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Combined investigations of isotopes, pollen, and molliisc shells were carried out on a Latc Glacial limnic high-resolution sediment sequence from the Geiseltal open-cast mine in Central Gcrmany. The dala confirm thc division of the Late Glacial biozones into two colder (Older and Younger Dryas) and two warmer periods (Bølling, Allcrød), which have already bccn cstablishcd lor the Central and Northern German area. Radiocarbon data, mainly based on wood material, cover a time span between c , 10 800 BP and 12 760 BP, indicating a mean sedimentation rate of c . 2 mm/yr. The stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) reflect the transition periods between the climatic phases as changes in relative air humidity (transition from dry, cold to warmer. more humid conditions). The dominance of evaporation effects, however, is superimposed on any ternpcratiirc aignal throughout the profile. Repeated conversions of the hydrologic regime (silting-up phases. lake-level variations) characterize the specific history of the lake development.  相似文献   
Bjørnøya, a small (178 km2) island situated between the mainland of Norway and southern Spitsbergen, provides the opportunity for the reconstruction of early Holocene terrestrial and limnic palaeoenvironments in the southwestern Barents Sea. The AMS 14C dating technique, geochemical, mineral magnetic, micro and macrofossil analyses were applied to sediments recovered from lake Stevatnet and the results are interpreted in terms of palaeoenvironmental conditions between 9800 and 8300 14C bp. After the disappearance of local glaciers before ca 980014C BP, the lake productivity increased rapidly at the same time as pioneer plant communities developed on soils which gradually became more stable. Insect data indicates that strong seasonal contrasts with mean July temperatures around 9°C and mean January temperatures around −12°C prevailed between 9500 and 8300 14C BP. These high summer temperatures, possibly as much as 4-5°C higher than the present, favoured the development of a flora including Dryas and Angelica cf. archangelica . The enhanced freeze/thaw processes led to an increased erosion of minerogenic and organic material. After 8000 14C BP the temperatures may have gradually declined. The environmental reconstruction derived from our data set supports the conceptual insolation model which proposes maximum Holocene seasonality for the Northern Hemisphere at ca 9000 14C BP.  相似文献   
As part of the multinational Lake Owens Dust Experiment (LODE), we have studied the generation of dust storms on the south sand sheet of Owens (dry) Lake, California, an anthropogenically desiccated playa reported to be the single greatest source of particulate matter in North America. During March 1993, we performed an intensive field study including eight significant dust storms, building on our prior work (1978–1984) and preliminary studies (1991–1992). We studied sources and magnitude of coarse saltating particles, the meteorological conditions that allow them to become mobile across the flat playa of Owens (dry) Lake, and how the motion of saltating particles across different types of playa surfaces results in the generation of PM10 dusts (aerosol particles smaller than 10 μm aerodynamic diameter). Saltating grains of lacustrine sand and broken crust abrade and disaggregate the playa surface into fine aerosols, and the resulting PM10 concentrations recorded during major dust storms are among the highest ever recorded in North America. On 23 March 1993, we measured a 2 h concentration on the playa of 40 620 μg m−3, as far as we can determine the highest ambient PM10 value ever recorded in the U.S.A. Abrasion of salt-silt-clay crusts by saltation is shown to be responsible for all but a small part of one dust storm. The quantity ‘sand run’, saltating particle transport multiplied by wind run, is shown to be very closely correlated with dust aerosol concentration. Finally, we have established that on-lake bed studies are essential for quantitative prediction of dust events on the Owens (dry) Lake bed, despite the difficult conditions encountered.  相似文献   
