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Mosses are a dominant component of high-arctic terrestrial ecosystems, yet little is known regarding the abundance and diversity of fungi associated with these abundant plants. We investigated vertical patterns of abundance and diversity of fungi and their relationship with chemical properties within profiles of Hylocomium splendens and Racomitrium lanuginosum collected in the Oobloyah Bay area on Ellesmere Island, Canada. The moss profiles were divided into 6 (H. splendens) and 5 (R. lanuginosum) layers according to the color and texture, and hyphal length, fungal assemblages, and contents of organic chemical components (acid-unhydrolyzable residues, total carbohydrates, extractives) and nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) were measured. Total hyphal length was greatest at the middle layers of H. splendens and at the deepest layers of R. lanuginosum and was significantly affected by moss species and nutrient contents. A total of 18 and 19 fungal taxa was isolated from the profiles of H. splendens and R. lanuginosum, respectively, with 11 taxa being common to both moss species. Moss species significantly affected the species distribution of fungi. Individual fungal taxa showed patterns of vertical distribution within the moss profiles. The contents of acid-unhydrolyzable residues and nutrients increased and the content of total carbohydrates decreased down the profile, which was attributable to the ability of fungi to decompose carbohydrates selectively and to immobilize nutrients in decomposed moss residues.  相似文献   
Wavenumber spectra of the martian atmosphere covering zonal wavenumbers s=1-6 were obtained as a function of latitude and season for the first time from the temperatures measured by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer onboard the Mars Global Surveyor. The stationary component tends to peak at s=2, where the martian topography has large amplitude, and drops rapidly at higher wavenumbers. The transient component in the middle and high latitudes tends to peak at s=1, which is lower than the most unstable wavenumber based on linear theories, and exhibits spectral slopes much flatter than the stationary component. In the equatorial region, the spectra of the transient component are almost flat, indicating that the organization of large-scale structures is less efficient in this region. The spectral shapes are similar between the 0.5 and 2.2 hPa surfaces, except that the slopes are slightly steeper at 0.5 than at 2.2 hPa, probably due to selective vertical transmission at low wavenumbers. The seasonal variation is relatively large in the middle and high latitudes, where the maximum power occurs in winter and the minimum occurs in summer, with an exception that the transient component is maximum in spring in the southern hemisphere. Intensification of s=1 transient waves is observed around the period of the initiation of global dust storms.  相似文献   
The melting temperature of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy was determined up to 119 GPa based on a change of laser heating efficiency and the texture of the recovered samples in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments. We have also investigated the subsolidus phase relations of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy by the in-situ X-ray diffraction method and confirmed that the bcc phase is stable at least up to 57 GPa and high temperature. The melting curve of the alloy was fitted by the Simon’s equation, P(GPa)/a = (T m(K)/T 0) c , with parameters, T 0 = 1,473 K, a = 3.5 ± 1.1 GPa, and c = 4.5 ± 0.4. The melting temperature of bcc Fe–18 wt% Si alloy is comparable with that of pure iron in the pressure range of this work. The melting temperature of Fe–18 wt% Si alloy is estimated to be 3,300–3,500 K at 135 GPa, and 4,000–4,200 K at around 330 GPa, which may provide the lower bound of the temperatures at the core–mantle boundary and the inner core–outer core boundary if the light element in the core is silicon.  相似文献   
Crustal structures around the Yamato Basin in the southeastern Sea of Japan, inferred from recent ocean bottom seismography (OBS) and active-source seismological studies, are reviewed to elucidate various stages of crustal modification involved from rifting in the crust of the surrounding continental arc to the production of oceanic crust in the Yamato Basin of the back-arc basin. The northern, central, and southern areas of the Yamato Basin have crustal thicknesses of approximately 12–16 km, and lowermost crusts with P-wave velocities greater than 7.2 km/s. Very few units have P-wave velocities in the range 5.4–6.0 km/s, which corresponds to the continental upper crust. These findings, combined with previous geochemical analysis of basalt samples, are interpreted to indicate that a thick oceanic crust has been formed in these areas of the basin, and that this oceanic crust has been underplated by mantle-derived magma. In the central Yamato Basin, the original continental crust has been fully breached and oceanic crust has been formed. Conversely, the presence of a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust and the absence of a high-velocity part in the lower crust implies that the southwestern edge of the Yamato Basin has a rifted crust without significant intrusion. The Oki Trough has a crust that is 17–19 km thick with a high-velocity lower crust and a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust. The formation of the Oki Trough resulted from rifting with magmatic intrusion and/or underplating. We interpret these variations in the crustal characteristics of the Yamato Basin area as reflecting various instances of crustal modification by thinning and magmatic intrusion due to back-arc extension, resulting in the production of a thick oceanic crust in the basin.  相似文献   
