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The arguments presented by Lowe et al. [Lowe, D.J., Wilson, C.J.N., Newham, R.M., Hogg, A.G., 2010. Dating the Kawakawa/Oruanui eruption: comment on “optical luminescence dating of a loess section containing a critical tephra marker horizon, SW North Island of New Zealand” by R. Grapes et al. Quaternary Geochronology 5(4), 493–496] against our IRSL results, which suggested that the widespread Kawakawa tephra (KkT) could be considerably younger than the generally accepted 27.1 ka cal BP age, are unsustainable. We discuss the points raised by Lowe et al., in terms of: 1) Presentation and analysis of luminescence ages (comparison between reporting and error margins of luminescence and 14C ages, statistical treatment of age data); 2) Possible sources of error (“upbuilding pedogenesis” and its affect on U and Th distribution in loess, effect of biotubation, variation of K in loess, single grain luminescence dating of quartz, probability of luminescence age underestimation in dating tephra); 3) Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental considerations (ages of tephras overlying KkT, timing of the end of Ohakea loess deposition and its distribution; 4) Radiocarbon-based ages of KkT (problems with the currently accepted 14C 27.1 ka cal BP age of KkT). We stress that our study was not to establish a new benchmark age for the KkT, but to open debate about the currently accepted benchmark age of the KkT, which we deem to be erroneous.  相似文献   
The Sabzevar ophiolites mark the Neotethys suture in east-north-central Iran. The Sabzevar metamorphic rocks, as part of the Cretaceous Sabzevar ophiolitic complex, consist of blueschist, amphibolite and greenschist. The Sabzevar blueschists contain sodic amphibole, epidote, phengite, calcite ± omphacite ± quartz. The epidote amphibolite is composed of sodic-calcic amphibole, epidote, albite, phengite, quartz ± omphacite, ilmenite and titanite. The greenschist contains chlorite, plagioclase and pyrite, as main minerals. Thermobarometry of a blueschist yields a pressure of 13–15.5 kbar at temperatures of 420–500 °C. Peak metamorphic temperature/depth ratios were low (~12 °C/km), consistent with metamorphism in a subduction zone. The presence of epidote in the blueschist shows that the rocks were metamorphosed entirely within the epidote stability field. Amphibole schist samples experienced pressures of 5–7 kbar and temperatures between 450 and 550 °C. The presence of chlorite, actinolite, biotite and titanite indicate greenschist facies metamorphism. Chlorite, albite and biotite replacing garnet or glaucophane suggests temperatures of >300 °C for greenschist facies. The formation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks is related to north-east-dipping subduction of the Neotethys oceanic crust and subsequent closure during lower Eocene between the Central Iranian Micro-continent and Eurasia (North Iran).  相似文献   
Moraines southwest of Lake Yashilkul, Pamir, Tajikistan, were dated using 10Be exposure ages of boulder surfaces. We found evidence for (1) an extensive glaciation ∼60,000 yr ago; (2) a less extensive glacial advance, which deposited a characteristic hummocky moraine lobe with exposure ages ranging from ∼11,000 to 47,000 yr, probably deposited at or before 47,000 yr ago; and (3) lateral moraines with exposure ages of ∼40,000 yr, 27,000 yr and 19,000 yr, respectively. Increasing aridity in the Pamir is most likely responsible for the progressively limited extent of the glaciers during the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
The 26 km diameter Nördlinger Ries is a complex impact structure with a ring structure that resembles a peak ring. A first research drilling through this “inner crystalline ring” of the Ries was performed at the Erbisberg hill (SW Ries) to better understand the internal structure and lithology of this feature, and possibly reveal impact‐induced hydrothermal alteration. The drill core intersected the slope of a 22 m thick postimpact travertine mound, before entering 42 m of blocks and breccias of crystalline rocks excavated from the Variscan basement at >500 m depth. Weakly shocked gneiss blocks that show that shock pressure did not exceed 5 GPa occur above polymict lithic breccias of shock stage Ia (10–20 GPa), with planar fractures and planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz. Only a narrow zone at 49.20–50.00 m core depth exhibits strong mosaicism in feldspar and {102} PDFs in quartz, which are indicative of shock stage Ib (20–35 GPa). Finally, 2 m of brecciated Keuper sediments at the base of the section point to an inverse layering of strata. While reverse grading of clast sizes in lithic breccias and gneiss blocks is consistent with lateral transport, the absence of diaplectic glass and melt products argues against dynamic overthrusting of material from a collapsing central peak, as seen in the much larger Chicxulub structure. Indeed, weakly shocked gneiss blocks are rather of local provenance (i.e., the transient crater wall), whereas moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias with geochemical composition and 87Sr/86Sr signature similar to Ries suevite were derived from a position closer to the impact center. Thus, the inner ring of the Ries is formed by moderately shocked polymict lithic breccias likely injected into the transient