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles from modern bivalve shells were investigated in order to reconstruct short-term hydrographical changes in the river-shelf system of the Laptev Sea. Oxygen isotopic profiles obtained from the aragonitic species Astarte borealis exhibit amplitude cycles interpreted as annual hydrographical cycles. These records reflect the strong contrast between summer and winter bottom water conditions in the Laptev Sea. The seasonal variations in δ18O are mainly controlled by the riverine freshwater discharge during summer with 0.5‰ per salinity unit. Corrected for a defined species-dependent fractionation offset of -0.37‰, time-dependent salinity records were reconstructed from these δ18O profiles. They indicate a good correspondence to seasonal hydrographic changes and synoptical data. Persistent trends with shell growth towards more negative δ13C values are observed in all specimens and appear to be related to metabolic changes of the bivalves during ontogeny. In contrast, short-term fluctuations are likely linked to seasonal variabilities of the river water outflow patterns and enhanced phytoplankton productivity during summer. This is corroborated by a clear watermass-related distinction of the various δ13C records made on the basis of water depth and distance from the riverine source.  相似文献   
The climatic variability and the influence of temperature and sea level fluctuations on the earth??s surface configuration during the Holocene are being discussed all over the world. The present study evaluates the palaeo-environmental conditions of western coast of India during this epoch through the analysis of pollen grains embedded in a carbonaceous clay formation (? 0.4?C0.6?m) found sandwiched within the palaeodeposit of sand of Meenachil River basin. The carbon dating revealed that the clay formation has an age of 5786 ± 94 14C yr BP, while the embedded wood samples have the age varying in between 2888 ± 78 and 5780 ± 95 14C yr BP. The overall analysis suggests that the southwestern margin of India had experienced high intensity rainfall during the earlier part of the Atlantic chronozone due to then strengthened Asiatic monsoon, while water stagnation and hydrological modifications were observed during the later part. The dominance of weeds and lesser number of tree elements suggested a drier climate during the end of the Atlantic period. Besides, the morphometric rearrangement of the Meenachil River contemporaneous to the geomorphological modifications of the southwestern coast of India shall be classified into three categories: (1) Pre-Vembanad Lake formation, (2) Contemporaneous to lake formation and (3) Post-Lake formation.  相似文献   
The barrier islands of the southern North Sea were formed during the Holocene sea‐level rise. These islands form part of a highly dynamic environment whose evolution continues today. Subjected to sea‐level changes, tides and storm events, the sedimentary record reflects processes occurring under varying energy conditions. This article presents geochemical, mineralogical and diatom investigations carried out in the salt marsh of the East Frisian barrier island of Langeoog, which is re‐exposed to a rising sea‐level due to de‐embankment. The major aim of this study is to improve the knowledge of the sedimentological and geochemical development of these deposits under the influence of sea‐level rise, with a special focus on the geochemistry and distribution of heavy mineral‐associated elements. Correlation diagrams between FeO, TiO2 and MnO, as well as ternary plots (Al2O3–SiO2–Zr or TiO2), clearly indicate the variable appearance of heavy minerals in different lithological facies, comprising marsh soil, mixed and sand flat, and relocated beach sands. A dominating abundance of ilmenite followed by zircon, garnets and some other heavy minerals is evidenced by Scanning Electron Microscope‐Energy Dispersive X‐ray measurements. The data presented here suggests that these geochemical proxies are useful tools for characterizing depositional energy conditions. Increasing depositional energy is evident for the lithological units in the following order: marsh soil, mixed flat, sand flat and relocated beach sand. The energetic conditions during sediment deposition, as well as the sedimentary history, are confirmed by diatom analyses as an additional independent indicator. Depending on source rock composition, the geochemical parameters used in this study may also help to investigate depositional energy regimes of other siliciclastic sedimentary systems.  相似文献   
This study provides the first detailed estimate of riverine organic carbon fluxes in British rivers, as well as highlighting major gaps in organic carbon data in national archives. Existing data on organic carbon and suspended solids concentrations collected between 1989 and 1993, during routine monitoring by the River Purification Boards (RPBs) in Scotland and the National River Authorities (NRAs) in England and Wales, were used with annual mean flows to estimate fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in British rivers. Riverine DOC exports during 1993 varied from 7·7–103·5 kg ha−1 year−1, with a median flux of 31·9 kg ha−1 year−1 in the 85 rivers for which data were available. There was a trend for DOC fluxes to increase from the south and east to the north and west. A predictive model based on mean soil carbon storage in 17 catchments, together with regional precipitation