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磁流变阻尼器作为一种比较典型的半主动控制元件,具有构造简单、响应速度快、耐久性好、阻尼力大且连续可调等优点。即使地震中能源中断,磁流变阻尼器仍可以作为被动耗能装置继续工作发挥作用,可靠性高。设计合理有效的磁流变阻尼器半主动控制方法,对于整体结构的减震效果尤其重要。提出一种改进的磁流变阻尼器的半主动控制策略-改进的Bang-Bang控制策略,对装有磁流变阻尼器的减震控制3层框架结构进行了一系列的实时混合模拟试验,对多种半主动控制方法下的振动控制效果进行试验分析。试验结果表明:磁流变阻尼器对框架结构的减震效果显著,并验证了提出的磁流变阻尼器半主动控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   
Real‐time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is increasingly being recognized as a powerful cyber‐physical technique that offers the opportunity for system evaluation of civil structures subject to extreme dynamic loading. Advances in this field are enabling researchers to evaluate new structural components/systems in cost‐effective and efficient ways, under more realistic conditions. For RTHS, performance metric clearly needs to be developed to predict and evaluate the accuracy of various partitioning choices while incorporating the dynamics of the transfer system, and computational/communication delays. In addition, because of the dynamics of the transfer system, communication delays, and computation delays, the RTHS equilibrium force at the interface between numerical and physical substructures is subject to phase discrepancy. Thus, the transfer system dynamics must be accommodated by appropriate actuator controllers. In this paper, a new performance indicator, predictive performance indicator (PPI), is proposed to assess the sensitivity of an RTHS configuration to any phase discrepancy resulting from transfer system dynamics and computational/communication delays. The predictive performance indicator provides a structural engineer with two sets of information as follows: (i) in the absence of a reference response, what is the level of fidelity of the RTHS response? and (ii) if needed, what partitioning adjustments can be made to effectively enhance the fidelity of the response? Moreover, along with the RTHS stability switch criterion, this performance metric may be used as an acceptance criteria for conducting single‐degree‐of‐freedom RTHS. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary. Twenty-four oriented specimens of laminated clay were obtained from vertical sections in two caves in northern Norway. Studies of the magnetic remanence and susceptibility anisotropy show that the magnetization is depositional in origin and due to magnetite. The palaeomagnetic record in one section is correlated with results from a Swiss lake sediment core to suggest an age of 9600–6800 yr bp for the cave clay. It is shown that the susceptibility lineation produced on gently sloping surfaces was predominantly controlled by gravity and cannot therefore be used directly to estimate the palaeoflow or palaeofield directions.  相似文献   
A fast coronal transient event was observed simultaneously on 17 February 1972 by the Sacramento Peak Observatory 6-in. λ 5303 filter coronagraph and the High Altitude Observatory K-coronameter. We interpret the rapid opening of green line structure cospatial with the disappearance of a white light streamer as material motion of iron ions and electrons. Together with the subsequent two-fold increase in K-corona brightness in an adjacent region, this is taken as evidence of a transference of electrons to a new streamer in a realignment of magnetic flux tubes accompanying a flare.  相似文献   

Efforts in the United States to plan or implement relocation in response to climate risks have struggled to improve material conditions for participants, to incorporate local knowledge, and to keep communities intact. Mixed methodologies of community geography provide an opportunity for dialogue and knowledge-sharing to collaboratively diagnose the challenges of climate adaptation led by communities. In this article, we advance a participatory practice model for the co-creation of knowledge initiated during a two-day workshop with members from the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe from Isle de Jean Charles in Louisiana, Yup’ik people from Newtok Village in Alaska, and researchers from the MIT Resilient Communities Lab. Building on prior scholarship of indigenizing climate change research, this article shares the experience of the workshop to support knowledge exchange and dialogue, with the goal of understanding how to build participatory and non-extractive community-academic partnerships. We reflect on the community values and principles used to guide this workshop to inform more inclusive and co-produced research partnerships, and pedagogies that can improve and assist the self-determination of groups impacted by climate change. Workshop presentations and discussions highlight interconnected themes of resources, systems & structures, regulatory imbalance, and resilience that underpin climate resettlement. We reflect on the narratives presented by members of both Indigenous tribes and NGO partners that illustrate the shortcomings of resettlement planning practices past and present as perpetuating existing inequality. In response to this structured knowledge exchange, we identify potential roles for community-academic partnerships that aim to improve the equity of existing resettlement models. We propose approaches for incorporating traditional knowledge into the pedagogy, discourse, and practice of academic planning programs.

