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This study develops first-order estimates of water quality co-effects of terrestrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emission offset strategies in U.S. agriculture by linking a national level agricultural sector model (ASMGHG) to a national level water quality model (NWPCAM). The simulated policy scenario considers GHG mitigation incentive payments of $25 and $50 per tonne, carbon equivalent to landowners for reducing emissions or enhancing the sequestration of GHG through agricultural and land-use practices. ASMGHG projects that these GHG price incentives could induce widespread conversion of agricultural to forested lands, along with alteration of tillage practices, crop mix on land remaining in agriculture, and livestock management. This study focuses on changes in cropland use and management. The results indicate that through agricultural cropland about 60 to 70 million tonnes of carbon equivalent (MMTCE) emissions can be mitigated annually in the U.S. These responses also lead to a 2% increase in aggregate national water quality, with substantial variation across regions. Such GHG mitigation activities are found to reduce annual nitrogen loadings into the Gulf of Mexico by up to one half of the reduction goals established by the national Watershed Nutrient Task Force for addressing the hypoxia problem.  相似文献   
Metamorphic pelitic assemblages, containing andalusite, garnet and staurolite, occur in the pre-Cambrian Delhi System of rocks in North-Eastern Rajasthan, India. Some of these assemblages have been studied petrographically and chemically in a selected area around Bairawas. It is suggested that metamorphism has been achieved in the area under conditions of relatively low pressure and high temperature. The assemblages do not strictly correspond to any known trend of regional metamorphism and can be best described as a type intermediate between Barrovian- and Abukuma-types. The possible paragenetic history of the mineral assemblages and the trend of metamorphism have been discussed.
Zusammenfassung Metamorphe pelitische Serien, die Andalusit, Granat und Staurolith enthalten, kommen im präkambrischen Delhi-System im nordöstlichen Rajasthan vor. Einige dieser Serien eines ausgewählten Gebietes bei Bairawas wurden petrographisch und chemisch untersucht. Es ist anzunehmen, daß Metamorphose in dem Gebiet unter relativ niedrigen Druck- und hohen Temperaturbedingungen zustande gekommen ist. Die Kriterien entsprechen keinem eindeutigen Trend der regionalen Metamorphose, sie kann am besten als ein Typ beschrieben werden, der zwischen Barrovian und Abukuma einzuordnen ist. Die mögliche paragenetische Geschichte der Mineralassoziation und der Trend der Metamorphose werden besprochen.

Résumé Dans le «Delhi System» d'âge pré-Cambrien situé au Nord-Est du Rajasthan (Inde) se trouve un assemblage métamorphique et pelitique contenant de l'andalousite, du grenat et de la staurotide. Une partie de cet assemblage a été étudié au point de vue pétrographique et chimique dans la région de Bairawas. L'auteur est d'avis que le métamorphisme s'est achevé dans la région sous des conditions relatives de haute température et de basse pression. Cet assemblage ne correspond à aucun métamorphisme régional connu, et on peut l'identifier comme intermédiare entre les types «Barrovian» et « Abukuma ». L'auteur i discuté la direction du métamorphisme ainsi que l'histoire paragénétique probable des minéraux de cet assemblage.

, , , - Rajasthan. Bairawas . , . . Barrovian Abukuma. .
