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The seismic K-Horizon is the key to gaining understanding on the deep supercritical geothermal rocks in Southern Tuscany. The K-Horizon is hosted in metamorphic rocks, which cause strong seismic wavefield scattering resulting in a poor signal-to-noise ratio. Our study aims to reveal high-resolution seismic images of the K-Horizon below a geothermal field in Southern Tuscany, using an advanced three-dimensional seismic depth imaging approach. The key seismic pre-processing steps in the time domain include muting a large amount of persistent noise based on the statistical analysis of the seismic amplitudes, and tomostatics technique to correct for static effects. We carried out seismic depth imaging using Kirchhoff Pre-Stack Depth Migration and Fresnel Volume Migration techniques. Each migration technique was tested with constant and heterogeneous three-dimensional velocity models. Due to the difficulties in determining emergent angles for this low signal-to-noise ratio data set, the migration results with the heterogeneous three-dimensional velocity model show less coherent reflections compared to the migration results using the constant velocity model. Both velocity models however lead to relatively the same structure and depth of the K-Horizon, indicating the similarity of the average velocities along the wave propagation paths in both velocity models. With both velocity models Fresnel Volume Migration yields the K-Horizon with better reflection coherency and higher signal-to-noise ratio than standard Kirchhoff Pre-Stack Depth Migration. Nevertheless, both migration techniques have been able to reveal the K-Horizon with relatively high resolution and provide a reliable basis for geothermal rock characterization as well as steering of the first geothermal well penetrating the K-Horizon.  相似文献   
Coastal environments are susceptible to a range of impacts arising from medium and long-term climate change. However, as Ireland's population and industrial centres are concentrated in coastal locations, Ireland's coastal communities will be particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, making the best use of existing knowledge to inform the establishment of governance structures capable of facilitating the measures and actions which may soon be required is a national imperative. Coastal communities worldwide have turned to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) as a process to deliver sustainable development. This paper explores how experience gained from ICZM implementation can be harnessed to inform the development and implementation of climate adaptation policies, with a particular focus on the coastal zone. Using the principles and conceptual basis of Earth System Governance – an emerging approach to analyse complexity of governance under global environmental change – the paper maps the architecture of ICZM and climate governance in Ireland. The research identifies the main barriers to, and opportunities for, integrated application of the two policy domains. Barriers include the fragmentation of governance structures and responsibilities of key stakeholders, a lack of coordinated support for ICZM implementation at the national level, and a relatively weak awareness of the specifics of adaptation at the local level. Opportunities include the availability of expertise gathered from phases of ICZM implementation in Ireland, which encompasses mechanisms for science-policy integration, and invaluable experience of stakeholder participation and interaction. Current political and scientific support at national and EU levels give an additional impetus to climate research and actions which may bring additional opportunities and resources to coastal governance in Ireland.  相似文献   
The Northern Nordeste of Brazil has its short rainy season narrowly concentrated around March–April, when the interhemispheric southward gradient of sea surface temperature (SST) is weakest and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which is the main rainbearing system for the Nordeste, reaches its southernmost position in the course of the year. The recurrent Secas (droughts) have a severe socio-economic impact in this semi-arid region. In drought years, the pre-season (October–January) rainfall is scarce, the interhemispheric SST gradient weakened and the basin-wide southerly (northerly) wind component enhanced (reduced), all manifestations of an anomalously far northward ITCZ position. Apart from this ensemble of Atlantic indicators, the Secas also tend to be preceded by anomalously warm equatorial Pacific waters in January. During El Niño years, an upper-tropospheric wave train extends from the equatorial eastern Pacific to the northern tropical Atlantic, affecting the patterns of upper-tropospheric topography and divergence, and hence of vertical motion over the Atlantic. The altered vertical motion leads to a weaker meridional pressure gradient on the equatorward flank of the North Atlantic subtropical high, and thus weaker North Atlantic tradewinds. The concomitant reduction of evaporation and wind stirring allows for warmer surface waters in the tropical North Atlantic and thus steeper interhemispheric meridional thermal gradient. Consequently, the ITCZ stays anomalously far North and the Nordeste rainy season becomes deficient.  相似文献   
The use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT; non‐intrusive geophysical technique) was assessed to identify the hydrogeological conditions at a surface water/groundwater test site in the southern Black Forest, Germany. A total of 111 ERT transects were measured, which adopted electrode spacings from 0·5 to 5 m as well as using either Wenner or dipole‐dipole electrode arrays. The resulting two‐dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity distributions are related to the structure and water content of the subsurface. The images were interpreted with respect to previous classical hillslope hydrological investigations within the same research basin using both tracer methods and groundwater level observations. A raster‐grid survey provided a quasi 3D resistivity pattern of the floodplain. Strong structural heterogeneity of the subsurface could be demonstrated, and (non)connectivities between surface and subsurface bodies were mapped. Through the spatial identification of likely flow pathways and source areas of runoff, the deep groundwater within the steeper valley slope seems to be much more connected to runoff generation processes within the valley floodplain than commonly credited in such environmental circumstances. Further, there appears to be no direct link between subsurface water‐bodies adjacent to the stream channel. Deep groundwater sources are also able to contribute towards streamflow from exfiltration at the edge of the floodplain as well as through the saturated areas overlying the floodplain itself. Such exfiltrated water then moves towards the stream as channelized surface flow. These findings support previous tracer investigations which showed that groundwater largely