crater wall during the excavation stage and weakly shocked gneiss blocks of the collapsing transient crater wall that were emplaced during the modification stage. While the presence of an overturned flap is not evident from the Erbisberg drilling, a survey of all drillings at or near the inner ring point to inverted strata throughout its outer limb. Whether the central ring of the Ries represents remains of a collapsed central peak remains to be shown. Postimpact hydrothermal alteration along the Erbisberg section comprises chloritization, sulfide veinlets, and strong carbonatization. In addition, a narrow zone in the lower parts of the polymict lithic breccia sequence shows a positive Eu anomaly in its carbonate phase. The surface expression of this hydrothermal activity, i.e., the travertine mound, comprises subaerial as well as subaquatic growth phases. Intercalated lake sediments equivalent to the early parts of the evolution of the central crater basin succession confirm a persistent impact‐generated hydrothermal activity, although for less time than previously suggested.  相似文献   
Typhoons regularly hit the coasts along the northern South China Sea during summer monsoon. However, little is known on the effects of typhoon-related heavy precipitation on estuarine dynamics and coastal ecosystems. We analyzed physico-chemical characteristics, and concentrations and composition of dissolved and suspended matter in the Wenchang/Wenjiao Estuary (WWE) on the tropical island of Hainan, China, prior to and after typhoon Kammuri in August 2008. Before the typhoon, the estuary displayed vertical and horizontal gradients. High nutrient inputs from agriculture and widespread aquaculture were to a large extent converted into biomass inside the estuarine lagoon resulting in low export of nutrients to coastal waters and a mainly autochthonous origin of total suspended matter (TSM). Heavy typhoon-associated precipitation increased river runoff, which moved the location of the estuarine salinity gradient seaward. It resulted in an export of dissolved and particulate matter to coastal waters one day after the typhoon. Dissolved nutrients increased by up to an order of magnitude and TSM increased approximately twofold compared to pre-typhoon values. Lower δ13Corg and δ15N and elevated C/N ratios of TSM together with lower chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations indicated an increased contribution of terrestrial material originating from typhoon-induced soil erosion. Local uptake of excess nutrients inside the lagoon was inhibited because of reduced water transparency and the lack of phytoplankton, which had been washed out by the initial freshwater pulse. Two weeks after the typhoon, TSM concentration and composition had almost returned to pre-typhoon conditions. However, physico-chemical properties and nutrients were still different from pre-typhoon conditions indicating that the estuarine system had not fully recovered. Unusually high chl a concentrations in the coastal zone indicated a phytoplankton bloom resulting from the typhoon-induced nutrient export. The typhoon-induced flushing of the WWE resulted in hyposalinity, reduced water transparency, siltation, as well as temporary eutrophication of coastal waters. These are physiological stressors, which are known to impair the performance of adjacent seagrass meadows and coral reefs. The predicted increase in typhoon frequency and intensity will lead to a frequently recurring exposure of coastal ecosystems to these threats, particularly in the South China Sea region where aquaculture is widespread and tropical cyclone frequency is at a maximum.  相似文献   
The OSIRIS cameras on the Rosetta spacecraft observed Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 5 days before to 10 days after it was hit by the Deep Impact projectile. The Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) monitored the cometary dust in 5 different filters. The Wide Angle Camera (WAC) observed through filters sensitive to emissions from OH, CN, Na, and OI together with the associated continuum. Before and after the impact the comet showed regular variations in intensity. The period of the brightness changes is consistent with the rotation period of Tempel 1. The overall brightness of Tempel 1 decreased by about 10% during the OSIRIS observations. The analysis of the impact ejecta shows that no new permanent coma structures were created by the impact. Most of the material moved with . Much of it left the comet in the form of icy grains which sublimated and fragmented within the first hour after the impact. The light curve of the comet after the impact and the amount of material leaving the comet ( of water ice and a presumably larger amount of dust) suggest that the impact ejecta were quickly accelerated by collisions with gas molecules. Therefore, the motion of the bulk of the ejecta cannot be described by ballistic trajectories, and the validity of determinations of the density and tensile strength of the nucleus of Tempel 1 with models using ballistic ejection of particles is uncertain.  相似文献   