Raniganj and Jharia regions together have been for long the single largest coal supplier in India, now contributing about a quarter of the total output in the country. Numerous reasons such as improper mining techniques and policy, as well as unauthorized mining caused surface and subsurface coalfires in these areas. These coalfires burn millions of tonnes of valuable coal resources, creating severe environmental problems and posing enormous operational difficulties of mining. After first use of remote sensing as a tool to identify coalfires in 1960s, with the time, the efficiency of remote sensing to identify and monitoring coalfires has been well established by several researchers. With the knowledge of local geological setting and density sliced surface temperature image the spatial distribution of coalfires can be revealed. The present paper makes an attempt to identify temperature anomalies of the Raniganj coalbelt to locate the spatial distribution of coalfires. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) thermal band data was used to calculate surface temperature along with NDVI (normalized vegetation index) derived emissivity.  相似文献   
Principal component analysis is a data reduction technique used to identify the important components or factors that explain most of the variance of a system. This technique was extended to evaluating a ground water monitoring network where the variables are monitoring wells. The objective was to identify monitoring wells that are important in predicting the dynamic variation in potentiometric head at a location. The technique is demonstrated through an application to the monitoring network of the Bangkok area. Principal component analysis was carried out for all the monitoring wells of the aquifer, and a ranking scheme based on the frequency of occurrence of a particular well as principal well was developed. The decision maker with budget constraints can now opt to monitor principal wells which can adequately capture the potentiometric head variation in the aquifer. This was evaluated by comparing the observed potentiometric head distribution using data from all available wells and wells selected using the ranking scheme as a guideline.  相似文献   
The present study aims to compute the temporal and spatial distribution of road traffic induced noise pollution in an urban environment by monitoring and mapping. The study area was the entire Asansol city of West Bengal, India. A total of 35 locations were selected for collection of data, classified as industrial, commercial, residential, sensitive and mixed areas according to the national regulatory standards. Noise recordings were conducted during morning and night hours. Day time Leq level ranged between 51.2 and 89.0 dB(A), whereas it ranged between 43.5 and 81.9 dB(A) during night. The average Ldn value was 73.28 ±8.51 dB(A) (Range: 55.1–87.3); The traffic noise index was 80.62 ± 15.88 dB(A) (Range: 49.4–115.8). The computed data were mapped by utilization of Geographic information system methodology that allowed the visualization and identification of the extent and distribution of sound pollution across the study area. This proves to be an ideal tool for carrying out noise impact assessments in urban settings. The study reveals that present noise level in all the locations exceeds the prescribed limit. Based on the finding, it can be mentioned that the population in this industrial town are exposed to significantly high noise level, which is caused mostly due to road traffic. The study reveals that vulnerable establishments like schools and hospitals are subjected to significantly high noise level throughout the day and immediate mitigatory measures are required to alleviate the problem.  相似文献   
Climate change scenarios generated by general circulation models have too coarse a spatial resolution to be useful in planning disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation strategies at regional to river basin scales. This study presents a new non-parametric statistical K-nearest neighbor algorithm for downscaling climate change scenarios for the Rohini River Basin in Nepal. The study is an introduction to the methodology and discusses its strengths and limitations within the context of hindcasting basin precipitation for the period of 1976?C2006. The actual downscaled climate change projections are not presented here. In general, we find that this method is quite robust and well suited to the data-poor situations common in developing countries. The method is able to replicate historical rainfall values in most months, except for January, September, and October. As with any downscaling technique, whether numerical or statistical, data limitations significantly constrain model ability. The method was able to confirm that the dataset available for the Rohini Basin does not capture long-term climatology. Yet, we do find that the hindcasts generated with this methodology do have enough skill to warrant pursuit of downscaling climate change scenarios for this particularly poor and vulnerable region of the world.  相似文献   
