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中国气象局卫星广播系统(CMACast)是全球对地观测广播系统(GEONETCast)框架下三大对地广播系统之一,在世界气象组织信息系统(WIS)和综合卫星数据分发服务系统(IGDDS)框架下,承担亚太地区气象数据广播分发的职责。随着气象业务的发展,广播系统数据量由180 GB/天增长至460 GB/天,在广播带宽资源有限而广播数据种类和大小各异的情况下,系统管理员越来越难以通过经验对广播通道参数调整以保持广播系统播发效率,造成部分通道数据播发时效下降严重,不能满足业务时效要求。通过对不同气象数据传输特性的定量分析,获得各类数据的精细化数据传输样本,在此基础上对各类数据广播通道参数进行科学、定量的计算和优化,使数据播发时效明显提升,应用到实际广播业务中效果明显。  相似文献   
The original version of this article contains a mistake in font setting on p.350. The last part of Table 3 note, i.e. "biomass…molluscs (Liang et al., 1995)" should belong to the paper body. Therefore, the last sentence in  相似文献   
Twenty-four compounds including eight steroids (1-8), nine triterpenoids (9-16, 24), three flavonoids (20-22), and four benzenecarboxylic derivatives (17-19, 23) were isolated and identified from stems and twigs of medicinal mangrove plant Sonneratia caseolaris. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by extensive analysis of their spectroscopic data. Among these metabolites, compounds 1, 4-20 and 22-24 were isolated and identified for the f'urst time from S. caseolaris. In the in vitro cytotoxic assay against SMMC-7721 human hepatoma cells, compound 21 (3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone)exhibited significant activity with IC50 2.8 μg/mL, while oleanolic acid (14), 3,3'-di-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (18), and 3,3',4-O-tri-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (19) showed weak activity. None of these compounds displayed significant antibacterial activites.  相似文献   
检测了高体革鯻(Scortum bacoo)幼鱼肌肉营养组成,结果表明:高体革鯻粗蛋白质量分数为17.77%,粗脂肪质量分数为3.42%,水解氨基酸总质量分数为15.71%,其中必需氨基酸质量分数为7.50%,占氨基酸总量的47.74%,鲜味氨基酸总质量分数为5.46%,占氨基酸总量的34.75%,必需氨基酸指数为88.60。说明高体革鯻具有较高的营养价值和养殖价值。  相似文献   
基于一个高分辨率准全球海洋模式HYCOM(HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model),研究了热带西太平洋海域赤道潜流的起源。结果表明:赤道潜流在大约130°E处开始,流核位于225 m、2°N附近,最大流速超过15 cm/s,体积输运约1.6×106 m3/s,其水源来自棉兰老海流;在东部140°E断面,赤道潜流的北部主要是由棉兰老海流提供(9.7×106 m3/s),其南部主要是来自新几内亚沿岸潜流(9.1×106 m3/s)。  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the growth, molting rate and hemolymph 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) concentration for juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an initial wet body weight of 1.115 g±0.012 g. The salinity of the control treatment (represented by D0) was 28 throughout the experiment, whereas treatments D2,D4, D6 and D8 were subjected to different salinity fluctuation frequencies of 2, 4, 6 and 8d, respectively. The range of salinity fluctuation was 4. The salinity in treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 was kept at 28 for 2, 4, 6 and 8d, respectively; each original salinity was decreased abruptly to salinity 24, which first lasted for another 2d and was then raised to its initial value 28. This constituted a salinity fluctuation cycle and afterwards the cycle repeated. It was found that: 1) The weight gain of shrimp in treatment D4 was 202.9% and significantly higher than that in treatment D0 (P<0.05). The molting rate in treatment D2 was the lowest, while that in treatment D6 was the highest and significantly higher than those in treatments D0 and D2 (P<0.05). 