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23-Methyl sterols have been reported to be synthesized by a few marine algae, but unambiguous identification of 23-methyl steroids in sediments and petroleum is lacking. We report the presence of 23-methylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol in 14 out of 106 diatom cultures, thereby showing that diatoms, together with dinoflagellates, may be an important environmental source for such steroids. Synthesis of authentic 23-methylcholestanes showed that their mass spectra are identical to those of 24-methylcholestanes, but that they elute earlier on apolar stationary phases during gas chromatography (GC) analysis. Co-injection of the authentic standards with sediment extracts revealed the presence of these compounds in the Skole unit of the Oligocene Menelite Formation, the Miocene Monterey Formation and the Messinian Vena del Gesso Formation. In addition, we tentatively identified 23,24-dimethyl-27-norcholestanes in some of these sediments. Molecular clock calculations suggest that diatoms are a possible source for 23-methyl steroids in sediments and petroleum from the late Jurassic onwards.  相似文献   
One of the primary prerequisites for the application of organic proxies is that they should not be substantially affected by diagenesis. However, studies have shown that oxic degradation of biomarker lipids can affect their relative distribution. We tested the diagenetic stability of the U37K and TEX86 palaeothermometers upon long term oxygen exposure. For this purpose, we studied the distributions of alkenones and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in different sections of turbidites at the Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP) that experienced different degrees of oxygen exposure. Sediments were deposited anoxically on the shelf and then transported by turbidity currents to the MAP, which has oxic bottom water. This resulted in partial degradation of the turbidite organic matter as a result of long term exposure to oxic bottom water. Concentrations of GDGTs and alkenones were reduced by one to two orders of magnitude in the oxidized parts of the turbidites compared to the unoxidized parts, indicating substantial degradation. High-resolution analysis of the Pleistocene F-turbidite showed that the U37K index of long chain alkenones increased only slightly (0.01, corresponding to <0.5 °C) in the oxidized part of the turbidite, suggesting minor preferential degradation of the C37:3 alkenone, in agreement with previous studies. TEX86 values showed a small increase (0.02, corresponding to ~2 °C) in the F-turbidite, like U37K, while for other Pliocene/Miocene turbidites it either remained unchanged or decreased substantially (up to 0.06, corresponding to ~6 °C). Previous observations showed that the BIT index, a proxy for the contribution of soil organic matter to total organic carbon, was always substantially higher in the oxidized part in all the turbidites, as a result of preferential degradation of marine-derived GDGTs. This relative increase in soil-derived GDGTs affects TEX86, as the isoprenoid GDGT distribution on the continent can be quite different from that in the marine environment. Our results indicate that the organic proxies are affected by long term oxic degradation to different extents; this should be taken into account when applying these proxies in palaeoceanographic studies of sediments which have been exposed to prolonged oxic degradation.  相似文献   
激光剥蚀-等离子体质谱(LA-ICPMS)已成为地球化学、宇宙化学和环境研究领域元素和同位素原位分析最重要的技术之一。文章介绍了多种类型的质谱仪及其使用的激光器。用途最广的LA-ICPMS仪器之一是单接收器扇形磁场质谱仪,配有Nd:YAG激光剥蚀系统(激光波长分为193 nm和213 nm两种),MPI Mainz实验室使用的就是这套系统,文章对此作一详细介绍。文中阐述了数据优化技术及其多种校正过程;介绍LA-ICPMS在痕量元素和同位素分析领域的一些应用,包括参考物质的研制,Hawaiian玄武岩、Martian陨石、生物骨针和珊瑚虫中痕量元素分析及熔融包裹体和富钙-铝碳质球粒陨石中的铅和锶同位素测量。  相似文献   
华南伊迪卡拉系陡山沱组保存的磷酸盐化球状化石中有一部分被认为是最早的后生动物胚胎化石, 但由于缺乏成年或幼年过渡期的化石证据, 对这些最早微化石的动物属性还一直存在争议。最近在贵州江口县翁会地区伊迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组的页岩中发现一个与“庙河生物群”相似的宏体碳质压膜化石群, 其中包含一个盘状的宏体化石新类型——八臂仙母虫(Eoandromeda octobrachiata, Tang et al. 2008), 具有八条螺旋状辐射的旋臂, 封闭在一个包膜内。这种八辐射结构在八射珊瑚和栉水母动物中都可见到, 但同时具有的螺旋特性与现生的所有类群都无法对比。在贵州陡山沱组的“瓮安生物群”中发现的球状胚胎化石同样具有螺旋性状, 尽管还没有直接的个体发育证据, 但我们认为新属种可能代表这些螺旋状胚胎化石的成年实体化石。最新报道的南澳大利亚Rawnsley石英岩层中也发现相似的印痕化石, 被归为同一类别, 表明华南的“庙河生物群”与澳大利亚的“伊迪卡拉生物群”时代相当。翁会化石库中少量出露的三辐射化石与俄罗斯“白海生物群”的典型分子—Albumares和Anfesta可以对比。新发现的倾斜保存的八臂仙母虫化石和碳质条带呈子午线状排列的核桃状化石, 可能是该类化石归属栉水母类的有力证据, 这一发现推测可将栉水母类的最早化石记录从“澄江生物群”的早寒武世推前大约3千万年。  相似文献   
