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Because seismic activity within mid-continents is usually much lower than that along plate boundary zones, even small earthquakes can cause widespread concerns, especially when these events occur in the source regions of previous large earthquakes. However, these small earthquakes may be just aftershocks that continue for decades or even longer. The recent seismicity in the Tangshan region in North China is likely aftershocks of the 1976 Great Tangshan earthquake. The current earthquake sequence in the New Madrid seismic zone in central United States, which includes a cluster of M ~ 7.0 events in 1811–1812 and a number of similar events in the past millennium, is believed to result from recent fault reactivation that releases pre-stored strain energy in the crust. If so, this earthquake sequence is similar to aftershocks in that the rates of energy release should decay with time and the sequence of earthquakes will eventually end. We use simple physical analysis and numerical simulations to show that the current sequence of large earthquakes in the New Madrid fault zone is likely ending or has ended. Recognizing that mid-continental earthquakes have long aftershock sequences and complex spatiotemporal occurrences are critical to improve hazard assessments.  相似文献   
The distribution of V, Co, Ni, Sr, Nb and rare earth elements (REE) in ice-rafted sediments (IRS) collected in the Yermak Plateau area (the Arctic Ocean) during cruise ARK-XX/3 of the R/V Polarstern in September 2004 has been analyzed. It was determined that the Nb/V ratio in these IRS has an intermediate value between the average ratio values in suspended particulate matter of the Yenisei and Khatanga rivers and Mesozoic–Cenozoic basalts, on the one hand, and suspended matter of the Ob and Lena rivers and post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), on the other hand. The REE distribution demonstrates the same pattern. The IRS data points in Nb-Sr, Ni-Co, and Co-Sr and some other diagrams are close mainly to the average chemical composition of suspended particulate matter of the Ob and Lena rivers, i.e., waterways draining watersheds composed predominantly of sedimentary rocks. The Nb, Sr, Ni, and Co contents in the studied IRS samples are close to those in the PAAS. In accordance with this, we were able to conclude that the main provenance areas of the studied IRS samples are situated in the eastern part of the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea, on shelf of which the erosion products of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the Verkhoyansk Fold Belt dominate.  相似文献   
Risk management in urban planning is of increasing importance to mitigate the growing amount of damage and the increasing number of casualties caused by natural disasters. Risk assessment to support management requires knowledge about present and future hazards, elements at risk and different types of vulnerability. This article deals with the assessment of social vulnerability (SV). In the past this has frequently been neglected due to lack of data and assessment difficulties. Existing approaches for SV assessment, primarily based on community-based methods or on census data, have limited efficiency and transferability. In this article a new method based on contextual analysis of image and GIS data is presented. An approach based on proxy variables that were derived from high-resolution optical and laser scanning data was applied, in combination with elevation information and existing hazard data. Object-oriented image analysis was applied for the definition and estimation of those variables, focusing on SV indicators with physical characteristics. A reference Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) was created from census data available for the study area on a neighbourhood level and tested for parts of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. For the evaluation of the proxy-variables, a stepwise regression model to select the best explanatory variables for changes in the SVI was applied. Eight out of 47 variables explained almost 60% of the variance, whereby the slope position and the proportion of built-up area in a neighbourhood were found to be the most valuable proxies. This work shows that contextual segmentation-based analysis of geospatial data can substantially aid in SV assessment and, when combined with field-based information, leads to optimization in terms of assessment frequency and cost.  相似文献   
Strontium stable isotopes fractionate in the soil environments?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study shows that the stable isotopic composition of strontium (the 88Sr/86Sr ratio expressed as δ88/86Sr value relative to the NBS987 standard) varies significantly in sedimentary terrestrial environments. The abundances of 86Sr, 88Sr isotopes were analyzed by MC-ICP-MS “Nu Plasma”. All studied rocks and waters show δ88/86Sr values that are distinctly different from the measured NBS987 standard (yielding 0.01 ± 0.05‰, all errors are reported as 2σ). Modern corals from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea yielded significantly different value than seawater (δ88/86Sr = 0.22 ± 0.07‰, compared to 0.35 ± 0.06‰, respectively), in an excellent correlation with the δ88/86Sr analyses reported by Fietzke and Eisenhauer [Fietzke, J., Eisenhauer, A., 2006. Determination of temperature-dependent stable strontium isotopes (88Sr/86Sr) fractionation via bracketing standard MC-ICP-MS. Geochm. Geophys. Geosyst. 7 (no. 8)] on other coral samples. All carbonate samples that originated in the marine environment: corals (porites and acropora from the northern Gulf of Aqaba); Cretaceous limestone and runoff from the Judea Mountains as well as lacustrine evaporitic aragonite (Dead Sea); and Red Sea and Atlantic seawater yield an average δ88/86Sr value of 0.26 ± 0.1‰. On the other hand, secondary materials (products of chemical weathering) from the terrestrial environment of the Judea Mountain such as terra rossa soil and speleothem calcite (that derives its Sr from the above-lying soil) yielded significantly lower δ88/86Sr value of − 0.17 ± 0.06‰. This indicates that strontium isotopes fractionate in the soil environment calling for a possible development of strontium isotopes as a tracer for processes of chemical weathering and pedogenesis.  相似文献   
