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The Horní Slavkov–Krásno Sn–W ore district is hosted by strongly altered Variscan topaz–albite granite (Krudum granite body) on the northwestern margin of the Bohemian Massif. We studied the fluid inclusions on greisens, ore pockets, and ore veins from the Hub Stock, an apical expression of the Krudum granite. Fluid inclusions record almost continuously the post-magmatic cooling history of the granite body from ~500 to <50°C. Rarely observed highest-temperature (~500°C) highest-salinity (~30?wt.% NaCl eq.) fluid inclusions are probably the result of secondary boiling of fluids exsolved from the crystallizing magma during pressure release which followed hydraulic brecciation of the gneissic mantle above the granite cupola. The greisenization was related to near-critical low-salinity (0–7?wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluids with low amount of CO2, CH4, and N2 (≤10?mol% in total) at temperatures of ~350–400°C and pressures of 300–530 bar. Crush-leach data display highly variable and negatively correlated I/Cl and Br/Cl values which are incompatible with both orthomagmatic and/or metamorphic origin of the fluid phase, but can be explained by infiltration of surficial and/or sedimentary fluids. Low fluid salinity indicates a substantial portion of meteoric waters in the fluid mixture that is in accordance with previous stable isotope data. The post-greisenization fluid activity associated with vein formation and argillitization is characterized by decreasing temperature (<350 to <50°C), decreasing pressure (down to ~50–100 bar), and mostly also decreasing salinity.  相似文献   
A new bird ichnotaxon found in Cenicero (La Rioja, Ebro Basin, Spain) is described here. The footprints are preserved in sandstone beds in a central-distal alluvial fringe with a mud-dominated floodplain, located in the transition unit between the Nájera and Haro formations. This level is positioned between the Y and Z local Agenian biozones (lower Miocene). The footprints were preliminarily studied in another work and considered as an indeterminate ichnotaxon. Uvaichnites riojana ichnogen. nov. and ichnosp. nov. is a tridactyl footprint characterized by a prominent central pad, very large to enormous sized, with unjointed toes at the proximal end. These features differ from Aquatilavipes, Aviadactyla, Avipeda, Ludicharadripodiscus, Fuscinapeda, and Ornithotarnocia of the Avipedidae morphofamily. U. riojana is considered to be similar to common crane (Grus grus) footprints in the Gruidae family. There are a few references about this family in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands and this find could confirm the presence of Gruidae since at least the lower Miocene.  相似文献   
An arcuate structure, comparable in size with the Ibero-Armorican arc, is delineated by Variscan folds and magnetic anomalies in the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif. Called the Central Iberian arc, its sense of curvature is opposite to that of the Ibero-Armorican arc, and its core is occupied by the Galicia-Trás-os-Montes Zone of NW Iberia, which includes the Rheic suture. Other zones of the Iberian Massif are bent by the arc, but the Ossa-Morena and South Portuguese zones are not involved. The arc formed during the Late Carboniferous, at final stages of thermal relaxation and collapse, and an origin related with right-lateral ductile transpression at the scale of the Variscan belt is proposed. The Central Iberian arc explains the width of the Central Iberian Zone, clarifies the position of the allochthonous terranes of NW Iberia, and opens new perspectives for correlations with the rest of the Variscan belt, in particular, with the Armorican Massif, whose central zone represents the continuation of the southwest branch of the arc detached by strike-slip tectonics.  相似文献   
Hematite is a very abundant mineral in natural rock samples. Despite being one of the most important carriers of remanent magnetization, its magnetic anisotropy is not well understood partially due to its high coercivity and complex behavior. In particular, the field intensity beyond which the Rayleigh relation no longer holds varies from one crystal to another. This field threshold is usually less than the field used in most commercial instruments. The nonlinear behavior of low-field susceptibility may thus hinder the magnetic fabric analysis. We have carried out an intensive study of the low-field bulk susceptibility and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) at increasing low fields in the range of 2–450 A/m (effective value) in a collection of hematite natural crystals. Standard rock magnetic properties, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectrometry have also been determined in order to discover the parameters influencing the low-field susceptibility variations with field. The AMS principal directions, the shape of the AMS ellipsoid, and the degree of anisotropy are the parameters that can vary with different applied fields. It has been found that there is no correlation between magnetic properties like coercivity or saturation magnetization and the range in which the Rayleigh approximation is valid. However, there seems to be a correlation with the peak width determined from X-ray diffraction, suggesting that the Rayleigh region in hematite crystals is related to the spatial orientation of the physical domains within the basal plane.  相似文献   
