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The application of the SHRIMP U/Pb dating technique to zircon and monazite of different rock types of the Sierras de Córdoba provides an important insight into the metamorphic history of the basement domains. Additional constraints on the Pampean metamorphic episode were gained by Pb/Pb stepwise leaching (PbSL) experiments on two titanite and garnet separates. Results indicate that the metamorphic history recorded by Crd-free gneisses (M2) started in the latest Neoproterozoic/earliest Cambrian (553 and 543 Ma) followed by the M4 metamorphism at ~530 Ma that is documented in the diatexites. Zircon ages of 492 Ma in the San Carlos Massif correlate partly with rather low Th/U ratios (<0.1) suggesting their growth by metamorphic fluids. This age is even younger than the PbSL titanite ages of 506 Ma. It is suggested that the fluid alteration relates to the beginning of the Famatinien metamorphic cycle in the neighbouring Sierra de San Luis and has not affected the titanite ages. The PTt evolution can be correlated with the plate tectonic processes responsible for the formation of the Pampean orogene, i.e., the accretion of the Pampean basement to the Río de La Plata craton (M2) and the later collision of the Western Pampean basement with the Pampean basement.  相似文献   
A New Aerodynamic Parametrization for Real Urban Surfaces   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
This study conducted large-eddy simulations (LES) of fully developed turbulent flow within and above explicitly resolved buildings in Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan. The more than 100 LES results, each covering a 1,000 $\times $ 1,000 m $^{2}$ area with 2-m resolution, provide a database of the horizontally-averaged turbulent statistics and surface drag corresponding to various urban morphologies. The vertical profiles of horizontally-averaged wind velocity mostly follow a logarithmic law even for districts with high-rise buildings, allowing estimates of aerodynamic parameters such as displacement height and roughness length using the von Karman constant $=$ 0.4. As an alternative derivation of the aerodynamic parameters, a regression of roughness length and variable Karman constant was also attempted, using a displacement height physically determined as the central height of drag action. Although both the regression methods worked, the former gives larger (smaller) values of displacement height (roughness length) by 20–25 % than the latter. The LES database clearly illustrates the essential difference in bulk flow properties between real urban surfaces and simplified arrays. The vertical profiles of horizontally-averaged momentum flux were influenced by the maximum building height and the standard deviation of building height, as well as conventional geometric parameters such as the average building height, frontal area index, and plane area index. On the basis of these investigations, a new aerodynamic parametrization of roughness length and displacement height in terms of the five geometric parameters described above was empirically proposed. The new parametrizations work well for both real urban morphologies and simplified model geometries.  相似文献   
A precipitating convective cloud is simulated successfully using the Lagrangian cloud model, in which the flow field is simulated by large eddy simulation and the droplets are treated as Lagrangian particles, and the results are analyzed to investigate precipitation initiation and to examine the parameterization of cloud microphysics. It is found that raindrops appear initially near the cloud top, in which strong turbulence and broadened droplet spectrum are induced by the entrainment of dry air, but high liquid–water mixing ratio is maintained within cloud parts because of insufficient mixing. Statistical analysis of the downward vertical velocity of a droplet W reveals that the transition from cloud droplets to raindrops occurs in the range 20 μm < r < 100 μm, while the variation of W depends on turbulence as well as the droplet radius r. The general pattern of the raindrop size distribution is found to be consistent with the Marshall–Palmer distribution. The precipitation flux can be underestimated substantially, if the terminal velocity $w_{\text{s}}$ is used instead of W, but it is not sensitive to the choice of the critical droplet radius dividing cloud drops and raindrops. It is also found that precipitation starts earlier and becomes stronger if the effect of turbulence is included in the collection kernel.  相似文献   
The Birim rocks of the West African craton comprise belts of greenschist- to amphibolite-grade gneiss and schist, and subparallel basins of greenschist-grade phyllite of volcaniclastic and epiclastic origin, which were intruded by igneous rocks. The granitoids intruded between 2213 and 2060 Ma and overlap with the volcaniclastic units dated between 2211 and 2064 Ma. The simultaneous occurrence of the magmatic events and irregular distribution of the rock ages hamper the formulation of a stratigraphic succession. SHRIMP spot analyses were done on older cores, crystals and rims from 23 rocks from the Bolé-Wa region in west-central Ghana. The crystallization ages range from 2195 to 2118 Ma, the inherited ages from 2876 to 2130 Ma, and metamorphic ages from 2114 to 2090 Ma. Aided by metamorphic, structural and chemical studies an older geotectonic cycle (2195–2150 Ma), containing the Dole and Guropie Suite and Bolé Group, was established. These units were subjected to several orthogonal and shear deformation events. These events were followed by the contemporaneous Sawla calc-alkaline monzonitic plutonism (2132–2126 Ma) and deposition of the epiclastic Maluwe Group (2137–2125 Ma) of calc-alkaline felsic to tholeiitic volcanic origin. Deformation