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The long-term data during seven years from January 2001 to December 2007, as observed by the Pacific VLF/LF network consisting of several Japanese stations and one station in Kamchatka, are extensively utilized to perform a statistical correlation study between the lower ionospheric perturbations as detected by subionospheric propagation and earthquakes (EQs). In this paper, we adopt a physical parameter, the maximum seismicity intensity observed (I) to define the strength of an EQ unlike the previously and conventionally used EQ magnitude and depth, which is a combined effect of EQ magnitude and depth, together with the Earth’s surface information and geological condition around the EQ epicenter. After considering EQs only take place on the land because of the use of seismicity and by using the superimposed epoch analysis, it is found for the larger EQs with I from 5 to 7 (we feel serious trembling and we expect serious damage) that the most important VLF/LF parameter, trend (nighttime average amplitude), shows a definite decrease about 10 days before the EQ by exceeding 2σ (σ: standard deviation) criterion; the dispersion shows a maximum about 10 days before the EQ but not exceeding 2σ line and finally the nighttime fluctuation shows an enhancement about 10 days before the EQ (with exceeding the 2σ level). A definite statistical correlation is confirmed between the ionospheric perturbations and I when I is strong enough in a range from 5 to 7. Whereas, there is no significant correlation between the two when I is in a range from 3 to 4. Finally, together with the corresponding results for EQs in the sea, but close to the land, these results are discussed in the light of lithosphere–ionosphere coupling mechanism.  相似文献   
We use the finite difference method to simulate seismic wavefields at broadband land and seafloor stations for a given terrestrial landslide source, where the seafloor stations are located at water depths of 1,900–4,300 m. Our simulation results for the landslide source explain observations well at the seafloor stations for a frequency range of 0.05–0.1 Hz. Assuming the epicenter to be located in the vicinity of a large submarine slump, we also model wavefields at the stations for a submarine landslide source. We detect propagation of the Airy phase with an apparent velocity of 0.7 km/s in association with the seawater layer and an accretionary prism for the vertical component of waveforms at the seafloor stations. This later phase is not detected when the structural model does not consider seawater. For the model incorporating the seawater, the amplitude of the vertical component at seafloor stations can be up to four times that for the model that excludes seawater; we attribute this to the effects of the seawater layer on the wavefields. We also find that the amplification of the waveform depends not only on the presence of the seawater layer but also on the thickness of the accretionary prism, indicating low amplitudes at the land stations and at seafloor stations located near the trough but high amplitudes at other stations, particularly those located above the thick prism off the trough. Ignoring these characteristic structures in the oceanic area and simply calculating the wavefields using the same structural model used for land areas would result in erroneous estimates of the size of the submarine landslide and the mechanisms underlying its generation. Our results highlight the importance of adopting a structural model that incorporates the 3D accretionary prism and seawater layer into the simulation in order to precisely evaluate seismic wavefields in seafloor areas.  相似文献   
Two species of fishes (n=52; tilapia and mullet) from industrialized and urbanized areas of Okinawa Island (Manko-Noha river, Hija river and Shikaza river) and from a remote area of Ishigaki Island (Anparu mudflat), Japan were collected between August 2005 and July 2006, and analyzed for five organochlorine compounds (OCs), viz., DDTs, PCBs, CHLs, HCHs and HCB. Concentrations and the contamination patterns of OCs in fishes varied between locations. Considerable residue levels of OCs, especially CHLs and DDTs were found in both fishes from the main Okinawa Island. These levels were relatively higher than the reported values for seafood from Japanese coasts, indicating that even now pollution sources of these contaminants still exist in this region. On the other hand, lower concentrations of OCs were detected in fishes from Ishigaki Island waters than those of other Japanese coastal waters, suggesting that this region is less contaminated by OC contaminants.  相似文献   
The large volume of groundwater stored in the Tedori River alluvial fan, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, is an important source of local drinking and industrial water. The Tedori River was observed to be highly turbid from the beginning of May 2015 to at least November 2017 due to a landslide in the upper reach of the river. After the landslide, the groundwater level was drawn down by several to 10 m near the middle river section during paddy irrigation periods in 2015 and 2016. This study addresses the impacts of the highly turbid water on groundwater recharge from the river and paddy fields. In 2016, we sampled groundwater, river water, paddy irrigation water, paddy ponding water, and precipitation five times at 2-month intervals. We analysed the H, O, and Sr stable isotopic compositions and major dissolved ion (and Sr) concentrations and compared our data to previous data obtained in June 2011. Ca, Sr, Cl, SO4, and TN concentrations and δ18O values were higher in June 2016 than in June 2011; these increases were more extreme along the left bank of the Tedori River than along the right bank. We explored the mixing of Tedori River water with groundwater using a two-endmember mixing model based on their Sr concentrations and isotopic compositions. Compared to June 2011, mixing ratios were decreased near the Tedori River in 2016, and larger decreases were observed along the left bank and in the middle stream area. These results confirm that the contribution to groundwater recharge from the river decreased during the turbidity event, particularly along the left bank.  相似文献   
