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In the bounds of a theoretical scheme treating consistently gravitational interaction as dynamical (gauge) field in flat space-time, an expression was obtained for the density of energy-momentum-tension of gravitational field in vacuum around a collapsed object. A case was studied of an interacting static spherically-symmetric field of a collapsar in vacuum with taking into account of input of all the possible components (spin states of virtual gravitons) into the energy for the symmetric tensor of second rank ik . The radius of the sphere filled by matter for the collapsar of massM may achieve values up toGM/c 2.  相似文献   
We have investigated how the latitude dependence of the solar wind velocity (SWV) influenced the cosmic-ray (CR) modulation and distribution in the heliosphere. The dependence proposed by Fry and Akasofu (1987) is used:v SW=v O+v 1(1-cos n m , where the SWV,v SW is a function of the heliomagnetic latitude m andv 0 andv 1 are constants. An estimation of the diffusion and drift terms in the transport equation is made, which shows that towards the poles the effects of the drift transfer decrease, while the diffusion terms in the equation increase due to the change of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) geometry. The numerical solutions of the two-dimensional (2-D) transport equation show that when the SWV changes with latitude: (1) The CR intensities away from the neutral sheet are larger for both IMF polarity periods in comparison with the case when the SWV does not change with the latitude. (2) The latitude gradients are negative during negative magnetic polarity periods. (3) The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 long-time observations showing greater galactic CR intensities nearer the Sun at greater distances, could be explained by the proposed model.  相似文献   
New radar images obtained from the Arecibo Observatory (resolution 1.5–4.0 km) for portions of the southern hemisphere of Venus show that: the upland of Phoebe Regio contains the southern extension of Devana Chasma, a rift zone extending 4200 km south from Theia Mons and interpreted as a zone of extension; Alpha Regio, the only large region of tessera within the imaged area, is similar to tessera mapped elsewhere on the planet and covers a smaller percentage of the surface than that observed in the northern high latitudes; the upland made of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes consists of three distinct volcanic constructs; Themis Regio is mapped as an ovoid chain of radar-bright arcuate single and double ring structures, edifices and bright lineaments. This area is interpreted as a region of mantle upwelling and on the basis of apparent split and separated features, a zone of localized faulting and extension. Linear zones of deformation in Lavinia Planitia are characterized by lineament belts that are often locally elevated, are similar to ridge belts mapped in the northern high latitudes and are interpreted to be characterized mainly by compression; radar-bright lava complexes within Lavinia Planitia are unique to this part of the planet and are interpreted to represent areas of eruption of high volumes of extremely fluid lava; the upland of Lada Terra is bound to the north by a linear deformation zone interpreted as extensional, is characterized by large ovoids and coronae, is interpreted to be associated with an area of mantle upwelling, and is in contrast to the northern high latitude highland of Ishtar Terra. Regions of plains in the southern hemisphere cover about 78%; of the mapped area and are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Located within the area imaged (10–78 S) are 52 craters interpreted to be of impact origin ranging from 8 to 157 km in diameter. On the basis of an overall crater density of 0.94 craters/106 km2, it is determined that the age of this part of the Venus surface is similar to the 0.3 to 1.0 billion year age calculated for the equatorial region and northern high latitudes. The geologic characteristics of the portion of the Venus southern hemisphere imaged by Arecibo are generally similar to those mapped elsewhere on the planet. This part of the planet is characterized by widespread volcanic plains, large volcanic edifices, and zones of linear belt deformation. The southern hemisphere of Venus differs from northern high latitudes in that tessera makes up only a small percentage of the surface area and the ovoid chain in Themis Regio is unique to this part of the planet. On the basis of the analysis presented here, the southern hemisphere of Venus is interpreted to be characterized by regions of mantle upwelling on a variety of scales (ovoids, region made up of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes), upwelling and extension (Themis Regio) and localized compression (lineament belts in Lavinia Planitia).  相似文献   
We investigate, via a two-dimensional (nonplanar) MHD simulation, a situation wherein a bipolar magnetic field embedded in a stratified solar atmosphere (i.e., arch-filament-like structure) undergoes symmetrical shear motion at the footpoints. It was found that the vertical plasma flow velocities grow exponentially leading to a new type of global MHD-instability that could be characterized as a Dynamic Shearing Instability, with a growth rate of about 8{ovV} A a, where {ovV} A is the average Alfvén speed and a –1 is the characteristic length scale. The growth rate grows almost linearly until it reaches the same order of magnitude as the Alfvén speed. Then a nonlinear MHD instability occurs beyond this point. This simulation indicates the following physical consequences: the central loops are pinched by opposing Lorentz forces, and the outer closed loops stretch upward with the vertically-rising mass flow. This instability may apply to arch filament eruptions (AFE) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).To illustrate the nonlinear dynamical shearing instability, a numerical example is given for three different values of the plasma beta that span several orders of magnitude. The numerical results were analyzed using a linearized asymptotic approach in which an analytical approximate solution for velocity growth is presented. Finally, this theoretical model is applied to describe the arch filament eruption as well as CMEs.  相似文献   
