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Remote sensing technique has played an important role in land use dynamic monitoring, but as for the land use dynamic monitoring at county level, traditional remote sensing methods such as satellite imagery visual interpretation and computer classification can not meet its demand for accuracy. The result of 1: 10 000 land use investigation map has high accuracy, but this method can not be used to dynamically monitor the land use because of its big expenses, long period and difficulty in updating data. In this paper, the characteristics of physiognomy, climate and the status of land use in Dehui County are taken into consideration and a set of method, which takes use of 3S techniques and applies to Northeast China Plain, is come up with. When the land use type of a land parcel changed as a whole, the date updating can be make by changing its land type ID in the attribute table in a GIS. When the land use type of an irregular area changed, GPS receivers are used to position its border. This set of method is characteristic of high accuracy and low expenses. It gets the information of land use change timely and can be used to dynamically monitor the land use. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the key project of the National Ninth Five-year Plan (96-B02-01-07). Biography: LI Lin-yi (1968 —), female, a native of Jilin, Ph. D. candidate of Changchun Institute of Geography, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interest includes land use change monitoring and crop yield estimation using “3S” techniques.  相似文献   
The characteristics of sea-level change in the China Sea and its vicinity are studied by combining TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), Jason-1, Jason-2, and Jason-3 altimeter data. First, the sea-surface height is computed by using monthly data via collinear adjustment, regional selection, and crossover adjustment. The sea-level anomaly (SLA) from October 1992 to July 2017 is calculated based on the difference that is obtained by the value derived from the inverse distance weighting method to interpolate the CNES_CLS15 model value at a normal point. By analyzing the satellite data at the same time in orbit, three mean bias groups over the China Sea and its vicinity are obtained: the difference between T/P and Jason-1 is ??11.76 cm, the difference between Jason-1 and Jason-2 is 9.6 cm, and the difference between Jason-2 and Jason-3 is 2.42 cm. To establish an SLA series for 25 years in the study area, the SLAs are corrected. Mean rate of sea-level rise of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea of 4.87 mm/a, 2.68 mm/a, 2.88 mm/a, and 4.67 mm/a, respectively, is found by analyzing the series of SLAs.  相似文献   
二十多年来,南海天然气水合物勘查评价均主要集中在南海北部大陆边缘陆坡深水区,且先后在珠江口盆地神狐、珠江口盆地东部海域调查区和琼东南盆地陵水-松南调查区取得了天然气水合物勘查试采的重大突破及进展,陆续发现了两个大规模的天然气水合物藏,初步评价预测南海天然气水合物资源规模达800亿吨油当量左右,取得了南海天然气水合物勘探的阶段性重大成果.然而,南海天然气水合物资源进一步深化和拓展勘探的有利领域在哪里?尤其是可持续滚动勘探的战略接替区及选区在何处?其与目前陆坡深水油气及水合物勘探紧密相邻的外陆坡-洋陆过渡带(OCT)乃至洋盆区是否具有天然气水合物形成的地质条件?根据海洋地质调查及初步的地质综合分析研究,认为外陆坡-洋陆过渡带乃至洋盆区具备天然气水合物成藏的基本地质条件,可作为南海未来天然气水合物勘查的战略接替区和可持续滚动勘探的战略选区及资源远景区.针对这些影响和决定将来天然气水合物勘探决策部署及走向等关键问题进行初步分析与探讨,抛砖引玉希望能够对未来南海天然气水合物资源勘查评价及战略接替区之选择有所裨益!   相似文献   
依托空间偏离-份额模型建立了产业群与城市群耦合发展的基本分析框架,并对中原城市群进行了定量诊断。研究结果表明:2001—2013年间,首位城市郑州的产业实力和集聚扩散能力显著提升,产业群与城市群的耦合在地理空间呈圈层式扩展态势,然而城市群尚未形成功能等级与分工协作明确的区域综合经济体。继续实施中心城市带动战略、发挥成员城市比较优势促进城际产业链接、完善城市群综合交通运输网络是促进产业群与城市群耦合、提高群域经济发展水平和增强城市竞争力的有效手段。  相似文献   
