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新疆东准噶尔锡矿北花岗斑岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对东准噶尔锡矿北花岗斑岩进行锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年,获得206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(281±10)Ma,MSWD=9.3,206Pb/238U-207Pb/235U谐和曲线图中下交点年龄为(278±11)Ma,MSWD=7.5,两者在误差范围内完全一致,时代属于早二叠世。结果表明,锡矿北花岗斑岩形成的时代属于东准噶尔后碰撞深成岩浆活动的范围(330~265Ma),晚于东准噶尔乌伦古河碱性花岗岩和卡拉麦里碱性花岗岩的形成时代(300Ma左右),以花岗斑岩为代表的晚古生代岩浆侵入活动延续到早二叠世晚期。  相似文献   
Frontal upwelling is an important phenomenon in summer in the Yellow Sea (YS) and plays an essential role in the distribution of nutrients and biological species. In this paper, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is applied to investigate the characteristics and influencing factors of frontal upwelling in the YS. The results show that the strength and distribution of frontal upwelling are largely dependent on the topography and bottom temperature fronts. The frontal upwelling in the YS is stronger and narrower near the eastern coast than near the western coast due to the steeper shelf slope. Moreover, external forcings, such as the meridional wind speed and air temperature in summer and the air temperature in the preceding winter and spring, have certain influences on the strength of frontal upwelling. An increase in air temperature in the previous winter and spring weakens the frontal upwelling in summer; in contrast, an increase in air temperature in summer strengthens the frontal upwelling. When the southerly wind in summer increases, the upwelling intensifies in the western YS and weakens in the eastern YS. The air temperature influences the strength of upwelling by changing the baroclinicity in the frontal region. Furthermore, the meridional wind speed in summer affects frontal upwelling via Ekman pumping.  相似文献   
冬季的雨雪预报,尤其是冻雨的预报涉及多种尺度系统与复杂物理因素的影响。为了探讨这方面的问题,作者采用中尺度数值模式MM5对2008年初我国南方持续性雨雪、冰冻灾害天气中的1月26~29日过程做了模拟试验研究,并根据模拟结果对1月26~29日期间的水汽条件、地面特征和大气层结条件等重要环境条件进行了分析。分析指出,模拟结果能基本再现冬季这种持续性过程的降水带分布;长江或江南地区的准静止锋的存在,水汽在锋前对流层低层辐合,并沿锋面向上爬升凝结,爬升到达的高度和强水汽带的宽度与观测基本一致。模式还能再现有利于冻雨产生的层结条件,包括中层冻结层、暖层、逆温层和地面温度0℃线的位置;研究指出,利用模式输出的层结、地面条件以及降水状况可以大致得到冻雨可能发生的范围。  相似文献   
以2019年遥感卫星影像为基础,通过监督分类与目视解译相结合的方法,获得福建省砂质岸线防护林的分布现状,结合多时相遥感影像数据,总结防护林的退化变化规律。结果表明:尽管近几十年来福建省防护林保护与修复取得了显著成效,但也有将近一半的砂质岸线存在无防护林、原有防护林消失、防护林不连续、修复后再度遭受破坏等问题。针对这些问题,提出了对砂质岸线防护林的保护与修复应遵循保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针。按照整体保护、系统修复的要求,防护林修复的近期目标是对问题严重的地段开展针对性修复,长期目标是形成连续的砂质岸线防护林,形成沿海第一道生态屏障,为提高福建省沿海生态系统生物的多样性起到积极作用。  相似文献   
气象卫星对气象科学的发展起着重大的作用。静止气象卫星对广大热带海洋区域提供的气象资料,对热带的天气分析和预报起着特别重要的作用。美国、欧洲空间厅和日本已开展了静止卫星云图云风测定业务。许多研究已证明,卫星云风与同高度无线电测风相当一致。而且在天气分析和预报以及大气环流的研究中是很有价值的气象资料。Hub—  相似文献   
城市倾斜摄影实景三维模型数据质量检查方法研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于倾斜摄影可以快速获得高精度的城市实景三维模型,分析了实景三维模型数据的特点,探讨了实景三维模型数据质量检查的重点内容和质量元素,结合北京市大规模倾斜摄影实景三维数据质量检查实例,对实景三维数据质检问题与内容进行了总结,最后提出了实景三维模型数据的质量检查方法。  相似文献   
文章研究关注了内蒙古冬季极端多雪气候事件的季节预测问题,在对大量降水观测资料、海温及大气环流场资料进行统计、分析、研究的基础上,确定了历史上58a(1960—2017年)内蒙古冬季极端多雪和少雪气候事件样本,通过对大气环流场的对比分析发现极端多雪或少雪冬季环流场特征显著不同,分析后确定了影响内蒙古冬季降雪的主要环流系统,包括西太平洋副热带高压、极涡、东亚大槽、环流E型及南方涛动等系统。同时,探索了对这些主要环流系统具有预测意义的来自海洋和大气场的预测信号,对预测信号关键区做了标准化定量提取,确定了预测信号综合指数分段判别阈值,给出了预测概念模型,取得了较好预测效果。  相似文献   
The Bohai Sea coastal zone of China consists of the Pacific Ocean to the east and Eurasia to the west; hence, this region is influenced by both the ocean and continental landmasses. The carbonate formation mechanism of eolian sediment within this area is poorly understood. The loess-paleosol sediments of the Miaodao stratigraphical section (MDS) contain a record of carbonate changes in this region during the last interglacial period. New insights into regional carbonate formation mechanisms since the last interglacial period were obtained by analyzing the ages of various sedimentary facies in combination with proxy paleoclimatic indices (including average grain size, standard deviation, CaCO3 content, and clay minerals), as well as via foraminiferal analysis. The results led to three principal findings: (1) The carbonate content change in the MDS was neither controlled by grain size nor affected by minerals. The carbonate change controlled by precipitate leaching in the Loess Plateau region cannot explain the eolian sediments within the Bohai Sea coastal zone. (2) Various subsections contain obvious carbonate content changes caused by foraminiferal deposits atop the eolian sediments, which were deposited by storm surges during a high sea-level period. This increased the carbonate content in the eolian sediments and restricted the carbonate content in the Bohai Sea coastal zone. (3) Newly detected foraminifera of the last interglacial period on the eolian sediment of the MDS were the main source of carbonate content, providing a new understanding of the carbonate formation mechanism in eolian sediments different from that of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
鲁西地区新太古代雁翎关组由科马提岩、角闪质岩石、变粒岩和含铁石英岩等组成 ,其原岩为一套超镁铁质镁铁质火山熔岩及火山碎屑沉积的表壳岩建造 ,经历了三期区域变质作用 ,变质程度达低角闪岩相 ,是华北地台上一个典型的绿岩带。鲁西花岗岩绿岩带中分布有大小黄铁矿脉数十条之多 ,呈层状、透镜状或脉状沿片麻理方向展布 ,硫品位 3 .79%~ 3 1.6% ,伴生有用组分Fe、Ni、Ag等。通过对绿岩、矿体和矿石特征、S、Fe分布及变质成矿作用等方面的研究 ,证实绿岩中含有丰富的S、Fe、Ni等造矿元素 ,认为绿岩既是赋矿岩石亦是矿源层 ,矿床属变质热液叠加的变质火山沉积型硫铁矿床。  相似文献   
基于CC的防火墙安全功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
防火墙是网络安全的核心手段。依据基于CC(Common Criteria)制订的国家标准——包过滤防火墙安全技术要求和应用级防火墙安全技术要求,提出每项安全功能要求对应的实际安全措施,并分析当前防火墙未实现的安全功能要求。  相似文献   
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