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地面核磁共振响应数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
模型响应的数值计算是地面核磁共振勘探的一个重要组成部分,作者在本文中给出了地面核磁共振数值计算方法。在文中,作者借助直接数值积分方法,对回线源产生的磁场轴向和垂向分量进行计算,并采用不等间距空间坐标剖分技术,对地面核磁共振积分方程进行数值积分。利用这些计算方法,计算了在均匀导电半空间中的某一深度上,磁场的垂向分量沿轴向变化曲线,并给出了两层导电模型中存在一层含水层的地电模型的地面模磁共振响应的数值模拟结果。采用在本文中介绍的数值计算技术,可成功地进行一维含水模型地面核磁共振信号的数值计算。  相似文献   
西准噶尔谢米斯台地区是研究准噶尔洋盆构造演化的关键地区,新发现的双峰式火山岩为开展研究提供了直接的载体,对其物质组成特征、岩石地球化学特征和锆石U Pb年代学等进行研究,判别成因机制和大地构造环境,对恢复造山带大地构造格局有着重要的意义。本次研究获得如下认识:该套双峰式火山岩为碱性玄武岩-钙碱性流纹岩组合,流纹岩LA ICP MS锆石U Pb年龄(4318±23) Ma;玄武岩来源于俯冲流体交代的地幔部分熔融,流纹岩来源于地壳物质的部分熔融;双峰式火山岩形成于早志留世弧后盆地初始演化阶段;结合前人的研究成果,认为西准噶尔谢米斯台地区在早古生代存在完整的沟-弧-盆体系。  相似文献   
Geomagnetic depth sounding is an effective method for exploring deep structure of the earth. There are dense geomagnetic observatories in China, which lays a foundation to obtain the electrical structure of the transition zone and the upper part of the lower mantle beneath China. However, the corresponding C-responses estimation methods which are applied now cannot get the stable C-responses for many observatories. Thus, a large amount of geomagnetic data is wasted. Therefore, in order to make full use of the geomagnetic data, the estimation of C-responses needs to be systematically studied. Because of the heterogeneous characteristics of the data quality of China's geomagnetic observation data, such as the quality of the data, the length of the record, the types of data(absolute and relative observation)and data discontinuity condition, many geomagnetic data are abandoned, this limits the resolution of mantle electrical structure studies. In this paper, the following techniques are used to improve the stability of the data and increase the number of the available geomagnetic observatories, in the meantime, the stability of the C-responses curves can be effectively improved:1)obtaining the stable spectrums of the different components for each frequency by the BIRRP(Bounded Influence, Remote Reference Processing)software, and using the global smoothing technique to suppress data noise on geomagnetic data; 2)As for the geomagnetic data which only records the relative variation of the D, H and Z components and doesn't have the baseline value, the horizontal component is decomposed by the approximate estimation method to obtain the C-responses of the relative variation data, and then the relative variation data is used directly for the C-responses estimation; 3)the effects of discontinuous data and short-record data on C-responses estimation are discussed. Under normal conditions, the discontinuity of the data has little influence on C-responses, and when the data length is shorter than 5 years, we can hardly get the available C-responses whose periods are longer than 40 days. All these experiments can provide a basis for the data processing of these kinds of observation data; 4)for coastal observatories, the ratio method is used to eliminate the influence of ocean effect on the C-responses functions. After carefully processing the data of more than 100 geomagnetic observatories in China by the above techniques, the stable C-responses function of 42 observatories is finally obtained, among them, the number of the observatories with C-responses ranging from 1.3 to 113.7 days is 24, and the observatories with C-responses ranging from 1.3 to 42.6 days are 18. The techniques of this paper can process heterogeneous data well and obtain more stable C-responses, which provides more basic data for high-resolution geomagnetic depth sounding inversion researches in China.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于改进后的Kohonen自组织特征映射神经网络的聚类方法,应用于多光谱遥感影像分类处理,试验证明其分类精度有较大提高。  相似文献   
简单介绍了核磁测井数据弛豫谱反演方法原理 ,用混合编程方法和动态连接库技术 ,将用FORTRAN语言编写的核心处理模块转换为动态连接库 ,并在C++语言中动态调用。应用快速应用程序开发工具完成了图形用户界面的核磁测井数据处理软件设计。  相似文献   
多层介质点电流源磁场响应计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了点电流源层状介质模型磁电阻率法响应的模拟方法。由电流磁场的旋度公式出发,推导了多层介质中点电流源磁场的表达式,其为一个关于空间径向坐标和贝塞尔函数空间波数的二重积分。利用贝塞尔函数的性质可将该二重积分化为标准的贝塞尔积分,然后采用直接数值积分的方法计算该积分。在此过程中通过连分式展开加快积分求和的收敛速度。利用上述方法对海底天然气水合物模型点电流源产生的磁场进行了计算。模型计算结果表明,海底天然气水合物的存在能引起磁场较为明显的相对变化。  相似文献   
The paper preliminarily discusses the effects of cadmium pollution on the alkaline phosphatase of mussel, mytilue viridid. The results show the cadmium pollution has a inhibition on the alkaline phosphatase, and the degree of inhibition rises with the increases of concerntration if cadmium in seawater. When the concentration is within the range of 1-500 ppb, the percentage of inhibited emzyme has a linear relationship with the logarithm of cadmium concentration. The results also prove that the salinity may increase the effects of cadmium on emzyme. The inhibition which may be indirect or secondary effects is reversible.Mussels play a purification role in the waste water containing cadmium, the purification rate of which may as high as 125 mg Cd2 gram (mussel)/day. This is a prospective method in purification and removing of cadmium.The study of effects of cadmium pollution on the alkaline phosphatase of mussel shows that in the study of effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms, biochemical index may  相似文献   
内蒙古满洲里地区位于大兴安岭中生代火山岩带的中北段,晚侏罗世—早白垩世火山岩浆活动强烈,由于NE向切壳断裂长期活动,导致中基性火山岩沿断裂呈线状分布。就上侏罗统塔木兰沟组、上库力组中段及下白垩统伊列克得组中基性火山岩浆岩的组合、旋回和岩石地球化学等方面的特征,论证了该地区中生代中基性火山岩浆岩形成的构造地质背景和成因。因此,认为晚侏罗世中基性火山岩形成于板内拉张的构造环境,岩浆来源于上地幔,且有地壳物质混熔。  相似文献   
在全球气候变化背景下,各地极端气候事件有上升趋势。其中以洪涝和干旱灾害对人类生活的影响最大、最频繁。在长期应对干旱灾害的经历中,北美洲各国逐渐形成了较为完善的干旱灾害应对模式,通过立法、风险管理、制定干旱计划、工程措施与非工程措施相结合等多种手段降低干旱灾害带来的损失。通过文献查阅与综述方法,结合北美洲国家相关网站介绍...  相似文献   
蕉坑坞矿段位于浙江省八面山萤石矿田南东侧,为浙江省首次发现的新型萤石矿.17号矿体为该矿段的主矿体,赋存于花岗岩体接触面及其外接触带碳酸盐岩中.通过对该矿体的地质特征进行研究,并从岩浆岩、围岩和构造3方面讨论了矿床的控矿因素,认为矿床成因为岩浆期后热液充填矿床并伴随交代成矿作用,据此提出找矿标志.  相似文献   
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