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Simultaneous inversion of teleseismic data results in a model for the western branch of the East African Rift system between 1°S and 10°N characterized by a 35 km crust and thin high-velocity lid, overlying a channel possessing both low S and low P velocities (4.47 and 7.69 km/sec, respectively). A strong reflector at 140 km depth marks the boundary to high-velocity material (4.67 and 8.44 km/sec, respectively).The eastern branch has a crustal thickness of 40 km and is characterized by low S velocities, 4.43 km/sec in the lid to a depth of 78 km, 4.09–4.21 km/sec in a channel which extends to 161 km depth. The S velocities remain relatively low at greater depths, but cannot be precisely determined because of the limited resolution.We have interpreted these and other geophysical data as due to a diapiric intrusion of material with a high pyroxene content and possibly with some low-density eclogite, coming from the mesosphere. A mushroom of this rock has stalled below the western branch at about 55 km below the surface and is cooling. The diapirism in the eastern branch has broken through to the surface. The mantle of the African shield to the west of the Rift shows seismic velocities which indicate that it is depleted in basaltic components.  相似文献   
In the East Coast Basin (ECB), an active convergent margin of the North Island, New Zealand, the smectite‐rich Eocene Wanstead Formation forms an effective regional seal, creating high overpressure in the underlying Cretaceous through Palaeocene units due to disequilibrium compaction. This study examines the evolution of pore pressure and porosity in Hawke Bay of the ECB based on stepwise structural reconstruction of a stratigraphic and structural framework derived from interpretation of a regional two‐dimensional seismic line. This framework is incorporated into a basin and petroleum system model to predict the generation, distribution, and dissipation of overpressure, and examine the influence of faults, erosion, structural thickening, and seal effectiveness of the Wanstead Formation on pore pressure evolution. We find that natural hydraulic fracturing is likely occurring in sub‐Wanstead source rocks, which makes it a favourable setting for potential shale gas plays. We use poroelastic modelling to investigate the impact of horizontal bulk shortening due to tectonic compression on pore pressure and the relative order of principal stresses. We find that shortening modestly increases pore pressure. When 5% or greater shortening occurs, the horizontal stress may approach and exceed vertical stress in the last 4 Myr of the basin's history. Shortening impacts both the magnitude and relative order of principal stresses through geological time. Due to the overpressured nature of the basin, we suggest that subtle changes in stress regime are responsible for the significant changes in structural deformational styles observed, enabling compressional, extensional, and strike‐slip fault regimes to all occur during the tectonic history and, at times, simultaneously.  相似文献   
About 50 000 P and S arrival times and 25 000 values of t * recorded at seismic arrays operated in the Central Andes between 20°S and 25°S in the time period from 1994 to 1997 have been used for locating more than 1500 deep and crustal earthquakes and creating 3-D P , S velocity and Qp models. The study volume in the reference model is subdivided into three domains: slab, continental crust and mantle wedge. A starting velocity distribution in each domain is set from a priori information: in the crust it is based on the controlled sources seismic studies; in slab and mantle wedge it is defined using relations between P and S velocities, temperature and composition given by mineral physics. Each iteration of tomographic inversion consists of the following steps: (1) absolute location of sources in 3-D velocity model using P and S arrival times; (2) double-difference relocation of the sources and (3) simultaneous determination of P and S velocity anomalies, P and S station corrections and source parameters by inverting one matrix. Velocity parameters are computed in a mesh with the density of nodes proportional to the ray density with double-sided nodes at the domain boundaries. The next iteration is repeated with the updated velocity model and source parameters obtained at the previous step. Different tests aimed at checking the reliability of the obtained velocity models are presented. In addition, we present the results of inversion for Vp and Vp/Vs parameters, which appear to be practically equivalent to Vp and Vs inversion. A separate inversion for Qp has been performed using the ray paths and source locations in the final velocity model. The resulting Vp , Vs and Qp distributions show complicated, essentially 3-D structure in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. P and S velocities appear to be well correlated, suggesting the important role of variations of composition, temperature, water content and degree of partial melting.  相似文献   
