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The Beijing meteorological tower is located in an area of Beijing, China, which has developed from a suburban to an inner city setting over the past 30 years. The impacts of this urbanization process on both the vertical profile and diurnal cycles of air temperature are investigated using hourly data collected from a series of monitoring levels (up to 325 m high) on the Beijing meteorological tower since 1984. We find that the inter-decadal temperature has increased gradually, and that a more significant increase occurred during the 1980s and 1990s due to the effects of urbanization. A well-defined change in temperature stratification was also observed over this period. The height of the temperature inversion layer decreased from the 1980s to the 2000s. A well-defined nighttime temperature inversion developed below 50 m during the summer in the 1980s, but this near-surface inversion is not seen in data from the 1990s and 2000s. This change can be related to an increase in turbulent mixing caused by urban roughness and surface heat storage that disturbs the near-surface temperature inversion layer. In addition, the diurnal change in temperature in the city in summer shows a maximum increase from sunrise to the early afternoon, which is mainly caused by the nature variability and global warming in both the summer and winter. The urbanization mainly contributes to the temperature increase in the afternoon and nighttime. Moreover the urbanization dominates the increase in daily mean near-surface temperature.  相似文献   
郑州市城市气候特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用郑州城市生态站与郑州国家基准气候站2004-2007年的温、湿气象要素资料,分析了郑州城市干、热岛强度的季节变化及日变化。结果发现:郑州城市热岛强度秋季大于春季,日变化则具有夜间强、白昼弱的特点;干岛强度同样是秋季大于春季,日变化特点也为夜间强,白天弱。  相似文献   
水下光照分布是影响水生态系统的重要因素,研究光合有效辐射衰减特征对于沉水植物恢复具有一定的指导意义.根据沉水植物生物量资料,将东太湖划分为沉水植物茂盛区、沉水植物稀疏区和无植物区3种区域.基于2019年夏季原位水下光场资料,探讨了东太湖光衰减特性和光照衰减因子的空间差异以及不同区域内的主导衰减因子,分析了东太湖的稳态阶段和富营养化水平,并阐述了真光层深度与透明度的关系,以期为东太湖沉水植物恢复和保护提供相关资料.结果表明:东太湖不同区域光衰减特性差异显著,光合有效辐射衰减系数(k d(PAR))在0.73~11.80 m^-1之间变化,真光层深度范围为0.39~6.31 m.不同区域的无机悬浮物和有机悬浮物浓度存在显著性差异,稀疏区叶绿素a浓度显著高于茂盛区,而与无植物区没有显著差异,有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)吸收系数在3种区域无显著性差异.k d(PAR)与无机、有机悬浮物的线性拟合效果较好,而与叶绿素a、CDOM拟合较差.水体吸收和散射作用是茂盛区光衰减的主要原因,无植物区域主导衰减因子仅有无机悬浮物,稀疏区由叶绿素a和无机悬浮物共同主导,是生态修复需要重点关注的区域,有机悬浮物和CDOM对东太湖光照衰减没有太大影响.东太湖目前正处于从草型稳态向藻型稳态过渡的阶段,整个湖泊属于富营养水平,真光层深度大约为透明度的2.7倍.  相似文献   
The Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is one of the most developed Extended Metropolitan Regions (EMR) in China.With the rapid urbanization,the agglomeration of population and industries has emerged,which has led to dramatic changes of spatial structure and land use in this region.With data of high resolution TM remote sensing images and Google Earth maps,this paper identified and analyzed the spatial pattern of the Zhujiang River Delta EMR using Envy and ArcGIS tools.It was found that 1) the industrial land uses were expanding substantially,particularly on the bank sides of the Zhujiang River estuary;2) large-scale housing developments were concentrated in the fringe of metropolitan areas such as those of Guangzhou and Shenzhen;3) a regional transportation network with the spatial pattern of ″1 circle +2 pieces + 3 axes″ had significantly affected the location choice of manufacture enterprises.At the same time,both highly specialized land use and severely mixed land use patterns were identified.As a consequence of the latter,land use efficiency of the whole EMR areas was reduced.Moreover,ecologic and environmental problems were severe.Based on the above analysis,suggestions were given from the viewpoint of spatial safety,land use efficiency,and the reorganization of spatial structure in the Zhujiang River Delta EMR.  相似文献   
