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运用铸体薄片、扫描电镜、能谱分析及溶蚀实验等多种测试手段对鄂尔多斯盆地西北部二叠系砂岩填隙物进行了成份和成岩演化分析,认为砂岩中的填隙物主要为凝灰质填隙物,而不是普通意义上的粘土矿物。在有残余粒间孔隙或裂缝沟通的较开放性水环境里,凝灰质填隙物蚀变程度强,Si、Al、K、Na及Ca等离子因活性不同而发生分异,蚀变为“脏”高岭石及硅质团块等产物;封闭环境下,凝灰质填隙物保存完好,偏光显微镜下显示出似非晶态波状消光,活性强的K、Na元素含量仍然很高。凝灰质填隙物分异过程中,可以产生一定数量的溶蚀孔隙及晶间孔隙,砂岩储集性能得到了明显改善。对声波时差异常带砂岩进行大量的铸体薄片观察,证实了本区砂岩粒间溶蚀孔隙发育,凝灰质填隙物发生了强烈溶蚀。综合分析26口井的资料,发现垂向上凝灰质填隙物溶蚀强度呈箱型展布,箱内“脏”高岭石及溶蚀孔隙发育,箱顶部凝灰质填隙物含量高,保存好,并缺少“脏”高岭石团块出现。  相似文献   
辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年方法的改进与应用   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4  
公认的Re-Os同位素定年代表物辉钼矿,目前已在金属硫化物矿床年代学研究领域获得了广泛的应用。本研究采用浓HNO3分解辉钼矿样品,大大地简化了Re和Os的化学制备过程,并根据辉钼矿中正常Os含量水平相对放射成因187Os可以忽略的特点,以正常Os标准为稀释剂,实现了仪器测量过程中Os同位素质量分馏的在线校正,改善了分析数据的质量。该方法经辉钼矿国家标准物质进行验证,获得了满意的Re、Os含量及Re-Os年龄数据,并且在南岭地区与连阳复式岩体相关的姓坪夕卡岩型钼矿床成矿年龄研究中获得了成功应用。在实际应用中,为了获得有意义的能反映真实地质事件的年龄数据,辉钼矿样品不仅要有足够的取样量,而且还要保证粒度细、混合均匀。  相似文献   
世界上的含金夕卡岩大多属钙夕卡岩型,镁夕卡岩金矿床十分稀少。本文介绍我国安徽北部三铺地区镁夕卡岩金(铜、铁)矿床的地质地球化学特征。该区含金(铜、铁)镁夕卡岩主要产于台地断拗区燕山期石英二长闪长玢岩与中上寒武统白云质大理岩外接触带。岩体内接触带发育钙夕卡岩和钾长石化,局部有辉钼矿化产出。金矿化与铜的硫化物密切共生,属于镁夕卡岩的退化热液交代作用产物。金属矿化分带序列自蚀变石英二长闪长玢岩到镁夕卡岩  相似文献   
中国区域地壳稳定性定量化评价与分区   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
中国地处环太平洋构造带与地中海构造带交接部位,地质构造复杂,活动性较为强烈,各种内动力地质灾害比较严重,总体看来中国区域地壳稳定性相对较差。为了使区域地壳稳定性评价与分区获得定量化认识,更好地服务于经济建设和减灾防灾,本文在分析中国现今活动的主要构造体系与内动力地质灾害的分布规律的基础上,首先进行区域地壳稳定性定量化评价待评区的划分;其次进行定量化评价指标的选定、取值、权重分配及评价标准的确定;最后运用模糊数学进行中国区域地壳稳定性定量化评价与分区。   相似文献   
暴雨模拟中多普勒雷达径向速度变分同化的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对2008年6月广东地区的一次强降雨过程,利用WRF中尺度数值模式及其三维变分同化系统(WRF-3DVAR),进行了多普勒雷达径向速度变分同化对暴雨过程模拟效果影响研究。结果表明:WRF-3DVAR能够有效地同化多普勒雷达径向速度,同化后的主要影响在于改进了初始动力场,使得初始场包含有更详尽的中尺度特征信息,进而显著提高模式对广东局地暴雨过程的模拟效果。在高分辨率中尺度数值模式中有效地利用多普勒天气雷达资料,是提高中尺度降雨预报的关键。  相似文献   
Land surface temperature shaped by urban fractions in megacity region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of spatial scales on surface fluxes is an interesting but not fully investigated question. This paper presents an analysis on the influence of spatial scales on surface fluxes in the north Tibetan Plateau based on eddy covariance (EC) and large aperture scintillometer (LAS) data at site Nagqu/BJ, combined with the land surface temperature (LST) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS). The analysis shows that sensible heat fluxes calculated with LAS data (H_LAS) agree reasonably well with sensible heat fluxes calculated with EC data (H_EC) in the rain and dry seasons. The difference in their footprints due to the wind direction is an important reason for the differences in H_EC and H_LAS. The H_LAS are statistically more consistent with H_EC when their footprints overlap than when their footprints do not. A detailed analysis on H_EC and H_LAS changes with net radiation and wind direction in rain and dry season indicates that the spatial heterogeneity in net radiation created by clouds contributes greatly to the differences in H_EC and H_LAS in short-term variations. A significant relationship between the difference in footprint-weighted averages of LST and difference in H_EC and H_LAS