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中国兴凯湖北岸平原晚全新世花粉记录及泥炭沼泽形成   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过兴凯湖北岸平原泥炭剖面高分辩率花粉分析研究,对晚全新世花粉划分4个组合带。XKH-4组合时期(1857~1746aB.P.)为沼泽发育前期,这一时期花粉浓度小,陆生草本植物占优势,气候干冷。XKH-3组合时期(1746~1287aB.P.)为沼泽发育早期,这一时期花粉浓度较大,且水生植物花粉含量为剖面最高,喜温落叶阔叶植物大发展时期,气候温和湿润。XKH-2组合时期(1287~602aB.P.)为沼泽发育中期,这一时期花粉浓度最小,但以陆生草本植物为主,木本植物为辅,水生植物急剧减少,针叶植物出现两次高峰,气候向冷干方向发展。XKH-1组合时期(602aB.P.至今)为沼泽发育盛期,这一时期花粉浓度最大,陆生草本植物大发展时期,气候波动较大。  相似文献   
上海地区湿地水生维管束植物及其区系特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
王伟  陆健健 《湿地科学》2004,2(3):171-175
在参照相关资料基础上,结合实地调查,得出上海地区湿地水生维管束植物共49科107属179种。从植物生态型和生活型等方面来划分,上海地区水生维管束植物可主要分为内陆河湖水生植物、河口海岸滩涂植物和湿生植物3种类型。从区系组成来看,包含5种以上的12个较大科构成了上海地区水生维管束植物的主体,其中禾本科和莎草科种类最多;区内各属种数都在10种以下,包含3种以上的属有19属,共79种,分别占总属数的17.8%和总种数的44.2%。从区系分布区类型来看,水生蕨类植物种主要有4种分布区类型,世界分布为主要类型;而水生种子植物属有13种分布区类型,其中6个热带分布类型共有39属,占总属数的61.9%,6个温带分布类型共有24属,占总属数的38.1%,表明上海地区水生种子植物区系具有偏热带性质。同时,讨论了水生维管束植物在湿地生态系统以及湿地生态恢复中的重要作用。  相似文献   
一种组合优化的多边形化简方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以多边形轮廓为目标 ,依据曲线特征点将其分解为一系列的弯曲特征 ,并对此弯曲特征集实施组合优化 ,将入围弯曲首尾相连 ,即可得到最终的化简结果  相似文献   
山西大同-阳高地震活动背景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
仇转  刘巍 《山西地震》2005,(2):1-7,10
通过对大同盆地历史地震活动及大同盆地历史地震活动与华北地震区、山西地震带强震活动的关系的研究,得出山西大同-阳高1989年6.1级地震活动是这一地区历史地震的延续,是华北北部中强地震活动的重要组成部分,具有广义前震的重要意义,其后对应发生的河北张北6.2级地震。标志着华北地震区的地震活动期已进入尾声。  相似文献   
基于二维小波变换的FMI图象分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了从FMI资料中定量提取参数,一个重要的步骤是从实际FMI资料中分离出反映溶孔、溶洞、裂缝的子图像。本文给出的方法,考虑图像像元邻域的特征,应用二维小波变换求出目标与背景边缘的点集,按这个边缘点集的坐标点所对应的原图像像素灰度值的平均值作为分割阈值进行图像分割。实际资料处理表明,应用这种方法可以从实际的FMI资料中准确地分割出孔洞、裂缝的子图像并且可以按深度段连续自动处理,为后续定量计算参数奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   
Airborne fine particulate matter across the United States is monitored by different networks, the three prevalent ones presently being the Clean Air Status and Trend Network (CASTNet), the Interagency Monitoring of PROtected Visual Environment Network (IMPROVE) and the Speciation and Trend Network (STN). If combined, these three networks provide speciated fine particulate data at several hundred locations throughout the United States. Yet, differences in sampling protocols and samples handling may not allow their joint use. With these concerns in mind, the objective of this study is to assess the spatial and temporal comparability of the sulfate, nitrate and ammonium concentrations reported by each of these networks. One of the major differences between networks is the sampling frequency they adopted. While CASTNet measures pollution levels on seven-day integrated samples, STN and IMPROVE data pertain to 24-hour samples collected every three days. STN and IMPROVE data therefore exhibit considerably more short-term variability than their CASTNet counterpart. We show that, despite their apparent incongruity, averaging the data with a window size of four to six weeks is sufficient to remove the effects of differences in sampling frequency and duration and allow meaningful comparison of the signals reported by the three networks of concern. After averaging, all the sulfate and, to a lesser degree, ammonium concentrations reported are fairly similar. Nitrate concentrations, on the other hand, are still divergent. We speculate that this divergence originates from the different types of filters used to collect particulate nitrate. Finally, using a rotated principal component technique (RPCA), we determined the number and the geographical organization of the significant temporal modes of variation (clusters) detected by