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M. Doi  G. Warren  M.E. Hodson   《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(12):2207-2216
Ochre is an unwanted waste product that accumulates in wetlands and streams draining abandoned coal and metal mines. A potential commercial use for ochre is to remediate As contaminated soil. Arsenic contaminated soil (605 mg kg−1) was mixed with different ochres (A, B and C) in a mass ratio of 1:1 and shaken in 20 mL of deionised water. After 72 h As concentration in solution was ca. 500 μg kg−1 in the control and 1–2.5 μg kg−1 in the ochre treated experiments. In a second experiment soil:ochre mixtures of 0.05–1:1 were shaken in 20 mL of deionised water for 24 h. For Ochres A and C, as solution concentration was reduced to ca. 1 μg kg−1 by 0.2–1:1 ochre:soil mixtures. For Ochre B, as concentration only reached ca. 1 μg kg−1 in the 1:1 ochre:soil mix. Sorption of As was best modelled by a Freundlich isotherm using As sorption per mass of goethite in the ochre (log K = 1.64, n = 0.79, R2 = 0.76, p 0.001). Efficiency of ochre in removing As from solution increased with increasing total Fe, goethite, citrate dithionite extractable Fe and surface area.  相似文献   
Summary. Dynamical rupture process on the fault is investigated in a quasi-three-dimensional faulting model with non-uniform distributions of static frictions or the fracture strength under a finite shearing pre-stress. The displacement and stress time functions on the fault are obtained by solving numerically the equations of motion with a finite stress—fracture criterion, using the finite difference method.
If static frictions are homogeneous or weakly non-uniform, the rupture propagates nearly elliptically with a velocity close to that of P waves along the direction of pre-stress and with a nearly S wave velocity in the direction perpendicular to it. The rise time of the source function and the final displacements are larger around the centre of the fault. In the case when the static frictions are heavily non-uniform and depend on the location, the rupture propagation becomes quite irregular with appreciably decreased velocities, indicating remarkable stick-slip phenomena. In some cases, there remain unruptured regions where fault slip does not take place, and high stresses remain concentrated up to the final stage. These regions could be the source of aftershocks at a next stage.
The stick—slip faulting and irregular rupture propagation radiate high-frequency seismic waves, and the near-field spectral amplitudes tend to show an inversely linear frequency dependence over high frequencies for heavily non-uniform frictional faults.  相似文献   
Sperm whales are notable squid-eaters. They feed mainly on medium to large-sized cephalopods at midwater levels and defecate near the surface. This suggests the existence of an upward transport of60Co by sperm whales from the mesopelagic zone (150–1,200 m). To elucidate this squid-whale route for this artificial radionuclide,60Co content was determined in squid and in predator whales captured by commercial whaling. In the Cephalopoda livers60Co levels of 30–500 mBq kg–1 wet were found and in the viscera of Odontoceti (toothed whales) 15–40 mBq kg–1 wet. About 0.3% of80Co ingested was estimated to be retained in a 23-year-old male sperm whale. In the livers of Bryde's whales,60Co levels of 40–80 mBq kg–1 wet were detected, but not in euphausiids and sardines, their possible prey. The level of Co in sperm whales was nearly the same as in Bryde's whales. Specific radioactivity60Co/59Co in mBq µg–1 was several times higher in sperm whale (1.1–1.6) than in cephalopods (0.19–0.77). Eating prey with a high content of60Co in the 1960's may have contributed to the present body burden in sperm whales with a long-life span. However, the origin of60Co in Bryde's whales is unknown.  相似文献   
We report multi-frequency and multi-epoch radio continuum observations with multi-spatial resolution for the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN) NGC 266. In the centimetre regime, we find diffuse components with Very Large Array (VLA) observations, and a variable compact core with a rising spectrum with Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations. Although the spectral index of the rising spectrum is consistent with the prediction of the simple advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model, the observed radio power is slightly high compared with that of the model prediction. A spectral break at centimetre-to-millimetre wavelengths is inferred from the upper limits of flux densities from Nobeyama Millimetre Array (NMA) and James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) data at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths, respectively. More complicated considerations are required for the theoretical model to interpret such observed radio properties.  相似文献   
Despite the various opening models of the southwestern part of the East Sea (Japan Sea) between the Korean Peninsula and the Japan Arc, the continental margin of the Korean Peninsula remains unknown in crustal structure. As a result, continental rifting and subsequent seafloor spreading processes to explain the opening of the East Sea have not been adequately addressed. We investigated crustal and sedimentary velocity structures across the Korean margin into the adjacent Ulleung Basin from multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection and ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data. The Ulleung Basin shows crustal velocity structure typical of oceanic although its crustal thickness of about 10 km is greater than normal. The continental margin documents rapid transition from continental to oceanic crust, exhibiting a remarkable decrease in crustal thickness accompanied by shallowing of Moho over a distance of about 50 km. The crustal model of the margin is characterized by a high-velocity (up to 7.4 km/s) lower crustal (HVLC) layer that is thicker than 10 km under the slope base and pinches out seawards. The HVLC layer is interpreted as magmatic underplating emplaced during continental rifting in response to high upper mantle temperature. The acoustic basement of the slope base shows an igneous stratigraphy developed by massive volcanic eruption. These features suggest that the evolution of the Korean margin can be explained by the processes occurring at volcanic rifted margins. Global earthquake tomography supports our interpretation by defining the abnormally hot upper mantle across the Korean margin and in the Ulleung Basin.  相似文献   
