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In order to reduce the brittleness of soil stabilized by lime only, a recent study of a newly proposed mixture of polypropylene fibre and lime for ground improvement is described and reported in the paper. To investigate and understand the influence of the mixture of polypropylene fibre and lime on the engineering properties of a clayey soil, nine groups of treated soil specimens were prepared and tested at three different percentages of fibre content (i.e. 0.05%, 0.15%, 0.25% by weight of the parent soil) and three different percentages of lime (i.e. 2%, 5%, 8% by weight of the parent soil). These treated specimens were subjected to unconfined compression, direct shear, swelling and shrinkage tests. Through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the specimens after shearing, the improving mechanisms of polypropylene fibre and lime in the soil were discussed and the observed test results were explained. It was found that fibre content, lime content and curing duration had significant influence on the engineering properties of the fibre–lime treated soil. An increase in lime content resulted in an initial increase followed by a slight decrease in unconfined compressive strength, cohesion and angle of internal friction of the clayey soil. On the other hand, an increase in lime content led to a reduction of swelling and shrinkage potential. However, an increase in fibre content caused an increase in strength and shrinkage potential but brought on the reduction of swelling potential. An increase in curing duration improved the unconfined compressive strength and shear strength parameters of the stabilized soil significantly. Based on the SEM analysis, it was found that the presence of fibre contributed to physical interaction between fibre and soil whereas the use of lime produced chemical reaction between lime and soil and changed soil fabric significantly.  相似文献   
采用GEOVIEW软件,选取顶底板为泥岩,中间为煤层(厚度变化范围0~30m)的三层介质作模型,通过改变中间煤层的厚度、处理采样率、子波等参数,并保持上下围岩参数不变的方式来讨论相关参数对AVO响应的影响,结果表明当处理采样率越高时,AVO截距和梯度精度就越高;子波采样率过低,会引起AVO截距和梯度值的扰动现象;当子波采样率提高到一定程度时,扰动现象消除;子波主频的大小决定了调谐效应的范围,提高地震波主频,有利于提高分辨率;子波长度的变化对AVO截距和梯度值求取影响不大。上述结论为AVO正演模型参数优选提供了依据,其最佳参数的选取可有效提高含煤地层AVO正演模型的精度。  相似文献   
自1950年以来,长江入海输沙量呈阶段性减少趋势;作为长江远端泥,长江入海输沙量的“减沙”效应在浙闽沿岸泥质区是否有相应的沉积信号?若有,该如何进行提取和解译?为探讨以上问题,在浙闽沿岸泥质区采集柱状样5根,进行了高分辨率(2 mm)的粒度测试,并通过端元分析手段分离出4个端元。结合研究区物源及水动力的空间差异,发现各端元有其特定的指示意义:EM1组分(众数粒径约为2 μm)为长江来源的极细粒物质;EM2组分(众数粒径约为10 μm)主要为长江及浙闽沿岸中小河流的细颗粒物质,但以长江为主;EM3组分(众数粒径约为80 μm)主要为台湾暖流带来的较粗粒物质;EM4组分(众数粒径约为200 μm)为长江输运的粗颗粒物质。进一步分析发现,EM1组分对长江入海输沙量的阶段性减少有较好的响应关系:由浙闽泥质区北部至南部响应强度依次降低;在响应时间上存在滞后现象,且从北到南滞后时间增加,由北部的4~6年增加至南部的10~14年。总体来看,细颗粒组分更能反映长江流域变化信息,且泥质区的不同位置对流域变化信息的响应强度差异显著。  相似文献   
福清沙浦--平潭马腿推覆型性剪切带位于福建东南沿海褶皱变质带的北段,在“三山、平潭、高山、观音澳”幅1:5万区调工作中,我们首次发现并肯定了该推覆型韧性剪切带的存在,并作了详细的工作。  相似文献   
