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We present a methodology to construct three-dimensional deformation maps using different parameters that can be extracted using SAR data. We apply the methodology using ENVISAT SAR data before and after the December 26th, 2003 Mw 6.6 Bam earthquake in Iran to determine spatial quasi-continuous three-dimensional coseismic deformation maps. Two near vertical deformation offset components are computed using Envisat ASAR differential interferometry (DInSAR), while two horizontal deformation offset components are measured using sub-pixel correlation techniques applied to ASAR amplitude images. Using the presented methodology, we combine four unevenly precise independent projections of surface coseismic deformation to obtain the full three-dimensional coseismic deformation field caused by an earthquake. The full 3-D coseismic displacement vector is modeled using elastic deformation models constraining details of the fault geometry and slip distribution at depth. Results from the inversion are interpreted in the framework of the Iranian present-day tectonism. Full exploitation of dense 3-D coseismic surface deformation using SAR data, even for moderate earthquakes, should facilitate distinguishing between different interpretations of the mechanical properties of seismically active areas and within the inherent ambiguity of the geophysical inversion solutions.  相似文献   
From 2011 to 2019, mercury (Hg) stores and fluxes were studied in the small forested catchment Lesní potok (LES) in the central Czech Republic using the watershed mass balance approach together with internal measurements. Mean input fluxes of Hg via open bulk deposition, beech throughfall and spruce throughfall during the periodwere 2.9, 3.9 and 7.6 μg m−2 year−1, respectively. These values were considerably lower than corresponding deposition Hg fluxes reported in the early years of the 21st century from catchments in Germany. Current bulk precipitation inputs at unimpacted Czech mountainous sites were lower than those in Germany. The largest Hg inputs to the catchment were via litterfall, averaging 22.6 and 17.8 μg m−2 year−1 for beech and spruce stands. The average Hg input, based on the sum of mean litterfall and throughfall deposition, was 23.0 μg m−2 year−1, compared to the estimated Hg output in runoff of 0.5 μg m−2 year−1, which is low compared to other reported values. Thus, only ~2% of Hg input is exported in stream runoff. Stream water Hg was only weakly related to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) but both concentrations were positively correlated with water temperature. The estimated total soil Hg pool averaged 47.5 mg m−2, only 4% of which was in the O-horizon. Thus Hg in the O-horizon pool represents 72 years of deposition at the current input flux and 3800 years of export at the current runoff flux. Age-dating by 14C suggested that organic soil contains Hg from recent deposition, while mineral soil at 40–80 cm depth contained 4400-year old carbon, suggesting the soil had accumulated atmospheric Hg inputs through millennia to reach the highest soil Hg pool of the soil profile. These findings suggest that industrial era intensification of the Hg cycle is superimposed on a slower-paced Hg cycle during most of the Holocene.  相似文献   
This study analyses the length and onset of the four seasons based on the annual climatic cycle of maximum and minimum temperatures. Previous studies focused over climatically homogeneous mid-high latitude areas, employing fixed temperature thresholds (related to climatic features such as freezing point) that can be inadequate when different climate conditions are present. We propose a method related to the daily minimum and maximum temperature 25th and 75th point-dependent climatic percentiles. It is applied to an ensemble of regional climate models (RCMs) of 25-km horizontal resolution over the peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands, where a large variety of climatic regimes, from alpine to semi-desertic conditions, are present. First, baseline climate (1961–2000) ERA40-forced RCM simulations are successfully compared with the Spain02 daily observational database, following astronomical season length (around 90 days). This result confirms the validity of the proposed method and capability of the RCMs to describe the seasonal features. Future climate global climate model-forced RCMs (2071–2100) compared with present climate (1961–1990) simulations indicate the disappearance of winter season, a summer enlargement (onset and end) and a slight spring and autumn increase.  相似文献   
We assessed the rainwater chemistry, the potential sources of its main inorganic components and bulk atmospheric deposition in a rural tropical semiarid region in the Brazilian Caatinga. Rainfall samples were collected during two wet seasons, one during an extremely dry year (2012) and one during a year with normal rainfall (2013). According to measurements of the main inorganic ions in the rainwater (H+, Na+, NH4 +, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, NO3 ?, and SO4 2?), no differences were observed in the total ionic charge between the two investigated wet seasons. However, Ca2+, K+, NH4 + and NO3 ? were significant higher in the wetter year (p < 0.05) which was attributed to anthropogenic activities, such as organic fertilizer applications. The total ionic contents of the rainwater suggested a dominant marine contribution, accounting for 76 % and 58 % of the rainwater in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The sum of the non-sea-salt fractions of Cl?, SO4 2?, Mg2+, Ca2+ and K+ were 19 % and 33 % in 2012 and 2013, and the nitrogenous compounds accounted for 2.8 % and 6.0 % of the total ionic contents in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The ionic ratios suggested that Mg2+ was probably the main neutralizing constituent of rainwater acidity, followed by Ca2+. We observed a low bulk atmospheric deposition of all major rainwater ions during both wet seasons. Regarding nitrogen deposition, we estimated slightly lower annual inputs than previous global estimates. Our findings contribute to the understanding of rainfall chemistry in northeastern Brazil by providing baseline information for a previously unstudied tropical semiarid ecosystem.  相似文献   