To understand the oxidation state and process of oxidation of lava domes, we carried out magnetic petrological analyses of lava samples obtained from domes and block-and-ash-flow deposits associated with the 1991–1995 eruption of Unzen volcano, Japan. As a result, we recognize three different types of magnetic petrology, each related to deuteric high-temperature oxidation during initial cooling. Type A oxides are characterized by homogenous titanomagnetite and titanohematite, indicating a low oxidation state and high titanomagnetite concentrations. Type B oxides are weakly exsolved and contain titanohematite laths and rutile lenses, indicating a higher oxidation state. Type C oxides, which represent the highest oxidation state, are completely exsolved and composed of Ti-poor titanomagnetite, titanohematite, rutile, and pseudobrookite, indicating high hematite concentrations. Some grains in Types A and B show indications of reduction, which was related to interaction with volcanic gases subsequent to high-temperature oxidation. In terms of geological occurrence, the oxidation processes probably differed for endogenous and exogenous domes. Endogenous dome lavas are oxidized concentrically and are classified into the three types according to their location within the dome: samples from the surface are strongly oxidized and classified as Type C, while the inner part is unoxidized and classified as Type A. Exogenous dome lavas are unoxidized and assigned to Type A. Some samples show signs of reduction, which may have occurred around fumaroles. We propose that location within the dome and the process of dome growth are the factors that control oxidation.  相似文献   
Abstract Fossil worm tubes were collected from the Hayama Group, Miura Peninsula, Japan, together with abundant fossils of Calyptogena-Acharax clams. The fossil worm tubes were well preserved and coated with milky white amorphous silica. Most of the tubes were 1-3 mm in diameter, and up to 10 cm in length. Worm tubes were found in siltstone and limestone, and formed network-like assemblages. Elemental mapping on the tube cross-sections revealed the localization of sulfur, zinc and iron at the worm tubes, which suggests that sulfur-related metabolism and deposition occurred in association with the worm tubes. High resolution analysis revealed the localization of zinc-sulfur (sphalerite, ZnS) on the tubes, while iron-sulfur (pyrite, FeS2) was localized at the center of the tubes. The spatially separate sphaleritization and pyritization imply that epiphytic and endosymbiotic microorganisms perform different sulfur metabolisms, such as sulfate-reduction and sulfide-oxidation.  相似文献   
Dacitic magma, a mixture of high-temperature (T) aphyric magma and low-T crystal-rich magma, was erupted during the 1991–1995 Mount Unzen eruptive cycle. Here, the crystallization processes of the low-T magma were examined on the basis of melt inclusion analysis and phase relationships. Variation in water content of the melt inclusions (5.1–7.2 wt% H2O) reflected the degassing history of the low-T magma ascending from deeper levels (250 MPa) to a shallow magma chamber (140 MPa). The ascent rate of the low-T magma decreased markedly towards the emplacement level as crystal content increased. Cooling of magma as well as degassing-induced undercooling drove crystallization. With the decreasing ascent rate, degassing-induced undercooling decreased in importance, and cooling became more instrumental in crystallization, causing local and rapid crystallization along the margin of the magma body. Some crystals contain scores of melt inclusions, whereas there are some crystals without any inclusions. This heterogeneous distribution suggests the variation in the crystallization rate within the magma body; it also suggests that cooling was dominant cause for melt entrapment. Numerical calculations of the cooling magma body suggest that cooling caused rapid crystal growth and enhanced melt entrapment once the magma became a crystal-rich mush with evolved interstitial melt. The rhyolitic composition of melt inclusions is consistent with this model.Editorial responsibility: H Shinohara  相似文献   
地脉动台阵观测作为一种低成本的剪切波速度构造探测方法,预计将在中国地震灾害预防中起到重要作用。为了研究地脉动台阵观测中长周期信号的特征以及中国长周期地脉动的特点和适用性,开展了中国从沿海到内陆地区地脉动信号的观测和分析,探查由沿海到内陆地区地脉动的变化规律以及内陆地区广域的地脉动特征,发展适合于我国内陆地区的基于地脉动的地下构造勘探方法,在中国大陆上海市、西安市、天水市及兰州市进行了长周期地脉动观测。现场试验结果表明,上海地脉动特征与日本关东平原地区的观测结果类似,可以认为在海岸地区深部结构调查的地脉动台阵观测有良好的适用性。然而,西安、兰州、天水长周期地脉动能量只有上海的千分之一,因此需要进一步研究更加灵敏的仪器性能和更加稳定的观测方法。  相似文献   
Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter, Akatsuki, is cruising to approach to Venus again although its first Venus orbital insertion (VOI) has been failed. At present, we focus on the next opportunity of VOI and the following scientific observations.We have constructed an automated cloud tracking system for processing data obtained by Akatsuki in the present study. In this system, correction of the pointing of the satellite is essentially important for improving accuracy of the cloud motion vectors derived using the cloud tracking. Attitude errors of the satellite are reduced by fitting an ellipse to limb of an imaged Venus disk. Next, longitude–latitude distributions of brightness (cloud patterns) are calculated to make it easy to derive the cloud motion vectors. The grid points are distributed at regular intervals in the longitude–latitude coordinate. After applying the solar zenith correction and a highpass filter to the derived longitude–latitude distributions of brightness, the cloud features are tracked using pairs of images. As a result, we obtain cloud motion vectors on longitude–latitude grid points equally spaced. These entire processes are pipelined and automated, and are applied to all data obtained by combinations of cameras and filters onboard Akatsuki. It is shown by several tests that the cloud motion vectors are determined with a sufficient accuracy. We expect that longitude–latitude data sets created by the automated cloud tracking system will contribute to the Venus meteorology.  相似文献   
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