2) The hemolymph 20-HE concentration of shrimps in all treatments was at low levels and increased first gradually during the inter-molt period and then increased sharply. It reached a peak value during the pre-molt stage, and then decreased abruptly during the post-molt stage when the lowest level occurred. 3) During the post-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was 7.47pgμL-1 and significantly higher than that in treatment D0(P<0.05). There were, however, no significant differences in hemolymph 20-HE concentration among all five treatments during the inter-molt stage (P>0.05). During the pre-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D6 was significantly higher than that in treatment D0(P<0.05), whereas the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was significantly lower than that in other treatments (P<0.05). Adequate salinity fluctuation promoted the molting rate through increasing hemolymph 20-HE concentration at the pre-molt stage.  相似文献   
榆林市土地生态系统服务功能价值测评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以典型农牧工矿交错区的榆林市为研究对象,基于遥感和GIS技术获取3期土地利用动态数据,分析评价了该地区近14 年土地利用变化、成因以及所引起的土地生态系统服务价值的变化.结果表明:1988、1999、2002年,榆林市土地利用结构发生了巨大的变化.除牧草地和建设用地持续增加外,其他的土地利用类型均出现不同程度的减少,其中耕地面积减少最多,减少量为352 350 hm2,其次是未利用土地,减少285 765 hm2;减少面积最小的是水域.引起土地利用变化的主要原因是在自然环境背景下人为因素影响的结果,尤其是政策方面的影响尤为突出.该地区生态系统服务价值从1988年的150.65亿元增加到2002年的171.99亿元,增加了21.34亿元,这表明该区生态环境质量整体在提高.各生态系统服务类型中废物处理和水分供应的价值最大,对区域发展起着至关重要的作用.  相似文献   
土层锚杆模型试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对土层锚杆应力分布的复杂性,进行室内模型试验,利用所得数据,绘制了拉力型锚杆和压力型锚杆杆体全长上的应变分布曲线、同列锚杆锚固段末端点以及坡面处的应变分布曲线.在所得曲线的基础上,对坡体中锚杆的应力分布特征以及变化规律进行了分析及讨论,从而对其工作性能和加固机理进行初步研究.介绍了锚杆上剪应力分布的理论解,并将试验结果与理论分析结果进行了对比,两者基本吻合,验证了本试验结果的合理性和可靠性.  相似文献   
利用ISSR标记对牙鲆♀与石鲽♂单对杂交亲本及其子一代(全同胞家系)的分离方式进行了研究。结果表明,8个ISSR引物共扩增出181个标记,其中116个为多态性,占总数的64.09%;标记在F1代呈三种分离方式:符合孟德尔分离比例、偏离孟德尔分离比例和异常分离。符合孟德尔分离比例的情况包括:不分离(代表了亲本基因型的5种组合:AA×AA、AA×Aa、Aa×AA、AA×aa、aa×AA);1︰1分离(代表了亲本基因型的2种组合:Aa×aa、aa×Aa);3︰1分离(代表了亲本基因型的1种组合:Aa×Aa)。偏分离的标记包括:亲本中呈多态而在子代中偏离1︰1分离的标记和亲本均有而在子代中偏离3︰1分离的标记。异常分离的标记包括:F1代出现双亲均不具备的标记和双亲或单亲有而子代却无的标记。3种分离位点出现的频率和数量分别为:82.87%、150,11.05%、20,6.08%、11;双亲共有标记中85.33%的不发生分离,单亲特有标记中28.57%—35.85%发生正常分离,该研究结果可为进一步利用该群体构建牙鲆和石鲽遗传连锁图谱奠定良好的工作基础并提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
采用酚-氯仿和试剂盒两种提取法对三角帆蚌怀珠群与非怀珠群各6个个体进行基因组DNA的提取,然后在优化RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA)检测条件基础上,从80个随机引物中筛选出12个扩增较好且多态性强的引物进行RAPD扩增,产物通过水平板琼脂糖凝胶电泳和垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳两种方法进行检验并对DNA的多态性进行分析。结果显示在怀珠群和非怀珠群检测到的位点数、多态位点比例、平均Shannon多态性信息指数、平均Nei's基因多样性指数、群体内个体间平均遗传相似率和平均遗传距离分别为100、33%、0.1927、0.1324、0.904、0.096,95、47.37%、0.2711、0.1879、0.861、0.139,群体间的平均遗传距离为0.821,非怀珠群的变异性大于怀珠群;本研究还获得了两群体各自的特异扩增谱带及两群体间表达差异较大谱带,这些位点很可能是由人工育珠所引起。根据MEGA4.0软件的UPGMA和NJ程序构建的分子系统树可直观地将两群体分开。  相似文献   
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