Parameterization of wave runup is of paramount importance for an assessment of coastal hazards. Parametric models employ wave (e.g., Hs and Lp) and beach (i.e., β) parameters to estimate extreme runup (e.g., R2%). Thus, recent studies have been devoted to improving such parameterizations by including additional information regarding wave forcing or beach morphology features. However, the effects of intra-wave dynamics, related to the random nature of the wave transformation process, on runup statistics have not been incorporated. This work employs a phase- and depth- resolving model, based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, to investigate different sources of variability associated with runup on planar beaches. The numerical model is validated with laboratory runup data. Subsequently, the role of both aleatory uncertainty and other known sources of runup variability (i.e., frequency spreading and bed roughness) is investigated. Model results show that aleatory uncertainty can be more important than the contributions from other sources of variability such as the bed roughness and frequency spreading. Ensemble results are employed to develop a new parametric model which uses the Hunt (J Waterw Port Coastal Ocean Eng 85:123–152, 1959) scaling parameter \(\beta \left (H_{s}L_{p}\right )^{1/2}\).
The western part of the Bohemian Massif has played an exceptional role in recent geodynamic activity of the region. It is characterised by repeated occurrences of earthquake swarms and by other manifestations of deep tectonic processes (CO2emissions, anomalous3He content, mineral waters, mofettes, etc.). The purpose of this paper is to introduce some other intraplate regions with earthquake swarm occurrence (French Massif Central; Colli Albani and Vulsini Mts., central Italy; Southern Apennines, Italy; the Danville and Long Valley regions, California; central Arkansas), and with artificially induced earthquake swarms (Larderello, Italy, geothermal field; Coso, California, geothermal field; NE Bavaria, Germany, deep drilling project). Although these areas represent different tectonic environments, the manifestations of recent geodynamic and/or man-made activity are similar in many aspects. This coincidence most probably issues from a common cause of both tectonic and artificially induced earthquake swarms – intrusions/injections of fluids. Since the regions with earthquake swarm occurrence of tectonic origin are situated as a rule in the close neighbourhood of Quaternary volcanoes, the intruding fluids seem to be derived from magma recently transported to upper crustal layers.相似文献
Summary Some errors of method occurring in A. C. measurements of the electrical conductivity of rocks are discussed. It is demonstrated that the difference between A.C. and D.C. conductivities, at given frequency, depends mostly on the magnitude of the D.C. conductivity and magnitude of the dielectric constant. 相似文献
Summary The estimation of the theoretical magnitude for deep foci based on the vertica component of medium-period PKIKP waves, Earth model PREM and source spectra is presented. The given graphs are valid for period T ranging from 1·6 s to 10 s, source depth of 25 km to 600 km and distance range of 16 500 km to 19 800 km. A simplified method of representing calibration curves is used. 相似文献
Summary Procedure for verifying the agreement between parameters common to the basic and connecting trigonometric net. Procedure of determining the accuracy of the connecting net. This determination concerns not only the relativized accuracy of the points of the connecting network, but also the mutual accuracy of the points of the basic net relative to the points of the connecting net and the global accuracy of the resultant net. The procedure takes into account the accuracy of the points of the basic net which remain unchanged in computing the coordinates of new points.
m¶rt; ¶rt; nu au u naam¶rt;mu u nu¶rt;u m. m¶rt; ¶rt; u mmu nu¶rt;u mu. a aam m mum nua mmu m nu¶rt; mu, ma au mmu m mu n mu ma nu¶rt;u mu ua mmu mu mu. m¶rt; umam mm m mu, m aa uu ¶rt;uam m mam uu.
m¶rt; amamu ¶rt;uau nma nauua ¶rt; a n amu . n ¶rt;a uu u¶rt;au,aumuu u mn nma. mam maa auum ¶rt; m u nmm u¶rt;ua n¶rt;a u a maa a umua a nam . ¶rt; nmm amuu n¶rt;m uu 3,3/3, n¶rt; ¶rt;uuuau u na¶rt;uau mu a anma ¶rt; 3,2/3. ¶rt; n¶rt;uu a¶rt;u aau mum nm, maumaa ¶rt;¶rt;m aama u ¶rt; amu .Presented at the KAPG Symposium Problems of Interpretation and Construction of Physical Models of Litosphere, Liblice (CSSR), March 6–10, 1978. 相似文献
Summary According to the results of the adjustments of eight trigonometric and three-dimensional networks, the a priori variance m2() of the measured vertical angle is expressed by the formula: m2() = m2(a) + [C 1/2 m(k)]2, where m(a) represents accidental observation errors; the constant C is estimated in the interval 0.5–1.5 according to the number of repreated observations and the variation of their changes with time; is the angle between the normals to the ellipsoid at the initial and final point of the line of sight, and m(k) is the mean square error of the coefficient of refraction which can be estimated for a given network from Tab. 1.Dedicated to 90th Birthday of Professor Frantiek Fiala 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Es wird der Einfluss des sogenannten Vorticity-Zentrums auf die Grenzfläche zweier Luftmassen der mittleren geographischen Breiten studiert. Zwecks Aufklärung der Rolle des Bewegungs- und Druckfeldes in diesem Prozesse wurde ein einfaches Modell konstruiert und numerisch gelöst. Die sich entwickelnde frontale Welle kann beziehungsweise als ein Anfangswert beim Lösen der mit der Stabilität der Wellen verbundenen Probleme mittels der Gleichungen, linearisiert durch die Methode der kleinen Störungen, dienen. Bei der Konstruktion des Modells wird ausser anderem von der Geometrie der Bewölkung ausgegangen, wie sie auf den Aufnahmen der meteorologischen Satelliten erfasst ist. 相似文献