Previous work concerning Gulf Stream warm-core rings (WCRs) and their associated shelf water entrainments have been based upon single surveys or time series from individual WCRs. To date, estimates of annual shelf water volume entrained into the Slope Sea by WCRs and its interannual variability have not been made. Using a long time series of satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) observations of Slope Sea WCRs, we have completed an analysis of 22 years of WCR data (1978–1999) between 75°W and 50°W to understand the interannual variability of WCRs and their role in entraining shelf water. Satellite-derived SST data digitized at Bedford Institute of Oceanography are analyzed using an ellipse-fitting feature model to determine key WCR characteristics including WCR center position, radius and orientation. Key characteristics are then used to compute WCR swirl velocity by finite-differencing WCR orientations (θ) obtained from the feature model time series. Global mean WCR-edge swirl velocity calculated from all observations is 105.72±10.7 km day−1 (122.36±12.4 cm s−1), and global mean WCR radius is 64.8±6.2 km. Primary and derived WCR data are incorporated into a two-dimensional ring entrainment model (RM) using the quasi-geostrophic approximation of the potential vorticity equation. The RM defines ambient water as entrained by a WCR only if the gradient of relative vorticity term (horizontal shear) dominates the potential vorticity. Proximity of a WCR to the position of the shelf-slope front (SSF) is then used to determine whether the ambient water is entrained from the outer continental shelf. WCR-induced shelf entrainment derived from the RM displays considerable spatial variability, with maximum entrainment occurring offshore of Georges Bank, advecting a mean total annual shelf water volume of 7500 km3 year−1 from the region. Estimates of shelf water fluxes display significant interannual variability, which may be in part due to the observed covariance between WCR occurrences and the state of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Increased (decreased) occurrences of WCRs are evidenced during positive (negative) phases of the NAO. The total mean annual shelf-wide WCR-induced shelf water transport is estimated to be 23,700 km3 year−1 (0.75 Sv), accounting for nearly 25% of the total transport in the Slope Sea region neighboring the outer continental shelf.  相似文献   
Osmium isotopic compositions, and Re and Os concentrations have been examined in one komatiite unit and two komatiitic basalt units at Dundonald Beach, part of the 2.7 Ga Kidd-Munro volcanic assemblage in the Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. The komatiitic rocks in this locality record at least three episodes of alteration of Re-Os elemental and isotope systematics. First, an average of 40% and as much as 75% Re may have been lost due to shallow degassing during eruption and/or hydrothermal leaching during or immediately after emplacement. Second, the Re-Os isotope systematics of whole rock samples with 187Re/188Os ratios >1 were reset at ∼2.5 Ga, possibly due to a regional metamorphic event. Third, there is evidence for relatively recent gain and loss of Re in some rocks.Despite the open-system behavior, some aspects of the Re-Os systematics of these rocks can be deciphered. The bulk distribution coefficient for Os (DOssolid/liquid) for the Dundonald rocks is ∼3 ± 1 and is well within the estimated D values obtained for komatiites from the nearby Alexo area and stratigraphically-equivalent komatiites from Munro Township. This suggests that Os was moderately compatible during crystal-liquid fractionation of the magmas parental to the Kidd-Munro komatiitic rocks. Whole-rock samples and chromite separates with low 187Re/188Os ratios (<1) yield a precise chondritic average initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.1083 ± 0.0006 (γOs = 0.0 ± 0.6) for their well-constrained ∼2715 Ma crystallization age. The chondritic initial Os isotopic composition of the mantle source for the Dundonald rocks is consistent with that determined for komatiites in the Alexo area and in Munro Township, suggesting that the mantle source region for the Kidd-Munro volcanic assemblage had evolved with a long-term chondritic Re/Os before eruption. The chondritic initial Os isotopic composition of the Kidd-Munro komatiites is indistinguishable from that of the projected contemporaneous convective upper mantle. The uniform chondritic Os isotopic composition of the Kidd-Munro komatiites contrasts with the typical large-scale Os isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle sources for ca. 89 Ma komatiites from the Gorgona Island, arc-related rocks and present-day ocean island basalts. This suggests that the Kidd-Munro komatiites sampled a late-Archean mantle source region that was significantly more homogeneous with respect to Re/Os relative to most modern mantle-derived rocks.  相似文献   
The Colorado River is an important source of water in the western United States, supplying the needs of more than 38 million people in the United States and Mexico. Groundwater discharge to streams has been shown to be a critical component of streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB), particularly during low‐flow periods. Understanding impacts on groundwater in the basin from projected climate change will assist water managers in the region in planning for potential changes in the river and groundwater system. A previous study on changes in basin‐wide groundwater recharge in the UCRB under projected climate change found substantial increases in temperature, moderate increases in precipitation, and mostly periods of stable or slight increases in simulated groundwater recharge through 2099. This study quantifies projected spatial and seasonal changes in groundwater recharge within the UCRB from recent historical (1950 to 2015) through future (2016 to 2099) time periods, using a distributed‐parameter groundwater recharge model with downscaled climate data from 97 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) climate projections. Simulation results indicate that projected increases in basin‐wide recharge of up to 15% are not distributed uniformly within the basin or throughout the year. Northernmost subregions within the UCRB are projected an increase in groundwater recharge, while recharge in other mainly southern subregions will decline. Seasonal changes in recharge also are projected within the UCRB, with decreases of 50% or more in summer months and increases of 50% or more in winter months for all subregions, and increases of 10% or more in spring months for many subregions.  相似文献   
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