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We study the solar-cycle variation of subsurface flows from the surface to a depth of 16 Mm. We have analyzed Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) Dopplergrams with a ring-diagram analysis covering about 15 years and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Dopplergrams covering more than 6 years. After subtracting the average rotation rate and meridional flow, we have calculated the divergence of the horizontal residual flows from the maximum of Solar Cycle 23 through the declining phase of Cycle 24. The subsurface flows are mainly divergent at quiet regions and convergent at locations of high magnetic activity. The relationship is essentially linear between divergence and magnetic activity at all activity levels at depths shallower than about 10 Mm. At greater depths, the relationship changes sign at locations of high activity; the flows are increasingly divergent at locations with a magnetic activity index (MAI) greater than about 24 G. The flows are more convergent by about a factor of two during the rising phase of Cycle 24 than during the declining phase of Cycle 23 at locations of medium and high activity (about 10 to 40 G MAI) from the surface to at least 10 Mm. The subsurface divergence pattern of Solar Cycle 24 first appears during the declining phase of Cycle 23 and is present during the extended minimum. It appears several years before the magnetic pattern of the new cycle is noticeable in synoptic maps. Using linear regression, we estimate the amount of magnetic activity that would be required to generate the precursor pattern and find that it should be almost twice the amount of activity that is observed.  相似文献   
Summary Chromite is a widespread accessory mineral in olivine-rich cumulates derived from komatiitic lavas. The distribution and crystal habit of chromfite is related to the degree of differentiation of the parent magma as reflected in the composition of cumulus olivine. Cumulates with olivine forsterite content greater than 93 mol percent typically contain no chromfite at all, while chromfite forms clusters of disseminated euhedral grains in cumulates with forsterite less than 91 mol percent. In the forsterite 91–93 interval, chromite may develop lobate interstitial habits. In the Six Mile Well ultramafic complex in the Yakabindie region of the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt, and in other olivine-rich komatiitic units within this belt, chromfite shows well developed poikilitic textures enclosing olivine.The absence of intercumulus silicate phases in these rocks and the low normative chromfite content of the parent magma make it impossible for these chromfite grains to have crystallised from intercumulus trapped liquid. These rocks must be cotectic chromite-olivine adcumulates, owing their unusual texture to differing relative rates of nucleation and growth of chromfite and olivine, crystallising togetherin situ. This observation provides further evidence for a cumulus origin for oikocrysts in layered intrusions, and casts doubt on the usefulness of cumulus terminology.
Poikilitischer Chromit in komatiitischen Kumulaten
Zusammenfassung Chromit ist in Olivin-reichen Kumulaten, die von komatiitischen Laven abstammen, ein häufiges akzessorisches Mineral. Die Verteilung und der Kristallhabitus von Chromit hängt vom Grad der Differentiation des Stammagmas, der in der Zusammensetzung der Kumulus-Olivine zum Ausdruck kommt, ab. Für Kumulate mit Olivinen mit einem Forsterit-Gehalt von über 93 mol.% ist es charakteristisch, daß sie überhaupt keinen Chromit enthalten, während Chromit in Kumulaten mit Olivinen mit weniger als 90 mol.% Forsterit Cluster aus fein verteilten, idiomorphem Körnern bildet. Im Intervall Forsterit 90–93 kann Chromit lobate, interstitielle Formen ausbilden. Im ultramafischen Komplex Six Mile Well in der Yakabindie-Region des Agnew-Wiluna-Grünsteingürtels und in anderen Olivin-reichen komatiitischen Einheiten in diesem Gürtel zeigen die Chromite gut entwickelte poikilitische Texturen mit eingeschlossenen Olivinen.Da silikatische Interkumulus-Phasen in diesen Gesteinen fehlen und der normative Chromitgehalt des Stammagmas niedrig ist, können diese Chromitkörner nicht aus einer Interkumulus-Schmelze auskristallisiert sein. Diese Gesteine müssen daher kotektische Chromit-Olivin-Adkumulate sein, die ihre ungewöhnliche Textur den variierenden relativen Keimbildungs- und Wachstumsraten von Chromit und Olivin, die gemeinsam in situ kristallisierten, verdanken. Diese Beobachtung stellt einen weiteren Beweis für die Entstehung von Oikokristallen als Kumulusphase in geschichteten Intrusionen dar und läßt die Zweckmäßigkeit der Kumulus-Terminologie als zweifelhaft erscheinen.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
