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Major- and trace-element contents and Sr–Nd isotope ratios were determined in albitite, albitized and unaltered late-Variscan granitoid samples from the world-class Na-feldspar deposits of central Sardinia, Italy. The albite deposit of high economic grade has geological, textural, and chemical features typical of metasomatic alteration affecting the host granitoids. Albitization, locally accompanied by chloritization and epidotization, was characterized by strong leaching of Mg, Fe, K, and geochemically similar trace elements, and by a significant increase of Na. Ca, and P were moderately leached in the most metasomatized rocks. Other major (Si, Ti, Ca) and trace elements (U, Th, Y, and Zr), along with light (LREE) and middle (MREE) rare-earth elements, behaved essentially immobile at the deposit scale. The Nd-isotope ratios (0.512098 to 0.512248) do not provide information on the emplacement age of the unaltered late-Variscan granitoids. On the other hand, their Sr-isotope ratios fit an errorchron of 274±29 Ma (1σ error), in fair agreement with all published ages of Sardinian Variscan granitoids. The very low Rb content of albitized rocks precludes application of the Rb–Sr radiometric system to determine the age of albitization. The Sm–Nd system is not applicable either, because the 143Nd/144Nd ratios of albitized rocks and unaltered granitoids overlap. The overlap confirms that Sm and Nd were substantially immobile during albitization. On the other hand, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the albitized rocks are appreciably lower than those of the unaltered host granitoids, whereas, their initial Sr-isotope ratios are higher. This seems to suggest that a) albitization was induced by non-magmatic fluids rich in radiogenic Sr, and b) albitization occurred shortly after the granitoid emplacement. This conclusion is supported by Nd isotopes, because unaltered granitoids and albitites fit the same reference isochron at 274 Ma. The fluids acquired radiogenic Sr by circulation through the Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Specifically, it is estimated that Sr supplied by the non-carbonatic basement represents about 22 wt% of total Sr in albitite.  相似文献   
The recent hiatus in global temperature at the surface has been analysed by several studies, mainly using global climate models. The common accepted picture is that since the late 1990s, the increase in anthropogenic radiative forcings has been counterbalanced by other factors, e.g., a decrease in natural forcings, augmented ocean heat storage and negative phases of ocean–atmosphere-coupled oscillation patterns. Here, simple vector autoregressive models are used for forecasting the temperature hiatus in the period 2001–2014. This gives new insight into the problem of understanding the ocean contribution (in terms of heat uptake and atmosphere–ocean-coupled oscillations) to the appearance of this recent hiatus. In particular, considering data about the ocean heat content until a depth of 700 m and the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation is necessary for correctly forecasting the hiatus, so catching both trend and interannual variability. Our models also show that the ocean heat uptake is substantially driven by the natural component of the total radiative forcing at a decadal time scale, confining the importance of the anthropogenic influences to a longer range warming of the ocean.  相似文献   
The Serrinha magmatic suite (Mineiro belt) crops out in the southern edge of the São Francisco craton, comprising the Brito quartz-diorite, Brumado de Cima and Brumado de Baixo granodiorites, granophyres and felsic sub-volcanic and volcanic rocks, part of which intruded into the Nazareno greenstone belt. The suite rocks have petrographic features that are consistent with magma supercooling due to the low water content combined with volatile loss, leading to crystallization of quartz and alkaline feldspar at the rims of plagioclase phenocrysts (granophyric intergrowth). The investigated rocks are sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and show low content in rare earth elements. The U–Pb zircon crystallization ages for the Brumado de Cima granodiorite [2227 ± 22 (23) Ma] and a coeval granophyre [2211 ± 22 (23) Ma], coupled with available single-zircon Pb evaporation ages for the Brito and Brumado de Baixo plutons, are significantly older than the “Minas orogeny” (ca. 2100–2050 Ga) of Quadrilátero Ferrífero area, eastward from the Serrinha suite. Our data establish an early Rhyacian event tectonically linked with the evolution of the Mineiro belt. The bulk Nd isotopic signature [low negative to positive εNd(t) values] of the Serrinha samples are consistent with the important role of Paleoproterozoic mantle components in the magma genesis. The integrated geologic, geochemical and isotopic information suggests that Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Mineiro belt initiated in a passive continental margin basin with deposition of the Minas Supergroup at ca. 2500 Ma. This stage was succeeded by outboard rupture of the oceanic lithosphere with development and coalescence of progressively younger magmatic arcs during Rhyacian time. One of the earliest arcs formed the Serrinha suite. The tectonic collage of the Serrinha and Ritápolis (2190–2120 Ma) arcs produced the NE–SW Lenheiro shear zone, resulting