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Hydrogeomorphic processes influencing alluvial gully erosion were evaluated at multiple spatial and temporal scales across the Mitchell River fluvial megafan in tropical Queensland, Australia. Longitudinal changes in floodplain inundation were quantified using river gauge data, local stage recorders and HEC‐RAS modelling based on LiDAR topographic data. Intra‐ and interannual gully scarp retreat rates were measured using daily time‐lapse photographs and annual GPS surveys. Erosion was analysed in response to different water sources and associated erosion processes across the floodplain perirheic zone, including direct rainfall, infiltration‐excess runoff, soil‐water seepage, river backwater and overbank flood inundation. The frequency of river flood inundation of alluvial gullies changed longitudinally according to river incision and confinement. Near the top of the megafan, flood water was contained within the macrochannel up to the 100‐year recurrence interval, but river backwater still partially inundated adjacent gullies eroding into Pleistocene alluvium. In downstream Holocene floodplains, inundation of alluvial gullies occurred beyond the 2‐ to 5‐year recurrence interval and contributed significantly to total annual erosion. However, most gully scarp retreat at all sites was driven by direct rainfall and infiltration‐excess runoff, with the 24‐h rainfall total being the most predictive variable. The remaining variability can be explained by seasonal vegetative conditions, complex cycles of soil wetting and drying, tension crack development, near‐surface pore‐water pressure, soil block undermining from spalling and overland flow, and soil property heterogeneity. Implications for grazing management impacts on soil surface and perennial grass conditions include effects on direct rainfall erosion, water infiltration, runoff volume, water concentration along tracks, and the resistance of highly dispersible soils to gully initiation or propagation under intense tropical rainfall. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Only the very outermost skin of the Earth will ever be directly accessible with the deepest boreholes extending to only about 10 km. This is negligible compared to the distance to the core of around 6000 km, or even the base of the crust, which is tens of kilometres thick under the continents. Nevertheless, we can gain information about the deep regions of the earth by two means: geophysics, and situations where deep rocks have become exposed at the surface.  相似文献   
Kent Brooks 《Geology Today》2014,30(5):179-182
The majority of igneous rocks can be classified into either the basalt–gabbro group, or the rhyolite–granite group. However, there also exist a wide range of rocks whose composition lies outside these broad groupings, some of which are compositionally extreme and contain many rare minerals, sometimes as essential components. Petrologists have always interested themselves in these unusual rock types, just as collectors always value rare items over the commonplace. Many of these unusual rock types have been given weird and wonderful names, driving non‐petrologists to distraction, although a more scientific system of nomenclature has yet to receive general acclaim. The giving of a plethora of names to igneous rocks was largely a phenomenon of the early years of petrology in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and many will be surprised to learn that new names are still being coined as with the, as yet unauthorized, bermudite, not surprisingly, called after the island of Bermuda.  相似文献   
Western US forest ecosystems and downstream water supplies are reliant on seasonal snowmelt. Complex feedbacks govern forest–snow interactions in which forests influence the distribution of snow and the timing of snowmelt but are also sensitive to snow water availability. Notwithstanding, few studies have investigated the influence of forest structure on snow distribution, snowmelt and soil moisture response. Using a multi‐year record from co‐located observations of snow depth and soil moisture, we evaluated the influence of forest‐canopy position on snow accumulation and snow depth depletion, and associated controls on the timing of soil moisture response at Boulder Creek, Colorado, Jemez River Basin, New Mexico, and the Wolverton Basin, California. Forest‐canopy controls on snow accumulation led to 12–42 cm greater peak snow depths in open versus under‐canopy positions. Differences in accumulation and melt across sites resulted in earlier snow disappearance in open positions at Jemez and earlier snow disappearance in under‐canopy positions at Boulder and Wolverton sites. Irrespective of net snow accumulation, we found that peak annual soil moisture was nearly synchronous with the date of snow disappearance at all sites with an average deviation of 12, 3 and 22 days at Jemez, Boulder and Wolverton sites, respectively. Interestingly, sites in the Sierra Nevada showed peak soil moisture prior to snow disappearance at both our intensive study site and the nearby snow telemetry stations. Our results imply that the duration of soil water stress may increase as regional warming or forest disturbance lead to earlier snow disappearance and soil moisture recession in subalpine forests. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Deep-sea benthic communities primarily rely on an allochthonous food source. This may be in the form of phytodetritus or as food falls e.g. sinking carcasses of nekton or debris of marine macrophyte algae. Deep-sea macrourids are the most abundant demersal fish in the deep ocean. Macrourids are generally considered to be the apex predators/scavengers in deep-sea communities. Baited camera experiments and stable isotope analyses have demonstrated that animal carrion derived from the surface waters is an important component in the diets of macrourids; some macrourid stomachs also contained vegetable/plant material e.g. onion peels, oranges, algae. The latter observations led us to the question: is plant material an attractive food source for deep-sea scavenging fish? We simulated a plant food fall using in situ benthic lander systems equipped with a baited time-lapse camera. Abyssal macrourids and cusk-eels were attracted to the bait, both feeding vigorously on the bait, and the majority of the bait was consumed in <30 h. These observations indicate (1) plant material can produce an odour plume similar to that of animal carrion and attracts deep-sea fish, and (2) deep-sea fish readily eat plant material. This represents to our knowledge the first in situ documentation of deep-sea fish ingesting plant material and highlights the variability in the scavenging nature of deep-sea fishes. This may have implications for food webs in areas where macrophyte/seagrass detritus is abundant at the seafloor e.g. canyon systems and continental shelves close to seagrass meadows (Bahamas and Mediterranean).  相似文献   
