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Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn have been measured using improved ultraclean procedures in a succession of twenty six snow samples integrating a 40 yr time sequence from 1940 to 1980 which were collected from the walls of a 6 m deep pit at stake D 55 in Adelie Land, East Antarctica. Measured concentrations, which are among the lowest ones ever measured in Antarctic snows, are found not to have significantly increased during the investigated time period, with the possible exception of Pb for which there might have been a significant increase after the mid 1960's. For this last metal, measured concentrations in the 1940's are about 6-fold higher than in Antarctic Holocene ice several thousand years old, which indicates that a large fraction of the anthropogenic increase for Pb probably occurred before the 1940's.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die drei kleinen Granitstöcke vom Kornberg, Waldstein (mit Epprechtstein) und Gefreeser Wald, die dem großen, hufeisenförmig erodierten Fichtelgebirgs-Granitkörper vorgelagert sind.Auf Grund thermometamorpher Kontakterscheinungen (Chiastolithschiefer Bei Gottmannsberg) sowie der kontaktmetamorph überprägten (altvariskisch-regionalmetamorphen) Glimmerschiefer und-quarzite (Reinersreuth, Kleiner Kornberg) geht der Intrusivcharakter dieser variskisch eingedrungenen Granite des nordwestlichen Fichtelgebirges eindeutig hervor.Im hohen Niveau des Dachbereiches der Reut wurden im Verlauf der Platznahme reichlich Hornfelsschollen des Rahmens aufgenommen. Dabei erfolgte durch mehr oder minder starke Assimilation des Nebengesteins in situ eine Veränderung der granitischen zu granodioritischer Schmelze. Rasche Abkühlung in Dachnähe führte zu kleinkörniger Textur.Im tieferen Niveau eines mittleren Stockwerks von Waldstein und Kornberg (mit abgetragener Rahmenüberdeckung) ist die Beeinflussung des intrudierenden Granitmagmas an eindeutigen Relikten und durch eine allgemeine Inhomogenität (Quarzknauern, Quarz-Biotit-Knollen, Biotit-Granat-Verschlierungen, Zirkonaltbestand) zu erkennen. Sie geben Hinweise auf Syntexis von Si-reichen Glimmerquarziten und K-, Al-, Mg-, Fe-, OH-haltigen Glimmerschiefern, deren hoher Wassergehalt die Schmelze für interne Bewegungsvorgänge noch mobiler machte. Die durch Syntexis und Differentiation saurer gewordene Schmelze (Auftreten von Pegmapliten) konnte langsamer und daher grobkörniger erstarren.
Mineralogical composition and petrographic characterization of the granite bodies of Reut near Gefrees, Waldstein (with Epprechtstein) and Kornberg, situated NW of the Varistic Fichtelgebirge-granite
Summary The present investigation is concerned with three small magmatic bodies of Kornberg, Waldstein (incl. Epprechtstein) and Gefreeser Wald/NE-Bavaria, W-Germany; these granitic diapirs lie northwest of the great horseshoe shaped Fichtelgebirge-granite.The intrusive character of those Varistic granites is evidenced by the contact-metamorphic chiastolith-schists of Gottmannsberg as well as the contaminated micaceous schists and-quartzites near Reinersreuth and Kl. Kornberg.During emplacement the magma in situ differentiated from granitic to granodioritic by assimilation of wall rocks in the top of the magmatic chamber (Reut). Rapid cooling led to a fine-grained structure.In the deeper parts of an intermediate complex of Waldstein and Kornberg (from which the covering had been eroded) the influence of the intruding, contaminating and assimilating granitic magma is commonly marked by inhomogenity, especially relict structures (mortar quartzes, quartz-biotitenodules, biotite-garnet-streaks, metamorphic zircons). These relicts and reactions give evidence of the syntexis of Si-rich micaquartzites and K-, Al-, Mg-, Fe-, OH-bearing micaschists of Ordovician age. The higher water content of the melt increased the mobility of internal movements and convections. The resulting granitic melt, having become more acid due to syntexis and differentiation (appearance of pegmaplites), was able to cool more slowly, leading to the formation of normal coarse-grained granites.

