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The reflection seismic line DEKORP 2-N reveals an almost complete cross section through the Rhenohercynian Zone, the most external part of the Variscan orogen in Europe.The northern part of DEKORP 2-N and a NE-directed branch (2-N-Q) reveal the Cretaceous of the Münsterland basin and the underlying folded Palaeozoic rocks. The northward decreasing intensity of folding is depicted in great detail by the highly reflective Late Carboniferous coal-measures and deeper reflections down to the level of the Givetian/Frasnian shallow-water carbonates.In the Devonian and older rocks of the Rhenish Massif, bedding is only represented by relatively weak, short and irregular reflections. These are truncated by stronger, southward dipping reflections, which exhibit the listric curvature and flat/ramp geometry characteristic of faults. In the northern part of the section, the thrusts appear to be blind. From the Ebbe Anticline southwards, prominent reflections can be correlated with important thrust faults known from the surface, such as the Ebbe-, Siegen-, Müsen- and Sackpfeife- Thrusts, as well as further important thrust faults in the Lahn- and Dill Synclines. The basal thrust of the extremely thin-skinned Giessen Nappe is only recognizable for a very short distance.At depth, the thrusts flatten out in a relatively transparent zone between 3–5 s TWT, with strongly reflective bands at its bottom and top. The transparent zone might correlate with a high-conductivity layer detected in a magnetotelluric survey; it represents either graphitic metapelites or a zone with an interconnected, brine-filled pore space. The seismic record relates either to lithological differences, or to rheological boundaries.The lower crust in the north is characterized by a relatively transparent zone, which wedges out towards south under the northern margin of the Siegen Anticline. Comparisons with a similar feature in the ECORS profile »Nord de la France« suggest that the transparent zones in both sections correspond to a pre-Palaeozoic basement, such as it underlies the Brabant Massif. Further south, the lower crust is increasingly reflective.The curvilinear, thrust-related reflections are cut by a conjugate set of much weaker, N- and S-dipping reflectors indicating a later deformation with pure shear. Displacement of some marker reflections suggests late- or post-Variscan compression.In an alternative interpretation, these straight and weak reflections represent the only thrust faults, while the curvilinear elements might relate to bedding.A southward rise of the Moho from approx. 11 to 8.5 s TWT is probably due to Tertiary rifting.
Zusammenfassung Das reflexionsseismische Profil DEKORP 2-N stellt einen fast vollständigen Querschnitt durch das Rhenohercynikum dar.Der nördliche Teil des Profiles 2-N sowie ein SW/NE-verlaufender Abzweig (2-N-Q) zeigen die Transgression der Münsterländer Kreide und das unterlagernde gefaltete Paläozoikum. Schichtgebundene Reflektoren (flözführendes Karbon, devonischer Massenkalk) bilden das Ausklingen der variscischen Faltung nach NW detailliert ab.In den devonischen und vordevonischen Sedimenten des rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirges erzeugt die Schichtung nur relativ schwache, kurze und unregelmäßige Reflexionen. Diese werden von stärkeren, südfallenden Reflektoren abgeschnitten, die aufgrund ihrer listrischen Krümmung und flat/ramp-Geometrie wahrscheinlich als Überschiebungen zu interpretieren sind. Im Nordteil des Schiefergebirges sind diese Überschiebungen offenbar blind, werden also nahe der Oberfläche durch Faltung kompensiert. Im Ebbe-Sattel und weiter südlich lassen sich die meisten der starken, südfallenden Reflektoren zweifelsfrei mit bekannten Großüberschiebungen korrelieren (Ebbe-, Siegen-, Müsen-, Sackpfeife-Ü, sowie weitere Überschiebungen in der Lahn- u. Dill-Mulde). Die Basisüberschiebung der Giessen-Decke wird nur teilweise abgebildet.Zur Tiefe hin zeigen die Überschiebungen ein zunehmend flacheres Einfallen, und verschwinden in einer relativ transparenten Zone zwischen 3 und 5 s TWT, die im Hangenden und Liegenden durch dünne, stark reflektive Zonen begrenzt ist. Diese transparente Zone entspricht möglicherweise einer Zone hoher integrierter Leitfähigkeit, die in einem begleitenden magnetotellurischen Experiment nachgewiesen worden ist; es handelt sich entweder um einen Graphit-führenden Phyllit-Horizont oder eine mächtigere permeable Zone mit Elektrolyt-gefülltem Porenraum. Die hochreflektiven Bänder über und unter der transparenten Zone entsprechen entweder lithologischen Kontrasten oder rheologischen Grenzen, die vermutlich von einer scherenden Verformung überprägt worden sind.Die Unterkruste im N-Teil des Profiles enthält einen relativ transparenten Bereich, der nach Süden hin unter dem Nordteil des Siegener Sattels keilförmig ausläuft. Ein ähnliches Bild zeigt der Nordteil des ECORS-Profiles »Nord de la France«. Die transparenten Bereiche beider Profile entsprechen wahrscheinlich einem prä-paläozoischen kristallinen Basement, das das Brabanter Massif unterlagert und sich rechtsrheinisch fortsetzt. Südlich des transparenten Keiles wird die Unterkruste zunehmend reflexionsreicher. Die listrisch gekrümmten, an Überschiebungen gebundenen Reflektoren werden von einem konjugierten System schwächerer, N- u. S-fallender Reflektoren abgeschnitten, die auf eine jüngere, bruchhafte Verformung durch reine Scherung hindeuten. Der Versatz einiger älterer Reflektoren deutet auf spät- oder postvariscische Kompression hin.In einer alternativen Interpretation werden nur diese jüngeren Reflektoren als Überschiebungen gedeutet; die älteren, gekrümmten Elemente müßten dann primären lithologischen Grenzen entsprechen.Die Moho steigt von ca. 11 s TWT im N auf 8.5 s TWT unter dem Taunus an. Die Krustenverdünnung im Süden geht wahrscheinlich auf Dehnung im Tertiär zurück.

