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Low-temperature heat capacity measurements for MgCr2O4 have only been performed down to 52 K, and the commonly quoted third-law entropy at 298 K (106 J K−1 mol−1) was obtained by empirical extrapolation of these measurements to 0 K without considering the magnetic or electronic ordering contributions to the entropy. Subsequent magnetic measurements at low temperature reveal that the Néel temperature, at which magnetic ordering of the Cr3+ ions in MgCr2O4 occurs, is at ∼15 K. Hence a substantial contribution to the entropy of MgCr2O4 has been missed. We have determined the position of the near-univariant reaction MgCr2O4+SiO2=MgSiO3+Cr2O3. The reaction, which has a small positive slope in P-T space, has been bracketed at 100 K intervals between 1273 and 1773 K by reversal experiments. The reaction is extremely sluggish, and lengthy run times with a flux (H2O, BaO-B2O3 or K2O-B2O3) are needed to produce tight reversal brackets. The results, combined with assessed thermodynamic data for Cr2O3, MgSiO3 and SiO2, give the entropy and enthalpy of formation of MgCr2O4 spinel. As expected, our experimental results are not in good agreement with the presently available thermodynamic data. We obtain Δ f H 298=−1759.2±1.5 kJ mol−1 and S 298=122.1±1.0 J K−1 mol−1 for MgCr2O4. This entropy is some 16 J K−1 mol−1 more than the calorimetrically determined value, and implies a value for the magnetic entropy of MgCr2O4 consistent with an effective spin quantum number (S') for Cr3+ of 1/2 rather than the theoretical 3/2, indicating, as in other spinels, spin quenching. Received: 9 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   
GETEMME (Gravity, Einstein??s Theory, and Exploration of the Martian Moons?? Environment), a mission which is being proposed in ESA??s Cosmic Vision program, shall be launched for Mars on a Soyuz Fregat in 2020. The spacecraft will initially rendezvous with Phobos and Deimos in order to carry out a comprehensive mapping and characterization of the two satellites and to deploy passive Laser retro-reflectors on their surfaces. In the second stage of the mission, the spacecraft will be transferred into a lower 1500-km Mars orbit, to carry out routine Laser range measurements to the reflectors on Phobos and Deimos. Also, asynchronous two-way Laser ranging measurements between the spacecraft and stations of the ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service) on Earth are foreseen. An onboard accelerometer will ensure a high accuracy for the spacecraft orbit determination. The inversion of all range and accelerometer data will allow us to determine or improve dramatically on a host of dynamic parameters of the Martian satellite system. From the complex motion and rotation of Phobos and Deimos we will obtain clues on internal structures and the origins of the satellites. Also, crucial data on the time-varying gravity field of Mars related to climate variation and internal structure will be obtained. Ranging measurements will also be essential to improve on several parameters in fundamental physics, such as the Post-Newtonian parameter ?? as well as time-rate changes of the gravitational constant and the Lense-Thirring effect. Measurements by GETEMME will firmly embed Mars and its satellites into the Solar System reference frame.  相似文献   
Analyses of aircraft observations of the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer during the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment (FIRE I) show the frequent presence of clear, but relatively moist, air patches near the stratocumulus cloud-top interface. A conditional sampling of measurements in these clear air patches shows that their thermodynamic properties do more resemble boundary-layer air characteristics than those of free troposphere air. From an aircraft leg through cloud tops it is demonstrated that turbulent mixing across the cloud-top interface can lead to the local dissipation of the cloud top. Analogous to the terminology used for shallow cumulus parameterizations this process can be considered as detrainment, with which we mean that after a mixing event across the cloud-top boundaries, mixed unsaturated parcels become part of the clear environment of the cloud.  相似文献   