each network for the three pollutants of interest. For sulfate and ammonium, the clusters’ geographical boundaries established for each network and the modes of variations within each cluster seem to correspond. RPCA erformed on nitrate concentrations revealed that, for the CASTNet and IMPROVE networks, the modes of variation do not correspond to unified geographical regions but are found more sporadically. For STN, the clustered areas are unified and easily delineable. We conclude that the possibility of jointly using the data collected by CASTNet, IMPROVE and STN has to be weighed pollutant by pollutant. While sulfate and ammonium data show some potential for joint use, at this point, combining the nitrate data from these monitoring networks may not be a judicious choice.  相似文献   
云南东北部拱王山末次冰期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction The Gongwang mountains constitute one of the few high m ountains of irrefutable late Pleistocene glaciation in eastern China. This area is one of the m ost extensively studied Quaternary geologicallocationsin eastern China and the interpret…  相似文献   
Fractal modelling has been applied extensively as a means of characterizing the spatial distribution of geological phenomena that display self-similarity at differing scales of measurement. A fractal distribution exists where the number of objects exhibiting values larger than a specified magnitude displays a power-law dependence on that magnitude, and where this relationship is scale-invariant. This paper shows that a number of distributions, including power-function, Pareto, log-normal and Zipf, display fractal properties under certain conditions and that this may be used as the mathematical basis for developing fractal models for data exhibiting such distributions. Population limits, derived from fractal modelling using a summation method, are compared with those derived from more conventional probability plot modelling of stream sediment geochemical data from north-eastern New South Wales. Despite some degree of subjectivity in determining the number of populations to use in the models, both the fractal and probability plot modelling have assisted in isolating anomalous observations in the geochemical data related to the occurrence of mineralisation or lithological differences between sub-catchments. Thresholds for the main background populations determined by the fractal model are similar to those established using probability plot modelling, however the summation method displays less capacity to separate out anomalous populations, especially where such populations display extensive overlap. This suggests, in the geochemical data example provided, that subtle differences in the population parameters may not significantly alter the fractal dimension.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Tunnel typeanchoragehasobviousadvantages inbearingcapacityversusinvestment(LiuandHu,1996).However,itisrarelyusedinapracticalpro jectbecauseofitsrequirementofgoodrockcondi tions.Siduhebridge(Fig.1),whichliesintheBa dongmountainsinthewestplatea…  相似文献   
北祁连山白山子花岗闪长岩成岩时代   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
寒山大型金矿是近年来在北祁连山西段发现的与侵人岩有关的构造蚀变岩型金矿。笔者首次利用锆石U-Pb方法测得白山子花岗闪长岩的形成年龄为370±25 Ma,属于华力西期。寒山金矿的成矿主要在213.95~339 Ma间。在多期热液叠加,多期成矿作用中,早期成矿的热液很可能是白山子花岗闪长岩(370±25 Ma) ,寒山辉长岩(347.1±6. 4 Ma)共同提供的。由于该区有较多的中酸性岩体存在,它们可能为金的主要来源,因而,确定这些侵入体的形成年龄,对于在该区寻找蚀变岩型金矿不仅有重要的理论意义,而且有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
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