Résumé Le profil sismique par réflexion DEKORP-2-N représente une transversale quasiment complète à travers la zone rhénohercynienne. La partie septentrionale du DEKORP-2-N ainsi qu'une branche de direction SW-NE (2-N-Q) mettent en évidence la transgression du Crétacé du Münsterland sur le Paléozoïque sous-jacent plissé. Des réflecteurs liés à la stratification (à savoir: le Houiller et les calcaires de plate-forme dévoniens) illustrent de façon détaillée la diminution vers le nord de l'intensité du plissement varisque.Dans les sédiments dévoniens et pré-dévoniens du Massif Rhénan à l'est du Rhin, la stratification ne fournit que que des réflexions relativement faibles, courtes et irrégulières. Elles sont tronquées par des réflecteurs plus intenses, à pendage sud qui, en raison de leur courbure listrique et de leur géométrie en «flat/ramp», doivent être interprétés comme des chevauchements. Dans la partie septentrionale du Massif, ces chevauchements sont apparemment aveugles, c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont compensés, près de la surface, par le plissement. Dans l'anticlinal d'Ebbe, ainsi que plus au sud, la plupart des réflecteurs intenses à plongement sud peuvent être corrélés avec des chevauchements majeurs connus, tels ceux de Ebbe, Siegen, Müsen, Sackpfeife et d'autres encore dans les synclinaux de la Lahn et de la Dill. Le chevauchement basai de la nappe de Giessen n'est que partiellement représenté.Les chevauchements deviennent de plus en plus plats en profondeur pour disparaître dans une zone relativement transparente qui se situe entre 3–5 sec TWT. Celle-ci est prise en sandwich par des zones minces à forte réflectivité. La zone transparente correspond probablement à une zone de conductivité intégrée élevée dont l'existence a par ailleurs été démontrée dans un essai magnétotellurique mené parallèlement. Il s'agit soit d'un horizon phyllitique graphiteux, soit d'une zone perméable plus épaisse dont les pores sont remplis d'électrolyte. Les bandes à haute réflectivité au-dessus et en-dessous de la zone transparente correspondent soit à des contrastes lithologiques, soit à des limites rhéologiques probablement accentuées par la déformation cisaillante.La croûte inférieure dans la partie septentrionale du profil comporte un domaine relativement transparent qui s'amincit vers le S et se termine, en dessous de la partie nord de l'anticlinal de Siegen, en forme de coin. La partie nord du profil ECORS «Nord de la France» montre une image semblable.Les domaines transparents des deux profils correspondent vraisemblablement à un soubassement cristallin pré-paléozoïque qui est sousjacent au Paléozoïque du Massif du Brabant et se prolonge vers l'est au-delà du Rhin. Au sud du coin transparent, la réflectivité de la croûte inférieure va en augmentant. Les réflecteurs listriques liés à des chevauchements sont recoupés par un système conjugué de réflecteurs plus faibles à plongement nord et sud qui indiquent des failles plus récentes. Le déplacement de quelques réflecteurs plus anciens suggère l'effet d'une compression tardiou post-varisque.Dans une interprétation alternative, seuls ces réflecteurs plus récents sont considérés comme correspondant à des chevauchements. Dans ce cas, les éléments courbes plus anciens devraient représenter des limites lithologiques primaires.Le Moho s'élève à partir de 11 sec TWT environ au nord jusqu'à 8.5 sec TWT en-dessous du Taunus. L'amincissement crustal au sud résulterait du régime de distension survenu au Tertiaire.

DEKORP 2 Nord. x-t- ray-tracing'a. 6,0 6,6 /, — 7,0 8,2 /. 6,25 /. 28 30 . , .

