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Ultra-calcic ankaramitic magmas or melt inclusions are ubiquitousin arc, ocean-island and mid-ocean ridge settings. They areprimitive in character (XMg > 0·65) and have highCaO contents (>14 wt %) and CaO/Al2O3 (>1·1). Experimentson an ankaramite from Epi, Vanuatu arc, demonstrate that itsliquidus surface has only clinopyroxene at pressures of 15 and20 kbar, with XCO2 in the volatile component from 0 to 0·86.The parental Epi ankaramite is thus not an unfractionated magma.However, forcing the ankaramite experimentally into saturationwith olivine, orthopyroxene and spinel results in more magnesian,ultra-calcic melts with CaO/Al2O3 of 1·21–1·58.The experimental melts are not extremely Ca-rich but high inCaO/Al2O3 and in MgO (up to 18.5 wt %), and would evolve tohigh-CaO melts through olivine fractionation. Fractionationmodels show that the Epi parent magma can be derived from suchultra-calcic experimental melts through mainly olivine fractionation.We show that the experimental ultra-calcic melts could formthrough low-degree melting of somewhat refractory mantle. Thelatter would have been depleted by previous melt extraction,which increases the CaO/Al2O3 in the residue as long as someclinopyroxene remains residual. This finding corrects the commonassumption that ultra-calcic magmas must come from a Ca-richpyroxenite-type source. The temperatures necessary for the generationof ultra-calcic magmas are  相似文献   
Large, well-developed flood tidal deltas on a barrier island coastline generally indicate a wave-dominated, microtidal sedimentary regime. Vibracores in a lagoon behind the barrier island Shackleford Banks, North Carolina contain an upward fining sequence of coarse-medium, very shelly sand, medium-fine laminated sand, fine-very fine cross-laminated sand and marsh mud. This sequence is interpreted as being a flood tidal delta deposit based on analogy with modern flood tidal delta sediments and represents lagoonal deposition in response to a migrating or closing inlet. The sand facies defined in lagoonal vibracores is found to be continuous beneath a lagoonal marsh and correlative with inlet sections identified in Shackleford Banks drill holes. The correlation of flood tidal delta deposits with inlet sequences in this microtidal environment indicates a close relationship between barrier and backbarrier inlet controlled sedimentation.  相似文献   
Ground penetrating radar and single‐aliquot regenerative‐dose optically stimulated luminescence were used to determine the depositional environments and age of unconsolidated siliciclastic sediments near Apalachicola, Florida. Five direct‐push cores, five vibracores and 28 optically stimulated luminescence samples were collected, as well as 7 km of ground penetrating radar data. A new model of cosmic dose rate calculation, which removes the effect of a much younger aeolian cap, was utilized to calculate more representative optically stimulated luminescence ages. Five radar facies were identified based on reflector amplitude and orientation. The resulting data indicate that the Tertiary/Quaternary Shelly Sediments were deposited before marine isotope stage 6, the Quaternary Alluvium was deposited during marine isotope stage 6 and the Quaternary Beach Ridge and Dune was deposited during the marine isotope stage 5e sea‐level highstand, which peaked at approximately 2·5 m above present sea‐level in this area.  相似文献   
Deposits within the floor of the Norwegian Basin were sampled to characterize the deposition from the Storegga Slide, the largest known Holocene‐aged continental margin slope failure complex. A 29 to 67 cm thick veneer of variable‐coloured, finely layered Holocene sediment caps a homogeneous, extremely well‐sorted, poorly consolidated, very fine‐grained, grey‐coloured sediment section that is >20 m thick on the basin floor. This homogeneous unit is interpreted to represent the uppermost deposits generated by a gravity flow associated with the last major Storegga Slide event. Sediments analogous to the inferred source material of the slide deposits were collected from upslope on the Norwegian Margin. Sediments sampled within the basin are distinguishable from the purported source sediments, suggesting that size sorting has significantly altered this material along its flow path. Moreover, the very fine grain size (3·1 ± 0·3 μm) suggests that the >20 m thick homogeneous unit which was sampled settled from suspension after the turbulent flow was over. Although the turbulent phase of the gravity flow that moved material out into the basin may have been brief (days), significantly more time (years) is required for turbid sediments to settle and dewater and for the new sea floor to be colonized with a normal benthonic fauna. Pore water sulphate concentrations within the uppermost 20 m of the event deposit are higher than those normally found in sea water. Apparently the impact of microbial sulphate reduction over the last ca 8·1 cal ka bp since the re‐deposition of these sediments has not been adequate to regenerate a typical sulphate gradient of decreasing concentration with sub‐bottom depth. This observation suggests low rates of microbial reactions, which may be attributed to the refractory carbon composition in these re‐deposited sediments.  相似文献   
