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沉积微相测井资料神经网络判别方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
不同的沉积微相可以由不同的相标志组合识别,相标志与沉积微相之间的关系可以采用神经网络通过许多基本处理单元间并行的相互作用建立。沉积微相相标志既可以由地质资料的观察、岩芯分析直接获得,也可以由测井资料间接地求得  相似文献   
Because of a lack of sufficient observations over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), the measurement of the strength of the thermal effects of the TP is a challenging issue, yet of crucial importance for climate research. In this study, two sets of daily reanalysis data (1979–2001) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis version 1 (NCEP-I) and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 40-year Reanalysis data (ERA-40) are used to calculate the atmospheric diabatic heating effects of the TP and the adjacent regions with an inverse algorithm. The observational data obtained from the recent atmospheric experiments over the TP are applied to verify and evaluate the results from NCEP-I and ERA-40 reanalysis data, respectively. It is found that the ERA-40 results are closer to the observations in terms of the structure and seasonal variation of the vertical profile of the diabatic heating over the TP. The horizontal distributions of the apparent heat source are quite reasonable over Asia for both the NCEP-I and ERA-40 results.

RÉSUMÉ?[Traduit par la rédaction] À cause d'un manque d'observations sur le plateau tibétain, la mesure de la force des effets thermiques du plateau tibétain est un problème difficile tout en étant d'importance cruciale pour la recherche climatique. Dans cette étude, nous utilisons deux ensembles de données quotidiennes de réanalyse (1979–2001) issues de la version 1 de la réanalyse des National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP-I) ainsi que les données de réanalyse de 40 ans du Centre européen pour les prévisions météorologiques à moyen terme (ERA-40) pour calculer les effets du réchauffement atmosphérique diabatique sur le plateau tibétain et les régions adjacentes au moyen d'un algorithme inverse. Nous appliquons les données d'observation recueillies lors des récentes expériences atmosphériques sur le plateau tibétain pour vérifier et évaluer ces résultats des données de réanalyse de NCEP-I et ERA-40, respectivement. Nous trouvons que les résultats de ERA-40 sont plus proches des observations en ce qui concerne la structure et la variation saisonnière du profil vertical du réchauffement diabatique sur le plateau tibétain. Les distributions horizontales de la source de chaleur apparente sont très raisonnables au-dessus de l'Asie, tant pour les résultats de NCEP-I que de ERA-40.  相似文献   
The crustal dichotomy and the Tharsis rise are the most prominent topographic features on Mars. The dichotomy is largely an expression of different crustal thicknesses in the northern and southern hemispheres, while Tharsis is centered near the equator at the dichotomy boundary. However, the cause for the orientation of the dichotomy and the equatorial location of Tharsis remains poorly understood. Here we show that the crustal thickness variations associated with the dichotomy may have driven true polar wander, establishing the north-south orientation of the dichotomy very early in martian history. Such a reorientation that placed the dichotomy boundary near the equator would also have constrained the Tharsis region on the dichotomy boundary to have originated near the equator. We present a scenario for the early generation and subsequent reorientation of the hemispheric dichotomy, although the reorientation is independent of the formation mechanism. Our results also have implications for the sharply different remanent magnetizations between the two hemispheres.  相似文献   
亚洲季风区地面感热通量的区域变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1979-1995年(缺1986、1987、1993)NCEP/NCAR再分析资料中的逐旬感热通量资料,对亚洲季风区地面感热通量的空间结构及时间演变进行了旋转经验正交函数(REOF)分析。结果表明:印度半岛和中南半岛地区感势通量的变化与亚洲季风的爆发及演变有密切关系,是季风爆发的主要关键区。这两个地区的感热积累是东亚季风爆发的触发因素之一,尤其是印度半岛北部感热通量的突变对印度夏季风演变十分重要。印度半岛北部与青藏高原西部的热力差异在季风的爆发和维持中占有重要地位。而东北亚与西北太平洋的热力差异只对东亚夏季风的演变有影响,与冬季风则无直接关联。在东亚季风的爆发中居主导地位的还是印度半岛北部和青藏高原西北部的感热加热作用。  相似文献   