Groundwater flow in karst aquifers is extremely difficult to predict because of the presence of solution-enlarged fractures and conduits in the bedrock. The location and volume of this solution development is the result of interrelated geologic, hydrologic and climatic factors. This paper examines lithologic properties which influence apparent solution rates in carbonate aquifers as indicated by weathered profiles in caverns. Rock samples collected from cavern entrances and walls in southwestern Missouri, U.S.A., were analyzed for grain size, sorting, percent quartz, percent magnesium carbonate, percent opaque minerals and percent acid-insoluble residue. Discriminant function analyses of these measurements show that grain size is the most important parameter in distinguishing the grouping of apparently resistant and non-resistant samples. Small grain size favors dissolution and strongly influences the relief of the weathered profile regardless of rock composition. Significant variability in magnesium carbonate content may also affect the apparent solution rate but to a lesser degree than grain size.  相似文献   
Mitigating the heat stress via a derivative policy is a vital financial option for agricultural producers and other business sectors to strategically adapt to the climate change scenario. This study has provided an approach to identifying heat stress events and pricing the heat stress weather derivative due to persistent days of high surface air temperature (SAT). Cooling degree days (CDD) are used as the weather index for trade. In this study, a call-option model was used as an example for calculating the price of the index. Two heat stress indices were developed to describe the severity and physical impact of heat waves. The daily Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN-D) SAT data from 1901 to 2007 from the southern California, USA, were used. A major California heat wave that occurred 20-25 October 1965 was studied. The derivative price was calculated based on the call-option model for both long-term station data and the interpolated grid point data at a regular 0.1 ×0.1 latitude-longitude grid. The resulting comparison indicates that (a) the interpolated data can be used as reliable proxy to price the CDD and (b) a normal distribution model cannot always be used to reliably calculate the CDD price. In conclusion, the data, models, and procedures described in this study have potential application in hedging agricultural and other risks.  相似文献   
New and more complete compositional data are presented for a large number of water samples from the Lake Magadi area, Kenya. These water samples range from dilute inflow (<0.1 g/kg dissolved solids) to very concentrated brines (>300 g/kg dissolved solids). Five distinct hydrologic stages can be recognized in the evolution of the water compositions: dilute streamflow, dilute ground water, saline ground water (or hot spring reservoir), saturated brines, and residual brines. Based on the assumption that chloride is conserved in the waters during evaporative concentration, these stages are related to each other by the concentration factors of about 1:28:870:7600:16,800.Dilute streamflow is represented by perennial streams entering the Rift Valley from the west. All but one (Ewaso Ngiro) of these streams disappear in the alluvium and do not reach the valley floor. Dilute ground water was collected from shallow pits and wells dug into lake sediments and alluvial channels. Saline ground water is roughly equivalent to the hot springs reservoir postulated by Eugster (1970) and is represented by the hottest of the major springs. Saturated brines represent surficial lake brines just at the point of saturation with respect to trona (Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O), while residual brines are essentially interstitial to the evaporite deposit and have been subjected to a complex history of precipitation and re-solution.The new data confirm the basic hydrologic model presented by Eugster (1970) which has now been refined, particularly with respect to the early stages of evaporative concentration. Budget calculations show that only bromide is conserved as completely as chloride. Sodium follows chloride closely until trona precipitation, whereas silica and sulfate are largely lost during the very first concentration' step (dilute streamflow-dilute ground water). A large fraction of potassium and all calcium plus magnesium are removed during the first two concentration steps (dilute streamflow-dilute ground water-saline ground water). Carbonate and bicarbonate are the dominant anions, and mechanisms by which they are extracted from the solution include precipitation of alkali and alkaline-earth carbonates, and degassing, as well as precipitation and re-solution of efflorescent crusts. Much sulfate is apparently lost from solution by sorption as well as subsurface reduction.Seasonal runoff, principally from the valley floor north of Lake Magadi, is considered to be the principal recharge to the Magadi ground water system. Evaporative concentration is the overall process responsible for the chemical evolution of the brines. This includes not only simple evaporation, but also mineral precipitation as films and cements in the unsaturated zone, re-solution, and reprecipitation of efflorescent crusts, with consequent recycling of salts. In fact, a large fraction of the solutes are acquired through dissolution of efflorescent crusts.Data were obtained for borehole brines from as deep as 297 m. They show the existence of two distinct brine bodies below the present lake, one shallow, coexistent with bedded salts, and highly concentrated (260 g/kg average dissolved solids), and the other deeper in lacustrine sediments or fractured lavas, and only half as concentrated.  相似文献   
The National Energy Act of 1978 included cogeneration as one of the leading strategies to help solve the nation's energy problems. As a result many new regulations have been formulated to encourage the development of industrial cogeneration facilities. These regulations are aimed at reducing oil imports, conserving nonrenewable resources, and preserving air quality. The electric utilities are uncertain whether the regulations will accomplish these goals. They are concerned that the regulations will lead to the proliferation of small industrial cogeneration facilities giving rise to increased air pollution and other adverse environmental impacts. The utilities are also concerned that, because of the way the regulations are written, they will discourage the electric utilities from fully participating in the cogeneration process.  相似文献   
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