Chromite,a crucial high-conductivity mineral phase of peridotite in ophiolite suites,has a significant effect on the ele ctrical structure of subduction zones.The electrical conductivities of sintered polycrystalline olivine containing various volume percents of chromite(0,4,7,10,13,16,18,21,23,100 vol.%) were measured using a complex impedance spectroscopic technique in the frequency range of 10~(-1)-10~6 Hz under the conditions of1.0-3.0 GPa and 873-1223 K.The relationship between the conductivities of the chromite-bearing olivine aggregate s and temperatures conformed to the Arrhenius equation.The positive effect of pressure on the conductivities of the olivine-chromite systems was much weaker than that of temperature.The chromite content had an important effect on the conductivities of the olivine-chromite systems,and the bulk conductivities increased with increasing volume fraction of chromite to a certain extent.The inclusion of 16 vol.% chromite s dramatically enhanced the bulk conductivity,implying that the percolation thre shold of interconnectivity of chromite in the olivine-chromite systems is ~16 vol%.The fitted activation enthalpies for pure polycrystalline olivine,polycrystalline olivine with isolated chromite,polycrystalline olivine with interconnected chromites,and pure polycrystalline chromite were 1.2 5,0.78-0.8 7,0.48-0.54,and 0.47 eV, respectively.Based on the chemical compositions and activation enthalpies,small polaron conduction was proposed to be the dominant conduction mechanism for polycrystalline olivine with various chromite contents.Furthermore,the conductivities of polycrystalline olivine with interconnected chromite(10~(-1-5)-10~(0.5) S/m) provides a reasonable explanation for the high conductivity anomalies in subduction-related tectonic environments.  相似文献   
长江河口主槽地貌形态观测与分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
人类活动可以改变流域至河口的泥沙输运与沉积。尽管一些近期的研究已经调查了长江河口的形态演变,然而,流域和河口工程如何影响河口河床的形态演变仍然是不清楚的。该文利用2010年至2015年多波束测深系统和浅地层剖面仪等先进现场测量仪器的长江口主槽走航测量资料,并结合主槽表层沉积物资料,分析了近年来人为强干扰下的长江河口主槽底床微地貌形态,以理解近期人类活动对河口的影响。结果显示:近年来长江河口主槽底床上除了存在平床、沙波、冲沟和冲刷痕等常见微地貌形态外,还存在着疏浚痕和凹坑等人为微地貌形态。在流域和河口大型工程的共同影响下,近年来南北港中上段、横沙通道和南槽上段均受到不同程度的冲刷,其主槽底床上呈现出不同程度冲沟和冲刷痕等侵蚀性微地貌。而由于疏浚工程的影响,南港下段、圆圆沙航槽和北槽航道底床上出现了大范围的疏浚痕和凹坑。近年来包括南槽上段、北槽主槽中段和下段的局部区域和北港拦门沙河段局部区域在内的长江河口最大浑浊带的河床沉积物有粗化趋势。南北港中上段和横沙通道的大部分区域均发育了大量沙波微地貌;总体上,长江河口沙波的波高在0.12~3.12 m,波长在2.83~127.89 m,波高/波长在0.003~0.136,长江河口中上段的沙波尺度(波高的均值为0.91 m,波长的均值为20.08 m)大于密西西比河下游(波高的均值为0.87 m,波长的均值为17.62 m),且两区域沙波的几何形态差异性较小。  相似文献   
甘肃北山地区岩浆岩及变质岩出露广泛,植被稀少,地势平缓,是无人机遥感开展地质填图试验的理想目标区。为解决传统地质填图方法受地形、环境限制和投入高及工作周期长等问题,选取北山长流水地区20 km2化探重点工作区为目标区,利用大疆精灵4专业版无人机采集图像,并采用Photoscan软件合成高分辨率正射影像以及三维模型,建立解译标志,对目标区域进行地质解译,获得比前人1:1万地质图更加精细的地质图。该方法较传统填图方法能够解译出地质体形态、岩脉产状、微小断裂等更详细的地质内容,并能提供划分岩脉期次的证据。  相似文献   
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