Mit 11 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Heinzel  P.  Anzer  U. 《Solar physics》1999,184(1):103-111
Magnetic dips are generally assumed to be basic equilibrium configurations in quiescent solar prominences. Here we discuss two types of the magnetic dips which were considered in the literature: (1) dips resulting from a force-free magnetic equilibrium in the corona, and (2) magnetic dips which are formed in situations where the Lorentz force balances the weight of the prominence plasma. An important parameter which decides between these two cases is the plasma . For 1, the effect of the prominence material on the equilibrium structure is quite negligible and the case (1) holds. If, however, is larger, say between 0.1 and 1 or even higher, magnetic dips of the second kind are formed and they can be characterized by the angle 1 between the vertical and the direction of the field lines at the surface of the prominence structure. A simple and illustratory formula is derived to relate this angle to the plasma at the prominence center, namely ccot21. c=1 thus corresponds to 1=45°. Finally, we discuss the range of values of both c and 1 as deduced from various observations and conclude that the dips of the second kind are important for the prominence equilibria. We also suggest a new method for determination of the field-line inclination.  相似文献   
We present an identification list for the visible spectra of three B stars: π Cet (B7V), 36 Lyn B8 IIIp (?)),and 134 Tau (B9 IV). Equivalent widths have been measured on medium dispersion plates (7.0 and 12.4 Å mm?1) taken with the 152 cm coudé reflector at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (France). These results are also presented. The photographic plates were digitized by using a PDS 1010A microdensitometer. The spectroscopic data were reduced by means of a dedicated software package and an attempt was made to compute equivalent widths in a homogeneous way. T eff and logg parameters were estimated by using the computer to compare automatically the spectroscopic data with the value of theoretical models.  相似文献   
Rocket measurements, of the diffuse X-ray background in the energy range 2–18 keV, conducted from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS), India, are presented. The estimates of the cosmic background are derived by the method which employs the Earth and its atmosphere as a shutter to intercept the celestial X-rays. The results are shown to be consistent with a power law photon spectrum.13.6 –3.3 +4.3 E –1.73±0.15 photons/cm2-sec-keV-ster the spectrum being much flatter than that observed at higher energies.  相似文献   
We study lightning on Jupiter and the clouds illuminated by the lightning using images taken by the Galileo orbiter. The Galileo images have a resolution of ∼25 km/pixel and are able to resolve the shape of single lightning spots, which have half widths (radii) at half the maximum intensity in the range 45-80 km. We compare the shape and width of lightning flashes in the images with simulated flashes produced by our 3D Monte Carlo light-scattering model.The model calculates Monte Carlo scattering of photons in a 3D opacity distribution. During each scattering event, light is partially absorbed. The new direction of the photon after scattering is chosen according to a Henyey-Greenstein phase function. An image from each direction is produced by accumulating photons emerging from the cloud in a small range (bins) of emission angles. The light source is modeled either as a point or a vertical line.A plane-parallel cloud layer does not always fit the data. In some cases the cloud over the light source appears to resemble cumulus clouds on Earth. Lightning is estimated to occur at least as deep as the bottom of the expected water cloud. For the six flashes studied, we find that the clouds above the lightning are optically thick (τ>5). Jovian flashes are more regular and circular than the largest terrestrial flashes observed from space. On Jupiter there is nothing equivalent to the 30-40-km horizontal flashes that are seen on Earth.  相似文献   
Abstract— Lunar meteorite Dar al Gani 262 (DG 262)—found in the Libyan part of the Sahara—is a mature, anorthositic regolith breccia with highland affinities. The origin from the Moon is undoubtedly indicated by its bulk chemical composition; radionuclide concentrations; noble gas, N, and O isotopic compositions; and petrographic features. Dar al Gani 262 is a typical anorthositic highland breccia similar in mineralogy and chemical composition to Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069. About 52 vol% of the studied thin sections of Dar al Gani 262 consist of fine-grained(100 μm) constituents, and 48 vol% is mineral and lithic clasts and impact-melt veins. The most abundant clast types are feldspathic fine-grained to microporphyritic crystalline melt breccias (50.2 vol%; includes recrystallized melt breccias), whereas mafic crystalline melt breccias are extremely rare (1.4 vol%). Granulitic lithologies are 12.8 vol%, intragranularly recrystallized anorthosites and cataclastic anorthosites are 8.8 and 8.2 vol%, respectively, and (devitrified) glasses are 2.7 vol%. Impact-melt veins (5.5 vol% of the whole thin sections) cutting across the entire thin section were probably formed subsequent to the lithification process of the bulk rock at pressures below 20 GPa, because the bulk rock never experienced a higher peak shock pressure. Mafic crystalline melt breccias are very rare in Dar al Gani 262 and are similar in abundance to those in QUE 93069. The extremely low abundance of mafic components and the bulk composition may constrain possible areas of the Moon from which the breccia was derived. The source area of Dar al Gani 262 must be a highland terrain lacking significant mafic impact melts or mare components. On the basis of radionuclide activities, an irradiation position of DG 262 on the Moon at a depth of 55–85 g/cm3and a maximum transit time to Earth <0.15 Ma is suggested. Dar al Gani 262 contains high concentrations of solar-wind-implanted noble gases. The isotopic abundance ratio 40Ar/36Ar < 3 is characteristic of lunar soils. The terrestrial weathering of DG 262 is reflected by the occurrence of fractures filled with calcite and by high concentrations of Ca, Ba, Cs, Br, and As. There is also a large amount of terrestrial C and some N in the sample, which was released at low temperatures during stepped heating. High concentrations of Ni, Co, and Ir indicate a significant meteoritic component in the lunar surface regolith from which DG 262 was derived.