Flow properties of turbidity currents in Bute Inlet, British Columbia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bute Inlet, a fiord along the southwestern coast of British Columbia, Canada, includes a sea-floor sedimentation system 70 km in length which resembles those developed on some large submarine fans. Turbidity currents originate at the head of the flord on the submerged delta fronts of the Homathko and Southgate rivers. They move downslope for about 30 km within a single large incised channel, spill onto a depositional area termed the channel lobe complex, and finally spread out over a low-relief distal splay area that passes 55 km downslope into a flat basin floor. During the present study, turbidity currents in Bute Inlet were studied using sea-floor morphology, bottom sediment distribution, and in-situ instrument packages. The mean velocities of the most recent flows, estimated from surface sediment grain size, has varied between 100–120 cm s–1 in the incised channel, 20–50 cms–1 in the channel lobe complex, and < 5 cm s–1 on the basin floor. Velocities based on channel morphology are poorly constrained but are in the range of 160-425 cm s–1 in the upper part of the incised channel and 66 cm s–1 in the lower channel. Calculated flow densities range from 1.049 to 1.028g cm–3. Turbidity flows monitored in 1986 using submerged instrument packages exceeded 32 m in thickness in the upper part of the incised channel, where the maximum measured velocity was 330 cm s–1. At the head of the channel lobe complex the maximum velocity had declined to 75 cm s–1. The density of the monitored flows is estimated at 1.025-1.03g cm–3. The cored sediments and channel morphology yield estimates of mean flow velocities that are generally greater than those measured by the in-situ instrument packages and estimated from modern surface sediments. The former suggest past flow velocities up to 500 cm s–1 in the incised channel, about 20 cm s–1 in spillover deposits along the lower part of the incised channel, and 100-140 cm s–1 in the distal splay. The contrast between the velocities of modern and past flows suggests that past flows may have been considerably larger and more energetic than those presently occurring in Bute Inlet. The size properties of sediments in the monitored turbidity flows suggest a strong vertical size gradient in the suspended load during transport. The surface and cored sediments fine downslope from the channel lobe complex to distal splay area. Distinctive sedimentary sequences are recognized in cores from the spillover lobes, channel lobe complex, distal splay, and basin floor depositional areas. Many individual turbidites grade downslope from massive Ta divisions in the channel lobe complex and probably in the incised channel to Ta divisions overlain by slurried divisions on the distal splay and largely slurried beds on the basin floor. These facies suggest that individual currents commonly evolve from largely cohesionless suspensions in the incised channel and channel lobe complex to dilute cohesive slurries downslope on the distal splay and basin floor. Many flows in Bute Inlet fail to develop a traction state of sedimentation and the resulting turbidites lack well-developed Tb. Tc, and Td divisions.  相似文献   
The Rio Dell Formation (Pleistocene and Pliocene), exposed south of Eureka, California, is a prograded sequence of basinal turbidites overlain by basin slope and shelf deposits. The slope deposits studied in the Centerville Beach section accumulated in a steadily shallowing environment delineated by analysis of palaeobathymetrically significant benthonic foraminiferal biofacies in turn suggesting deposition at depths of 1000–100 m. Lower slope deposits interfinger with basinal turbidites derived from the Eel River delta to the north. Slumped blocks of silty mudstone, and associated silt and mud beds, are common. The middle slope deposits are mudstones; coarser sediments bypassed this zone. Mudstones and muddy siltstones alternate on the upper slope. Shallow depressions, probably slump scars, that have been rapidly filled by upper slope sediment are common. The transition to shelf deposits is marked by an increase in sediment grain size, in the degree of oxidation, and in the abundance of megafossils. High percentages of benthonic foraminifera displaced from shelf depths indicate that resedimentation processes are most important on the upper slope.  相似文献   