This paper presents the case histories of two catastrophic landslips in hard rock terrains with varied climatic and geological environments. The first slip is associated with a power project in very close proximity (200 m) of the Porthimund Dam (11°22N, 76°3430E), in a charnockitic terrain in the Nilgiri hills (Tamil Nadu), and the second is associated with a railroad structure (19°525N, 78°1720E), in Adilabad district (Andhra Pradesh), in a basaltic terrain.The landslip in the charnockites is attributable to: (1) a high degree of saprolitization in the charnockites, with maximum intensity in the crest portion; (2) the coincidence of a major joint pattern in a NE-SW direction, with the strike of the foliation; and (3) the poor-to-fair physical rock quality in the crest and scarp portions.The slips in the basaltic terrain are due to: (1) the partially altered, highly jointed nature of the regional trap rocks with boulder sizes varying from 20 cm to 250 cm in diameter and the debris accumulating in a precarious condition on the northeast side of the rail track, with unfavorable alignment direction; and (2) the instability created in the weak rock mass by the vibrational forces of heavily loaded running trains.The weathered state of the rock masses in both the cases, showing good agreement with their physical state, accounts for the landslips. The remedial measures suggested are also discussed.  相似文献   
Geologic features considered to influence durability of the limestone at the sphinx are depositional history, evolution of porosity, and development of joints. These strata have two orthogonal groups of vertical joints. Where these joints intersect, wedge-shaped blocks are separating, causing loss of material from the core. Major reduction of the sphinx, however, is occurring due to salt crystallization aided by the ink-bottle pore systems prevailing in these rocks.The weathering profile exhibits alternating layers, less and more highly weathered. The less weathered rock is a biomicritic grainstone with smaller quantities of halite and gypsum and a larger large-pore-to-throat ratio than the indented, predominantly micritic, layers with larger concentration of salts and a smaller large-pore-to-throat ratio. Based upon poresize distributions, pressures generated in the pores have been calculated using thermodynamic principles, and an equation has been derived that provides a quantitative measure of durability of these rocks.  相似文献   
A study of natural convection in hydrodynamic flows of a viscous heat generating fluid in the presence of Hall currents and variable suction has been carried out. The governing equations for the magnetohydrodynamic fluid flow and heat transfer are solved. The effects of Hall currentm and heat source parameter on the velocity and temperature distributions are discussed.  相似文献   
The global behaviour and fine structure of the distribution of sunspot decay rates from activity cycle 13 to 20 are presented. It is shown that the distribution of this parameter is lognormal. Statistically significantly lower values of decay rates are found in cycles 13, 14, and 18 for isolated spots. The complex groups had no appreciable changes.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
A survey for emission line stars was carried out in 1980 with the Schmidt telescope of Konkoly Observatory in the region of IC 1396 (Kun, 1986a, hereafter referred to as Paper I). This work was aimed at a preliminary mapping of the probable medium mass members of the association Cepheus OB 2. The stars of the region have been followed since then with the same telescope in order to obtain a more complete view on the stellar content of this giant star-forming region. The common variability of the H emission strength makes the sense of repeating such surveys. The new survey resulted in the discovery of 65 further emission stars. Equatorial coordinates and finding charts are given for them.PhotographicBVRI photometry was carried out for all known emission stars of the field. The colourmagnitude and two-colour diagrams derived from theB, V, R, andI magnitudes show that these stars are probably F-G-type (1.5M <M<3M ), partly pre-Main-Sequence members of Cep OB 2, whereas a few of them may be distant red giants.The youngest objects of the region can be found among the IRAS point sources. Their properties are discussed on the basis of IRAS data alone.  相似文献   
Two different goals in fitting straight lines to data are to estimate a true linear relation (physical law) and to predict values of the dependent variable with the smallest possible error. Regarding the first goal, a Monte Carlo study indicated that the structural-analysis (SA) method of fitting straight lines to data is superior to the ordinary least-squares (OLS) method for estimating true straight-line relations. Number of data points, slope and intercept of the true relation, and variances of the errors associated with the independent (X) and dependent (Y) variables influence the degree of agreement. For example, differences between the two line-fitting methods decrease as error in X becomes small relative to error in Y. Regarding the second goal—predicting the dependent variable—OLS is better than SA. Again, the difference diminishes as X takes on less error relative to Y. With respect to estimation of slope and intercept and prediction of Y, agreement between Monte Carlo results and large-sample theory was very good for sample sizes of 100, and fair to good for sample sizes of 20. The procedures and error measures are illustrated with two geologic examples.  相似文献   
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