实践具有重要意义.本研究收集了1955—2021年水文泥沙及地形等资料,在汊道分流关系及调整成因上:世业洲右汊的分流属性为枯水倾向型汊道,即低流量时期分流比大于高流量时期;1959—2021年期间,世业洲右汊分流比经历了“稳定-下降-上升”的调整过程,上游河段滩槽格局调整及流域来沙减少引起的汊道间不均衡冲刷是分流关系调整的主因;流域流量过程调整、河道崩岸等综合影响引起1959—2017年期间世业洲右汊分流比为减小态势,航道工程实施起到了调控汊道关系的功能,世业洲右汊分流比为增加态势.在滩槽联动演变关系上:仪征河段进口段以展宽为主,世业洲左汊展宽程度大于右汊,左汊河床形态变化与进口段滩槽形态的一致性关系优于右汊,即上游进口段滩槽演变、流域来沙量减少等综合作用会加速了左汊发展;2015年南京以下12.5 m深水航道二期工程建设以来,工程区域淤积且洲体完整性增强,且深槽冲刷及河槽容积增大,表明航道工程已实现汊道分流关系及滩槽调控的功能.  相似文献   
引发2011年8月宁夏持续高温天气的青藏高压结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈豫英  陈楠  穆建华  朱海斌  何佳 《气象》2013,39(8):988-994
利用常规气象观测资料、中尺度区域自动站逐时地面资料及NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料等,对引发2011年8月6-10日宁夏中北部连续5天出现≥35℃的高温天气的青藏高压水平和垂直结构进行了天气学分析.结果表明:青藏高压是一个深厚的暖性负涡度系统,它与西风带长波脊的同位相叠加使得高原上空的长波脊和暖高压稳定加强,受其影响,青藏高压外围586 dagpm线东移越过高原后稳定维持在85°~105°E附近,高压脊线北界伸展到40°~42°N,西北地区大范围长时间处在584 dagpm以上的青藏高压和1000 hPa以下的地面热低压控制区域内;高压上空在中纬度极锋急流的作用下,高原东部存在“高空辐合、低空辐散”的环流配置导致高原东部维持较强的下沉运动,处在下沉区的宁夏上空晴朗少云,湿度小,风力相对较大,地面增温和蒸发强烈,地面感热远远大于潜热,有利于出现以“干热”为主的持续高温天气.在此基础上,文章提出了宁夏夏季高温的概念模型.  相似文献   
Big data has emerged as the next technological revolution in IT industry after cloud computing and the Internet of Things. With the development of climate observing systems, particularly satellite meteorological observation and high-resolution climate models, and the rapid growth in the volume of climate data, climate prediction is now entering the era of big data. The application of big data will provide new ideas and methods for the continuous development of climate prediction. The rapid integration, cloud storage, cloud computing, and full-sample analysis of massive climate data makes it possible to understand climate states and their evolution more objectively, thus predicting the future climate more accurately. This paper describes the application status of big data in operational climate prediction in China; it analyzes the key big data technologies, discusses the future development of climate prediction operations from the perspective of big data, speculates on the prospects for applying climatic big data in cloud computing and data assimilation, and puts forward the notion of big data-based super-ensemble climate prediction methods and computerbased deep learning climate prediction methods.  相似文献   
The size effect of copper wire radius (0.04–0.82 mm) on the diffusion-limited current density of an oxygen reduction reaction in stagnant simulated seawater (naturally aerated 0.5 mol/L NaCl) is investigated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and compared with the results obtained in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4. In the oxygen diffusion-limited range, size effect is found to occur independent of electrolytes, which is attributed to non-linear diffusion. Additionally, to sati...  相似文献   
To identify impact factors on the distribution and characters of natural plants community in reclamation area, with survey data from 67 plant quadrats in July 2009, soil properties data from 216 sampling points in April 2009, and TM (30 m) data in 2006, the composition and characteristics of natural plants community in different time of the Fengxian area in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were analyzed with two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results show that: 1) The plant communities in the reclaimed area are mainly mesophytes and helophytic-mesophytic transitional communities, showing a gradient distribution trend with the change in reclamation years. Species richness (MA), species diversity (H) and above-ground biomass also increase with the increase of reclamation years. Nevertheless, they appear to decline slightly in the middle and late reclamation period (> 30 years). 2) With the rise in land use levels, the changes in species richness and species diversity tend to increase at first and then decrease; species dominance (D), however, tends to decline; and above-ground biomass increases slightly. 3) The distribution of the plant community is mainly influenced by the following factors: land use levels (R = 0.55, p < 0.05), soil moisture (R = 0.53, p < 0.05), soil salinity (R = 0.43, p < 0.05) and reclamation time (R = 0.40, p < 0.05).  相似文献   
梁建设  孔令武  邱春光  李华  贾屾  龙旭 《地球科学》2021,46(8):2919-2933
东非海岸盆地天然气资源丰富,是世界天然气勘探的热点地区.东非海岸重点盆地的天然气为腐泥型高温裂解气,主要来源于下侏罗统局限海相优质烃源岩.大型断裂控制了东非海岸重点盆地天然气的垂向运移,研究区主要发育大型伸展断裂和大型走滑断裂.大型走滑断裂是坦桑尼亚盆地南部天然气藏的主要运移通道,其主要活动时期为晚白垩世-古新世,控制...  相似文献   
由岩溶引发的地面塌陷具有灾害性大,隐蔽性高等特点,为了对其进行有效预报及治理,以某岩溶塌陷强烈发育地区为研究对象,提出采用等值反磁通瞬变电磁法(Opposing Coils Transient Electromagnetics Method,OCTEM)与工程地质钻探相结合的方法,对地层界面进行地球物理方法探测,由覆盖层埋深、电阻率大小、等值线变化等因素确定地层产状,并通过物探反演图及钻孔信息进行验证。结果表明,在岩溶塌陷强烈发育地段,等值反磁通瞬变电磁法可以有效查明地下溶蚀发育情况,在周围环境因素干扰强等常规物探方法无法开展的情况下,可以达到较好的应用效果。等值反磁通瞬变电磁法在岩溶、地面塌陷等地质灾害发育地区提供了有效的预测,为相似情况下的研究分析工作提供理论及实践基础。  相似文献   
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