of the basin beds was succeeded by the intrusion of the Tanina Suite granitoids of 2122–2120 Ma, which, themselves, were deformed prior to 2119 Ma. At 2118 Ma syenite and gabbro intruded along conjugate extension fractures. The gabbro and syenite of the Wakawaka Suite were only affected by three events of brittle strike-slip faulting. The first had significant displacement along NNE- to NE-directed shear zones, while the latter only formed conjugate joint systems with limited transport. Palaeo- to Neoarchaean cores, the oldest yet reported in the Baoulé Mossi domain, are restricted to the gneissic Dole Suite biotite granites. The presence of Dole-, Guropie-, Sawla-, and Tanina-aged older cores and grains in younger rocks reflects continuous reworking of the developing crust during successive magmatic episodes. Zircon rim growth between 2105 and 2090 Ma indicates posttectonic crustal thickening. The low Rb/Sr Ro of ~0.7032 of gabbro and monzonite, and the recycling of the Birim-age crust confirm the primary and juvenile nature of the West African craton after ~2195 Ma. With the various ages obtained, it was possible to link deposition, magmatism and deformation to crustal processes, and establish the cyclic geotectonic evolution in the West Africa craton (individual basin opening and closure) over time as part of an intraoceanic arc–back-arc basin system.  相似文献   
A novel approach of studying dust, black crust and host limestones by using various techniques is presented in this paper. Samples were collected from limestone monuments located in rural, urban and industrial areas in Germany and Hungary. The paper focuses on differences in the mineralogical composition, major and trace element distribution of materials and their total polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) concentration having different exposure to air pollutants. High concentration of gypsum was found in laminar and dendritic black crusts and even in the dust of both urban and rural areas, despite the low concentration of SO2 in rural atmospheric environments. The black crusts show a typical microfabric with distinct layers of various gypsum–calcite mineral associations, silt-sized mineral fragments and black particle content. In dust, newly formed gypsum crystals were found along with mineral fragments, and siliceous and, less frequently, carbonaceous fly ash particles. High concentration of lead was found both in the samples of urban and rural areas of Germany and Hungary. Lead mostly accumulates in dust and also in the black crust. Highest lead concentrations were found not on the surface of the black crust, but close to the crust/limestone boundary according to LA-ICPMS analyses. It indicates that despite the ban of leaded petrol, lead is still present in the dust and the in the soiled zones of the built environment. Similarly to lead, no significant difference in the total PAH content of dust and crust samples were found in the two countries. Dusts are equally enriched in PAH in both countries, whereas black crusts contain fewer amounts. Most of the aqueous extracts of the samples were saturated with respect to sulphate, which also indicate the presence of gypsum, whilst in some German samples unsaturated conditions were detected. In summary, by using a combination of these analytical techniques, it was possible to distinguish rural and urban samples and to outline the role of dust in bringing pollutants to the stone surface. It is suggested that the analysed dust and stone samples indicate not only present, but also the past, pollution fluxes and as a consequence stones similar to sediments or surface waters can be used as environment indicators.  相似文献   
Building stones manufactured from contact metamorphic slates (Fruchtschiefer slate) from Theuma (Sachsen, Germany) were investigated for mineralogical alterations as well as for changes in porosity and surface roughness due to weathering. After weathering periods of several years to decades, the originally dark gray-colored slates show pale spots of several centimeters in size at the surface of building stones. The dark-colored and light-colored sections of the slate show no differences in mineralogy. Surface weathering did not result in newly precipitated minerals. It was also found that the observed differences in color are not caused by variations in sedimentary organic carbon concentration or in sulfide/sulfate concentrations. Obtained results instead indicate that dark surface sections may show a thin cover of recent organic matter (OM), e.g., living OM, soot, dirt, etc. Microscopic investigations suggested that this cover was exfoliated at light-colored surface sections. The observed disaggregation of the upper 2 mm of the building block material results in an increase in porosity. Porosity of black (unweathered) slate is <2 vol.%. Due to weathering, the slate’s pores with diameters >1 μm show a significant increase in frequency compared to the original pore size distribution. Porosity of weathered rock volumes increased to approx. 8 vol.%. Discolored surface sections show a higher surface roughness (root-mean-square roughness, Rq ~ 1 μm) compared to dark-colored slate surfaces (Rq ~ 200 nm), both data are for cleavage planes. Preferentially, the discolored surface sections are located close to the edges of cut stones. This and the alteration in porosity, pore size, and surface roughness indicate that color changes of the slate are largely influenced by rock disaggregation proceeding from the edges into the center rather than by mineral dissolution/precipitation processes.  相似文献   