in mylonitization and recrystallization of both the granitoid intrusions and host rocks. As a matter of fact juxtaposition of distinct magmatic units in age and origin took place along the Lenheiros structure in this sector of the Mineiro belt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von ca. 1500 radiometrischen Zeitmessungen wird eine Synthese der prÄkambrischen Entwicklung Südamerikas aufgestellt. In Abb. 1 wird versucht, die Lage der spÄtprÄkambrischen orogenen Gürtel sowie ihre Plattformen darzustellen.Der grö\te alte Kern des Kontinents umfa\t den Guyana-Schild, das Basement des Amazonas-Sedimentbeckens und den Guaporé-Kraton im Süden, einen Raum von ungefÄhr 4,5 Mio. qkm. Die meisten Gesteine wurden von dem transamazonischen orogenen Zyklus erfa\t, dessen radiometrisches Alter etwa 2000 M. J. betrÄgt. Der etwa gleichaltrige SÃo-Francisco-Kraton in Ostbrasilien umfa\t ungefÄhr 1 Mio. qkm. Kleinere Kerne, die ebenfalls die Ereignisse des transamazonischen Zyklus' widerspiegeln, wurden nahe der Atlantikküste, östlich der Mündung des Amazonasflusses (SÃo-Luis-Kraton-Gebiet) und in der Umgebung des La-Plata-Flusses (Rio de la Plata-Kraton-Gebiet) gefunden.Die Kratone sind getrennt durch metamorphe Gürtel, die zum brasilianischen orogenen Zyklus spÄtprÄkambrischen Alters gehören. Der Caririan-Gürtel und die Sergipe-Geosynklinale liegen in der Nordostecke von Brasilien, und der Ribeira-Gürtel erstreckt sich entlang der Atlantikküste im Süden. Zwei symmetrische geosynklinale Einheiten wurden im zentralen Teil des Kontinents erkannt: der Brasilia- und der Paraguay-Araguaia-Gürtel.In den brasilianischen orogenen Gürteln treten an vielen Stellen transamazonische oder sogar Ältere Serien auf, Anzeichen für aufgearbeitetes altes Basement. Dies scheint zu zeigen, da\ die Sialkruste des südamerikanischen Kontinents vor 2000 M. J. schon eine rÄumliche Ausdehnung von mehr als 10 Mio. qkm hatte.
A general synthesis of the precambrian evolution of South America has been made with the aid of about 1500 radiometric age determinations. In Fig. 1, the position of the late precambrian orogenic belts, as well as their platforms, is tentatively outlined.The largest ancient core of the continent includes the Guyana Shield, the basement of the Amazon sedimentary basin, and the Guaporé craton, to the south, covering an area of about 4.5 million square kilometers. Most of the rocks were affected by the Trans-Amazonian orogenic cycle, whose radiometric ages are close to 2000 m. y. The SÃo Francisco craton of similar age outcrops over an area of about one million square kilometers, in eastern Brazil. Smaller ancient nucleii, also reflecting the events of the Tranz-Amazonian cycle, were found near the Atlantic coast, east of the mouth of the Amazon river (SÃo Luis cratonic area), and surrounding the La Plata river (Rio de la Plata cratonic area).The old cratonic areas are separated from each other by metamorphic belts which belong to the Brazilian orogenic cycle of late precambrian age. The Caririan belt, and the Sergipe geosyncline, occur at the northeastern corner of Brazil, and the Ribeira belt along the Atlantic coast, to the south. Two symmetrical geosynclinal units were recognized in the central part of the continent: the Brasilia and the Paraguay-Araguaia belts.Within the areas of the Brazilian orogenic belts, in many places Trans-Amazonian or even older ages occur, indicating remobilized ancient basement. This seems to demonstrate that the sialic crust of the South American continent, 2000 m. y. ago, already exhibited an areal extent of more than 10 million square kilometers.

Résumé Une synthèse générale de l'évolution précambrienne de l'Amérique du Sud a été faite à l'aide de 1500 déterminations d'âge radiométrique. La fig. 1 présente un essai sur la répartition des zones orogéniques du Précambrien supérieur et de leurs platesformes.Le noyau ancien du continent, qui est le plus vaste, comprend le bouclier de la Guyane, le socle du bassin sédimentaire de l'Amazone et le Craton de Guaporé, au Sud, couvrant une aire d'environ 4,5 millions de Km2. La plupart des roches ont été affectées par le cycle orogénique Trans-Amazonien dont l'âge radiométrique est d'environ 2000 millions. Le craton de SÃo Francisco d'âge semblable, affleure sur une étendue d'environ 1 million de Km2, dans l'Est du Brésil. Des noyaux anciens plus petits, affectés également par le cycle Trans-Amazonien, ont été trouvés près de la cÔte Atlantique, à l'Est de l'embouchure de l'Amazone (région cratonique de SÃo Luis), et aux environs du fleuve la Plata (région cratonique du Rio de la Plata).Les régions cratoniques anciennes sont séparées les unes des autres par des zones métamorphiques appartenant au cycle orogénique brésilien, d'âge Précambrien supérieur. La zone caririenne et le géosynclinal de Sergipe affleurent dans l'extrémité NE du Brésil, et la zone de Ribeira, le long de la cÔte Atlantique au S. Deux unités géosynclinales symétriques ont été reconnues dans la partie centrale du continent: les zones de Brasilia et de Paraguay-Araguaia.Dans les régions occupées par les ceintures orogéniques Brésiliennes, il existe en beaucoup d'endroits des roches d'âge Trans-Amazonien et mÊme plus ancien, indices d'un socle ancien remobilisé. Ceci semble démontrer que la croûte sialique du continent Sud Américain montrait déjà, il y a environ 2000 millions d'années, une étendue de plus de 10 millions de Km2.