suggests that the spatial heterogeneity in LST at two spatial scales is a reason for the differences in H_EC and H_LAS and that LST has a positive correlation with the differences in H_EC and H_LAS. A significant relationship between the footprint-weighted averages of NDVI and the ratio of sensible heat fluxes at two spatial scales to net radiation (H/Rn) in the rain season supports the analysis that the spatial heterogeneity in canopy at two spatial scales is another reason for differences in H_EC and H_LAS and that canopy has a negative correlation with (H/Rn). An analysis on the influence of the difference in aerodynamic roughness lengths at two spatial scales on sensible heat fluxes shows that the influence is greater in the dry season and smaller in the rain season because the ratio of z0m_LAS to z0m_EC is big in the dry season and is close to 1.0 in the rain season. This study on spatial scales on surface fluxes in the Tibetan Plateau will be helpful in analyzing and understanding its influence on climate.  相似文献   
基于极坐标投影的多谱勒雷达数据栅格化技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过研究球面距离算法、极坐标投影原理及新一代多谱勒天气雷达产品的数据存储格式,实现精度较高的雷达数据栅格化,为雷达回波追踪、降水算法优化、短时临近预报等相关的应用与研究提供经过仰角订正、球面距离订正后的更准确更通用的产品数据.  相似文献   
Numerical study of 1998 late summer flood in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Purdue Regional Model (PRM) is applied to study the evolution of regional climate and weather systems during the heavy precipitation over Korea and China between 30 July and 18 August 1998. The results show that heavy rainfall along the Mei-yu and Changma front was due to the combination of: (1) an anomalous 850 hPa subtropical high, (2) a stronger baroclinicity around 40°N over eastern Asia and a low pressure located to the north of the front, and (3) an excessive evaporation from abnormal wet, warm land. The precipitation ended by 18 August when the subtropical high had retreated and the low pressure in Mongolia moved away from Asia continent. The model reproduced in great detail the observed baroclinic waves to the north, subtropical high and low-level jet to the south, and the front with heavy precipitation extending from southern China, and the Korean peninsula to Japan. High correlations are found for mass, momentum, and moisture fields between model simulation and the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) reanalysis for the 20-day means.  相似文献   
利用1971-2000年东营市及所辖3个县站的资料分析了地处黄河入海口的东营市大雾天气气候特征,结果表明:每年11月到次年的1月,是一年中大雾出现最岁的月份,广饶县大雾出现得最多,平均每年大雾日有22.7天。针对2006年9月20-23日连续大雾天气,分析了其高、低空环流形势,在此基础上总结了东营秋冬季大雾的预报着眼点。对于连续性大雾的第一天预报,需要湿度条件、辐射降温条件、风力条件均有利时才易出现大雾,而对于连续性的大雾,对辐射降温条件要求不高。  相似文献   
全新世以来洞庭湖的演变   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
本文根据全新世沉积物的岩性、岩相特征和文化遗址的时空分布,结合孢粉资料与历史文献记载,揭示了全新世以来洞庭湖演变的六个阶段:(1)晚更新世末至全新世初为河湖切割平原;(2)中全新世早、中期(8000—5000a B.P.)是湖泊扩展时期;(3)中全新世晚期(5000—3000 a B.P.)四水复合三角洲发育,湖沼洼地零星分布;(4)商周至秦汉(3000—1700 a B.P.)四水分流间洼地湖泊和沼泽广布,汛期河湖水体相连;(5)魏晋至19世纪中叶,洞庭湖逐渐发展至鼎盛阶段;(6)19世纪中叶至今,三角洲迅速推进,湖泊逐渐萎缩。研究认为这种发育演化过程与区域性气候变化、人类活动直接相关。  相似文献   
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