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冯梅  安美建 《地震学报》2008,30(2):114-122
对穿过中国大陆东部、中部、北部和西部4个不同地区的8条地震射线路径的波形进行拟合分析,反演得到了各路径下方的一维平均波速结构.反演得到的地壳和上地幔波速结构表现出明显的分区特征,该特征与已知的大地构造单元和已有的研究成果吻合较好. 表明面波波形拟合方法是一种可靠的探测地壳和上地幔波速结构的方法,且比单纯利用基阶面波频散对上地幔结构探测更具优势.   相似文献   
One hundred and seventeen oriented specimens of loess (in the form of cubes with an edge of 4 cm) were collected from the Wucheng loess section in Xixian County, Shanxi Province. After magnetic cleaning in an alternating field the remanent magnetization of specimens was measured with an astatic magnetometer (sensitivity 4×10?3 emu/cm3). The normally magnetized zone of the Brunhes normal epoch is recorded in upper Pleistocene Malan loess and middle Pleistocene Lishi loess which contain typical Zhoukoudian fauna. The reversely magnetized zone of the Matuyama reversed epoch is observed in lower Pleistocene Wucheng loess, whose fossils are found corresponding to Villafranchian Nihowan fauna.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地隐性断裂带识别及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
周维维  王伟锋  安邦  胡瑜 《地球科学》2014,39(11):1527-1538
隐性断裂带是区域或局部应力场、基底断裂体系活动、潜山块体扭动影响下在沉积盆地盖层中产生的断裂趋势带, 它是断裂带的一种类型, 与显性断裂伴生于沉积盆地, 但由于其不具有显性断裂的固有特征, 隐蔽性强而常常被忽略.可以通过以下7个方面有效识别隐性断裂带: ①小型显性构造(小断层、小褶皱、断块)呈雁列式、断续状、错位对称式反映的大型隐性断裂带; ②基底断裂体系活动在沉积盆地盖层中产生的隐性断裂带; ③潜山、凹陷分布形成的线状、调节型或者侧列式隐性断裂带; ④砂体分布反映的隐性断裂带; ⑤油藏排列、分布、走向反映的隐性断裂带; ⑥相干体切片显示的隐性断裂带; ⑦断层叠覆端、末端、深大断裂分段活动等局部应力场变化形成的隐性断裂带.应用上述方法开展渤海湾盆地隐性断裂带识别研究, 综合国内外的调研结果, 建立了隐性断裂带的类型划分方案体系并阐述了不同级别构造单元中隐性断裂带的类型特征.研究表明, 隐性断裂带具有多方面的地质意义, 可以作为调节构造带调节盆地不均匀伸展活动, 分隔凹陷、隆起等构造单元; 控制盆地沉积相带发育分布, 影响断陷湖盆砂体的展布范围; 控制圈闭组合排列、改造输导体系, 形成串珠状、带状油气富集区; 深断裂活动触发地震的过程中会在地表形成隐性断裂带, 因此, 隐性断裂带的识别和分析具有现实意义.   相似文献   
胡军  孙思远  谷昊东  安志辉  叶琴  王霈 《地球科学》2021,46(7):2515-2528
峡东地区是我国原震旦系标准剖面所在地,该地区南沱组直接覆盖莲沱组之上,中间缺失下冰期和间冰期地层,究其原因尚不清楚.通过聚焦南沱组与莲沱组接触层位,利用现代冰川沉积物研究方法开展系统沉积学研究,结果表明:九龙湾周缘南沱组和莲沱组之间存在一层紫红色混合杂砾岩层,其内部砾石定向性、形态、磨圆、岩性以及显微构造与之上南沱组典...  相似文献   
基于Geohash的面数据区域查询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于Geohash编码的全球唯一性、多层次递归性和一维的特性,以及Geohash目前通常只用于邻近点数据的空间查询而鲜用于面数据空间查询的现状,提出了一种基于Geohash的面数据区域查询方案,描述了对面数据和查询区域的处理方法.主要思路是将面数据关联到若干Geohash单元网格,并在数据库中保存网格的Geohash编码与面数据的对应关系,查询时将查询区域根据规则对应到最多4个Geohash编码,再根据编码查询与区域相交的面数据.通过对比试验可知,在数据量较大且查询区域较小的情况下,基于Geohash编码的面数据查询效率较基于经纬度和R-树的查询效率高,在海量空间数据检索上具有一定应用价值.  相似文献   
建立了碱性模式氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定多金属矿石中微量铋的分析方法,对仪器和实验条件进行了最佳化选择,讨论了共存离子的影响。方法经国家标准物质分析,测定值与标准值吻合,方法精密度(RSD,n=12)为2.97%,回收率为95%~104%。  相似文献   
李屹凯  张莉  安玲  杨越 《古地理学报》2015,17(5):709-717
通过整理历史文献中有关天山北麓东部地区18世纪中后期的相关记载,发现1757—1774年的历史文献记载了巴里坤作物物候和霜雪事件,根据物候学原理,确认1757—1774年巴里坤存在有温度升高的现象。并根据同时期历史文献中乌鲁木齐的冷暖感应记载,认为1757—1774年的温度升高发生在整个天山北麓地区。结合已有的树木年轮研究成果,并根据当时的人文社会背景进行分析,进而从更宏大的时空尺度上认识此次温度升高在历史文献记载中的具体内涵,认为历史文献记载的1757—1774年温度升高是相对于18世纪10—20年代,而非30—50年代。根据历史文献重建温度变化,必须结合文献形成的历史背景,因为同时期的人文社会背景,会影响到历史文献记载的可靠性。  相似文献   
