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Coesite has been identified within ejected blocks of shocked basalt at Lonar crater, India. This is the first report of coesite from the Lonar crater. Coesite occurs within SiO2 glass as distinct ~30 μm spherical aggregates of “granular coesite” identifiable both with optical petrography and with micro‐Raman spectroscopy. The coesite+glass occurs only within former silica amygdules, which is also the first report of high‐pressure polymorphs forming from a shocked secondary mineral. Detailed petrography and NMR spectroscopy suggest that the coesite crystallized directly from a localized SiO2 melt, as the result of complex interactions between the shock wave and these vesicle fillings.  相似文献   
Collecting a representative time‐integrated sample of fluvial fine‐grained suspended sediment (<63 μm) is an important requirement for the understanding of environmental, geomorphological, and hydrological processes operating within watersheds. This study (a) characterized the hydrodynamic behaviour of a commonly used time‐integrated fine sediment sampler (TIFSS) using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) in controlled laboratory conditions and (b) measured the mass collection efficiency (MCE) of the sampler by an acoustic Doppler current profiler under field conditions. The laboratory results indicated that the hydrodynamic evaluations associated with the original development of the TIFSS involved an underestimation of the inlet flow velocity of the sampler that results in a significant overestimation of the theoretical MCE. The ADV data illustrated that the ratio of the inlet flow velocity of the sampler to the ambient velocity was 87% and consequently, it can be assumed that a representative sample of the ambient fine suspended particles entered into the sampler. The field results showed that the particle size distribution of the sediment collected by the TIFSS was statistically similar to that for the ambient sediment in the Red River, Manitoba, Canada. The MCE of the TIFSS in the field trials appeared to be as low as 10%. Collecting a representative sample in the field was consistent with the previous findings that the TIFSS is a suitable sampler for the collection of a representative sample of sufficient mass (e.g., >1 g) for the investigation of the properties of fluvial fine‐grained suspended sediment. Hydrodynamic evaluation of the TIFSS under a wider range of hydraulic conditions is suggested to assess the performance of the sampler during high run‐off events.  相似文献   
The eclipse mosaic (PIA08329) of the Saturn system, taken on September 15, 2006 when Cassini was in Saturn’s shadow, contains numerous color images of the Enceladus plume and the E ring at phase angles ranging from 173° to 179°. These forward-scattering observations sample the diffraction peak for particle radii in the 1–5 μm range. The phase angle dependence and total brightness are sensitive indicators of the total mass of solid material in the plume. We fit the data with a variety of particle shapes and size distributions, and find that the median radius of the equivalent-volume sphere is 3.1 μm, with an uncertainty of ±0.5 μm. The total mass of particles in the plume is (1.45 ± 0.5) × 105 kg. We have not considered variations with altitude in the particle size and shape distribution, and we leave that for another paper. We find that the brightness of the E ring varies with position in the orbit, not only because of the viewing geometry, e.g., variations in phase angle, but also because of some unknown intrinsic variability. The total mass of solid material in the E ring is (12 ± 5.5) × 108 kg. For the plume, the production rate of particles – the mass per unit time leaving the vents is 51 ± 18 kg s−1. We estimate that 9% of these particles are escaping from Enceladus, implying lifetimes of ∼8 years for the E ring particles. Based on three comparisons with vapor amounts from ultraviolet spectroscopy, the ice/vapor ratio is in the range 0.35–0.70. This high ratio poses a problem for theories in which particles form by condensation from the gas phase, and could indicate that particles are formed as spray from a liquid reservoir.  相似文献   
The highly skewed sex ratio at birth (SRB) in China has stimulated numerous studies. However, the geographic distribution of SRB is seldom investigated, particularly at the county level. The need for an understanding at this level has increased since the Chinese government initiated its ‘Care for Girls’ campaign to improve the survival rate of females. This campaign has been initiated in a set of pilot counties. In this article we assess the effectiveness of the set of pilot counties in Shandong province and propose two alternate configurations. To do this, we first assess the spatial distribution of the SRB values by county in Shandong, expressed as a z-score (zSRB) after correcting for the biologically expected SRB value and population size of zero-aged children. A local Moran's Ii analysis of the zSRB values indicates a significant high–high cluster in the southwest of the province. The Ii , zSRB and female deficit (the difference of the observed from biologically expected number of zero-aged females) were then used to define two alternate configurations for the pilot counties. A comparison of the current and alternate configurations against a Monte Carlo randomisation analysis shows that the current configuration is significantly different from a random selection (p < 0.05) for the two criteria of maximising the aggregate female deficit and maximising the zSRB. Although this is a good result, both alternate configurations were more significant (p < 0.001), and therefore represent potentially better configurations for the campaign given the criteria used. The spatial analysis approach developed here could be used to improve the effectiveness of the Care-for-Girls campaign in Shandong province, and elsewhere in China.  相似文献   
