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A wide-angle seismic survey, combining ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) and multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiling, was implemented in the southwestern Ryukyu subduction zone during August and September 1995. In this paper, we present the data analysis of eight OBSs and the corresponding MCS line along profile EW9509-1 from this experiment. Seismic data modeling includes identification of refracted and reflected arrivals, initial model building from velocity analysis of the MCS data, and simultaneous and layer-stripping inversions of the OBS and MCS arrivals. The velocity-interface structure constructed along profile EW9509-1 shows that the northward subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate has resulted in a northward thickening of the sediments of the Ryukyu Trench and the Yaeyama accretionary wedge north of the trench. The boundary between the subducting oceanic crust and the overriding continental crust (represented by a velocity contour of 6.75 km/s) and a sudden increase of the subducting angle (from 5 degrees to 25 degrees) are well imaged below the Nanao Basin. Furthermore, velocity undulation and interface variation are found within the upper crust of the Ryukyu Arc. Therefore, the strongest compression due to subduction and a break-off of the slab may have occurred and induced the high seismicity in the forearc region. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
水体中含一定浓度的甲醛 ,用 Nessler法测得的总氨氮 (TAN)浓度远远高于实际浓度 ,差异百分数最高达 4 5 0 .0 6 % ;用次氯酸酚盐法测得的总氨氮 (TAN)浓度则明显低于实际浓度 ,差异百分数最高可达 84 .77%。甲醛浓度范围为 10~ 4 0 mg/ L、TAN浓度为 1~ 10 mg/ L,通过双因素有重复观察值的交叉实验 ,得到如下矫正式 :(1)用 Nessler法测 TAN时 ,Y=4 .0 5 2 9- 0 .0 72 4 x1+ 0 .2 0 6 4x2 ,标准误差为 1.3381;(2 )用次氯酸酚盐法测 TAN时 ,Y=0 .1196 + 0 .0 345 x1+ 1.0 0 2 2 x2 ,标准误差为 0 .4 6 2 7。 Y为 TAN实际浓度 (mg/ L) ,x1为甲醛浓度 (mg/ L) ,x2 为测得的 TAN浓度(mg/ L )。比较含氨氮水体与不含氨氮水体中的甲醛浓度 ,方差分析结果表明 ,没有显著差异。  相似文献   
对2011—2017年山西及周边的流动重力观测资料,在绝对点控制下重新做平差计算,从不同尺度分析重力场的动态变化和跨断裂重力段差变化,重点对不同基准的重力场累积变化特征进行比较,结果显示:①文中的平均值基准可以明显削弱单期数据或个别测点对重力场造成的非正常影响;②在山西地震带持续出现了区域性的重力异常,形成了与构造断裂较为一致的重力梯度带;③山西地震带北部测段重力段差的变化幅值最大,南部次之但强于中部,反映了北部的构造活动比较活跃。  相似文献   
粉煤灰土壤及所产蔬菜的有害元素含量变化和环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南京第二热电厂湿排的粉煤灰,进行了改良蔬菜土壤的试验,并对试验用的粉煤灰、不同施灰量的土壤及所产蔬菜共38 个样品的有害元素和放射性元素含量进行了系统的测定。结果表明:这些元素在土壤中的含量与粉煤灰施用量无明显相关性;在本次试验范围内施用粉煤灰没有造成土壤的污染;其所产蔬菜的这些元素含量也均低于国家卫生标准限值,食用是安全的。  相似文献   
The phase velocity of seismic waves varies with the propagation frequency, and thus frequency-dependent phenomena appear when CO2 gas is injected into a reservoir. By dynamically considering these phenomena with reservoir conditions it is thus feasible to extract the frequency-dependent velocity factor with the aim of monitoring changes in the reservoir both before and after CO2 injection. In the paper, we derive a quantitative expression for the frequency-dependent factor based on the Robinson seismic convolution model. In addition, an inversion equation with a frequency-dependent velocity factor is constructed, and a procedure is implemented using the following four processing steps: decomposition of the spectrum by generalized S transform, wavelet extraction of cross-well seismic traces, spectrum equalization processing, and an extraction method for frequency-dependent velocity factor based on the damped least-square algorithm. An attenuation layered model is then established based on changes in the Q value of the viscoelastic medium, and spectra of migration profiles from forward modeling are obtained and analyzed. Frequency-dependent factors are extracted and compared, and the effectiveness of the method is then verified using a synthetic data. The frequency-dependent velocity factor is finally applied to target processing and oil displacement monitoring based on real seismic data obtained before and after CO2 injection in the G89 well block within Shengli oilfield. Profiles and slices of the frequency-dependent factor determine its ability to indicate differences in CO2 flooding, and the predicting results are highly consistent with those of practical investigations within the well block.  相似文献   
根据实测资料,尝试性地提出了一种南方麦区冬小麦三叶到抽穗期的干物重与叶面积动态的耦合计算方法,经检验效果尚好。另外,初值灵敏度试验表明苗期生长状况的优劣对于其后生育阶段的干物重与叶面积动态影响似乎不大。  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料、自动区域站雨量、卫星TBB资料、雷达资料,对恩施州2016年6月24—25日发生的一次大范围暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:本次强降水,具有典型的两槽一脊"单阻型"梅雨环流特征,在有利的大尺度环流背景下,在高空槽、低层低涡切变、西南急流、地面中尺度辐合线等中尺度天气系统的共同影响、相互作用下,形成了此次大范围强降水。此次暴雨空间上分布不均,局地性强,表现为明显的中尺度对流性特征,雷达回波图上降水性质表现为混合型降水,暴雨的直接影响系统是中β尺度对流系统,且中β尺度对流系统在多个中尺度对流云团合并后加强,时间尺度约为5 h。此次暴雨过程是在上干冷下暖湿强的大气层结不稳定条件下,梅雨锋、边界层辐合线和地形槽的触发作用将前期积累的能量释放产生的强对流天气,同时,副高外围西南气流将南海和西太平洋的水汽向恩施输送,为暴雨的发生提供了有利的条件。  相似文献   
一次特大暴雨天气的Q^*矢量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨晓霞  谭志华  华岩 《气象》2001,27(2):44-47,F003
应用修正的Q^*矢量对1999年8月11-13日山东特大暴雨天气过程进行了诊断分析,分析结果表明,中低层Q^*矢量指出大暴雨区;850-700hPa的Q^*矢量辐合区与上升运动区和大暴雨区有较大的对应关系;暴雨产生在850hPa和500hPaQ^*矢量湿锋生区的暖空气一侧。  相似文献   
从水力学角度分析了泵吸反循环砂石泵不返水的主要原因,并结合生产实践提出了相应的处理措施。  相似文献   
利用玉树震后地质调查获取的地表破裂位移,参考余震精定位结论以及地震波和InSAR反演结果,构建了玉树Ms7.1地震发震断层模型.基于弹性-粘弹分层介质模型中平面矩形位错理论,考虑介质自重的影响,模拟了玉树地震同震形变和重力变化.图像显示,玉树绝对重力点刚好位于同震重力变化极值附近,变化量达到25.02 ×10-8 m·s-2.通过对震前重力变化以及对两台FG-5绝对重力仪的一致性进行讨论,认为实测玉树台27.2 ×10-8 m·s-2为同震重力变化,这与基于位错理论的同震模拟结果一致,是对位错理论近场变化的1次很好的验证.  相似文献   
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