The geomagnetic power spectrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Combining CHAMP satellite magnetic measurements with aeromagnetic and marine magnetic data, the global geomagnetic field has now been modelled to spherical harmonic degree 720. An important tool in field modelling is the geomagnetic power spectrum. It allows the comparison of field models estimated from different data sets and can be used to identify noise levels and systematic errors. A correctly defined geomagnetic power spectrum is flat (white) for an uncorrelated field, such as the Earth's crustal magnetic field at long wavelengths. It can be inferred from global spherical harmonic models as well as from regional grids. Marine and aeromagnetic grids usually represent the anomaly of the total intensity of the magnetic field. Appropriate corrections have to be applied in estimating the geomagnetic power spectrum from such data. The comparison of global and regional spectra using a consistently defined azimuthally averaged geomagnetic power spectrum facilitates quality control in field modelling and should provide new insights in magnetic anomaly interpretation.  相似文献   
Wind-driven wave heights in the German Bight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wind speed, friction velocity and significant wave height data from the FINO1 platform in the southern German Bight 45 km off the coast for the years 2004 to 2006 have been evaluated and related to each other. The data show a clear dependence of the hourly mean wave height to the hourly mean friction velocity and wind speed. Wave heights increase with decreasing stratification and increasing fetch. Synoptic weather patterns for the highest wave heights in the southern German Bight are determined. The analysis is made separately for four wind direction sectors. The two strongest storms in the evaluated period, “Britta” and “Erwin”, are analysed in more detail. Finally, the 50-year extreme significant wave height has been estimated to be about 11 m most probably coming from northerly directions.  相似文献   
The use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT; non‐intrusive geophysical technique) was assessed to identify the hydrogeological conditions at a surface water/groundwater test site in the southern Black Forest, Germany. A total of 111 ERT transects were measured, which adopted electrode spacings from 0·5 to 5 m as well as using either Wenner or dipole‐dipole electrode arrays. The resulting two‐dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity distributions are related to the structure and water content of the subsurface. The images were interpreted with respect to previous classical hillslope hydrological investigations within the same research basin using both tracer methods and groundwater level observations. A raster‐grid survey provided a quasi 3D resistivity pattern of the floodplain. Strong structural heterogeneity of the subsurface could be demonstrated, and (non)connectivities between surface and subsurface bodies were mapped. Through the spatial identification of likely flow pathways and source areas of runoff, the deep groundwater within the steeper valley slope seems to be much more connected to runoff generation processes within the valley floodplain than commonly credited in such environmental circumstances. Further, there appears to be no direct link between subsurface water‐bodies adjacent to the stream channel. Deep groundwater sources are also able to contribute towards streamflow from exfiltration at the edge of the floodplain as well as through the saturated areas overlying the floodplain itself. Such exfiltrated water then moves towards the stream as channelized surface flow. These findings support previous tracer investigations which showed that groundwater largely dominates the storm hydrograph of the stream, but the source areas of this component were unclear without geophysical measurements. The work highlighted the importance of using information from previous, complementary hydrochemical and hydrometric research campaigns to better