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Holocene records documenting variations in direction and intensity of the geomagnetic field during the last about seven and a half millennia are presented for Northwest Africa. High resolution paleomagnetic analyses of two marine sediment sequences recovered from around 900 meter water depth on the upper continental slope off Cape Ghir (30°51′N, 10°16′W) were supplemented by magnetic measurements characterizing composition, concentration, grain size and coercivity of the magnetic mineral assemblage. Age control for the high sedimentation rate deposits (∼60 cm/kyr) was established by AMS radiocarbon dates. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is very predominantly carried by a fine grained, mostly single domain (titano-)magnetite fraction allowing the reliable definition of stable NRM inclinations and declinations from alternating field demagnetization and principal component analysis. Predictions of the Korte and Constable (2005) geomagnetic field model CALS7K.2 for the study area are in fair agreement with the Holocene directional records for the most parts, yet noticeable differences exist in some intervals. The magnetic mineral inventory of the sediments reveals various climate controlled variations, specifically in concentration and grain size. A very strong impact had the mid-Holocene environmental change from humid to arid conditions on the African continent which also clearly affects relative paleointensity (RPI) estimates based on different remanence normalizers. To overcome this problem the pseudo-Thellier RPI technique has been applied. The results represent the first Holocene record of Earth’s magnetic field intensity variations in the NW Africa region. It displays long term trends similar to those of model predictions, but also conspicuous millennium scale differences.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigate the relation of auroral substorm onset to the sharp decrease in the local AL index (IL) during substorms. With a database of over 4200 onsets determined from auroral images, we have statistically examined the timing between the auroral substorm onset and the sharp decrease in the IL index, as determined with data from the IMAGE magnetometer network. From the database of onsets, 54 substorms were determined to be within 6° of the central meridian of the IMAGE ground array. Our superposed epoch median curve shows that the IL index begins to sharply decrease 3 min before the auroral onset, which is twice the 2 min resolution of the auroral imager. However, the mean difference determined by measuring the time between the start of the IL decrease and the auroral substorm onset is about 1.1±0.6 min. An analysis of the superposed epoch median curves of the SOPA particle data for the LANL spacecraft closest to the auroral onset meridian indicates that both the electron and proton injections begin about 3 min before the auroral onset. However, the mean time of the difference between the minimum of the particle dispersionless injection and the auroral onset is simultaneous within the uncertainty of the auroral onset and the error of the mean for the injection. The location of the electron injection relative to the IMAGE ground array seems to be 01–04 MLT, while the proton injection appears to be in the 22–01 MLT sector. These statistical results support the idea that the field aligned and ionospheric currents of the substorm current wedge begin to flow before the auroral onset.  相似文献   
引言 2011年3月11日日本本州岛东海岸附近海域发生的M9.0地震(Tohoku earthquake,以下称“东日本大地震”——译者注)及其引发的海啸造成数以万计的人员死亡,造成的财产损失可能超过1万亿美元,这是有历史记录以来最严重的自然灾害之一。  相似文献   
Linear elastic analysis procedures are employed exclusively in the traditional seismic design of new structures and widely employed in the seismic assessment of existing structures. It is also a convenient tool for the initial checking of deformations in displacement‐based design. The limitations that should be imposed on linear elastic procedures have been evaluated in this study by comparing the deformation‐based response quantities obtained from response spectrum analysis with those from the nonlinear time history analysis. Both procedures were applied to different design variants of 5, 8, and 12 story moment frames, subjected to 20 strong motion components exhibiting a variety of intensities. Member plastic rotations and interstory drift ratios were employed as the basic response parameter in performance assessment. It has been found that average column demand to capacity ratio (DCR) (the ratio of flexural demand from linear elastic analysis to flexural capacity) and average beam DCR at the critical story are the most effective parameters in determining the validity range of linear elastic procedures in regular moment frames. Limiting values for these response parameters are proposed. Furthermore, amplification factors for member rotation demands predicted by the linear procedures are suggested for moment frames when these limiting values are exceeded. These factors ensure that the amplified linear elastic rotations are not smaller than 84 percentile (mean – 1sigma) of the rotations obtained from nonlinear time history analysis. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary Electromagnetic response characteristics of an inhomogeneous permeable cylinder surrounded by a thin insulated concentric dissipative shell is obtained in presence of a line-source of current. The 3-layer boundary value problem is solved by assuming the thickness of the shell to be much smaller than the skin-depth in the shell. Numerically computed results are presented in the form of argand diagrams to examine the influence of the shell parameters (conductivity and its proximity with the core) and magnetic contrast. The multi-frequency response of the system is also given which resolves the two conducting layers and analyzes the frequency dependence of screening behavior of the shell.N.G.R.I. Contribution No. 282.  相似文献   
Summary In this paper some measurements of the resistivity of Talchir and Barakar sandstones of the Jharia Coal field under dry and saturated conditions have been made and the results are discussed in the light of known theories. Techniques of measurement have been briefly described.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis of the electromagnetic anomaly due to an elongated mineralized zone of low resistivity in presence of a fixed-transmitter (a long cable carrying an, alternating current IeIωt) is presented where (i) the host rock is not highly resistive and might contain some disseminated mineralization, (ii) the ore-body has an inhomogeneous conductivity, (iii) there is a contrast in magnetic properties of the ore-body and the host rocks, and (iv) source is close to the conducting system i.e., anomalous zone is lying shallow. The numerical computation of the generalized analytical expressions have been made. The selective screening behaviour of the cover is delineated and suitable frequency ranges for maximum detectability of a covered conductor have been obtained. A paradoxical decrease of the in-phase component of the response function with the increase of the core conductivity has been found for large conductivities of the cover. For moderate values of response parameter the inhomogeneity in the conductivity is found to significantly affect the induced field. The present analysis of the various features of the secondary field will aid to the existing interpretation sensitivity of the induction prospecting data for porphyry conducting ore deposits with zonal wall-rock alteration and sulphide distributions.  相似文献   
Zusammenfasung Das Gebiet der großen Schwereanomalien um Kreta wurde Ende 1961 durch kontinuierlich vermessene Gravimeterprofile genauer untersucht. Zusammen mit den Ergebnissen früherer Pendelmessungen im U-Boot konnte ein detaillierter Isanomalenplan der Freiluftschwere des gesamten östlichen Mittelmeeres (Tafel 3) gewonnen werden. Daraus wurden die Bougueranomalien und die isostatischen Anomalien berechnet und in farbigen Kartendarstellungen (Tafel 4 und 5) wiedergegeben.Der Vergleich zwischen zwei gleichzeitig eingesetzten Askania-Seegravimetern (Abb. 3) ergibt eine Instrumentengenauigkeit von etwa 2 mgal für die in Fahrt gemessenen Schwerewerte. Hierzu kommen mittlere Fehler von etwa 5–6 mgal aus Unsicherheiten in der Positionsbestimmung (Eötvöseffekt), der Geländekorrektion und der isostatischen Kompensation. Somit sind die Freiluftanomalien auf etwa ±6 mgal, die Bougueranomalien auf etwa ±8 mgal und die isostatischen Anomalien auf etwa ±10, mgal genau anzugeben. Bei der Größe der Anomalien, die positive und negative Werte bis zu 200 mgal annehmen können ist diese Genauigkeit durchaus zufriedenstellend.Die gravimetrische Vermessung zeigt, daß das östliche Mittelmeer zum großen Teil den Gleichgewichtszustand noch nicht erreicht hat. Die Ausgleichsbewegungen sind in den einzelnen Teilgebieten verschieden weit fortgeschritten, am wenigsten in der Umgebung von Kreta.Die heutige Morphologie dieses Gebietes hat sich wahrscheinlich durch Aufsteigen des Meeresbodens im Ägäisraum und Absinken außerhalb des Inselbogens Kythera-Kreta-Rhodos entwickelt. Wenn man annimmt, daß vor Einsetzen dieser Bewegung Isostasie herrschte, müßte das Meer im Mittel etwa 1500 m tief gewesen sein.Aus der Kombination der Schwereanomalien mit der heutigen Morphologie in der dem Inselbogen vorgelagerten Ringzone (blau II auf Tafel 6) ergibt sich eine mittlere Gesteinsdichte von etwa 3,0 g/cm3. Zwischen diesem Gebiet und dem in fast vollkommenem Gleichgewichtszustand befindlichen südöstlichen Levantemeer (grün IV, Tafel 6) liegt eine Übergangszone (rot III, Tafel 6), die sich — ebenso wie die Ägäis — durch einen nicht ausgeglichenen Dichteüberschuß von etwa 2,1 g/cm3 auszeichnet.
