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Summary The diurnal cycle of rainfall over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean was studied for the period 23rd October 2001 to 31st October 2003 using hourly data from the Triton buoy positioned at 1.5° S and 90° E. An analysis of the active and weak spells of rainfall for different seasons revealed peaks in the late evening hours in Winter, Summer and Fall and in early morning hours (in Spring) in 2002. The active spell of rainfall peaked in the afternoon hours, during Winter, Spring and Summer in 2003, which agrees with the previous results of Janowiak et al. (1994). An analysis of rainfall events showed that Fall 2002 had a maximum number of rainfall events (90) and minimum (60) were observed in Spring 2003. Further it was found that the majority of rain events (>60%) were less than 3 hours in duration throughout the study period. The longer duration rainfall events (i.e. rain events greater than 6 hour duration) contributed significantly to Spring 2002 (20% of the total rainfall) and Winter 2003 (21% of the total rainfall). Harmonic analysis of the hourly rainfall data for different seasons revealed that diurnal harmonic explains more than 80% of the variance for all seasons. Furthermore, the diurnal harmonic has a maximum amplitude for all seasons except summer, where the semidiurnal and six hourly harmonics are significant.  相似文献   
The Mandovi–Zuari estuarine network on the west coast of India consists of shallow strongly converging channels, that receive large seasonal influx of fresh water due to the monsoons. The main channels, the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, connect the network to the Arabian Sea. Observations show that tidal amplitude in the channels remains unchanged over large distances (|mS40 km) from the mouths of the main channels and then decays rapidly over approximately 10 km near the head. To understand the dynamics behind this behaviour, a numerical model for tidal propagation has been used that simulates the observed tidal elevations well. Momentum balance in the model is predominantly between pressure gradient and friction. In the region of undamped propagation, the model behaviour is consistent with the theory that geometric amplification balances frictional decay leaving the tide unchanged. This balance breaks down near the upstream end, where channels are narrowest, and mean velocity associated with freshwater influx is sufficiently large to prevent upstream propagation of tide. This leads to rapid decay in tidal amplitude. The model also shows that the mean water-level rises in the upstream direction, in the region of the decay.  相似文献   
The stable isotope analysis of all major rain events from Moinabad (MB), Rajendranagar (RN) and Osmanasagar (OS) reservoir, three closely placed locations in Hyderabad, India, were carried out during the 2005 to 2008 period. The OS station recorded the highest amount of rainfall with an average value of 1000 mm, whereas the MB station recorded the lowest average rainfall of 790 mm. The stable isotope (δ18O) values of the precipitation samples during these period varied from ?11.43‰ to ?0.03‰ for the MB station, ?8.21‰ to 0.54‰ for the RN station and ?11.47‰ to 0.72‰ for the OS station. The d‐excess of precipitation at the three stations also showed considerable variations and revealed that the precipitation in the region undergoes significant modification through secondary evaporation during its fall. The possible causes for these observed spatial and temporal variations in amount and the isotopic composition of precipitation in a small geographical area within the city were studied. The observed variations may be attributed to the regional scale differences in water budget induced by rapid urbanisation activities in the city coupled with the differences in secondary effects undergone by the falling drops. This study elucidating changes in precipitation patterns in the city and its possible causes may largely help in its water balance calculation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Estimates of return periods of extreme sea level events along the coast are useful for impact assessment. In this study, a vertically integrated 2D model was developed for the simulation of storm surges in the Bay of Bengal. The bathymetry for the model was derived from an improved ETOPO-5 data set, which was prepared in our earlier work. The meteorological forcing for the model was obtained from the cyclone model of Holland using the data available for 136 low-pressure systems that occurred during 1974–2000 in the Bay of Bengal. The simulated total sea level and the surge component were obtained for each event. The simulated peak levels showed good agreement with the observations available at few stations. The annual maxima of sea levels, extracted from the simulations, were fitted with Gumbel distribution using r-largest annual maxima method to estimate the 5- and 50-year return periods of extreme events at 26 stations along the east coast of India. The return periods estimated from simulated sea levels showed good agreement with those obtained from observations. The 5- and 50-year return levels of total sea level along the east coast of India show a considerable increase from south to north, with the 50-year return total sea levels being as high as 6.9 and 8.7 m at stations along the north eastern coast such as Sagar Island and Chandipur, respectively. The high return levels are expected at these stations as the cyclones developed in the Bay of Bengal generally move north or north-west, producing extreme events in the northern part, and moreover, these stations are characterized by high tidal ranges. However, at some regions in the southern part such as Surya Lanka and Machilipatnam, though 50-year return levels of total sea level are not very high (2.98 and 2.97 m, respectively) because of the relatively lower tidal ranges, high return levels of surges (0.84 and 0.57 m, respectively) are found. In addition to the role of shallow depths (5.0 and 6.1 m, respectively) at the two stations, the high return levels of surges are attributed to the effect of geometrical configuration at Surya Lanka and width (100 km) and orientation of continental shelf at Machilipatnam.  相似文献   
