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腾冲火山区S波速度结构接收函数反演   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
腾冲火山区临近印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞、俯冲的边界,火山活动与构造环境关系密切.采用远震接收函数反演的方法揭示了该区域的深部结构特征. 结果显示, 腾冲火山区S波低速结构明显受到NE向大盈江断裂的影响,断裂的南部存在明显的S波低速构,断裂的北部低速结构不十分明显.火山区存在浅部的低速结构,低速结构与地震活动性存在对应关系.证实了低速结构是火山区热活动的直接因素, 并认为腾冲火山区存在再次活动的基本条件.   相似文献   
目的:对照分析后循环缺血患者椎基底动脉的3D-TOP-MRA和DSA检查结果,探讨3D-TOP-MRA用于后循环缺血的诊断价值。方法:选取80例后循环缺血患者分别完成椎基底动脉的3D-TOP-MRA和DSA检查,以盲法判断动脉血管的狭窄情况,对比分析两种方法检测结果间的相关性,并系统评价3D-TOP-MRA的诊断效率。结果:以DSA为金标准,3D-TOP-MRA检测出狭窄血管的总体灵敏度为88.23%,轻度、中度、重度狭窄和闭塞的灵敏度分别为57.89%、96.30%、85.71%和100%。3D-TOP-MRA检查出狭窄血管总体特异度为66.67%,轻度、中度、重度狭窄和闭塞的特异度分别为100%、96.23%、92.42%和100%。3D-TOP-MRA检查出狭窄血管的总体准确度为85.00%,轻度、中度、重度狭窄和闭塞的准确度分别为90.00%、96.25%、91.25%和100%。结论:3D-TOP-MRA无创检测后循环缺血患者椎基底动脉的狭窄有较高的准确度和灵敏度,特别是中重度狭窄病例,可作为血管狭窄术前筛查、术后随访重要检查手段,有利于控制后循环缺血诊治过程中的临床风险。   相似文献   
张锟  任鲁川  田建伟  刘哲 《中国地震》2016,32(4):702-709
以琉球海沟俯冲带作为研究区,将广义极值理论用于估计潜在地震海啸源震级上限,首先分析了琉球海沟俯冲带的地震地质构造特征以及历史地震资料,界定潜在地震海啸源区,然后根据地震活动性特征按时间域进行分割,并提取各时间段发生的极限震级的地震样本,最后通过广义极值分布模型估计了该区域的震级上限值和强震重现水平,并对其进行了不确定性分析。  相似文献   
丘磊  田钢  王帮兵 《地震学报》2012,34(4):463-475
引入计算空气声学领域的选择性滤波同位网格有限差分算法(SFFD法)用于二维地震波数值模拟.SFFD法使用经过优化的11点DRP同位网格差分格式,对空间一阶导数进行离散近似,同时采用选择性滤波方法来消除同位网格差分所产生的格点高频振荡,它既提高了数值模拟的精度, 又保证了求解过程的稳定性.数值实验结果表明,SFFD法能够达到O(Delta;x8, Delta;t4)阶交错网格算法同样的精度,同时该方法还具有很强的适应性,能够应用于存在着强泊松比差异的介质模型中,完整地模拟地震波传播过程中各类型的波场,并且对复杂非均匀介质的适应能力也很好.此外,由于避免了交错网格算法在曲线坐标系和一般各向异性介质的数值模拟时所需进行的复杂的插值运算, SFFD法在这些问题上也有着很好的应用前景.   相似文献   
Research on land use/land cover changes (LUCC)has been the core project of the Global EnvironmentalChanges since the 1990s[1—6]. Scientists at home andabroad have been laying emphasis on integrationstudies on land-use change by “space and process”features[7—10] as researches on LUCC are in a greatdeal. It is of paramount important for us to studyLUCC at various spatial-temporal scales and build aquantitative assessment of land-use conversion by in-tegrated spatial-temporal features. …  相似文献   
The great Kunlun earthquake occurred on Nov. 14, 2001 in Qinghai Province, China. Five large aftershocks with magnitude larger than 5.0 occurred near the Kunlun fault after main shock. Calculations of the change in Coulomb failure stress reveal that 4 of 5 large aftershocks occurred in areas with Δσf>0 (10?2–10?1 MPa) and one aftershock occurred in an area with Δσf=?0.56 MPa. It is concluded that the permanent fault displacement due to the main shock is the main cause of activity of large aftershocks, but not the whole cause.  相似文献   
为了了解后生浮游动物的摄食作用在太湖夏季微囊藻水华形成中的作用,2009年7月15日至8月14日取太湖梅梁湾湖水开展了后生浮游动物对微囊藻水华形成作用的野外模拟实验.实验期间,未过滤掉后生浮游动物的对照组出现了漂浮在水面、肉眼可见的微囊藻水华,而过滤掉后生浮游动物的实验组没有出现微囊藻水华.结果显示,对照组整个实验期间都有后生浮游动物存在,共发现了9种后生浮游动物;而实验组在实验第6 d发现有后生浮游动物出现,整个实验期间共发现了3种后生浮游动物.浮游动物生物多样性分析显示对照组显著高于实验组.实验后期(21~30 d),对照组微囊藻平均密度显著高于实验组.整个实验期间,惠氏微囊藻(Microcystis wesenbergii)和水华微囊藻(Microcystis flos-aquae)密度均显著高于实验组,且惠氏微囊藻密度占对照组微囊藻总密度的60.79%.研究结果表明,太湖夏季后生浮游动物摄食并不能控制太湖蓝藻水华,相反,后生浮游动物特别是大型浮游动物能促进蓝藻水华的形成.同时表明,后生浮游动物群落结构可能是影响微囊藻水华形成的重要因素.  相似文献   