Invertebrate and microbial marine communities associated with mammal bones are interesting and poorly understood habitats, mainly known from studies on deep‐water whale remains. In order to characterize these communities in the shallow‐water Mediterranean, we present here the results of a pioneering experiment using mammal bones. Minke whale, pig and cow bones were experimentally deployed on three different background communities: rocky substrate, soft‐bottom and a Posidonia oceanica meadow. Bones were deployed for a year at about 20 m depth and collected every 3 months, and the invertebrate fauna colonizing the bones was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. As expected, mammal bones showed remarkable differences when compared with background communities. Within bones, four different clusters could be identified, primarily on the basis of the polychaete fauna, the most abundant and diverse group in the survey. Clusters A1–A3 corresponded to high to moderately altered successional stages composed by a fauna closer to that of anthropogenically enriched shallow‐water environments. These clusters were characterized by the occurrence of the opportunist polychaetes Ophryotrocha puerilis, Neanthes caudata (Cluster A1), Protodorvillea kefersteini (Cluster A2) and Ophryotrocha alborana (Cluster A3). Cluster B was characterized by the presence of the polychaete Oxydromus pallidus together with typical invertebrate background fauna, which suggests that this community, after a year of deployment, was closer to that found in natural conditions. As opposed to similar shallow‐water studies in other geographic areas, no occurrence of the polychaete Osedax (commonly known as bone‐eating worms) was reported from our experiments. Apart from the study on the invertebrate communities, insights about the population dynamics of three of the most abundant species (O. puerilis, O. alborana, N. caudata) are given as well as remarks on a hypothetical trophic network based on fecal pellet analysis.  相似文献   
Summary Dykes of alkaline and ultramafic carbonate lamprophyres (monchiquite-ouachitite and aillikite) intrude the Carboniferous sediments of Central Bohemia. Their characteristic feature is the presence of substantial amounts of a sodalite group mineral (presumably haüyne), carbonate and barite. Isotopic compositions of 13C (–3.4 to –6.2) and 18O ( + 13.5 to + 15.9) indicate that the carbonate is of primary magmatic origin and that fluids were formed at temperatures of 500 to 350°C. High contents of CO2 (3.6 to 17.6 wt.%) and incompatible elements, high LREE/HREE ratios (30.0 to 57.7), and low Rb/Sr (0.025 to 0.078) and87Sr/86Sr (0.7038 to 0.7042) ratios suggest the ultramafic lamprophyres are related to deep-seated carbonated magmas of mantle origin. Low degree of partial melting ( < 1%) of the mantle peridotite is envisaged, with additional transport of fluids rich in incompatible elements into the crustal chamber. Alkaline lamprophyres are fractionated derivatives which originated from the same source. Magma intrusion from different levels of a magma chamber into fracture zones under horizontal tension without a central intrusion could result in variability in lamprophyre composition (cumulates or evolved derivatives).
Alkalische und ultramafische Karbonat-Lamprophyre der zentralen böhmischen Karbonbecken, Tschische Republik
Zusammenfassung Alkalische und ultramafische Karbonat-Lamprophyrgänge (Monchiquit-Ouachitit und Aillikit) intrudieren in karbonische Sedimente Zentralböhmens. Sie sind charakterisiert durch das Auftreten von beträchtlichen Mengen an Mineralen der Sodalith-Gruppe (v.a. Haüyn), Karbonaten und Baryt. Ihre Isotopenzusammensetzung von 13C (–3.4 bis –6.2) und 18O (13.5 bis 15.9) zeigt, daß die Karbonate primär magmatischen Ursprungs sind und daß assoziierte Fluide in einem Temperaturbereich von 350 bis 500°C gebildet wurden. Hohe Gehalte an CO2 (3.6 bis 17.6 Gew. %), inkompatiblen Elementen, hohe LREE/HREE-Verhältnisse (30.0 bis 57.7), sowie niedrige Rb/Sr—(0.025 bis 0.078) und87Sr/86Sr-(0.7038 bis 0.7042) Verhältnisse lassen vermuten, daß die ultramafischen Lamprophyre mit karbonatischen Magmen des Mantels in Beziehung stehen. Eine niedrige Aufschmelzungsrate ( < 1%) von Mantelperidotit mit zusätzlichem Transport von, an inkompatiblen Elementen angereicherten Fluiden, in die krustale Magmenkammer wird diskutiert. Alkalische Lamprophyre sind als stärker fraktionierte Magmen, die derselben Quelle entstammen, zu verstehen. Die Intrusion der aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Magmenkammer stammenden Magmen in durch horizontale Dehnung verursachte Störungszonen könnte das Fehlen eines zentralen Intrusionskörpers und die unterschiedliche Zusammensetzung der Lamprophyre (Kumulate oder entwickelte Derivate) erklären.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