totals, explained 94% of the variation in the riverine DOC exports in 1993. This model was used to predict riverine DOC fluxes in regions where no organic carbon data were available. Calculated and predicted fluxes were combined to produce an estimate for exports of DOC to tidal waters in British rivers during 1993 of 0·68±0·07 Mt. Of this total, rivers in Scotland accounted for 53%, England 38% and Wales 9%. Scottish blanket peats would appear to be the largest single source of DOC exports in British rivers. An additional 0·20 Mt of organic carbon were estimated to have been exported in particulate form in 1993, approximately two–thirds of which was contributed by English rivers. It is suggested that riverine losses of organic carbon have the potential to affect the long-term dynamics of terrestrial organic carbon pools in Britain and that rivers may regulate increases in soil carbon pools brought about by climate change. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The previously established and often debated lake sediment based chronology and event stratigraphy from Hochstetter Forland, NE Greenland, has been re-examined. These new studies show that the last deglaciation of the coastal area is several thousand years younger than previously described. The main reason behind the difference is the fact that the older chronology was based on 14C datings of bulk sediment samples, which are now shown to contain enough coal fragments to produce erroneous ages. The re-examination was performed on sediments from two lakes located within the Nanok moraine system: one is situated at or slightly above the marine limit around 65 m. the other at 21–22 m a.s.l. The combined stratigraphy from the two lakes shows that the area was deglaciated before 9000 BP, after which followed deposition of glaciomarine sediments, fining upwards. The first vegetation seems to have been dominated by grasses, Lycopodium and Polypodiaceae. At c . 8000 BP the limnic production increased significantly and a pioneer vegetation characterized the area. At this time the 'Artemisia' grains appear. A short but distinct climatic cooling occurs at c . 7500 BP causing a significant drop in lake productivity and possibly also producing coarser sediments in the (glacio)marine environment. About 200 years later the lake productivity again increased, very rapidly, and the marine sediments became finer and more rich in molluscs, as a response to the beginning of the climatic optimum. Because of the time-lag between climate and vegetation response it took another 300 years before Betulci nana immigrated, at the same time as the 'Artemisia' grains disappeared, and another several hundred years before a real dwarf-shrub vegetation developed in these parts of Hochstetter Forland. Before the lower lake was isolated from the sea at c . 6000 BP, coarse wave-washed sediments, followed by a typical isolation sequence, were deposited in it.  相似文献   
High-pressure (HP) metamorphic blocks enclosed in a mafic toultramafic matrix from a mélange on the island of Syrosare rimmed by tourmaline-bearing reaction zones (blackwalls).The B isotopic composition of dravitic tourmaline within theseblackwalls was investigated in situ by secondary ion mass spectrometry.Boron in these tourmalines is unusually heavy, with 11B valuesexceeding +18 in all investigated samples and reaching an extremevalue of +28·4 in one sample. Blackwalls formed duringexhumation of the HP mélange at a depth of 20–25km at temperatures of 400–430°C, by influx of externalhydrous fluids. The compositions of the fluids are estimatedto be in the range of 100–300 µg/g B with 11B valuesof +18 to +28. The high 11B values cannot be explained by tourmalineformation from unmodified slab-derived fluids. However, suchfluids could interact with the material in the exhumation channelon their way from the dehydrating slab to the site of tourmalineformation in the blackwalls. This could produce exceptionallyhigh 11B values in the fluids, a case that is modelled in thisstudy. The model demonstrates that subduction fluids may beeffectively modified in both trace element and isotopic compositionduring their migration through the material overlying the subductingslab. Blackwall tourmaline from Syros has a large grain size(several centimetres), high abundance, and an exceptionallyhigh 11B value. The formation of tourmaline at the contact betweenmafic or felsic HP blocks and their ultramafic matrix involvedfluids released during dehydration reactions in the subductingslab. It forms a heavy-boron reservoir in hybrid rocks overlyingthe subducting slab, and may, thus, have a significant impacton the geochemical cycle of B and its isotopes in subductionzones. KEY WORDS: boron isotopes; tourmaline; subduction zone; fluid, high pressure  相似文献   
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