In order to reconstruct the depositional environment from the Laptev Sea continental slope and shelf during the past ~15,000 years BP maceral analysis was carried out on two sediment cores (PS2458-4, PS2725-5) and compared with organic-geochemical parameters. During the transition from the Last Glacial to the Holocene the environment of the Laptev Sea shelf was controlled by the post-glacial sea level rise, variations in river discharge, surface-water productivity, and Atlantic-water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin. Based on our results, we identify the following significant changes of the environment: (a) at approximately 13,500 years BP the first step of deglaciation (Termination 1a) is documented by the deposition of marine and fresh-water organic matter; (b) at approximately 10,400 years BP the first post-glacial influence of Atlantic-water inflow along the Eastern Laptev Sea continental margin is indicated by an increase in marine organic matter; (c) at the beginning of the Holocene an increased fluvial supply is documented by an increase in fresh-water alginite; and (d) since ~9500-8000 years BP modern marine conditions are established at the Laptev Sea continental margin as documented in increased amounts of marine macerals, biomarkers (dinosterol, brassicasterol, short-chain fatty acids), and dinoflagellate cysts.  相似文献   
We present inorganic geochemical analyses of pore waters and sediments of two Late Quaternary sediment cores from the western Arctic Ocean (southern Mendeleev Ridge, RV Polarstern Expedition ARK-XXIII/3), focussing on the composition and origin of distinct, brown-colored, Mn-rich sediment layers. Carbonate enrichments occur in association with these layers as peaks in Ca/Al, Mg/Al, Sr/Al and Sr/Mg, suggesting enhanced input of both ice-rafted and biogenic carbonate. For the first time, we show that the Mn-rich layers layers are also consistently enriched in the scavenged trace metals Co, Cu, Mo and Ni. Distinct bioturbation patterns, specifically well-defined brown burrows into the underlying sediments, suggest these metal enrichments formed close to the sediment-water interface. The geochemical signature of these metal- and carbonate-rich layers most probably documents formation under warmer climate conditions with an intensified continental hydrological cycle and only seasonal sea ice cover. Both rivers and sea ice delivered trace metals to the Arctic Ocean, while enhanced seasonal productivity exported reactive organic matter to the sea floor. The coeval deposition of organic matter, Mn (oxyhydr)oxides and trace metals triggered intense diagenetic Mn cycling at the sediment-water interface. These processes resulted in the formation of Mn and trace metal enrichments, and the degradation of labile organic matter. With the onset of cooler conditions, reduced riverine runoff and/or a solid sea ice cover terminated the input of riverine trace metal and fresh organic matter, resulting in deposition of grayish-yellowish, metal-poor sediments. Oxygen depletion of Arctic bottom waters under these cooler conditions is not supported by our data, and did not cause the sedimentary Mn distribution. While the original composition and texture of the brown layers resulted from specific climatic conditions and corresponding diagenetic processes, pore water data show that diagenetic Mn redistribution is still affecting the organic-poor deeper sediments. Given persistent steady state conditions, purely authigenic Mn-rich brown layers may form, while others may be partly or completely dissolved. The degree of diagenetic Mn redistribution largely depends on the depositional environment, the Mn and organic matter availability, and apparently affected the Co/Mo ratios of Mn-rich layers. Thus, brown Arctic layers are not necessarily synchronous features, and should not be correlated across the Arctic Ocean without additional age control.  相似文献   
The December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake and the tsunami that followed killed over 300,000 people. In this paper, we analyze and discuss the geologic causes for this earthquake, the mechanisms that generated it, and follow up with a discussion on ways to prevent this type of disaster in the future.  相似文献   
Polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) were observed with the multi-wavelength lidar of the MOANA project (Modelling and Observations of Aerosols in the Northern Atmosphere) during SESAME (Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-latitude Experiment). The physical state, liquid or solid, of the cloud particles can be inferred from the lidar data. Using isentropic back-trajectories to obtain the thermal history of the sampled air masses, it is possible to reconcile most of the observations with current ideas on PSC formation and evolution. When the cloud particles were identified as liquid, changes in the size distribution of the droplets along the trajectory were calculated using a micro-physical box model. Backscatter ratios calculated from the size distributions are in broad agreement with the lidar data, giving confidence in current understanding of the evolution of ternary solution (H2SO4, HNO3 and H2O) droplets.Results from two soundings are shown which bear on the problem of the formation of solid particles. In the first, solid particles were detected. The air mass had cooled to the frost point 12 hours earlier. In the second no solid particles were detected although the air temperature was below the nitric acid trihydrate existence point, and had decreased by 12K in the previous 14 hours.  相似文献   
Igneous formations associated with massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) are essentially composed of basic lavas and dolerites, and dacitic to rhyolitic volcanites; intermediate lavas are subordinate. The basic rocks show variable geochemical characteristics: lavas and dolerites comparable to recent within-plate alkaline basalts seem restricted to the western and southern parts of the IPB, whereas basic rocks comparable to continental tholeiites or arc-related basalts occur across the whole belt. The felsic rocks are classified as calc-alkaline and belong to the “low-Al2O3 and high-Yb type”. At given SiO2, Al2O3 and TiO2 contents, they show variable Zr, Nb, and HREE contents. Heavy-rare-earth element fractionation decreases from the dacites to the rhyolites ([Gd/Yb]N ∼ 1), whereas the negative Eu-anomaly becomes more pronounced. The characteristics of the rhyolites are typical of sulphide-fertile volcanic packages. Trace-element modelling suggests that the felsic rocks evolved from a dacitic parent magma through fractional crystallization of hornblende and plagioclase. Partial melting of an amphibolite protolith, which appears as the most probable model for the origin of this dacitic magma, requires a high T/P gradient in the crust. The occurrence of alkaline basalts and continental tholeiites is consistent with formation of the IPB in a tensional tectonic setting. However, the associated island-arc tholeiites suggest a location in a domain of plate convergence. Emplacement in a fore-arc basin over a recently accreted crustal segment is envisaged as a possible hypothesis to account for the geological and petrological constraints. A high geothermal gradient and eruption in a submarine tensional basin could have been two key ingredients for the development of massive sulphide deposits within the IPB.
Resumen (translated by E. Pascual) Las formaciones ígneas asociadas con los depósitos de sulfuros masivos de la Faja Pirítica Ibérica (IPB) se componen esencialmente de doleritas y lavas básicas y de rocas volcánicas dacíticas a riolíticas; las lavas intermedias son poco abundantes. Las rocas básicas muestran caracteres geoquímicos variables: lavas y doleritas comparables a basaltos alcalinos intraplaca recientes parecen hasta ahora restringidos a las partes W y S de la IPB, mientras que rocas básicas de caracteres comparables a las de toleítas continentales o basaltos relacionados con arcos aparecen en toda la zona. Las rocas ácidas se clasifican como calcoalcalinas del tipo “low-Al2O3, high-Yb”. Para un contenido dado en SiO2, Al2O3 y TiO2, muestran contenidos variables en Zr, Nb y REE. El contenido en tierras raras pesadas decrece de dacitas a riolitas ([Gd/Yb]N ∼ 1), al tiempo que la anomalía de Eu se hace más pronunciada. La modelización de elementos trazas sugiere que las rocas evolucionaron a partir de un magma parental dacítico mediante cristalización fraccionada de hornblenda y plagioclasa. La fusión parcial de un protolito anfibolítico, que parece el modelo más plausible para el origen del magma dacítico, requiere un elevado gradiente T/P en la corteza. La existencia de basaltos alcalinos y de toleítas continentales es congruente con la formación de la IPB en un entorno tectónico distensivo. El emplazamiento en una cuenca “fore-arc”, en un segmento cortical de reciente acreción, se contempla como una hipótesis posible para explicar los caracteres geológicos y petrológicos. Un alto gradiente térmico, junto con la erupción en una cuenca submarina extensional, pueden haber sido los dos ingredientes clave en el desarrollo de los depósitos de sulfuros masivos en la IPB.

Received: 3 March 1996 / Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   
Summary. An unusual, isolated swarm of earthquakes occurred on the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge in the Central Indian Ocean between 1965 and 1970. Sixteen earthquakes were "located at approximately 6.0° S, 71.3°E on the steep west facing scarp of the Chagos Bank. This swarm forms the only major seismic activity in the period 1963–76 on the otherwise aseismic ridge. The mechanisms of the three largest earthquakes were studied using body- and surface-wave data. All are extremely similar shallow normal fault events on an east—west fault plane. Such faulting is difficult to reconcile with that expected from either the trend of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge or the spreading direction at the nearby Central Indian Ridge. The swarm may have occurred at depth on a cross fracture remaining from the breakup of the Chagos Bank and the Mascarene Plateau and the formation of the present Central Indian Ridge.  相似文献   
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