The concentrations of Rb and Sr, and magnetic susceptibility in loess and paleosol samples from the Luochum profile have been measured. The loess units deposited in different geological periods display a very similar pattern of Rb and Sr distribution while paleosol units exhibit a dramatic increase in the Rb/Sr ratio, ranging from 20% to 120% in increase amplitude. Owing to different geochemical behavior of the two elements, Rb appears to be immobile while Sr appears to be mobile in the processes of weathering and pedogenesis. So variations of the Rb/Sr ratio in the loess-paleosol sequences could reflect intensities of weathering and pedogenesis, thus recording the relative wind strength of the East Asian summer monsoon circulation. This could be supported by the high degree of cornlation between the Rb/Sr ratio and the magnetic susceptibility. A continuous record of the Rb/Sr ratio in the Luochuan profile over the last 800 ka bears a striking resemblance to the δ18 O curve of the deep sea sediments and is in accordance with the SPECMAP chronology. Such similarity between the terrestrial and the deep sea records suggests that variability in global ice volume is a primary dynamic factor controlling long-term changes of the East Asian summer monsoon intensity. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49725307).  相似文献   
Multiple earthquakes produced by thrusting deformation have been recorded over the last century in the Tianshan area. Paleoseismic studies are very important in the exploration of the active quaternary tectonics and the risk assessment of great earthquakes in the Tianshan orogenic region. However, in this area, paleoseismic research is still lacking because of the lack of samples dated by 14C or optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods. We determined the ages of the alluvial fans by 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating, measured the surface deformation of the fault scarp in a GPS survey, and evaluated the vertical displacements of the events in trenches in the east Kalpintage fault in the southwest Tianshan region. We estimated the displacement and recurrence intervals of the paleoseismic events and constrained the errors of the 10Be ages and slip rates using a Monte Carlo simulation method. Our study suggests that each paleoseismic event shows a similar displacement of ~1.5 m with a recurrence interval of ~5 kyr in the east Kalpintage fault. The calculated slip rate is 0.31(+0.21/?0.18) mm/yr. In such arid regions with large areas of coarse gravel that lack 14C or OSL samples, the integration of TCN dating, geomorphic deformation survey, and trenching methods is a reliable alternative for studying the active regional tectonics.  相似文献   
由于活动的青藏高原不断的隆升和推挤作用,在西南向东北的推挤作用和周缘块体的阻挡以及东北缘内部块体挤压形变的作用下,形成了多个走向不同的青藏高原东北缘构造体系.新生代构造变形和地震活动强烈,区内分布多条大型深断裂带.海原断裂是青藏高原东北缘发育的弧形活动断裂带中规模最大、活动最为强烈的一条左旋走滑型断裂带,是重要的大地构造区边界,也是控制现今强震活动的活断层.本文利用2009年完成的高分辨率深地震反射剖面的北段资料,对其进行初步构造解释,揭示出海原断裂带的深部几何形态和其两侧地壳上地幔细结构.结果显示海原断裂并不是简单的陡立或者较缓,其几何形态随着深度变化.在海原断裂之下的Moho并未错断的反射特征显示海原断裂并不是直接错断莫霍面的超壳断裂.海原断裂带及两侧岩石圈结构和构造样式的研究为探讨青藏高原东北缘岩石圈变形机制提供地震学依据.  相似文献   
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