interpret the ERT measurements. On the other hand, the ERT can provide a better spatial understanding of existing hydrochemical and hydrometric data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present the results of a new genera tion of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Switzerland. This study replaces the previous intensity-based generation of national hazard maps of 1978. Based on a revised moment-magnitude earthquake catalog for Switzerland and the surrounding regions, covering the period 1300–2003, sets of recurrence parameters (a and b values, M max ) are estimated. Information on active faulting in Switzerland is too sparse to be used as source model. We develop instead two models of areal sources. The first oriented towards capturing historical and instrumental seismicity, the second guided largely by tectonic principles and express ing the alterative view that seismicity is less stationary and thus future activity may occur in previously quiet regions. To estimate three alterna tive a and b value sets and their relative weighting, we introduce a novel approach based on the modified Akaike information criterion, which allows us to decide when the data in a zone deserves to be fitted with a zone-specific b value. From these input parameters, we simulate synthetic earthquake catalogs of one-million-year duration down to magnitude 4.0, which also reflect the difference in depth distribution between the Alpine Foreland and the Alps. Using a specific predictive spectral ground motion model for Switzerland, we estimate expected ground motions in units of the 5% damped acceleration response spectrum at frequencies of 0.5–10 Hz for all of Switzerland, referenced to rock sites with an estimated shear wave velocity of 1,500 m/s2 in the upper 30 m. The highest hazard is found in the Wallis, in the Basel region, in Graubünden and along the Alpine front, with maximum spectral accelerations at 5 Hz frequency reaching 150 cm/s2 for a return period of 475 years and 720 cm/s2 for 10,000 years. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Segmentation along convergent margins controls earthquake magnitude and location, but the physical causes of segment boundaries, and their impact on earthquake rupture dynamics, are still poorly understood. One aspect of the 2004 and 2005 great Sumatra–Andaman earthquakes is their abrupt termination along a common boundary. This has led to speculation on the nature of the boundary, its origin and why it was not breached.

For the first time the boundary has been imaged and, with newly acquired marine geophysical data, we demonstrate that a ridge on the subducting Indo-Australian oceanic crust may exert a control on margin segmentation. This suggests a lower plate influence on margin structure, particularly its segmentation. The ridge is masked by the sedimentary cover in the trench. Its most likely trend is NNE–SSW. It is interpreted as a fracture zone on the subducting oceanic plate. A ramp or tear along the eastern flank of the subducting fracture zone beneath Simeulue Island may be considered as an intensification factor in terms of rupture propagation barrier.  相似文献   

This work questions, starting from dimensional considerations, the generality of the belief that the marine drag coefficient levels off with increasing wind speed. Dimensional analysis shows that the drag coefficient scales with the wave steepness as opposed to a wave-age scaling. A correlation equation is employed here that uses wave steepness scaling at low aspect ratios (inverse wave steepnesses) and a constant drag coefficient at high aspect ratios. Invoked in support of the correlation are measurements sourced from the literature and at the FINO1 platform in the North Sea. The correlation equation is then applied to measurements recorded from buoys during the passage of hurricanes Rita, Katrina (2005) and Ike (2008). Results show that the correlation equation anticipates the expected levelling off in deeper water, but a drag coefficient more consistent with a Charnock type relation is also possible in more shallower water. Some suggestions are made for proceeding with a higher-order analysis than that conducted here.  相似文献   
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