The Alleppey Platform is an important morphological feature located in the Kerala-Konkan basin off the southwest coast of India. In the present study, seismic reflection data available in the basin were used to understand the sedimentation history and also to carry out integrated gravity interpretation. Detailed seismic reflection data in the basin reveals that:(1) the Alleppey Platform is associated with a basement high in the west of its present-day geometry(as observed in the time-structure map of the Trap Top(K/T boundary)),(2) the platform subsequently started developing during the Eocene period and attained the present geometry by the Miocene and,(3) both the Alleppey platform and the Vishnu fracture zone have had significant impact on the sedimentation patterns(as shown by the time-structure and the isochron maps of the major sedimentary horizons in the region). The 3-D sediment gravity effect computed from the sedimentary layer geometry was used to construct the crustal Bouguer anomaly map of the region.The 3-D gravity inversion of crustal Bouguer anomaly exhibits a Moho depression below the western border of the platform and a minor rise towards the east which then deepens again below the Indian shield. The 2-D gravity modelling across the Alleppey platform reveals the geometry of crustal extension,in which there are patches of thin and thick crust. The Vishnu Fracture Zone appears as a crustal-scale feature at the western boundary of the Alleppey platform. Based on the gravity model and the seismic reflection data, we suggest that the basement high to the west of the present day Alleppey platform remained as a piece of continental block very close to the mainland with the intervening depression filling up with sediments during the rifting. In order to place the Alleppey platform in the overall perspective of tectonic evolution of the Kerala-Konkan basin, we propose its candidature as a continental fragment.  相似文献   
The deterministic chaotic behaviour of ionosphere, over Indian subcontinent falling under equatorial/low latitude region, ?0.3 to 22.19°N (geomagnetic), was studied using GPS-TEC time series. The values of Lyapunov exponent are low at Thiruvananthapuram and Agatti (?0.30 and 2.38°N, geomagnetic, respectively), and thereafter increase through Bangalore and Hyderabad (4.14 and 8.54°N, geomagnetic, respectively), and attain maximum at Mumbai (10.09°N, geomagnetic), which is near/at the edge of an anomaly crest. The values of correlation dimension computed for TEC time series are in the range 3.1–3.6, which indicate that equatorial/low latitude ionosphere can be described with four variables. Entropy values estimated for TEC time series show no appreciable latitudinal variabilites. The values of non-linear prediction error exhibit a trough, around the latitude sector, 4.14–16.15°N (Geomagnetic). Based on the values of the above quantifiers, the features of chaotic behaviour of equatorial/low latitude ionosphere are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes the hydrographic observations in the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) during two cruises carried out in March–June 2003 as part of the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment. The surface hydrography during March–April was dominated by the intrusion of low-salinity waters from the south; during May–June, the low-salinity waters were beginning to be replaced by the highsalinity waters from the north. There was considerable mixing at the bottom of the surface mixed layer, leading to interleaving of low-salinity and high-salinity layers. The flow paths constructed following the spatial patterns of salinity along the sections mimic those inferred from numerical models. Time-series measurements showed the presence of Persian Gulf and Red Sea Waters in the SEAS to be intermittent during both cruises: they appeared and disappeared during both the fortnight-long time series.  相似文献   
Ocean modellers use bathymetric datasets like ETOPO5 and ETOPO2 to represent the ocean bottom topography. The former dataset is based on digitization of depth contours greater than 200 m, and the latter is based on satellite altimetry. Hence, they are not always reliable in shallow regions. An improved shelf bathymetry for the Indian Ocean region (20°E to 112°E and 38°S to 32°N) is derived by digitizing the depth contours and sounding depths less than 200 m from the hydrographic charts published by the National Hydrographic Office, India. The digitized data are then gridded and used to modify the existing ETOPO5 and ETOPO2 datasets for depths less than 200 m. In combining the digitized data with the original ETOPO dataset, we apply an appropriate blending technique near the 200 m contour to ensure smooth merging of the datasets. Using the modified ETOPO5, we demonstrate that the original ETOPO5 is indeed inaccurate in depths of less than 200 m and has features that are not actually present on the ocean bottom. Though the present version of ETOPO2 (ETOPO2v2) is a better bathymetry compared to its earlier versions, there are still differences between the ETOPO2v2 and the modified ETOPO2. We assess the improvements of these bathymetric grids with the performance of existing models of tidal circulation and tsunami propagation.  相似文献   
Calibration coefficients incorporated in the modified Weibull distribution are more effective for maximum wave height simulation. The parametric relations are derived there from to estimate various wave height statistics including extreme wave heights. The characteristic function of the Weibull distribution is derived. The Weibull distribution is suggested for the newly defined significant wave height simulation by the method of characteristic function. The statistical tools suggested and developed here for predicting the required wave height statistics are validated against the wave data (both deep and shallow) of eastern Arabian Sea comprising rough monsoon conditions also, giving reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   
Fourier transformation of gravity and magnetic anomalies from space to the frequency domain provides aready method for source depth estimation since progressively deeper sources are indicated by the lower frequency components of an anomaly. Two examples are presented here to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach. One example pertains to the interpretation of vertical intensity magnetic anomalies over a layered ultramafic body for estimating the thickness of relatively non-magnetic layer in it and map the dispositions of the layers. The other example is the estimation of crustal thickness in the Indian region from the Bouguer anomaly map. The spectral method is shown, by these two examples, to provide a rapid and elegant tool for the source depth estimation for magnetic and gravity data.  相似文献   
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