Predicting the timing of overland flow in burned watersheds can help to estimate debris-flow timing and the location of debris-flow initiation. Numerical models can produce flow predictions, but they are limited by our knowledge of appropriate model parameters. Moreover, opportunities to test and calibrate model parameters in post-wildfire settings are limited by available data (measurements of debris-flow timing are rare). In this study, we use a unique data set of rainfall and flow-timing data to test the extent to which model parameters can be generalized from an individual watershed to other watersheds (0.01 km 2 to >1km 2) within a burned area. Simulations suggest that a single, low, saturated hydraulic conductivity value can be used in post-wildfire landscapes with reasonable results. By contrast, we found that watershed-scale effective Manning roughness parameter values decrease as a power-law function of basin drainage area. Thus a Manning roughness parameter calibrated for a single basin within a burned area may not provide adequate results in a different watershed. However, when flow velocity is modeled independently for hillslopes and channels, and different roughness parameters are used for those morphometric units, there is no drainage-area dependence on the roughness parameters. Moreover, we found that it was possible to use field-measured grain size data to parameterize the roughness for both hillslopes and channels. Thus our results show that, employing this generalizable approach, it is possible to use field measurements to fully parameterize a model that produces peak flow timing to within a few minutes in storms lasting several hours. Further, we demonstrate how model simulations can be leveraged to identify areas within a watershed that are most susceptible to debris flows. This modeling approach could be used for decision making in hazardous burned areas and would be especially useful in ungaged basins. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We evaluate the influence of topography on motions recorded at the base and crest of an approximate 3H:1V, 20 m single-faced slope. The motions were recorded during the 1983 Coalinga earthquake mainshock and two aftershocks. Mainshock peak accelerations at the crest and base transverse to the slope face were 0.59 and 0.38 g, respectively. The spectral amplification of crest motion occurred across T≈0–2 s. Differences between the crest/base motions are postulated to result principally from soil-structure interaction (base instrument is in a structure), variations in local ground response, and topography. Transfer functions quantifying soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects are evaluated and the base motion is modified at short periods to correct it to an equivalent free-field motion. The different levels of ground response at the crest and base are identified based on location-specific measurements of soil shear wave velocities. Differences between crest/base motions not accounted for by SSI or differential ground response are attributed to topographic effects. By these means, topographic spectral amplification (i.e. amplification relative to level ground conditions) is estimated to be about 1.2 at the crest and about 0.85–0.9 at the base across the period range T≈0.4–1.0 s.  相似文献   
Acid rain and ongoing eruptive activity at Rincón de la Vieja volcano in northwestern Costa Rica have created a triangular, deeply eroded “dead zone” west-southwest of the Active Crater. The barren, steep-walled canyons in this area expose one of the best internal stratigraphic profiles of any active or dormant volcano in Costa Rica. Geologic mapping along the southwestern flank of the volcano reveals over 300 m of prehistoric volcanic stratigraphy, dominated by tephra deposits and two-pyroxene andesite lavas. Dense tropical forests and poor access preclude mapping elsewhere on the volcano. In the “dead zone” four stratigraphic groups are distinguished by their relative proportions of lava and tephra. In general, early volcanism was dominated by voluminous lava emissions, with explosive plinian eruptions becoming increasingly more dominant with time. Numerous phreatic eruptions have occurred in historic times, all emanating from the Active Crater. The stratigraphic sequence is capped by the Río Blanco tephra deposit, erupted at approximately 3500 yr B.P. Approximately 0.25 km3 (0.1 km3 DRE) of tephra was deposited in a highly asymmetrical dispersal pattern west-southwest of the source vent, indicating strong prevailing winds from the east and east-northeast at the time of the eruption. Grain-size studies of the deposit reveal that the eruption was subplinian, attaining an estimated column height of 16 km. A qualitative hazards assessment at Rincón de la Vieja indicates that future eruptions are likely to be explosive in style, with the zone of greatest hazard extending several kilometers north from the Active Crater.  相似文献   