当前盐岩的宏观力学模型通常是唯象模型,不能很好地解释盐岩受力变形破坏的真正物理基础。盐岩是由于化学沉积而形成的矿物集合体,是一种主要由NaCl和少量杂质组成的多晶体,其变形机制主要由晶粒与晶界的力学特性控制。通过扫描电镜(SEM),获得盐岩晶粒的微细观结构特征,采用分子动力学方法和纳米压痕技术,确定盐岩晶粒和晶界的微细观力学参数;将盐岩晶粒作为块体,基于Voronoi多边形技术,建立盐岩的微细观数值模型;利用离散元方法,对盐岩试件在单轴压缩和直剪条件下的宏观力学行为进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果与宏观力学试验结果吻合度高,表明基于盐岩微细观晶粒结构特征并结合离散元数值模拟的方法能够较好地研究盐岩的宏观力学性能及其材料物理基础。  相似文献   
From Oct.2019 to Apr.2020,LAMOST performed a time-domain(TD)spectroscopic survey of four K2 plates with both low-and medium-resolution observations.The low-reso...  相似文献   
The soil conservation service (now Natural Resources Conservation Service) Curve Number (SCS-CN), one of the most commonly used methods for surface runoff prediction. The runoff calculated by this method was very sensitive to CN values. In this study, CN values were calculated by both arithmetic mean (CN_C) and least square fit method (CN_F) using observed rainfall-runoff data from 43 sites in the Loess Plateau region, which are considerably different from the CN2 values obtained from the USDA-SCS handbook table (CN_T). The results showed that using CN_C instead of CN_T for each watershed produce little improvement, while replacing CN_T with CN_F improves the performance of the original SCS-CN method, but still performs poorly in most study sites. This is mainly due to the SCS-CN method using a constant CN value and discounting of the temporal variation in rainfall-runoff process. Therefore, three factors—soil moisture, rainfall depth and intensity—affecting the surface runoff variability are considered to reflect the variation of CN in each watershed, and a new CN value was developed. The reliability of the proposed method was tested with data from 38 watersheds, and then applied to the remaining five typical watersheds using the optimized parameters. The results indicated that the proposed method, which boosted the model efficiencies to 81.83% and 74.23% during calibration and validation cases, respectively, performed better than the original SCS-CN and the Shi and Wang (2020b) method, a modified SCS-CN method based on tabulated CN value. Thus, the proposed method incorporating the influence of the temporal variability of soil moisture, rainfall depth, and intensity factors suggests an accurate runoff prediction for general applications under different hydrological and climatic conditions on the Loess Plateau region.  相似文献   
“十五”期间.由山东省人民政府和中国地震局共同投资建设.山东遥测数字地震台网新建、改建、扩建为山东数字地震台网。建成后的台网与“九五”期间建设的观测系统比较,提高了整个台网的观测动态范围,扩大了台站的观测频带,丰富了记录的信息量;台站数量与密度的增加,使台网监测能力得到提高。本文介绍了山东数字地震台网的建设内容、台网布局、监测能力和功能。  相似文献   
在我国大陆开展的流动重力重复观测是监测地震前兆异常的主要技术手段之一。 对大地震前流动重力场观测资料研究结果表明, 区域性持续的重力场增加和减少与大地震发生有显著关系。 目前, 区域重力场变化监测已经成为一种常规前兆观测技术手段。 本文首先从三维倾斜台阶模型入手, 计算了理论重力异常, 并对异常进行变换, 找到了一种可以更好刻画其场源边界的方法, 并进一步应用空间相关系数法进行异常特征分析, 得到了从概率意义上估计危险区的方法。 最后, 本文尝试运用此方法对青藏高原东缘地区1998—2005年的四期流动重力测网资料进行处理和分析。 应用本文提出的异常处理技术, 可有效地圈定异常梯级带位置, 确定质源体边界形态, 并可以联合背景重力异常场等其他资料, 给出危险区发震概率的空间估计, 分析结果在年度震情会商中可以有效地对地震危险区的划定提供技术支持。  相似文献   
基于MATLAB神经网络对膨胀土潜势的分类和判别,既快捷,又方便,可以取得良好的效果。经对陕南某地滑坡膨胀土潜势实例的分类和判别,取得了与专家判断一致的解估计。  相似文献   
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