The construction suitability of a dimension stone depends on its weathering properties along with the petrology and the petrophysical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the dimension stones from the “Drei Gleichen” area for construction and replacement purposes. In total, six sandstones (Ingersleben, Wachsenburg, Hindfelden, Seeberg, Röhnberg, Gleichenberg; Upper Triassic) as well as two carbonates (Wachsenburg sinter; Quaternary, Wandersleben dolomite; Middle Triassic) were analysed. The results from our laboratory and on-site studies of the dimension stones show that rocks from the same stratigraphic layer, like the sandstones from the upper Triassic, can show major differences in their petrophysical and weathering properties. These differences are attributed to their different diagenesis, resulting, e.g. in varying pore space, water balance and strength properties. The pore size distribution can be divided into four different groups based on their occurring maxima and micropore content. The determined water balance properties as well as moisture expansion and salt attack depend on these groups. Next to this, the mineralogical composition significantly influences the weathering resistance. Sandstones with a high content of altered lithoclasts show a high amount of moisture expansion, low strength and, in consequence, a low weathering resistance against salt attack. Based on the results of the present study, an evaluation of construction suitability could be accomplished. From the analysed sandstones, only the Seebergen sandstone is suitable for construction purposes due to its good availability, good strength properties (high compressive and tensile strength, low softening degree) as well as a low porosity. Furthermore, the Wachsenburg sandstone also shows good petrophysical and petrological properties, but exploitable deposits are too sparse to be of commercial interest. From the carbonates, the Wachsenburg sinter shows very suitable rock parameters, but only sparse outcrops occur, which are not appropriate for mining.  相似文献   
Weathering of volcanic tuff rocks caused by moisture expansion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Moisture expansion in natural building stones is considered one of the most important factors affecting their weathering and deterioration. The processes that may be responsible for the expansion under determinate relative humidity (hygric dilatation) and water-saturated conditions (hydric dilatation) are generally attributed to the presence of swellable clay minerals. In contrast to this assumption, our investigations show that moisture expansion also takes place in volcanic tuff building stones almost free from clay minerals. To provide a deeper understanding of the processes, swelling and deterioration were performed on 14 volcanic tuffs used as important building stones of different ages, compositions and weathering stages from Mexico, Germany and Hungary. The investigations undertaken include extensive chemical, petrophysical and fabric analyses. The samples show a wide range of effective porosity, microporosity, capillary water absorption, moisture expansion, and CEC values. High moisture expansion does not seem to depend on clay mineral content alone. We also observed that there is no significant effect on dilatation if clay minerals are present but only form a thin coat on the outer shell of bigger pores. Moreover, we identified a correlation between microporosity, average pore radius and moisture expansion. The investigations highlight the fact that moisture expansion cannot only be attributed to swellable clay minerals, and suggest that the presence and accumulation of micropores and their average radius and distribution play an important role for non-clay associated swelling intensity, which can most probably be attributed to the disjoining pressure.  相似文献   
The seasonal forecast skill of the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office atmosphere–ocean coupled global climate model (AOGCM) is evaluated based on an ensemble of 9-month lead forecasts for the period 1993 to 2010. The results from the current version (V2) of the AOGCM consisting of the GEOS-5 AGCM coupled to the MOM4 ocean model are compared with those from an earlier version (V1) in which the AGCM (the NSIPP model) was coupled to the Poseidon Ocean Model. It was found that the correlation skill of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) forecasts is generally better in V2, especially over the sub-tropical and tropical central and eastern Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean. Furthermore, the improvement in skill in V2 mainly comes from better forecasts of the developing phase of ENSO from boreal spring to summer. The skill of ENSO forecasts initiated during the boreal winter season, however, shows no improvement in terms of correlation skill, and is in fact slightly worse in terms of root mean square error (RMSE). The degradation of skill is found to be due to an excessive ENSO amplitude. For V1, the ENSO amplitude is too strong in forecasts starting in boreal spring and summer, which causes large RMSE in the forecast. For V2, the ENSO amplitude is slightly stronger than that in observations and V1 for forecasts starting in boreal winter season. An analysis of the terms in the SST tendency equation, shows that this is mainly due to an excessive zonal advective feedback. In addition, V2 forecasts that are initiated during boreal winter season, exhibit a slower phase transition of El Nino, which is consistent with larger amplitude of ENSO after the ENSO peak season. It is found that this is due to weak discharge of equatorial Warm Water Volume (WWV). In both observations and V1, the discharge of equatorial WWV leads the equatorial geostrophic easterly current so as to damp the El Nino starting in January. This process is delayed by about 2 months in V2 due to the slower phase transition of the equatorial zonal current from westerly to easterly.  相似文献   
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