The Nankai Trough, Japan, is a subduction zone characterized by the recurrence of disastrous earthquakes and tsunamis. Slow earthquakes and associated tremor also occur intermittently and locally in the Nankai Trough and the causal relationship between slow earthquakes and large earthquakes is important to understanding subduction zone dynamics. The Nankai Trough off Muroto, Shikoku Island, near the southeast margin of the rupture segment of the 1946 Nankai earthquake, is one of three regions where slow earthquakes and tremor cluster in the Nankai Trough. On the Philippine Sea plate, the rifting of the central domain of the Shikoku Basin was aborted at ~15 Ma and underthrust the Nankai forearc off Muroto. Here, the Tosa-Bae seamount and other high-relief features, which are northern extension of the Kinan Seamount chain, have collided with and indented the forearc wedge. In this study, we analyzed seismic reflection profiles around the deformation front of accretionary wedge and stratigraphically correlated them to drilling sites off Muroto. Our results show that the previously aborted horst-and-graben structures, which were formed around the spreading center of the Shikoku Basin at ~15 Ma, were rejuvenated locally at ~6 Ma and more regionally at ~3.3 Ma and have remained active since. The reactivated normal faulting has enhanced seafloor roughness and appears to affect the locations of slow earthquakes and tremors. Rejuvenated normal faulting is not limited to areas near the Nankai Trough, and extends more than 200 km into the Shikoku Basin to the south. This extension might be due to extensional forces applied to the Philippine Sea plate, which appear to be driven by slab-pull in the Ryukyu and Philippine trenches along the western margin of the Philippine Sea plate.  相似文献   
From previously published 14C and K–Ar data, the age of formation of Lake Nyos maar in Cameroon is still in dispute. Lake Nyos exploded in 1986, releasing CO2 that killed 1750 people and over 3000 cattle. Here we report results of the first measurements of major elements, trace elements and U-series disequilibria in ten basanites/trachy-basalts and two olivine tholeiites from Lake Nyos. It is the first time tholeiites are described in Lake Nyos. But for the tholeiites which are in 238U–230Th equilibrium, all the other samples possess 238U–230Th disequilibrium with 15 to 28% enrichment of 230Th over 238U. The (226Ra/230Th) activity ratios of these samples indicate small (2 to 4%) but significant 226Ra excesses. U–Th systematics and evidence from oxygen isotopes of the basalts and Lake Nyos granitic quartz separates show that the U-series disequilibria in these samples are source-based and not due to crustal contamination or post-eruptive alteration. Enrichment of 230Th is strong prima facie evidence that Lake Nyos is younger than 350 ka. The 230Th–226Ra age of Nyos samples calculated with the (226Ra/230Th) ratio for zero-age Mt. Cameroon samples is 3.7 ± 0.5 ka, although this is a lower limit as the actual age is estimated to be older than 5 ka, based on the measured mean 230Th/238U activity ratio. The general stability of the Lake Nyos pyroclastic dam is a cause for concern, but judging from its 230Th–226Ra formation age, we do not think that in the absence of a big rock fall or landslide into the lake, a big earthquake or volcanic eruption close to the lake, collapse of the dam from erosion alone is as imminent and alarming as has been suggested.  相似文献   
Detailed studies of the phosphatase activity in the tidelands were examined including the localization of the phosphatase activities and the spatial distributions of the activity in the tidelands around Hiroshima Bay, the Aki-Bingo Open Sea and Isahaya Bay of Kyushu on the western side of Japan. The results indicate that the phosphatase activity of the sediment fraction accounts for 98% of the tideland activity. Furthermore, we classified 19 tidelands into four groups by a cluster analysis using two parameters: phosphatase activities and ATP (adenosine 5(')-triphosphate) biomass. The first group is a member of the tidelands located in areas remote from the cities. They have a low phosphatase activity and low ATP biomass and the seawater in the tideland is very clean. The second is a group with a low phosphatase activity and high ATP biomass. In the tidelands belonging to this group, large numbers of benthos and shellfish can be observed. The third group has a high phosphatase activity and a relatively low ATP biomass. The estuary tidelands located near Hiroshima City belong to the third group. The last one is tidelands with a high phosphatase activity and high ATP biomass. In this group, the ratio of the phosphatase activity to ATP biomass is relatively low. In the summer, we observed deterioration in the water quality and accumulation of sludge on the sea bottom in the tideland of the last group.Moreover, we employed a multiple regression analysis and proposed an equation to obtain the group number of the cluster analysis using the assayed values of the phosphatase activity and the ATP biomass.  相似文献   
A number of experiments indicate that the internal damping corresponding to the energy dissipation of many materials is essentially frequency independent. Accordingly, an analysis model that can express such characteristics (called a hysteretic damping model) in the time domain is needed. Although a great number of investigations into this subject have been carried out, there are a few practical methods. In this paper, a simple hysteretic damping model which satisfies the causality condition is presented using an extension of the complex stiffness transfer method that the author has proposed. Compared with the energy proportional damping model and the Biot model, the applicability and the efficiency of this model to time history response analyses were confirmed well by example problems. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The authors have presented the results of inelastic earthquake response analysis of a class of asymmetric building models and concluded that regularly asymmetric buildings excited well into the inelastic range may not be conservatively designed via modal analysis of their elastic models. The purpose of this short communication is to refer to the results in contrast to the authors' and to make some comments on their paper.  相似文献   
Effects of coarse woody debris (CWD) on channel morphology and sediment storage were investigated at five sites, representative of first-order to fifth-order streams. In the steep and bedrock-confined stream (first-second order), interaction between the channel and CWD was limited, except where breakage upon falling produced CWD pieces shorter than channel width. Channel widening, steepening and sediment storage associated with CWD were observed predominantly in third- to fifth-order streams. Variation in channel width and gradient was regulated by CWD. In the fifth-order stream, most of the CWD pieces derived from the riparian forest interacted directly with the channel without being suspended by sideslopes. In this system CWD promoted lateral channel migration, but sediment storage was temporary, with annual release and capture.  相似文献   
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