The temporal evolution and spatial structure of the aerosol layer (AL) height as observed with an airborne downlooking lidar over the Swiss Alps were investigated with a three-dimensional mesoscale numerical model and a particle dispersion model. Convective boundary-layer (CBL) heights were derived from the mesoscale model output, and the behaviour of surface-released particles was investigated with the particle dispersion model. While a previous investigation, using data from the same field study, equated the observed AL height with the CBL height, the results of the current investigation indicate that there is a considerable difference between AL and CBL heights caused by mixing and transport processes between the CBL and the free atmosphere. CBL heights show a more terrain-following behaviour and are lower than AL heights. We argue that processes causing the difference between AL and CBL heights are common over mountainous terrain and that the AL height is a length scale that needs to be considered in air pollution studies in mountainous terrain.  相似文献   
There is growing recognition in the human dimensions research community that climate change impact studies must take into account the effects of other ongoing global changes. Yet there has been no systematic methodology to study climate change vulnerability in the context of multiple stressors. Using the example of Indian agriculture, this paper presents a methodology for investigating regional vulnerability to climate change in combination with other global stressors. This method, which relies on both vulnerability mapping and local-level case studies, may be used to assess differential vulnerability for any particular sector within a nation or region, and it can serve as a basis for targeting policy interventions.  相似文献   
Stratospheric ozone reduction,solar UV-B radiation and terrestrial ecosystems   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Stratospheric ozone reduction is occurring and will continue to increase in magnitude into the next century. Yet, the consequences for terrestrial ecosystems of the increased solar UV-B (280–320 nm) radiation resulting from total column ozone reduction are not understood. Based on studies of higher plant response to UV-B, several possible consequences for ecosystems include decreased primary production, altered plant species composition, and altered secondary chemistry with implications for herbivory, litter decomposition and biogeochemical cycles. However, like the assessment of increased atmospheric CO2, extrapolation from studies with isolated plants to ecosystem function is very tenuous at best. Very few UV-B studies have dealt with multispecies systems. Most of the UV-B research in the past two decades (since the first suggestions of ozone reduction) has been conducted as short-term experiments in growth chambers and greenhouses where the unnatural spectral balance of radiation can lead to unrealistic conclusions. Technical difficulties in suitable measurement and manipulation of UV-B radiation also complicate the conduct of reliable experiments. This essay surveys and categorizes some 300 papers from the past 20 years on this subject, draws general conclusions from the research and offers some recommendations with respect to ecosystem consequences.  相似文献   
Stable organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes can be used to interpret past vegetation patterns and ecosystem qualities. Here we present these proxies for two loess-palaeosol sequences from the southern Carpathian Basin to reconstruct the palaeoenvironment during the past 350 ka and establish regional commonalities and differences. Before now, isotopic studies on loess sequences from this region were only conducted on deposits from the last glacial cycle. We conducted methodological tests involving the complete decalcification of the samples prior to stable isotope analyses. Two decalcification methods (fumigation method and wet chemical acidification), different treatment times, and the reproducibility of carbon isotope analyses were tested. Obtained results indicate that the choice of the decalcification method is important for organic carbon stable isotope analyses of loess-palaeosol sequences because ratios vary by more than 10‰ between the wet chemical and fumigation methods, due to incomplete carbonate removal by the latter. Therefore, we suggest avoiding the fumigation method for studies on loess-palaeosol sequences. In addition, our data show that samples with TOC content <0.2% bear increased potential for misinterpretation of their carbon isotope ratios. For our sites, C3-vegetation is predominant and no palaeoenvironmental shifts leading to a change of the dominant photosynthesis pathway can be detected during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. Furthermore, the importance of further stable nitrogen isotope studies is highlighted, since this proxy seems to reflect past precipitation patterns and reveals favourable conditions in the southern Carpathian Basin, especially during interstadials.  相似文献   
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