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die hangenden tertiären Schichteinheiten der Rheinischen Braunkohle sind im Tagebau Frechen der Rheinische Braunkohlenwerke AG teils sideritisch, teils markasitisch-pyritisch vererzt. Beide Vererzungsarten sind postsedimentär und können daher nicht direkt als Milieuindikatoren für das Sedimentationsmilieu der Ablagerungen interpretiert werden. Die Existenz der Sideritgeoden, auf die tonigen Sedimente der Indener Schichten beschränkt, legt jedoch eine Ablagerung der Geodenmatrix in einem von Moorwässern bestimmten, limnischen Milieu nahe, da nur hier die Voraussetzungen für eine geologisch relevante Bereitstellung von Eisen gegeben erscheinen. Es wird angenommen, daß dieses zur Sideritbildung notwendige Eisen zunächst bevorzugt als Humat in die Tone eingelagert wurde. Im Rahmen der postsedimentären Oxidation organischer Substanzen bildeten sich dann CO2-reiche Porenlösungen, in denen das Eisen, einem pH-Gefälle folgend, erneut transportiert und unter hohen pH-Werten schließlich als Siderit ausgefällt wurde. Markasit und Pyrit deuten eine ähnliche pH-Entwicklung der sie bildenden Porenlösungen an. Auch hier beobachtet man mit der Zeit eine Zunahme der Basizität der Lösungen, ausgedrückt in der Ausscheidungsfolge Markasit-Pyrit. In tonigen Sedimenten, mit geschlossenen Mikrosystemen der Porenräume, wird diese Folge nur einmal durchlaufen, in Sanden und Kiesen deuten wiederholte Ausscheidungen von Markasit und Pyrit ein offenes Porensystem an, in das im Verlauf der Diagenese auch jüngere Grundwässer Ehund pH-bestimmend eingreifen konnten.
In the Frechen open cast mine (Rheinische Braunkohlenwerke AG) the hanging wall of the Rhenish lignites is partly mineralized by siderite and marcasite-pyrite. The mineralizations are postsedimentary and therefore, the environment existing during the deposition of the host rocks cannot be interpreted directly from the presence of siderite and marcasite-pyrite. However, since the occurrence of sideritic concretions is restricted to clayey sediments of the Inden beds (Miocene), the depositional environment may be deduced for geochemical reasons: Large-scale transport of iron is only possible in a limnetic environment influenced by bog water. It is suggested that the iron, necessary for the formation of siderite, was deposited together with the clay minerals, mainly as iron humates. Postsedimentary oxidation of organic materials formed CO2-rich pore fluids which again facilitated mobilization of iron. In a basic environment siderite was precipitated. For the pyrite and marcasite bearing sedimentary beds a similar development of the interstitial waters is suggested. The precipitation sequence of marcasite, followed by pyrite, is indicative for an increasingly basic character of the pore fluids. In the clay sediments with closed microsystems of pore volumes, one marcasite-pyrite cycle was precipitated. The sand and gravel beds contain repeated marcasite-pyrite cycles, indicating a system open to repeated changes of its Eh-pH states by interaction with more recent groundwaters.

Resumé Les couches tertiaires susjacentes aux lignites rhénaniennes sont minéralisées partiellement sidéritiquement et partiellement markasitiquement-pyritiquement dans les mines à ciel ouvert du Rheinische Braunkohlenwerke AG à Frechen. Ces deux types de minéralisation sont postsédimentaires et c'est ce qui explique qu'ils ne peuvent être interprétés comme des indicateurs du milieu existant à l'endroit de sédimentations. L'apparition des géodes de sidérite qui est limitée aux sédiments argileux de la formation Indènes (Miocene) rend vraisemblable que la déposition des sédiments argileux surviendra dans un milieu limnique influencé par des eaux marécageuses, étant donné que les conditions pour un transport des ions ferreux dans des quantités géologiquement intéressantes, n'existent que dans un tel milieu. Il est supposé que le fer est réparti dans les argiles sous la forme de sels humiques. Pendant l'oxidation des matériaux organiques, des solutions intersticielles riches en CO2 se forment dans desquelles le fer est transporté de nouveau suivant l'augmentation du pH et où il est précipité sous forme de sidérite dans le milieu avec les valeurs pH plus élevées. Les formations des précipitations de markasite et de pyrite indiquent un développement semblable de leur solution intersticielle. On peut aussi observer dans ce cas une augmentation avec le temps de la basicité des solutions, marquée par la séquence de la précipitation markasite-pyrite. Cette séquence n'est suivie qu'une fois dans des sédiments argileux ayant un système intersticiel fermé; plusieurs précipitations observées dans des sables et graviers indiquent un système ouvert dans lequel les eaux souterraines peuvent intervenir déterminant le Eh-pH des processus des sédimentations plus jeunes.
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