Wetlands of Northeast Asia and High Asia: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review reports background information on wetlands in the Northeast Asia and High Asia areas, including wetland coverage and type, significance for local populations, and threats to their vitality and protection, with particular focus on the relationship of how global change influenced wetlands. Natural wetlands in these areas have been greatly depleted and degraded, largely due to global climate change, drainage and conversion to agriculture and silviculture, hydrologic alterations, exotics invasions, and misguided management policies. Global warming has caused wetland and ice-sheet loss in High Asia and permafrost thawing in tundra wetlands in Northeast Asia, and hence induced enormous reductions in water-storage sources in High Asia and carbon loss in Northeast Asia. This, in the long term, will exacerbate chronic water shortage and positively feed back global warming. Recently, better understanding of the vital role of healthy wetland ecosystems to Asia’s sustainable economic development has led to major efforts in wetland conservation and restoration. Nonetheless, collaborative efforts to restore and protect the wetlands must involve not only the countries of Northeast and High Asia but also international agencies. Research has been productive but the results should be more effectively integrated with policy-making and wetland restoration practices under future climatic scenarios.  相似文献   
湖滨带水生植物对湖泊生态系统健康的维持具有重要作用。为了解当前洱海湖滨带水生植物现状,本研究于2020—2021年间每季度对洱海湖滨带水生植物进行调查。调查结果表明:(1)洱海湖滨带现有水生植物206种,属56科156属,其中湿生植物149种,挺水植物24种,沉水植物21种,漂浮植物7种,浮叶植物5种;常见种有狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、菰(Zizania latifolia)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)、菱(Trapa bispinosa)等,偶见种为忍冬(Lonicera japonica)、披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)等。(2)从区系分布来看,洱海湖滨带物种主要为世界分布(83种)和热带分布(55种)两种类型,分别占总物种数比例的40.28%和26.71%。(3)在植物群落方面,洱海湖滨带共有18个主要植物群落类型,其中湿生植物群落4种,挺水植物群落3种,沉水植物群落9种,浮叶植物群落2种;以狗牙根群落、菰群落、苦草群落、菱群落为主。通过与历史文献结果的对比分析得出,近年来洱海湖滨带水生植物多样性有了显著提高,但目前存在挺水植物群落...  相似文献   
Two large earthquakes (an earthquake doublet) occurred in south-central Turkey on February 6, 2023, causing massive damages and casualties. The magnitudes and the relative sizes of the two mainshocks are essential information for scientific research and public awareness. There are obvious discrepancies among the results that have been reported so far, which may be revised and updated later. Here we applied a novel and reliable long-period coda moment magnitude method to the two large earthquakes. The moment magnitudes (with one standard error) are 7.95±0.013 and 7.86±0.012, respectively, which are larger than all the previous reports. The first mainshock, which matches the largest recorded earthquakes in the Turkish history, is slightly larger than the second one by 0.11±0.035 in magnitude or by 0.04 to 0.18 at 95% confidence level.  相似文献   
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