The statistical analysis of compositional data is of fundamental importance to practitioners in generaland to chemists in particular.The existing methodology is principally due to Aitchison,who effectivelyuses two transformations,a ratio followed by the logarithmic,to create a useful,coherent theory thatin principle allows the plethora of normal-based multivariate techniques to be used on the transformeddata.This paper suggests that the well-known class of Box-Cox transformations can be employed inplace of the logarithmic to significantly improve the existing methodology.This is supported in part byshowing that one of the most basic problems that Aitchison managed to overcome,namely thespecification of an interpretable covariance structure for compositional data,can be resolved,or nearlyresolved,once the ratio transformation has been applied.Hence the resolution is not directly dependenton the logarithmic transformation.It is then verified that access to the general Box-Cox family will allowa more accurate use of the normal-based multivariate techniques,simply because better fits to normalitycan be achieved.Finally,maximum likelihood estimation and some associated asymptotics are employedto construct confidence intervals for ratios of the true,unknown compositional constituents.Heretoforethis had not been done even in the context of the logarithmic transformation.Applications to real dataare presented.  相似文献   
Duke (1985b) argues that ‘most examples (of hummocky cross-stratification) were formed by tropical hurricanes.’ His statement is based on the assumption that ‘hurricane-generated surface gravity waves form powerful oscillating or multidirectional flows at the water-sediment interface which do not possess a significant unidirectional component.’ It is true, as one of us has previously stated, that hurricanes are rapidly-moving, short-lived, localized, and infrequent systems as compared with mid-latitude storms; midlatitude storms are consequently more efficient in coupling with the shelf water-column than are hurricanes. However, Duke's argument that hummocky cross-stratification may be the result of purely oscillatory flow is untenable. His reasoning contradicts established theory about oscillatory bedforms, and his numerous examples of hummocky cross-stratification come largely from continental shelf settings where the storms (tropical or otherwise) would have created concurrent alongshelf undirectional flow as well as wave oscillatory motion. There is no theoretical or observational basis for the belief that water movement on the sea-floor during hurricanes is qualitatively different from water movement during mid-latitude storms. Consequently, hummocks are no more liable to form beneath hurricanes than they are beneath mid-latitude storms.  相似文献   
The Queen City Formation (Eocene) displays an array of tide-dominated coastal facies in the Tyler Basin of the northern Gulf of Mexico. This facies assemblage, which is atypical of the microtidal, wave-dominated, coastal depositional complexes that characterize the Cenozoic Gulf basin, reflects tidal amplification in a generally protected embayment on the east flank of a strongly prograded delta system. The shallow embayment was confined to the east by contemporaneous uplift and shoaling across the Sabine Uplift. Fluvial, barrier (including ebb tidal delta), heterolithic tidal, estuary-fill, and tidal point-bar facies are all found at outcrop. These facies were projected into the three-dimensional geometry of the tide-dominated depositional complex. Inlet, estuary, and distributary-fill sand bodies, which are linear and diporientated, dominate lithofacies maps. The Queen City facies assemblage in the Tyler Basin records a mixture of mesotidal to macrotidal environments that were interspersed in time and space with fluvial-dominated lobes, which periodically prograded eastward from the deltaic depocentre into the flanking embayment. Queen City deposition terminated with regional marine flooding and deposition of glauconitic, fossiliferous shelf sands and muds of the Weches Formation. Transgression is marked by a prominent ravinement surface that truncates underlying facies of the tide-dominated shore zone.  相似文献   
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