A growing body of field evidence indicates that hypersolidus fabrics preserved in syntectonic plutons are likely to have formed in highly crystallized ‘rigid sponge’ magma. This paper demonstrates that such magma could be idealized as a rheological solid and that the development of non-coaxial fabrics in plutonic rocks can very conveniently be modeled in the framework of solid mechanics. Using the finite element method (FEM), we modeled two strain regimes of small magnitudes (plane-strain horizontal simple shear with the shear strain γ of up to 0.30 and plane-strain pure shear of up to 15% shortening) superposed onto vertically oriented and variously spaced elastic phenocrysts set in the viscoelastic matrix. In the simple shear regime, the phenocrysts slightly rotate toward the shear plane, while the principal strain directions in the matrix are instantaneously oriented at an angle of about 45° or less to the phenocryst fabric. Simple shear thus can only lead to the formation of oblique phenocryst and matrix fabrics. By contrast, the vertical phenocryst fabric is maintained in the pure shear regime, and a new horizontal fabric can develop almost instantaneously in the matrix even for small amounts of superposed shortening (5% shortening after 10 ky in our model). We conclude that such a mechanism can easily produce perpendicular hypersolidus fabrics in plutonic rocks and that only a very short time span (first thousands of years) is required to develop magmatic fabric in a pluton for ‘normal’ rates (10−15 to 10−13 s−1) of tectonic deformation.  相似文献   
Assessing precision and accuracy of atmospheric emission inventories   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Assuming that state-of-the-art air quality models are accurate, then the precision and accuracy of their results directly depend on the precision and accuracy of their geographical, meteorological and emission input data. There are important applications, such as open pit mining, in which emission data are the main source of uncertainty. In such cases, historical air quality experimental data are typically available. The present work proposes a backward air quality simulation approach to assess the accuracy of emission inventories for these applications, with the goal of identifying sources that are over or underestimated. This approach consists of finding constants of the linear combination of the estimated emission that maximize R 2 and make the slope equal to one in the linear correlation analysis when the results from the air quality model are compared to the experimental measurements of air quality. This methodology was applied to the case of the mining region in northern Colombia. As one of the largest open pit coal mining regions in the world, this region consists of seven independent mines with no relevant additional sources of emission. Use of the proposed methodology allowed quantification of the amount by which companies over or underestimated their emission, as well as quantification of uncertainties due to sources not considered in the model but that locally affect each monitoring station.  相似文献   
Chloride salinity has been strongly related to enhanced cadmium (Cd) uptake by plants due to increased solubility in the soil solution, even in agricultural soil with very low levels of cadmium. This finding is relevant because the cadmium content of food crops is an important concern for human health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to predict and discuss the chlorine-enhanced uptake of cadmium by two common crops: maize and tobacco under ??non-saline?? (1?mM) and ??very strongly saline?? (200?mM) scenarios using a modified ??biotic ligand model?? and datasets from a set of soil and hydroponic experiments. Results indicated that predicted cadmium uptake rates (expressed as cadmium in plant ??mol?m?2 root) by maize and tobacco plants were consistently higher (54 and 15%, respectively) assuming conditions of ??very strong salinity?? soil compared to the simulated ??non-saline?? soil. In the light of the results of the present research, valuable information is given on modeled cadmium phytoavailability as an indication of the potential risk due to increased cadmium uptake by crops under saline conditions, especially as the enhancement of cadmium uptake in the presence of Cl? salinity may be a general trend that occurs in many edible crops. The biotic ligand model parameterization applied in the present study attempted to simulate conditions commonly found in natural cadmium and salt-affected soils. However, caution is needed to extrapolate results obtained from these models to real soil conditions.  相似文献   
