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根据因地制宜的规划种植之理念,以GIS为技术平台,建立了数字高程模型(DEM),并运用灰色关联分析(GRA),对天等县峰丛洼地区仍屯基地的六个样地火龙果的土宜条件进行了综合分析。结果表明,坡度较缓、山影量小、坡麓土层较厚的后山2(样地2)、边界山4(样地4)和狭岭6(样地6)为火龙果种植的极度适宜土地,而土层较薄、山影量大的边界山(样地3)适宜性最差,坡度偏大、其它条件均适宜的后山1(样地1)和山影量偏大、其它条件均适宜的狭岭5(样地5)介于中间,为高度适宜土地。在样地2、样地4和样地6中,由于样地2与火龙果种植环境条件的关联度大于样地4、样地6,所以其土宜条件更好,最适宜火龙果种植。在此基础上,把土宜评价的方法拓宽于石漠化治理的布局设计,在团乐、独山、小山等小流域的封山育林区选择出最适宜的地段进行了人工补植,补植树苗成活率均在85%以上,且长势较好。  相似文献   
From the studies of ore deposit geologic settings,sulfur isotopes,lead isotopes,carbon isotopes and oxygen isotopes,fluid inclusions and petrochemistry in this paper,the authors have drawn a conclusion that the ore-forming hydrothermal solutions are the high-temperature magmatic hydrothermal solutions for the gold ore deposit,and at the same time,the involvemety of crustal materials can not be ruled out .It is the first time that the authors have proposed that the Laozuoshan gold-ploymetallic ore deposit in Heilongjiang Province was formed in the calc-alkaline series environment at the margin of an active continent.  相似文献   
A devastating earthquake of Ms 8.0 struck the Wenchuan area on May 12, 2008. The quake triggered numerous landslides and avalanches in Ganxi Valley. Aerial photo interpretation indicates that the landslides and avalanches, presently in a stable state, are concentrated in 91 subregions of the valley, occupying 10.42 km2, about 29% of the valley area. Some laws have been found on the gradient, aspect, elevation, distance of rupture, and formation lithology of geo-hazards in Ganxi Valley: (1) They are mainly situated on slopes between 30° and 50° and increase in number with increasing slope; (2) Failures are mainly in a southerly direction; and most occurred between 1,000 and 1,600 m, especially between 1,000 and 1,400 m; (3) Most are within 2,000 m of the Beichuan fault or within 1,000 m of other major faults; (4) most failures occurred from the T1f + t formation in the study area. The geo-hazards status quo of Ganxi Valley provides foundation for the scheme of hazard reducing in the future.  相似文献   
Generation of correlated properties in heterogeneous porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial distribution of rock properties in porous media, such as permeability and porosity, often is strongly variable. Therefore, these properties usefully may be considered as a random field. However, this variability is correlated frequently on length scales comparable to geological lengths (for example, scales of sand bodies or facies). To solve various engineering problems (for example, in the oil recovery process) numerical models of a porous medium often are used. A need exists then to understand correlated random fields and to generate them over discretized numerical grids. The paper describes the general mathematical methods required to do this, with one particular method (the nearest neighbor model) described in detail. How parameters of the mathematical model may be related to rock property statistics for the nearest neighbor model is shown. The method is described in detail in one, two, and three dimensions. Examples are given of how model parameters may be determined from real data.  相似文献   
葛宝堂  李志聃 《中国岩溶》1996,15(3):291-296
岩溶是水工电法的主要研究目标之一。为探明地下岩溶的发育与分布,对较为复杂的组合球形岩溶地质体,建立了计算其视电阻率的物理数学模型,并采用等效视电阻率迭代法计算沿测线水平方向及垂直测线水平方向上组合球形岩溶的中梯装置的ρs值。重点分析了不同组合模式的中梯ρs曲线形态特征,并讨论了μ2值变化,测量电极距MN大小对组合球形岩溶地质体中梯ρs异常的影响规律。得出中梯ρs曲线对沿测线水平方向的组合球形岩溶地质体分辨能力最强,而对垂直测线水平方向以及铅垂方向的组合球形岩溶地质体,中梯ρs曲线无法分辨;μ2值的变化既影响中梯ρs曲线异常幅度,也影响其形态;当两个组合球形岩溶地质体之间的距离ΔX与MN之比ΔX/MN≤1/3时,ρs曲线会发生畸变,直接影响分辨能力,并会导致错误的解释结果。故ΔX/MN值必须大于1/3,在保证观测精度的前提下,MN越小越好   相似文献   
利用超薄切片透射电镜分析技术,在华北东部太原组和山西组、吐─哈盆地侏罗系腐植煤中检出了超细纹层。超细纹层在腐植煤中呈分散状、间隔状和密集状,前二者主要存在于无结构镜质体中,后者则存在于沥青质体或层状藻类体条带中。超细纹层来源于微藻类细胞的抗分解外壁,是藻类在超微层次的重要表现形式。腐植煤形成过程中藻类的贡献较藻类体数量所反映的要高。  相似文献   
本文是作者关于“数学形态学与数字地图图像的分析和识别”研究成果的一部分。文章提出了地图图形的集合概念和地图图像形态分析的基元确定原则,证明了结构元素的基元最小分解定理;同时,介绍了基本的形态学变换,统一并扩展了带约束条件的数学形态学变换模型;从而,奠定了数字地图图像分析和识别的数学基础。  相似文献   
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