Approximately 1700 Pg of soil carbon (C) are stored in the northern circumpolar permafrost zone, more than twice as much C than in the atmosphere. The overall amount, rate, and form of C released to the atmosphere in a warmer world will influence the strength of the permafrost C feedback to climate change. We used a survey to quantify variability in the perception of the vulnerability of permafrost C to climate change. Experts were asked to provide quantitative estimates of permafrost change in response to four scenarios of warming. For the highest warming scenario (RCP 8.5), experts hypothesized that C release from permafrost zone soils could be 19–45 Pg C by 2040, 162–288 Pg C by 2100, and 381–616 Pg C by 2300 in CO2 equivalent using 100-year CH4 global warming potential (GWP). These values become 50 % larger using 20-year CH4 GWP, with a third to a half of expected climate forcing coming from CH4 even though CH4 was only 2.3 % of the expected C release. Experts projected that two-thirds of this release could be avoided under the lowest warming scenario (RCP 2.6). These results highlight the potential risk from permafrost thaw and serve to frame a hypothesis about the magnitude of this feedback to climate change. However, the level of emissions proposed here are unlikely to overshadow the impact of fossil fuel burning, which will continue to be the main source of C emissions and climate forcing.  相似文献   
Rivers of South and Southeast Asia disgorge large suspended sediment loads, reflecting exceptionally high rates of erosion promoted by natural processes (tectonic and climatic) and anthropogenic (land‐use change) activities that are characteristic of the region. While particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes have been characterized in some large Asian rivers, less is known about the headwater systems where much sediment and organic material are initially mobilized. This study, conducted in the 74‐km2 Mae Sa Experimental Catchment in northern Thailand, shows that the Sa River is an important source for particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) transported to larger river systems and downstream reservoirs. However, the yields during three years of investigation varied greatly: 5.0–22.3 Mg POC km?2 y?1 and 0.48–2.02 Mg PON km?2 y?1. The 22.3 Mg POC km?2 y?1 yield is the highest reported for any river on the Asian continent. Stream samples collected during 12 storms showed that almost 3% of the total suspended solid load is POC 0.7 µm to 2.0 mm in size. This percentage is higher than other values for most large rivers on the continent. Further, we documented a strong pulse hysteretic behaviour in the stream, whereby peak fluxes of POC and PON are often delayed (anticlockwise hysteresis) or accelerated (clockwise hysteresis) relative to stream flow peaks (or are complex), complicating the prediction of storm‐based or annual particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes. Stream turbidity and total suspended sediment are reasonable proxies for POC and PON concentrations, while stream discharge is not a good predictor variable. Observed C:N ratios for measured particulate samples range from 3 to 83, with the high‐end values likely associated with fresh (non‐decomposed) vegetative material greater than 2 mm in diameter. The C:N ratio (weighted based on three sediment sizes) for 12 events ranges from 7.5 to 15.3. These modest values reflect the relatively low C:N ratios for small size fractions (0.7–0.63 µm) that comprise 50–90% of the TSS load in the events. Overall, organic material <0.63 µm contribute about 75% of the total POC load and 80% of the PON load. The annual C:N ratio for the river is approximately 10–11. Collectively, our findings indicate the occasionally high yields make the Sa River—and potentially other similar headwater rivers—a hot spot for POC and PON transported to downstream water bodies. Complex hysteresis patterns and high year‐to‐year variability hinders our ability to calculate and predict these yields without continuous, automated monitoring of discharge and turbidity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hurricane winds present a significant hazard for coastal infrastructure. An estimate of the local risk of extreme wind speeds is made using a new method that combines historical hurricane records with a deterministic wind field model. The method is applied to Santa Rosa Island located in the northwestern panhandle region of Florida, USA. Firstly, a hurricane track is created for a landfall location on the island that represents the worst-case scenario for Eglin Air Force Base (EAFB). The track is based on averaging the paths of historical hurricanes in the vicinity of the landfall location. Secondly, an extreme-value statistical model is used to estimate 100-year wind speeds at locations along the average track based again on historical hurricanes in the vicinity of the track locations. Thirdly, the 100-year wind speeds together with information about hurricane size and forward speed are used as input to the HAZUS hurricane wind field model to produce a wind swath across EAFB. Results show a 100-year hurricane wind gust on Santa Rosa Island of 58 (±5) m?s?1 (90% CI). A 100-year wind gust at the same location based on a 105-year simulation of hurricanes is lower at 55?m?s?1, but within the 90% confidence limits. Based on structural damage functions and building stock data for the region, the 100-year hurricane wind swath results in $574 million total loss to residential and commercial buildings, not including military infrastructure, with 25% of all buildings receiving at least some damage. This methodology may be applied to other coastal areas and adapted to predict extreme winds and their impacts under climate variability and change.  相似文献   
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