Highly insoluble Ce-bearing phosphate minerals form by weathering of apatite [Ca5(PO4)3.(OH,F,Cl)], and are important phosphorous repositories in soils. Although these phases can be dissolved via biologically-mediated pathways, the dissolution mechanisms are poorly understood. In this paper we report spectroscopic evidence to support coupling of redox transformations of organic carbon and cerium during the reaction of rhabdophane (CePO4·H2O) and catechol, a ubiquitous biogenic compound, at pH 5. Results show that the oxic–anoxic conditions influence the mineral dissolution behavior. Under anoxic conditions, the release of P and Ce occurs stoichiometrically. In contrast, under oxic conditions, the mineral dissolution behavior is incongruent, with dissolving Ce3+ ions oxidizing to CeO2. Reaction product analysis shows the formation of CO2, polymeric C, and oxalate and malate. The presence of more complex forms of organic carbon was also confirmed. Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy measurements at Ce-M4,5 and C-K absorption edges on reacted CePO4·H2O samples in the absence or presence of catechol and dissolved oxygen confirm that (1) the mineral surface converts to the oxide during this reaction, while full oxidation is limited to the near-surface region only; (2) the Ce valence remains unchanged when the reaction between CePO4·H2O and O2 but in the absence of catechol. Carbon K-edge spectra acquired from rhabdophane reacted with catechol under oxic conditions show spectral features before and after reaction that are considerably different from catechol, indicating the formation of more complex organic molecules. Decreases in intensity of characteristic catechol peaks are accompanied by the appearance of new π* resonances due to carbon in carboxyl (ca. 288.5 eV) and carbonyl (ca. 289.3 eV) groups, and the development of broad structure in the σ* region characteristic of aliphatic carbon. Evolution of the C K-edge spectra is consistent with aromatic-ring cleavage and polymerization. These results further substantiate that the presence of catechol, O2 (aq) causes both the oxidation of structural Ce3+ and the transformation of catechol to more complex organic molecules. Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy measurements at the C K and Ce M4,5 edges indicate three dominant organic species, varying in complexity and association with the inorganic phase. Untransformed catechol is loosely associated with CeO2, whereas more complex organic molecules that exhibit lower aromaticity and stronger CO π* resonances of carboxyl-C and carbonyl-C groups are only found in association with the grains. These results further serve as basis to postulate that, in the presence of O2, CeO2 can mediate the oxidative polymerization of catechol to form higher molecular weight polymers. The present work provides evidence for a pathway of biologically-induced, non-enzymatic oxidation of cerium and formation of small CeO2 particles at room temperature. These findings may have implications for carbon cycling in natural and cerium-contaminated soils and aqueous environments.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the defect properties of Lunar and Mercurian minerals has recently become important, with the advent of models which attempt to explain the formation of the thin exosphere of these celestial bodies. Here, we have calculated the formation energies of sodium and oxygen vacancies in the mineral albite (NaAlSi3O8), as well as the Schottky defect energy for the removal of a Na2O unit. We have employed both the supercell and Mott–Littleton approaches, using Kohn–Sham density functional theory and classical interatomic potential methods. As well as reporting the defect energies and structures, we comment upon the relative merits of the methods used.  相似文献   
In this paper we report about a small region on the northern scarp of Olympus Mons showing an increase of the 3 μm hydration band in the OMEGA spectra, together with low superficial temperatures. Although water ice clouds can occurs on the flank of big martian volcanoes, radiative transfer modeling indicates that atmospheric water ice alone cannot justify the shape of the observed band. A fit of the 1.9–3 μm absorption features is obtained by hypothesizing that the study region consists of a mixture of dust and water ice covered by an optically thin (τ=0.08 at 3 μm) layer of dust. Thermal modeling also suggests that water ice in this region may be stable during most of the martian year due to the saturation of the atmosphere. If water ice is responsible for the observed spectral behavior, it might consist of a number of ice or snow patches possibly deposited in small depressions.  相似文献   
Several of the icy satellites of Saturn show the spectroscopic signature of the asymmetric stretching mode of C-O in carbon dioxide (CO2) at or near the nominal solid-phase laboratory wavelength of 4.2675 μm (2343.3 cm−1), discovered with the Visible-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) on the Cassini spacecraft. We report here on an analysis of the variation in wavelength and width of the CO2 absorption band in the spectra of Phoebe, Iapetus, Hyperion, and Dione. Comparisons are made to laboratory spectra of pure CO2, CO2 clathrates, ternary mixtures of CO2 with other volatiles, implanted and adsorbed CO2 in non-volatile materials, and ab initio theoretical calculations of CO2 * nH2O. At the wavelength resolution of VIMS, the CO2 on Phoebe is indistinguishable from pure CO2 ice (each molecule’s nearby neighbors are