The effect of the lateral boundary scheme in regional climate model (RCM) on the track simulation of tropical cyclone (TC) was investigated using RegCM3, for the case of Winnie (1997), which formed in the Western Pacific and landed on China in August 1997. The results show that there is an inevitable simulation error in the track of Winnie, and the narrower buffer zone size (BZS) will make a great error. However, it was demonstrated that a much broader BZS does not allow a better track simulation of Winnie, and the optimal BZS does not reduce the track error substantially. Moreover, the configuration scheme of nudging parameters plays an important role in the track simulation, and different nudging parameter configuration scheme could make the root mean square errors (RMSEs) of simulated track by more than two times. Nevertheless, the optimal configuration scheme can reduce the track error effectively by maintaining the equilibrium between the two additional nudging terms in the prognostic equations in the buffer zone, whereas both the strong nudging scheme and the weak nudging scheme distort the track simulation of the Winnie. It is also found that the simulated weaker west Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), which leads to the turning of the TC ahead of time, is the reason for the track simulation error. A possible approach for reducing track simulation error of TCs is also discussed.  相似文献   
The atmospheric dynamic equations have been transformed from the z-coordinate system into a generalized vertical coordinate system by using a so-called DDD transformation method. Then the general-ized system is assumed being pressure, sigma or incorporated pressure-sigma coordinate system and corre-sponding equations are obtained with the second-order accuracy. It is pointed out that the usual equations are only of the first-order accuracy when their space-differential terms are approximated by central finite differences. Therefore the usual forms of the equations may result in quite large errors on steep slopes of mountains included in a model.  相似文献   
江西三类致灾大风天气活动与回波特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
使用常规天气资料、灾情资料、自动气象站、卫星云图和雷达回波等资料,对江西出现的灾害性大风天气进行分析,结果表明:江西致灾大风天气主要有三种类型。(1)与飑线回波带和超级单体等雷达回波系统相伴随的雷雨大风天气,同时还伴随强雷电、强降水、冰雹和龙卷等灾害性天气;(2)与冷锋雷暴回波带和冷空气大风相伴随的混合大风天气,具有雷雨大风天气和冷空气大风天气活动的特征;(3)由雷暴下沉气流触发、中高空动能下传和气压梯度风共同作用产生的无降水致灾大风天气,没有降水、雷电等天气现象伴随。  相似文献   
基于TM影像的闽江口湿地信息提取及其动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以分形理论为基础,借助GIS和RS技术,利用1986年和2002年两期TM遥感影像,提取获得了这两期闽江河口湿地资源的空间信息,根据分形理论中分形维数和稳定性指数的物理意义,揭示了闽江河口湿地资源动态变化情况.研究表明,1986~2002年间,闽江河口区有大量湿地转变为非湿地,总体上看,各湿地类型斑块的形状较为复杂,稳定性差,并且未来有加快演变的趋势.福州市在实施"东扩南进"的城市发展战略过程中对湿地资源的直接占用,是导致闽江口湿地减少,稳定性差的主要原因.今后在闽江南、北港的开发过程中,需要在积极发展经济的同时,加强湿地生态保护.  相似文献   
Tropical and subtropical areas comprise about 23% of the total land area (960 Mha) of China. Of this, about 40% is in forests, 20% is in cropland and another 20% is wasteland. Preliminary estimates of overall sources and sinks of carbon dioxide indicate that current agricultural activities probably constitute a net sink. We estimate that improved agricultural management and wasteland reclamation have the potential to sequester an additional 1.9 Tg CO2-C y-1 or more, largely through increasing productivity and C inputs to soils and conversion of wasteland to agricultural production. We estimate that current forestry activities in the region could sequester about 7 Tg CO2-C y-1. There is also a large potential for increased C sequestration and fossil fuel offsets by conversion of wasteland to fuel wood plantations, on the order of 30-70 Tg C y-1. A number of practices for increasing mitigation of CO2 emissions in the forestry and agricultural sectors are presented.  相似文献   
濮阳棉铃虫气象预报模式的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据濮阳市气象条件的变化对棉铃虫特别是对棉铃虫虫源影响的特点,按照棉铃虫繁育规律,将棉铃虫周年活动期划分为秋季预蛹期、越冬期、春季羽化期、夏季危害期4个阶段;分阶段选取有昆虫学、统计学意义的气象因子,通过归一化处理和加权组合,组成棉铃虫气象指数,建立多时效、归一化棉铃虫气象预报模式和分析、评价指标.  相似文献   
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