1500 . . 1 , , . , Guaporé , . . 4,5 . , 2000 . Sao Francisco 1 . . , , , ( Sao Luis) la Plata ( (Rio de la Plata). , . Caririan Sergipe , Paraiba . : Brasilia Paraguay-Araguaia. , . , , , - , 10 . 2000 .
The objective of this article is to examine the available evidence of intra-plate tectonic episodes of “Grenvillian-type age”, affecting the South-American continent, assessing their possible causal correlation with the tectonic processes occurring within the orogenic belts active at their margins. For the Amazonian Craton, the active margin is represented by the Rondonian-San Ignacio and Sunsas belts. However, active margins of similar age are not recognized for the São Francisco and the Rio de La Plata Cratons, and the intra-plate events over them could be reflections of the Kibaran, Irumide or Namaqua orogenic collisions in Africa. Grenvillian-type age events over the Amazonian Craton can be described in four different aspects: shearing and tectonic reactivation along zones of weakness, cratogenic granitic magmatism, alkaline ring complexes, and pervasive regional heating in some localized regions. The first of them may reflect the compressional stresses at active margins, however the others may have different origins. Within the type-region of the K’Mudku tectono thermal episode, mylonites and pseudotachylites cut across the regional granitoid and metamorphic rocks. These shear belts developed under low-to-moderate temperature conditions, that induced resetting of K–Ar and Rb–Sr mineral ages. In the São Francisco Craton, extensional and compressional events of Grenvillian-type age are well registered by the structural features exhibited by the sedimentary rocks of the Espinhaço Supergroup. For example, in Bahia state, an Appalachian-style structure is observed, with large synclines and anticlines extending along hundreds of kilometers. The major difference between the Amazonian and the Congo-São Francisco Cratons is related to heat originated from the Earth’s interior. Amazonia exhibits very large areas heated up to 350–400 °C, where the K’Mudku thermo-tectonic episodes were detected. In addition, Amazonia comprises a large amount of cratogenic granitic intrusions, and some alkalic complexes of Mesoproterozoic age, whose origin could be attributed, at least partially, to deeper sources of heat. This is not reported for the São Francisco Craton, and also for its African counterpart, the Congo Craton. Moreover, the Grenvillian-type age intra-plate features over South America demonstrate that while many cratonic fragments were colliding to build Rodinia, rifting was already occurring in parts of the Amazonian and the Congo-São Francisco Cratons.  相似文献   
In this note we observe that a problem of linear approach to Granger causality testing between CO2 and global temperature is that such tests can have low power. The probability to reject the null hypothesis of non-causality when it is false is low. Regarding non-linear Granger causality, based on multi-layer feed-forward neural network, the analysis provides evidence of significant unidirectional Granger causality from CO2 to global temperature.  相似文献   
Drinking water security is a life safety issue as an adequate supply of safe water is essential for economic, social and sanitary reasons. Damage to any element of a water system, as well as corruption of resource quality, may have significant effects on the population it serves and on all other dependent resources and activities. As well as an analysis of the reliability of water distribution systems in ordinary conditions, it is also crucial to assess system vulnerability in the event of natural disasters and of malicious or accidental anthropogenic acts. The present work summarizes the initial results of research activities that are underway with the intention of developing a vulnerability assessment methodology for drinking water infrastructures subject to hazardous events. The main aim of the work was therefore to provide decision makers with an effective operational tool which could support them mainly to increase risk awareness and preparedness and, possibly, to ease emergency management. The proposed tool is based on Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN), a probabilistic methodology which has demonstrated outstanding potential to integrate a range of sources of knowledge, a great flexibility and the ability to handle in a mathematically sound way uncertainty due to data scarcity and/or limited knowledge of the system to be managed. The tool was implemented to analyze the vulnerability of two of the most important water supply systems in the Apulia region (southern Italy) which have been damaged in the past by natural hazards. As well as being useful for testing and improving the predictive capabilities of the methodology and for possibly modifying its structure and features, the case studies have also helped to underline its strengths and weaknesses. Particularly, the experiences carried out demonstrated how the use of BBN was consistent with the lack of data reliability, quality and accessibility which are typical of complex infrastructures, such as the water distribution networks. The potential applications and future developments of the proposed tool have been also discussed accordingly.  相似文献   
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