In the system CaO-MgO-A12O3-SiO2 the tie lines connecting anorthite with other phases are sequentially broken down with increasing pressure according to the following univariant reactions: anorthite+ enstatitess+sillimanite pyrope-grossularss+quartz (3), anorthite+enstatitess pyrope-grossularss+diopsidess+quartz (2), anorthite+pyrope-grossularss+ quartz diopsidess+kyanite (4) and anorthite+diopsidess grossular-pyropess +kyanite+quartz (8). At 1,200 ° C these reactions occur at 14.5± 0.5, 15.5±0.5, 19.5±0.5 and 26.4±1 kilobar and have positive slopes (dP/dT) of 1±0.5, 2.8±0.5, 13.3±0.5 and 24±2bars/°C respectively. An invariant point involving kyanite rather than sillimanite, occurs at 850 °C±25 °C and 14.5±0.5kbar at the intersection of reactions (3), (2) and (4). Reaction(4) exhibits significant curvature with an increase in dP/dT from 13.3±0.5 to 18.5± 0.5 bars/°C between 1,050° and 850° C. The pressure at which the complete grossular-pyrope join is stable with quartz is estimated at 41 ± 1 kbar at 1,200 ° C. The pressure at which garnet appears according to reaction (2) is lowered by 5 kbar for a composition with anorthite and orthopyroxene (En0.5Fs0.5). Enstatite and plagioclase (An0.5Ab0.5) first produce garnet at 2 kbar higher pressure than enstatite and pure anorthite (reaction (2)). The calcium content of garnet in various divariant assemblages is relatively insensitive to temperature but very sensitive to pressure, it is therefore a useful geobarometer. At metamorphic temperatures of 700–850 °C pressures of 8–10 kbar are required for the formation of quartz-bearing garnet granulites containing calcic plagioclase and with (Mg/Mg+Fe) bulk = 0.5.  相似文献   
Lake Jezero v Ledvici (NW Slovenia) is a 14 m deep mountain lake at an elevation of 1860 m, situated on limestone bedrock. It is an oligotrophic, alkaline and hard-water lake with a transparency of about 14 m and has suffered several times over recent centuries from strong earthquakes. In 1996 five sediment cores, between 35 and 45 cm long, were collected from the deepest part of the lake and analysed to reconstruct environmental changes over the last few centuries. The data indicate changes induced by pollution and climate change during the last two centuries similar to those in other European mountain and remote lakes. However, at this site earthquakes have also affected the lake and partly obscure the interpretation of the sediment record. From 1780 to 1890, sediment records show low abundance of diatoms and relatively high abundance of Cladocera. After 1890, the number of diatoms started to increase coinciding with a strong earthquake. From the beginning of the 20th century, concentrations of spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP), diatom valves and head capsules of chironomids gradually increased whilst in Cladocera the main difference observed was a change in the proportion of benthic taxa. After 1960, in parallel with a rise in air temperature, a further increase in accumulation rate of diatoms started, but there was a decrease in Cladocera.  相似文献   
The turbulence structure of a stable marine atmospheric boundary layer in the vicinity of a coastal headland is examined using aircraft observations and numerical simulations. Measurements are drawn from a flight by the NCAR C-130 around Cape Mendocino on the coast of northern California on June 7 1996 during the Coastal Waves 96 field program. Local similarity scaling of the velocity variances is found to apply successfully within the continuously turbulent layer; the empirical scaling function is similar to that found by several previous studies. Excellent agreement is found between the modelled and observed scaling results. No significant change in scaling behaviour is observed for the region within the expansion fan that forms downstream of the Cape, suggesting that the scaling can be applied to horizontally heterogeneous conditions; however, the precise form of the function relating scaled velocities and stability is observed to change close to the surface. This result, differences between the scaling functions found here and in other studies, and the departure of these functions from the constant value predicted by the original theory, leads us to question the nature of the similarity functions observed. We hypothesize that the form of the functions is controlled by non-local contributions to the velocity variance budgets, and that differences in the non-local terms between studies explain the differences in the observed scaling functions.  相似文献   
Solutions of H2O–NaCl–CH4 occur in fluid inclusions enclosed by quartz, apatite and feldspar from gabbroic pegmatitites, anorthositic structures and intercumulus minerals within the Skaergaard intrusion. The majority of the fluid inclusions resemble 10 m diameter sub-to euhedral negative crystals. A vapour phase and a liquid phase are visible at room temperature, solids are normally absent. The salinity of the fluids ranges from 17.5 to 22.8 wt.% NaCl. CH4, which comprises less than six mole percent of the solution, was detected in the vapour phase of the fluid inclusions with Raman microprobe analysis. Homogenization of the fluid inclusions occurred in the liquid phase in the majority of the fluid inclusions, though 10% of the inclusions homogenized in the gas phase. Thermodynamic consideration of the stability of feldspars + quartz, and the C–O–H system, indicates that the solutions were trapped at temperatures between 655 and 770°C, at oxygen fugacities between 1.5 and 2.0 log units below the QFM oxygen buffer. Textural evidence and the composition of the solutions suggest that the fluids coexisted with late-magmatic intercumulus melts and the melts which formed gabbroic pegmatites. These solutions are thought to have contributed to late-magmatic metasomatism of the primocryst assemblages of the Skaergaard intrusion.  相似文献   
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