Abbreviations MORB Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt - TWT two-way travel time, seconds (s) - CMP common mid-point - VP vibration point - SNR signal to noise ratio  相似文献   
Our simultaneous five-colour (UBVRI) linear and circular polarimetry of PG 1031+234 have revealed a strong rotationally modulated circular polarization, peaking in the ultraviolet (P max(U)–17%)Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
The details of the evolution of a low-mass horizontal branch star through the asymptotic giant phase with the assumption of first an extended atmosphere and second with extended and mass including atmosphere are given in comparison with the evolution of the same model without extension.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings to the IAU on New Window to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
Within the framework of a five-year campaign of coordinated multifrequency observations of the 3 Tauri star RU Lupi, we present results obtained in X-ray, UV, optical, and IR spectral regions. In five cases, simultaneous data from UV to IR were collected. Data analysis shows a large variability at different wavelengths both in the continuum and lines, stronger in the UV and weaker in the IR. Correlations among variations in the UV and optical continua have been found. Moreover flare-like events (FLEs), probably due to strong activity in the surface layers of the star and burst phenomena on large scale, were detected. No forbidden coronal lines were detected in UV and optical regions with IUE and ESO 1.4m CAT telescope, respectively. This means either the used instruments have not enough sensitivity to detect the predicted forbidden lines, or the low X-ray detected intensity — with ASTRON satellite (2–25 keV) — is due to the absorption of the X-rays in the circumstellar envelope. In this paper we will discuss these results within the framework of the current models.Based on observations with IUE satellite (VILSPA) and ESO telescopes.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   
Until now a simple Photometric Sunspot Index (PSI) model was used (e.g. Willsonet al., 1981) to describe the contribution of sunspots to the solar irradiance deficit measurement by ACRIM. In this work we replace this model by a photometry of sunspot pictures for the period of 19 August to 4 September, 1980 taking into account the individual features, like lightbridges or umbral dots, of each spot. The main results of this preliminary analysis are: (1) theA u/A p ratios and alsos the values vary in a wide range and are by no means constant as in the PSI model; (2) the general trend of the irradiance deficit from our analysis agrees well with the ACRIM measurements; (3) on some days there are differences of more than 50% between the deficits derived from our measurements and from the PSI model.Paper presented at the 11th Eurpean Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   
The possible contribution of gamma-rays predicted within the universal cosmic-ray (CR) hypothesis to the energy range of CR spectrum above black-body cutoff is calculated. These gamma-rays arise from the relativistic electromagnetic cascade generated in the field of microwave background radiation (MBR). The ultra-high energy photons and electrons that initiate the cascade are produced at the decay of -mesons created in interactions of photons with the MBR. Simple analytic expression for cascade gamma-ray spectrum is obtained from the solution of kinetic equations for electrons and photons as well as for protons propagating in the MBR field. It is shown that at certain values of magnetic field and radio-wave density in the intergalactic space te flux of cascade gamma-rays may at least partly mask the black-body cutoff in the CR spectrum.Deceased, August 13, 1989.  相似文献   
In this paper we construct a generalized classical model of a white dwarf distorted by magnetic field and differential rotation. The numerical method, to be presented, will be implemented in a subsequent quantitative treatment of the model.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional ultrasonic modelling was used to study the Rayleigh waves reflected from a thin low velocity vertical layer and those transmitted through the same zone. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the Rayleigh waves have been calculated by an approximate method based on the Green function technique. Nonrigid contact boundary conditions were used for the low velocity layer modelling. A rather good correspondence between the theoretical and experimental absolute values of the reflection and the transmission coefficients was obtained. Some discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results, in particular with regard to phase shifts, may be explained by a certain inadequacy of the theoretical model to the low velocity layer investigated by the ultrasonic modelling.  相似文献   
The spatial variability of the structure of the lower troposphere over the northwestern Indian Ocean for the period 12th July to 2nd September, 1983 has been studied using upper air data collected during the first scientific cruise of ORV Sagar Kanya.An analysis of thermodynamic structure and kinematics of the marine boundary layer for different zonal and meridional sections revealed the following features: (a) Temperature and humidity inversions were generally absent over the study area except over a few locations in the western region; (b) Large-scale subsidence was found over the central equatorial Indian Ocean; (c) The convective activity over the western Indian Ocean was found to be moderately suppressed as compared to the eastern region; (d) The zonal and meridional components of winds along the equator and 10° N zonal section exhibited a mirror-image-like distribution.  相似文献   
Four models of surface boundary-layer flow in complex terrain are compared with observations made at Blashaval Hill, North Uist, Scotland. The field experiment is described by Mason and King (1985). Three of the models are derived from the two-dimensional theory of Jackson and Hunt (1975) and are described in Mason and King (1985), Walmsley et al. (1986) and Troen and Petersen (1989). The fourth is a mass-consistent code based on Traci et al. (1979). The model results are in good agreement with each other and are generally within the observed range of variation ( ~ ± 16%) in normalized wind speed. For most wind direcions (7 of 11), model results of normalized wind speed at the summit were within 7% of the observed mean values. For some wind directions, calculations using the Guidelines of Walmsley et al. (1989) suggested that variations in surface roughness were important. This led us to apply one of our models incorporating nonuniform surface roughness. The lack of significant improvement for cases when water lay upstream of Blashaval Hill is attributed to compensating changes at summit and reference sites and to very local effects on the wind data. Sensitivity to topography lying to the west and northwest of Blashaval was also investigated. Results suggested an influence from those distant topographic features for some wind directions. When those features were incorporated, maximum errors in normalized wind speed at the summit were reduced from 18 to 13%.  相似文献   
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