We determined Titan's reflectivity spectrum near the Huygens' landing site from observations taken with the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer below 500 m altitude, in particular the downward-looking photometer and spectrometers. We distinguish signal coming from illumination by sunlight and the lamp onboard Huygens based on their different spectral signatures. For the sunlight data before landing, we find that spatial variations of Titan's reflectivity were only ~0.8%, aside from the phase angle dependence, indicating that the probed area within ~100 m of the landing site was very homogeneous. Only the very last spectrum taken before landing gave a 3% brighter reflectivity, which probably was caused by one bright cobble inside its footprint. The contrast of the cobble was higher at 900 nm wavelength than at 600 nm.For the data from lamp illumination, we confirm that the phase function of Titan's surface displays a strong opposition effect as found by Schröder and Keller (2009. Planetary and Space Science 57, 1963–1974). We extend the phase function to even smaller phase angles (0.02°), which are among the smallest phase angles observed in the solar system. We also confirm the reflectivity spectrum of the dark terrain near the Huygens' landing site between 900 and 1600 nm wavelength by Schröder and Keller (2008. Planetary and Space Science 56, 753–769), but extend the spectrum down to 435 nm wavelength. The reflectivity at zero phase angle peaks at 0.45±0.06 around 750 nm wavelength and drops down to roughly 0.2 at both spectral ends. Our reflectivity of 0.45 is much higher than all previously reported values because our observations probe lower phase angles than others. The spectrum is very smooth except for a known absorption feature longward of 1350 nm. We did not detect any significant variation of the spectral shape along the slit for exposures after landing, probing a 25×4 cm2 area. However, the recorded spectral shape was slightly different for exposures before and after landing. This difference is similar to the spectral differences seen on scales of kilometers (Keller et al., 2008. Planetary and Space Science 56, 728–752), indicating that most observations may probe spatially variable contributions from two basic materials, such as a dark soil partially covered by bright cobbles.We used the methane absorption features to constrain the methane mixing ratio near the surface to 5.0±0.3%, in agreement with the 4.92±0.24% value measured in situ by Niemann et al. (2005. Nature 438, 779–784), but smaller than their revised value of 5.65±0.18% (Niemann et al., 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, E12006). Our results were made possible by an in depth review of the calibration of the spectroscopic and photometric data.  相似文献   
The natural early-diagenetic environment ``anoxicporewater – authigenic mineral phases' has beencharacterized in sediment of the Gotland Deep,Baltic Sea, by a closed-system model. Occurrence ofcarbonate precipitates as thin almost pure whitelaminae was considered as a natural experiment forlong-term equilibration between these phases andporewater. Plots of distribution coefficientsindicate that metastable equilibrium exists betweenporewater and the authigenic Ca-rich rhodochrositephases below 7 cm depth. A thermodynamic model ofporewater geochemistry at in situ P = 25 barand T = 5 °C was developed using the Gibbsenergy minimization (GEM) approach. The values of isobaric-isothermal potentials of Mn, Ca, Fe, Mg,Sr, Ba, C, and O, calculated from the porewatercomposition, were used in a new ``dual thermodynamic'calculation approach to estimate solid activitycoefficients of the end-members in the non-idealsolid solution (Mn, Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Fe)CO3,i.e., at full major and minor multi-componentcomplexity. The regular Margules interactionparameters for the composing binaries estimated bythis model were Mn-Ca = 1.9 ± 0.5,Mn-Mg = 0.6,Ca-Mg = 3.7,Mn-Fe = 0.2,Ca-Fe = 2.8,Mn-Sr = 9.7,Ca-Sr = 2.15,Mn-Ba = 4.0,Ca-Ba = 1.4,validating the theoretical predictions given byLippmann in his pioneering 1980's paper. Thestrictly thermodynamic equilibrium model is not onlyable to match both the measured porewater andcarbonate solid-solution composition, but also topredict that the porewater pH, pe, alkalinity, anddissolved Mn, Fe, and S concentrations arecontrolled by the authigenic mineral bufferingassemblage mackinawite-greigite-rhodochrosite. Ourmodel is only compatible with the idea of ACRformation with typical composition (XMnbetween 70–75%) in the topmost sediment layerwhich, however, needs a major source ofMnaq II. This is provided by reduction ofparticulate Mn oxides precipitated in significantamounts in the water column upon major inflow eventsin the Baltic Sea. The model enables also to set upscenarios of changing environmental conditions, e.g.,to predict the non-linear response of the carbonatesolid-solution composition to changes in Mn loading,alkalinity and salinity of the sediment-watersystem. The results suggest that the major andespecially minor element contents (Sr, Mg, Ba) inauthigenic carbonates can be applied as anenvironmental paleoproxy.  相似文献   
The extent to which a water body can support submerged macrophytic vegetation provides an indicator of its degree of eutrophication. Regular, quantitative assessment of macrophyte populations enables changes in the trophic state of the system to be observed. A combination of aerial photography and underwater videography has proved to be an efficient method for calculating macrophyte coverage of large coastal areas.  相似文献   
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