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青藏高原隆升对亚洲乃至全球气候演化的影响是古气候学热点问题之一。青藏高原的热力和动力效应一直以来受到人们的广泛重视,其中高原对大气环流的阻碍作用被认为在亚洲冬季气候形成中扮演着极其重要的作用。过去的理论及重建研究大都强调青藏高原主体的贡献,忽略了高原边缘中小尺度地形的可能贡献。以青藏高原北边缘蒙古地形为例,现代大气流场显示蒙古地形对冬季对流层低层西风具有明显的阻碍作用。本研究利用一个海气耦合模式评估了蒙古地形对亚洲冬季气候的影响及其同青藏高原主体的相对贡献。结果显示,蒙古高原地形对亚洲西风急流和东亚冬季风具有非常显著的影响。蒙古高原存在时,东亚大槽加深,日本上空的西风急流增强,东亚冬季风环流也增强。该效应主要源自于亚洲大气热力结构的变化,对流层低层西风在蒙古地形的动力强迫下向北绕流,在下游产生强烈的北风异常,有利于极地冷空气南下。该温度冷平流最终导致西风急流和冬季风环流的响应。值得注意的是,青藏高原主体对西风急流和冬季风的贡献要明显弱于蒙古高原。该结果启示我们,传统认识的青藏高原动力效应可能被一定程度高估,亚洲各地形的动力效应不仅同其规模和高度有关,也与其所处位置有关,处于敏感区域的较小尺度地形同样会对亚洲气候形成有不可忽略的影响。  相似文献   
冬季北极涛动和北极海冰变化对东亚气候变化的影响   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
本文简要回顾了冬季北极涛动 (北大西洋涛动 )和北极海冰面积变化对东亚气候变化的影响、研究中存在的问题以及目前亟待解决的科学问题。  相似文献   
Copper is a moderately incompatible chalcophile element. Its behavior is strongly controlled by sulfides. The speciation of sulfur is controlled by oxygen fugacity. Therefore, porphyry Cu deposits are usually oxidized (with oxygen fugacities > ΔFMQ +2) (Mungall 2002; Sun et al. 2015). The problem is that while most of the magmas at convergent margins are highly oxidized, porphyry Cu deposits are very rare, suggesting that high oxygen fugacity alone is not sufficient. Partial melting of mantle peridotite even at very high oxygen fugacities forms arc magmas with initial Cu contents too low to form porphyry Cu deposits directly (Lee et al. 2012; Wilkinson 2013). Here we show that partial melting of subducted young oceanic slabs at high oxygen fugacity (>ΔFMQ +2) may form magmas with initial Cu contents up to >500 ppm, favorable for porphyry mineralization. Pre-enrichment of Cu through sulfide saturation and accumulation is not necessarily beneficial to porphyry Cu mineralization. In contrast, re-melting of porphyritic hydrothermal sulfide associated with iron oxides may have major contributions to porphyry deposits. Thick overriding continental crust reduces the “leakage” of hydrothermal fluids, thereby promoting porphyry mineralization. Nevertheless, it is also more difficult for ore forming fluids to penetrate the thick continental crust to reach the depths of 2–4 km where porphyry deposits form.  相似文献   
基于兴趣点(POI)大数据的东北城市空间结构分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
薛冰  肖骁  李京忠  谢潇 《地理科学》2020,40(5):691-700
以东北三省36个城市为研究区,利用400余万条兴趣点行业分类大数据,采用核密度估计、标准差椭圆、区位熵等方法分析城市空间结构及其行业构成机制。研究发现,东北城市要素显著集聚,城市内部空间结构呈现集中团块型、分散组合型、线型、放射型特征以及多元复合类型;第二产业和房地产业呈现郊区化特征,各行业发展方向与东北大区域的经济轴线一致,多数行业尚未形成专业化功能区;第二产业与房地产业的离心发展对集中团块型城市的塑造作用不强,但对分散组合型城市空间结构的贡献较大。线型城市通常兼具多中心特征,放射型城市各行业仍偏向于向心聚集。  相似文献   
基于马尔科夫链转移概率极限分布的降水过程持续性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
各地不同气候条件所具有的天气状态转移概率的极限分布实际上代表了各地天气气候的持续性和转折性特征,同时也表明了它的可预报期限。从马尔科夫链理论出发,初步研究了中国160个代表测站逐日天气状态演变过程的极限分布。结果表明,转移概率的极限分布不但其空间分布有明显差异,而且不同季节的极限分布也有明显差异。例如,有的地区仅有2 d持续期,有的可达4—6 d或更长,充分反映出不同地区因其影响的天气系统差异所造成的逐日天气气候的持续性和转折性特征的差异。其研究意义在于,由此可作为天气气候分型区划的一种理论依据。统计分析结果表明,就全中国平均而言,夏季持续期最短,持续期由北向南、由西向东呈增加趋势,且春季平均降水持续期为5.1 d,夏季平均为5.0 d,秋季平均为6.5d,冬季平均为6.2 d。可见夏半年比冬半年的降水持续期短,这可能是因为春夏季的天气系统比较复杂且中小尺度天气系统较多的缘故。这从另一侧面再次证明,各地逐日降水天气状态演变过程具有一定的天气气候状态自然转折的持续性即自然天气周期的气候状况,从而为短期天气预报提供了气候背景。  相似文献   