We study gravitational lensing statistics, matter power spectra and the angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in x-matter models. We adopt an equation of state of x-matter which can express a wide range of matter from pressureless dust to the cosmological constant. A new ingredient in this model is the sound speed of the x-component, in addition to the equation of state w 0 =  p x0x0. Except for the cosmological constant case, the perturbations of x-matter itself are considered. Our primary interest is in the effect of non-zero sound speed on the structure formation and the CMB spectra. It is found that there exist parameter ranges where x-matter models are consistent with all current observations. The x-matter generally leaves imprints in the CMB anisotropy and the matter power spectrum, which should be detectable in future observations.  相似文献   
Study of 1986 and 1987 heavy metal distribution in surface water of the Kuroshio area in the East China Sea showed regional and slight seasonal variations in distribution and concentration . Heavy metal levels in Taiwan Strait, the sea area north of Taiwan and the continental shelf are higher than those in the main axis of the Kuroshio . Dissolved Cu in summer and winter decreases with the increase of salinity , but dissolved Cd has no obvious change with salinity .  相似文献   
The nature and origin of the concentrated deformation zone along the Japan Sea coast (NKTZ: Niigata-Kobe tectonic zone) was investigated by carefully analyzing the GPS data and qualitatively modeling the lower crust in NKTZ. It was concluded that this deformation zone is not a plate boundary between the Amurian plate (AMU) and the North America plate but is rather an internal deformation zone near the eastern margin of AMU. The data previously obtained on the conductivity anomalies in the lower crust and the 3He/4He ratios suggest that the concentrated deformation in NKTZ results from the lower crust in NKTZ being weakened by a high water content. The high water content is thought to result from the dehydration of subducting slabs. NKTZ has a higher water content in the lower crust than other regions do because there is no Philippine Sea plate (PHS) seismic slab beneath NKTZ. In other regions, it is estimated that the mantle wedge above the seismic Philippine Sea slab prevents the water dehydrated from the slab from rising to the lower crust, and that the lithosphere within PHS itself prevents the water dehydrated from the Pacific plate from rising up through it.  相似文献   
Since August 2000, we have recorded the total intensity of the geomagnetic field at the summit area of Kuchi-erabu-jima volcano, where phreatic eruptions have repeatedly occurred. A time series analysis has shown that the variations in the geomagnetic field since 2001 have a strong relationship to an increase in volcanic activity. These variations indicate thermal demagnetization of the subsurface around the presently active crater. The demagnetization source for the early variations, until summer 2002, was estimated at about 200 m below sea level. For the variations since 2003, the source was modeled on the basis of the expansion of a uniformly magnetized ellipsoid. The modeling result showed that the source is located at 300 m above sea level beneath the crater. We carried out an audio-frequency magnetotelluric survey with the aim of obtaining a relation between the demagnetization source and the shallow structure of the volcano. A two-dimensional inversion applied to the data detected two good conductors, a shallow thin one which is restricted to a region around the summit area, while the other extends over the edifice at depths between 200 and 800 m. These conductors are regarded as clay-rich layers with low permeability, which were assumed to be generated through hydrothermal alteration. The demagnetization source for the early variations was possibly located at the lower part of the deep conductor and the source after 2003 lies between the two conductors, where groundwater is considered to be abundant. Based on these results, as well as on seismological, geodetic, and geochemical information, we propose a heating process of the Kuchi-erabu-jima volcano. In the initial stage, high-temperature volcanic gases supplied from the deep-seated magma remained temporarily at the level around the lower part of the less permeable deep conductor since the ascent path had not yet been established. Then, when the pathway developed as a result of repeated earthquakes, it became possible for a massive flux of volcanic gases to ascend through the conductor. The high temperature gases reached the aquifer located above the conductor and the heat was efficiently transported to the surrounding rocks through the groundwater. As a consequence, an abrupt increase of the gas flux and diffusion of the heat through the aquifer occurred and the high-temperature zone expanded. Since the high-temperature zone is located beneath another conductor, which acts as caprock, we assume that the energy of the phreatic explosion is accumulated there.  相似文献   
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