also CO2) or type II clathrate of CO2 in H2O. In contrast, the CO2 band on Iapetus, Hyperion, and Dione is shifted to shorter wavelengths (typically ∼4.255 μm (∼2350.2 cm−1)) and broadened. These wavelengths are characteristic of complexes of CO2 with different near-neighbor molecules that are encountered in other volatile mixtures such as with H2O and CH3OH, and non-volatile host materials like silicates, some clays, and zeolites. We suggest that Phoebe’s CO2 is native to the body as part of the initial inventory of condensates and now exposed on the surface, while CO2 on the other three satellites results at least in part from particle or UV irradiation of native H2O plus a source of C, implantation or accretion from external sources, or redistribution of native CO2 from the interior.The analysis presented here depends on an accurate VIMS wavelength scale. In preparation for this work, the baseline wavelength calibration for the Cassini VIMS was found to be distorted around 4.3 μm, apparently as a consequence of telluric CO2 gas absorption in the pre-launch calibration. The effect can be reproduced by convolving a sequence of model detector response profiles with a deep atmospheric CO2 absorption profile, producing distorted detector profile shapes and shifted central positions. In a laboratory blackbody spectrum used for radiance calibration, close examination of the CO2 absorption profile shows a similar deviation from that expected from a model. These modeled effects appear to be sufficient to explain the distortion in the existing wavelength calibration now in use. A modification to the wavelength calibration for 13 adjacent bands is provided. The affected channels span about 0.2 μm centered on 4.28 μm. The maximum wavelength change is about 10 nm toward longer wavelength. This adjustment has implications for interpretation of some of the spectral features observed in the affected wavelength interval, such as from CO2, as discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) noted the risks associated with uncontrolled species introductions and transfers more than 40 years ago and launched two working groups to address the issue, i.e. the ICES Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) to deal with the movement of non-indigenous species for e.g. aquaculture purposes and the ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors which focuses on species movements with ships. Both groups are actively working until today and the key achievements of the groups are outlined.  相似文献   
Detailed knowledge of the extent of post-genetic modifications affecting shallow submarine hydrocarbons fueled from the deep subsurface is fundamental for evaluating source and reservoir properties. We investigated gases from a submarine high-flux seepage site in the anoxic Eastern Black Sea in order to elucidate molecular and isotopic alterations of low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons (LMWHC) associated with upward migration through the sediment and precipitation of shallow gas hydrates. For this, near-surface sediment pressure cores and free gas venting from the seafloor were collected using autoclave technology at the Batumi seep area at 845 m water depth within the gas hydrate stability zone.Vent gas, gas from pressure core degassing, and from hydrate dissociation were strongly dominated by methane (> 99.85 mol.% of ∑[C1–C4, CO2]). Molecular ratios of LMWHC (C1/[C2 + C3] > 1000) and stable isotopic compositions of methane (δ13C = ? 53.5‰ V-PDB; D/H around ? 175‰ SMOW) indicated predominant microbial methane formation. C1/C2+ ratios and stable isotopic compositions of LMWHC distinguished three gas types prevailing in the seepage area. Vent gas discharged into bottom waters was depleted in methane by > 0.03 mol.% (∑[C1–C4, CO2]) relative to the other gas types and the virtual lack of 14C–CH4 indicated a negligible input of methane from degradation of fresh organic matter. Of all gas types analyzed, vent gas was least affected by molecular fractionation, thus, its origin from the deep subsurface rather than from decomposing hydrates in near-surface sediments is likely.As a result of the anaerobic oxidation of methane, LMWHC in pressure cores in top sediments included smaller methane fractions [0.03 mol.% ∑(C1–C4, CO2)] than gas released from pressure cores of more deeply buried sediments, where the fraction of methane was maximal due to its preferential incorporation in hydrate lattices. No indications for stable carbon isotopic fractionations of methane during hydrate crystallization from vent gas were found. Enrichments of 14C–CH4 (1.4 pMC) in short cores relative to lower abundances (max. 0.6 pMC) in gas from long cores and gas hydrates substantiates recent methanogenesis utilizing modern organic matter deposited in top sediments of this high-flux hydrocarbon seep area.  相似文献   
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