This paper addresses the hydrological and meteorological extremes that may be deduced from the taxation records of the estates of Brtnice, T?ebí? and Velké Mezi?í?í, all in the Moravian-Bohemian Highlands of the Czech Republic, for the years 1706–1849. At that time, damage to agricultural crops constituted grounds for tax remission for individual farmers and landowners. Where it survives, the relevant administrative documentation generally includes a statement from the applicant, a report by the official commission tasked with checking the contents of it, and any decisions made by taxation authorities at regional and “land” level (the Jihlava regional office and the Moravian Land Administration (“Gubernium”) respectively). Data extracted may include the type of event, dating, places of occurrence and damage done. The chronology of hydrological and meteorological extremes (torrential rain, flash flood, flood, hailstorm, lightning, frost) covers the period 1706–1849, but only four events are evident before 1748 and there is a gap in records between 1757 and 1789. Extremes are analysed from a spatio-temporal point of view. A total of 97 extreme events (171 extremes of particular type) were identified for the region studied. Torrential rain, hailstorm and flash flood were the major devastating phenomena, and occurred mainly from May to August. Torrential rain and hailstorm are clearly attributable to thunderstorms with very intense convection. Five outstanding events and their impacts upon individual farmers are described in detail. The results are discussed with respect to uncertainties in the basic data and in the context of the Czech Lands, because only some of the extremes disclosed are known and confirmed by other documentary data.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Dolák, L., Brázdil, R., and Valá?ek, H., 2013. Hydrological and meteorological extremes derived from taxation records: the estates of Brtnice, T?ebí? and Velké Mezi?í?í, 1706–1849. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1620–1634.  相似文献   
The new Forest-Land-Atmosphere ModEl called FLAME is presented. The first-order, nonlocal turbulence closure called transilient turbulence theory (Stull, 1993) is applied to study the interactions between a forested land-surface and the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The transilient scheme is used for unequal vertical grid spacing and includes the effects of drag, wake turbulence, and interference to vertical mixing by plant elements. Radiation transfer within the vegetation and the equations for the energy balance at the leaf surface have been taken from Norman (1979). Among others, the model predicts profiles of air temperature, humidity and wind velocity within the ABL, sensible and latent heat fluxes from the soil and the vegetation, the stomata and aerodynamic resistances, as well as profiles of temperature and water content in the soil. Preliminary studies carried out for a cloud free day and idealized initial conditions are presented. The canopy height is 30 m within a vertical domain of 3 km. The model is able to capture some of the effects usually observed within and above forested areas, including the relative wind speed maximum in the trunk space and the counter gradient-fluxes in the lower part of the plant stand. Of special interest is the determination of the location and magnitude of the turbulent mixing between model layers, which permits one to identify the effects of large eddies transporting momentum and scalar quantities into the canopy. A comparison between model simulations and field measurements will be presented in a future paper.  相似文献   
A period of minimum solar activity in April and May 1996 was used to analyze full-disk CaK spectroheliograms with the aim of deriving the intensity thresholds of the quiet network and the plages by applying the so-called inflexion point method. The average network intensity threshold is found to be influenced mainly by the seeing, whereas the average plage threshold shows an increasing trend from disk center towards the solar limb. Both parameters are compared with the results of other authors.  相似文献   
The western part of the Bohemian Massif hosts an intersection of two regional fault zones, the SW-NE trending Oh?e/Eger Graben and the NNW-SSE trending Mariánské Lázně Fault, which has been reactivated several times in the geological history and controlled the formation of the Tertiary Cheb Basin. The broader area of the Cheb Basin is also related to permanent seismic activity of ML 3+ earthquake swarms. The Eastern Marginal Fault of the Cheb Basin (northern segment of the Mariánské Lázně Fault) separates the basin sediments and underlying granites in the SW from the Kru?né Hory/Erzgebirge Mts. crystalline unit in the NE. We describe a detailed geophysical survey targeted to locating the Eastern Marginal Fault and determining its geometry in the depth. The survey was conducted at the Kopanina site near the Nový Kostel focal zone, which shows the strongest seismic activity of the whole Western Bohemia earthquake swarm region. Complex geophysical survey included gravimetry, electrical resistivity tomography, audiomagnetotellurics and seismic refraction. We found that the rocks within the Eastern Marginal Fault show low resistivity, low seismic velocity and density, which indicates their deep fracturing, weathering and higher water content. The dip of the fault in shallow depths is about 60° towards SW. At greater depths, the slope turns to subvertical with dip angle of about 80°. Results of geoelectrical methods show blocky fabric of the Cheb Basin and deep weathering of the granite bedrock, which is consistent with geologic models based on borehole surveys.  相似文献   
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