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高精度的数字地图是正确匹配车辆位置的基础。详细分析了地图数据的地理误差和拓扑误差的误差形式,路网数据模型的常见误差因素和改进策略,最后介绍了不同地图匹配算法对地图质量的敏感性和可行性。根据可能出现的误差对现有数字地图和匹配算法加以改进,弥补了原有数字地图带来的不精确缺陷。跑车实验证明,考虑了数字地图误差影响的匹配算法可以明显提高定位精度,减小车辆定位误差。  相似文献   
海洋红藻多管藻内生真菌EN-22的化学成分研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对采自广西涠州岛近海多管藻(Poiysiphonia urceolata)分离到的一株内生真菌EN-22的次生代谢产物的化学成分进行了研究.利用正相硅胶柱层析、葡聚糖凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、制备薄层层析(PTLC)以及重结晶等分离手段从该菌发酵液中分离得到15个化合物,通过一维、二维核磁共振技术、质谱技术等鉴定了所有化合物的结构,分别为:4-(4-喹啉)-4-羟基-2-丁酮(1),3-羟基-3-(2-氧丙基)吲哚-2-酮(2),3-吲哚乙醇(3),3-吲哚甲酸(4),2-羟基-3-吲哚丙酸(5),2-酮-3-吲哚乙醇(6),3,3-二吲哚-2-羟基-丙醇(7),β-咔啉(8),尿嘧啶(9),环-(S-脯氨酸-S-异亮氨酸)(10),(22E,24R)-3β,5α,9α-三羟基麦角甾-7,22-二烯-6-酮(11),(22E,24R)-5α,6α-环氧麦角甾-8,22-二烯-3β,7α-二醇(12),5α,6α-环氧-24(R)-甲基胆甾-7,22-二烯-3β-醇(13),胡萝卜苷(14),过氧化麦角甾醇(15);其中化合物1和2为新天然产物,并首次报道化合物1的碳谱数据.  相似文献   
研究一个地区断层主要活动时期是了解地壳构造运动或断层发育历史的基础。本文仍沿用了传统研究法,并将同位素法和石英形貌法测年与显微构造分析法引进到研究断层主要活动时期的工作中,取得了能相互映正的结果,最后确定阳原盆地化稍营地区的断层经历过:元古代前;燕山期;6~9千万年;上新世——早更新世和最后一次较强烈活动在20—30万年以前等五次主要活动时期。  相似文献   
Recently, some results have been acquired with the Monte- Carlo statistical experiments in the design of ocean en gineering. The results show that Monte-Carlo statistical experiments can be widely used in estimating the parameters of wave statistical distributions, checking the probability model of the long- term wave extreme value distribution under a typhoon condition and calculating the failure probability of the ocean platforms.  相似文献   
Monitoring of subsurface fluid (underground fluid) is an important part of efforts for earthquake prediction in China. The nationwide network, which monitors groundwater level, water temperature, and radon and mercury in groundwater, has been constructed in the last decades. Large amounts of abnormal fluid changes before and after major earthquakes have been recorded, providing precious data for research in earthquake sciences. Many studies have been done in earthquake fluid hydrogeology in order to probe the nature of the earthquake. Much progress in earthquake fluid hydrogeology has been made in the last decades. The paper provides a review of the advances in research on earthquake fluid hydrogeology over the last 40 years in China. It deals with the following five aspects: (1) an introduction to the development history of monitoring networks construction; (2) cases of different subsurface fluid changes recorded before some major earthquakes which occurred in the last decades; (3) characteristics of subsurface fluid changes following major earthquakes; (4) mechanism of subsurface fluid changes before and following earthquakes; (5) application of earthquake fluids in the hydrogeology field.  相似文献   
Theeffectsoftorsionalgroundmotiononthincylindricshellstructures王君杰Jun-JieWANG(InstituteofEngineeringMechanics,StateSeismologi...  相似文献   
声频应力波在锚杆锚固状态检测中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
汪明武 《地质与勘探》1998,34(4):54-56,59
研究了声频应力波法快速普查检测锚杆锚固状态的原理及评价分级标准,并将它成功地应用于潘一矿锚杆施工质量的检测,得出了利用声频应力波快速普查检测锚杆锚固质量的方法是切实可行和有效的。  相似文献   
Summary The classical forward-in-time upstream advection scheme for uniform flow field has been extended to include non-uniform and time-dependent advective flow. This generalised scheme is described in one dimension for an advective flow which varies both in time and in space. The classical upstream advection scheme is only first-order accurate both in time and in space if the advective flow is not uniform. Higherorder accuracy in both time and space, however, can be easily obtained in the generalised scheme.This generalised scheme with third-order accuracy is applied to the one-dimensional inviscid Burgers equation (socalled self-advection problem), two-dimensional steady flow, and to a time-split shallow water equation model. The results are compared with those obtained from the Takacs' (1985) scheme and from a standard third-order semi-Lagrangian scheme, and also with those obtained from the fourth-order Lax-Wendroff scheme of Crowley (1968) in the time-split shallow water equation model. It is shown that the generalised scheme performs as well as, but is more efficient than, the standard semi-Lagrangian scheme with same order. It is much more accurate than the Takacs' scheme which has large dissipation errors, especially for the flow with strong deformation. In contrast, the generalised scheme has very weak dissipation and has much better dispersion and shapeconserving properties. Although the fourth-order Lax-Wendroff scheme has higher accuracy and can give more accurate numerical solutions for uniform advective flow or solid rotational flow (Crowley, 1968), it is inferior to the generalised third-order scheme for non-uniform flow with strong deformation or large spatial gradients. This generalised scheme, therefore, has considerable application potential in different numerical models, especially for the models using time-split algorithms.With 8 Figures  相似文献   
Kunming basin is a Cenozoic faulted basin under the control of mainly SN-trending active faults. In and around the basin, there are a total of eight major active faults. Seismo-geological survey and fault slip observation show that the SN- and NE-trending active faults are mostly sinistral strike-slip faults, while the NW-trending faults are mostly dextral strike-slip faults. Using stress tensor inversion method with 706 active fault striation data at 22 measurement sites, we determined tectonic stress field of the study area. The result shows that modern tectonic stress field in and around Kunming basin is characterized by NNW-SSE compression, ENE-WSW extension, and strike-slip stress regimes. The maximum principal compressional stress (σ1) is oriented 335o~2o, with an average dip angle of 21°; the minimum (σ3) is oriented 44o~93o, with an average dip angle of 14°, and the intermediate (σ2) has a high, or nearly vertical, dip angle. The inversion result from fault slip data is consistent with the result from focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   
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