dominates the storm hydrograph of the stream, but the source areas of this component were unclear without geophysical measurements. The work highlighted the importance of using information from previous, complementary hydrochemical and hydrometric research campaigns to better interpret the ERT measurements. On the other hand, the ERT can provide a better spatial understanding of existing hydrochemical and hydrometric data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present work addresses the problem of lack of coordination between policies and actors with joint competence for risk management, i.e., civil protection, spatial planning, and sectoral planning (e.g., forest policy in the case of forest fire risk). Spatial planning in particular is assigned a minor or no role at all though it might perfectly operate as the coordinating policy platform; the reason is that spatially relevant analysis and policy guidance is an omnipresent component of the risk management cycle. However, disconnected risk relevant policies turning a blind eye to spatial planning might cause several adverse repercussions: Breaks in the response-preparedness-prevention-remediation chain (which should function as a continuum), minimal attention to prevention, risk expansion and growth instead of mitigation, lack of synergies between involved actors as well as duplicated or even diverging measures and funding. The authors bear witness to the above suggestions by examining three cases of European (regional and local) risk management systems faced with failures when confronting natural hazards (floods and forest fires). These three systems are embedded in different types of political-administrative structures, namely those of the city of Dortmund (Germany) facing floods, Eastern Attica region (Greece), and Lazio Region (Italy) facing forest fires.  相似文献   
The infinitesimal and finite stages of folding in nonlinear viscous material with a layer-parallel anisotropy were investigated using numerical and analytical methods. Anisotropy was found to have a first-order effect on growth rate and wavelength selection, and these effects are already important for anisotropy values (normal viscosity/shear viscosity) < 10. The effect of anisotropy must therefore be considered when deducing viscosity contrasts from wavelength to thickness ratios of natural folds. Growth rates of single layer folds were found to increase and subsequently decrease during progressive deformation. This is due to interference between the single layer folds and chevron folds that form in the matrix as a result of instability caused by the anisotropic material behaviour. The wavelength of the chevron folds in the matrix is determined by the wavelength of the folded single layer, which can explain the high wavelength to thickness ratios that are sometimes found in multilayer sequences. Numerical models including anisotropic material properties allow the behaviour of multilayer sequences to be investigated without the need for resolution on the scale of individual layers. This is particularly important for large-scale models of layered lithosphere.  相似文献   
A three-point differencing scheme for the diffusion–convection equation is presented that offers all the advantages of both the central and the one-sided ('upwind') differencing scheme without suffering from their drawbacks. Specifically, the scheme is conservative, unconditionally stable, and second-order-accurate in space. It is free of oscillations and over- or undershoots, simple to code, and requires essentially no more computing time than the one-sided scheme. Although known for a relatively long time in numerical mathematics, the scheme apparently has not received sufficient attention from modellers of hydrothermal systems or contaminant transport in the geosciences. In order to fill this gap a comparison is made between this scheme and the widely used one-sided scheme for the transient diffusion–convection equation in different time discretizations. The results are discussed taking into account other approaches towards minimizing numerical diffusion.  相似文献   
In a previous work we developed GISwaps, a novel method for geospatial decision-making based on Even Swaps. In this paper, we present the results of an evaluation of a visualization framework integrated with this method, implemented within a decision support system. This evaluation is based on two different studies. In the quantitative study, 15 student participants used GISwaps with no visual features, and 15 participants used GISwaps with the integrated visual framework, as the tool in a solar farm site location case study. The results of the quantitative evaluation show positive impact of the visualization in terms of increased coherency in trade-offs. The results also show a statistically significant difference in average trade-off values between the groups, with users from the non-visual group setting on average 20% higher trade-off values compared with the users in the visual group. In the qualitative study, we had one expert in GIS, two experts in decision-making and two experts in solar energy as a focus user group. Data in this study were obtained by observations and semi-structured interviews with the participants. The impact of the visualization framework was assessed positively by all participants in the expert group.  相似文献   
Sediment samples collected from polluted (Augusta Bay) and pristine regions of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (South Ionian Sea, Thracian Sea) were analyzed for black carbon, aliphatic hydrocarbons and phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA). The aim of the study was to investigate the anthropogenic and biogenic inputs into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and to evaluate the effects of refractory organic matter (e.g. black carbon) and the level of hydrocarbon contamination on benthic microbial community composition. Black carbon, generally considered to be chemically and biologically inert, comprised a significant but highly variable fraction of the sedimentary carbon pool in the analyzed sediments with a ratio to total organic carbon ranging from 0.02 to 0.66. Principal component analysis of the chemical characteristics of the sediments (organic carbon content, black carbon, bioavailable organic carbon, chlorophyll a, phaeopigments, aliphatic hydrocarbons) revealed clustering of samples along a gradient from the most productive and contaminated region of Augusta Bay to the carbon-poor and pristine sediments of the Thracian Sea. PLFA analysis revealed that gram-negative bacteria and microeukaryotes were most abundant in Augusta Bay and in the most impacted station of the Thracian Sea. The high levels of branched and odd-chain fatty acids recorded for these stations is probably linked to the elevated amounts of hydrocarbons at these stations; e.g. microbial communities may have developed the ability to degrade either naturally occurring aliphatic hydrocarbons or hydrocarbons derived from oil contamination.  相似文献   
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