本文分别利用光学立体和In SAR技术生成了东南极Grove山地区15 m分辨率的ASTER DEM和20 m分辨率的In SAR DEM。在利用ASTER立体像对生成DEM的过程中引入ICESat测高数据作为高程控制以减少错误匹配,提高DEM垂直精度;而在利用ERS tandem数据生成DEM后,选取ICESat测高数据对In SAR DEM进行倾斜面纠正,以消除基线不精确估计等带来的影响。通过与未作控制的ICESat测高数据进行比较,评价了两种DEM的精度并对误差进行了分析。同时,比较了两种DEM的差异,并分析了造成这些差异的原因,探讨了两种技术生成南极冰盖DEM的优势和不足。最后结合两DEM的优势,融合生成了Grove山地区高精度的DEM。  相似文献   
Late Mesozoic Nb-rich basaltic andesites and high-Mg adakitic volcanic rocks from the Hailar-Tamtsag Basin,northeast China,provide important insights into the recycling processes of crustal materials and their role in late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning.The Late Jurassic Nb-rich basaltic andesites(154 ± 4 Ma) are enriched in large-ion lithophile and light rare earth elements,slightly depleted in high-field-strength elements,and have high TiO_2,P_2 O_5,and Nb contents,and(Nb/Th)PM and Nb/U ratios,which together with the relatively depleted Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions indicate a derivation from a mantle wedge metasomatized by hydrous melts from subducted oceanic crust.The Early Cretaceous high-Mg adakitic volcanic rocks(129-117 Ma) are characterized by low Y and heavy rare earth element contents,and high Sr contents and Sr/Y ratios,similar to those of rocks derived from partial melting of an eclogitic source.They also have high Rb/Sr, K_2 O/Na_2 O,and Mg#values,and high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents.These geochemical features sugge st that the adakitic lavas were derived from partial melting of delaminated lower continental crust,followed by interaction of the resulting melts with mantle material during their ascent Our data,along with available geological,paleomagnetic,and geophysical evidence,lead us to propose that recycling of Paleo-Pacific oceanic crustal materials into the upper mantle due to flat-slab subduction and rollback of the Paleo-Pacific Plate during the late Mesozoic likely provided the precondition for lithospheric thinning in northeast China,with consequent lithospheric delamination causing recycling of continental crustal materials and further lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   
龚建东  魏丽  陶士伟  赵刚  万丰 《气象学报》2006,64(6):669-683
观测误差与背景误差协方差在四维资料同化和业务资料分析系统中起到决定性作用,它决定着观测信息与背景初猜值信息的相对重要性以及这些信息在空间及不同变量间的扩展方式.由于实际大气的真值并不知道,需要发展不同的技巧来估计观测误差与背景误差协方差,其中在观测空间利用观测与背景初猜值之差来分离观测误差与背景误差协方差的方法估计出的结果较为准确,其估计出的观测误差可直接用于资料分析系统中,背景误差可作为标尺来度量其他方法估计结果的可靠性.文章采用国家气象中心T213L31全球中期分析预报系统的6 h预报作为背景初猜场及同时段冬夏两个季节的北半球探空,利用贝塞尔函数拟合方法来分离观测误差与背景误差协方差,并比较了东亚区、北美区、欧洲区3个探空资料均匀密集区的区域与季节变化结果.结果表明,观测空间拟合方法所要求的水平均质、各向同性在欧洲区和北美区成立程度较好,在东亚区略差,使用时需要斟酌.此外均方差区域间差别较大,在冬季明显大于夏季,温度场偏大0.2 K,风场偏大0.9 m/s.温度场在400 hPa以下与150 hPa以上,背景误差略小于观测误差,而在200-300 hPa,背景误差略大一些.风场的特点与温度场比较一致.温度与风场背景误差主要集中在前40波,并在20波左右达到最大,水平相关季节区域差别不大,而温度垂直相关比风场窄,两者相关范围比较大的波数主要集中在前20波.此外利用贝塞尔函数拟合方法获得结果的分析表明,在质量场中不同区域季节间温度误差的稳定性要明显好于高度场,涡度散度的稳定性要明显好于流函数和势函数,特别是对于特征长度更为明显.这表明利用贝塞尔函数拟合方法获得的结果对校准在全球资料同化中采用温度、涡度散度作为资料同化的分析变量具有一定的优势.  相似文献   
万齐林 《气象》2006,32(11):19-24
针对常见气象遥感资料变分校准方案的不足,提出了一个改进方案。该方案不需要将校准参照量插值到遥测资料的格点上,既避免了对稀疏的校正参照量进行客观分析的困难,也避免了校正参照量稀缺区域不准确插值分析带来的不利影响,使遥感资料的整体偏差得到修订的同时,能够更好地保持遥测资料的空间分布形态不变。利用国家卫星气象中心通过9210下发的ATOVS反演产品进行了试验,结果表明改进方案校准效果好;并将校准后的ATOVS反演资料用于Grapes三维变分同化系统,应用试验表明校准后的ATOVS反演资料在三维变分同化系统中具有应用价值。  相似文献   
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