Effects of deforestation upon slopes in limestones and in volcanic rocks in the Benson River valley, northern Vancouver Island, have been investigated quantitatively. Postlogging soil erosion and vegetal regeneration success were assessed by measuring soil depth, percent bare rock and moss cover, and the numbers and diversity of trees, shrubs, and plants on 25 sampling sites, each containing ten measuring quadrats selected at random. Sixteen sites were on the Quatsino Formation, a well-karstified limestone, and nine on the Karmutsen Formation of basaltic lavas. Eight sites were of virgin forest, 16 were logged between 1970 and 1983, and one (on limestone) was logged in 1911. Both bedrock types were significantly affected by the cutting. There was greater loss of soil and an increase in bare rock on the limestones. Erosion was increased significantly by burning on the limestones but not on the volcanics. Within-group comparisons on the limestones determined that steeper slopes and harder burned areas suffered the most and are slowest to regenerate. Volume of timber on the 1911 site was 19 percent of that in similar uncut forest sites. It appears that complete recovery on the barren limestone slopes will require at least some centuries.  相似文献   
首先从人口、经济、用地3个维度综合考察武汉市增长与收缩的全貌,并采用县区及街道2个尺度的数据定量描述了武汉市增长与收缩的特征与空间格局,发现武汉市下辖青山区、硚口区、汉阳区和蔡甸区存在局部较严重的收缩现象,空间上形成集聚,形态上呈“穿孔式”。进一步以青山区为案例,着重从资本视角探讨发生局部收缩的内在机制,发现其存在老龄化、少子化趋势,但局部收缩的主因是资本从产业部门的“逃逸”。  相似文献   
根据高分辨率的岱海沉积物粒度分布的中值粒径和粗颗粒含量,结合区域降水、历史记载资料,重建了内蒙古岱海地区近400年来发生的尘暴事件。结果表明,尘暴事件是受冬、夏季风的相对强弱制约的,大量尘暴事件频发于小冰期干冷的气候条件下,表现为中值粒径大,粗颗粒含量高,在转暖的现代气候下,尘暴事件很少,中值粒径也随之降低,但是近十几年尘暴事件又呈上升趋势,部分可能与人类活动造成的土地荒漠化有关。  相似文献   
Microseismicity and faulting geometry in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During the summer of 1993, a network of seismological stations was installed over a period of 7 weeks around the eastern Gulf of Corinth where a sequence of strong earthquakes occurred during 1981. Seismicity lies between the Alepohori fault dipping north and the Kaparelli fault dipping south and is related to both of these antithetic faults. Focal mechanisms show normal faulting with the active fault plane dipping at about 45° for both faults. The aftershocks of the 1981 earthquake sequence recorded by King et al . (1985 ) were processed again and show similar results. In contrast, the observations collected near the western end of the Gulf of Corinth during an experiment conducted in 1991 ( Rigo et al . 1996 ), and during the aftershock studies of the 1992 Galaxidi and the 1995 Aigion earthquakes ( Hatzfeld et al . 1996 ; Bernard et al . 1997 ) show seismicity dipping at a very low angle (about 15°) northwards and normal faulting mechanisms with the active fault plane dipping northwards at about 30°. We suggest that the 8–12 km deep seismicity in the west is probably related to the seismic–aseismic transition and not to a possible almost horizontal active fault dipping north as previously proposed. The difference in the seismicity and focal mechanisms between east and west of the Gulf could be related to the difference in the recent extension rate between the western Gulf of Corinth and the eastern Gulf of Corinth, which rotated the faults dipping originally at 45° (as in the east of the Gulf) to 30° (as in the west of the Gulf).  相似文献   
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