Gravity anomalies in the Eastern Mediterranean as measured with the Graf-Askania sea gravimeter
Summary At the end of 1961, the area round the isle of Crete distinguished by large gravity anomalies was subjected to thorough investigations and for this purpose continuous gravity profiles were run. The material of the above research and the results of former submarine pendulum measurements were included in a detailed isogam map of free-air anomalies of the whole Eastern Mediterranean (plate 3). From this map the Bouguer anomalies and the isostatic anomalies were derived and represented on coloured maps (plates 4 and 5).A comparison of two Askania sea gravimeters (fig. 3) operated simultaneously, demonstrates an instrumental accuracy of about 2 mgals for the gravity values measured from the ship underway. In addition, there resulted mean errors of about 5–6 mgals from uncertainties in the determination of the position (Eötvös effect), in the terrain correction, and in the isostatic compensation. The freeair anomalies are thus to be stated with an accuracy of about ±6 mgals, the Bouguer anomalies with an accuracy of about ±8 mgals and the isostatic anomalies with about ±10 mgals. Considering the fact, that the anomalies can assume positive and negative values of up to 200 mgals, this accuracy is completely sufficient.The measurement of gravity shows that the Eastern Mediterranean has, to a great extent, not yet reached the state, of equilibrium. The movements of compensation have developed differently in the individual parts of the area; the least advance is found in the area of the isle of Crete.The present morphology of this area has probably developed from an uplifting of the sea bottom of the Aegean Sea and a depression outside the island arc Kithira-Crete-Rhodes. Taking into account that before the beginning of this movement isostasy prevalied, the medium depth of the water must have been about 1500 metres.The combination of gravity anomalies with the present morphology of the ring zone extending in front of the three islands of kithira, Crete and Rhodes (bule II on plate 6) results in a mean density of the substratum of about 3,0 g/cm3. The extreme south-east of the Mediterranean, however, is in almost complete equilibrium (green IV, on plate 6). Between these two zones (blue II and green IV on plate 6) lies a transition zone (red III on plate 6) showing — like the Aegean Sea — an unbalanced density contrast of about 2,1 g/cm3.

Anomalies de presanteur en Méditerranée orientale, suivantles enregistrements avec le gravimètre de mer Askania
Résumé Vers la fin de 1961, les parages autour de la Candie, marqués de grandes anomalies de pesanteur, ont été l'objet des enregistrements précis et continus de l'intensité de gravité, exécutés à bord d'un navire en route. Les résultats de ces recherches ainsi que ceux des mesures pendulaires antérieures faites à bord d'un sous-marin, pouvaient être réunis sur une carte montrant en détail les courbes iso-anomales des anomalies totales mesurées de toute la Méditerranée orientale (planche 3). On se servait de cette carte pour en déduire les anomalies d'après Bouguer et les anomalies isostatiques pour les représenter sur des cartes multicolores (planches 4 et 5).La comparaison de deux gravimètres de mer Askania (fig. 3), actionnés simultanément, faisait la preuve d'une précision d'enregistrement de 2 mglas environ pour les valeurs gravimétriques mesurées à bord d'une navire en route. De plus, il faut tenir compte des erreurs moyennes d'environ 5–6 mgals dues aux déterminations un peu insécures de la position (effet d'Eötvös) et aux insécurités de la correction du terrain et de la compensation isostatique. On doit, donc, indiquer les anomalies totales mesurées à ±6 mgals environ, près, les anomalies de Bouguer à ±8 mgals environ près et les anomalies isostatiques à ±10mgals environ près. Tenant compte du fait que les anoamlies peuvent atteindre de valeurs positives ou négatives jusqu' à 200 mgals, cette précision est bien satisfaisante.Les enregistrements gravimétriques montrent que la Méditerranée orientale est encore loin d'avoir atteint son état d'équilibre. Les mouvements de compensation ont fait des progrès inégaux dans les diverses parties de la Méditerranée orientale; le moindre progrès a été constaté aux alentours de la Candie.La morphologie actuelle de cette région paraît être le résultat d'un soulevèment du fond de la mer Egée et d'un affaisement du fond au dehors, du cordon des îles de Cythérée, de Candie et de Rhodes. Lorsqu'on suppose que le commencement de ces mouvements était précédé d'un état d'isostasie, la profondeur moyenne de la mer aurait été de 1500 mètres environ.De l'association des anomalies de pesanteur avec la morphologie actuelle de la région circulaire, qui s'étend devant, le cordon des îles de Cythérée, de Candie et de Rhodes (no. II, bleu, planche 6) résulte une densité moyenne du substratum d'environ 3,0 g/cm3. La partie de l'extrème sud-est de la Mediterranée (no. IV, vert, planche 6) se trouve, cependant, dans un état d'istostasie presque parfait. Entre ces deux zones (nos. II, bleu, et IV, vert, planche 6) s'étend une zone de transition (no. III, rouge, planche 6) qui est, comme la mer Egée, caractérisée par un excès non-compensé de densité de 2,1 g/cm3 environ.

Inhalt eines Vortrages, gehalten auf der 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft im April 1963 in Bochum.  相似文献   
Mussels collected from hydrocarbon polluted areas of the Lagoon of Venice were transferred to the relatively unpolluted port entrance of Malamocco. Hydrocarbon elimination was quite rapid in the first 10–15 days but then slow and incomplete: 12% of the initial content persisted in the tissues for 8 weeks. Elimination of hydrocarbons was almost independent of water temperature between 7.5–26.0°C but virtually ceased in one lot when the temperature abruptly dropped from about 11°C to 4.5–6.0°C. The biological half-life of hydrocarbons in the mussels was calculated to be a little over 312 days, but this relates only to the initial rapid phase of elimination.  相似文献   
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