Fuenmayor spring has been monitored continuously for identification purposes to study the behavior of a karst groundwater system. This paper initially deals with linear methods employing system engineering techniques for the analysis and identification of a hydrological system, considered as a black box model, which disregards information on the internal structure of the aquifer. Under a linear time invariant hypothesis, the application of the simple correlation of spectral analysis and parametric identification of transfer function generated some interesting results in the monitored spring. These tools have historically been successful in studying a large number of karst springs and continue to be practical approximations in initial attempts to obtain a draft model. Because of the nonlinear and nonstationary nature of karst, more effective systemic techniques are required to cover certain aspects of analysis that the linear system cannot reveal adequately. This paper presents interesting results using Fuenmayor spring data, collected over almost 10 years, to show the ability of wavelet techniques in the identification of a karst spring system.  相似文献   
Symptoms of dental fluorosis have been observed in rural communities located in the Sierras Pampeanas de Córdoba, a mountainous area in Central Argentina. The clinical assessment was performed in the Charbonier Department, where the fluoride (F) intake was determined to be 3.90 ± 0.20 mg day−1 (n = 16). In this community, mild and severe fluorosis reach an incidence of 86.7% (total teeth surface = 636 teeth) among the children population. To determine the origin and distribution of fluorine in natural waters from the Charbonier Department and nearby regions, sampling was performed in the area covering the San Marcos River basin. The obtained results show that F concentrations vary between ~1 to ~2.5 mg l−1, with an outlier value of 8 mg l−1. The spatial distribution of F shows that the lowest concentrations are found at the basin’s catchments. Maximum values are located in two sectors of the basin: the Charbonier depression in the eastern part and at the San Marcos village, downstream the main collector, in the western part of the basin. In these two regions, the F contents in ground- and surface waters are >2.0 mg l−1 and nearly constant. Dissolved F in natural waters from the study area has its origin in the weathering of F-bearing minerals present in the region’s dominant lithology. The extent of mineral weathering is mostly determined by the residence time of water within the aquatic reservoir. Longer residence times and a major solid–water interaction lead to enhanced release of F. This explains the higher F concentrations found in basin areas with lower run off. The removal of F from water appears to occur by neither fluorite precipitation, nor by adsorption. Hence, variations in F concentrations seem to be more related to regional hydrological conditions.  相似文献   
The Península Valdés, in northeastern Patagonia, Argentina, is characterised by its arid climate and the lack of perennial watercourses; thus, all economic activities depend on the groundwater resources. Water demand is mainly associated with tourism, which is centralised in Puerto Pirámides and supplied by a water desalination plant, and to sheep farming, supplied by the local aquifer. Due to the exponential growth of tourism, the government is planning to exploit groundwater and convey it by aqueduct to the abovementioned locality. The objectives of this study were to corroborate the conceptual geohydrological model, to develop a mathematical model to simulate the response of the aquifer to different scenarios, and to assess the incidence of water input into the system as a variable—a function that poses difficulties in the models for arid regions. The Visual Modflow 4.1 code was used, calibrating it in trial-and-error mode, changing the recharge and hydraulic conductivity parameters with different variants in the recharge zone and in the inclusion or exclusion of the evapotranspiration module. Results indicate the importance of the recharge analysis by treating rainfall at daily time steps. The adjusted model was exposed to four scenarios with variations in water input and in output by pumping. It can be concluded that under different input conditions, but with a controlled extraction, the system responds in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   
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