Repeated electronic distance measurements across Kilauea Caldera with Tellurometers and Geodimeter show definite horizontal expansion related to the vertical uplift and outward tilting of the summit prior to an eruption, and contraction during and after a flank eruption. Measurements started in October 1964, along a 3098 meter line between Uwekahuna and Keanakakoi, indicate a relatively uniform lengthening of 12 centimeters during the interval October 22, 1964 to March 1, 1965. Rapid shortening of the line by 28 centimeters was measured 4 days after the beginning of a flank eruption which involved emission of approximately 29 million cubic meters of lava during the period March 5 to March 15, 1965. During the expansion, the standard deviation of 10 Tellurometer measurements from a least-squares srtaight line solution is ± 2.0 centimeters (6.5 ppm) whereas 9 Geodimeter measurements have a standard deviation of ± 1.1 (3.6 ppm) centimeters. Absolute distance readings between the two instruments differ by 4 centimeters (13 ppm), but relative changes in distance were the same on both instruments. Changes in distance across Kilauea Caldera can, therefore, be easily measured to accuracies of 4 to 7 parts per million with standard electronic distance measuring systems. On active volcanoes where ground surface deformation exceeds 10–100 parts per million with changes in subsurface magma pressure or volume, repeated horizontal distance measurements can be a most useful technique.  相似文献   
Controlled laboratory studies of the formation of oil-mineral aggregates (OMA) in seawater demonstrate that sediment concentration and sediment size are key variables for determining the quantity of oil droplets stabilised by OMA formation. Experiments with a single sediment size and a range of sediment concentrations show that as sediment concentration increases, the quantity of oil trapped in OMA increases abruptly. In experiments with a single sediment concentration and a range of sediment sizes, the quantity of oil trapped in OMA decreases as sediment size increases. These results provide direct support to the hypothesis that there is a critical sediment concentration for OMA formation. Below this concentration, stabilisation of oil droplets by OMA decreases rapidly, while above this concentration, stabilisation is extensive. The results also support simple geometric models of OMA formation that predict that the critical sediment mass concentration increases linearly with sediment particle diameter. These results will help to place quantitative constraint on predictions of where and when OMA formation will be a factor in the natural dispersal of oil accidentally spilled into the ocean.  相似文献   
In November 2012 EEFIT launched its first ever return mission to an earthquake affected site. The L’Aquila Earthquake site was chosen as this is a recent European event of interest to the UK and European earthquake engineering community. The main aims of this return mission were to document the earthquake recovery process and this paper presents an overview of the post-disaster emergency phase and transition to reconstruction in the Aquila area after the earthquake. It takes an earthquake engineering perspective, highlighting areas mainly of interest to the fields of structural/seismic engineering and reconstruction management. Within the paper, reference is made to published literature, but also to data collected in the field during the return mission that would not otherwise have been available. The paper presents some specific observations and lessons learned from the L’Aquila return mission. However, in light of current international efforts in conducting return missions, the paper ends with some reflections on the value that return missions can provide to the field of earthquake engineering in general, based on the EEFIT L’Aquila experience.  相似文献   
This work examines the simulation of stream–aquifer interactions as grids are refined vertically and horizontally and suggests that traditional methods for calculating conductance can produce inappropriate values when the grid size is changed. Instead, different grid resolutions require different estimated values. Grid refinement strategies considered include global refinement of the entire model and local refinement of part of the stream. Three methods of calculating the conductance of the Cauchy boundary conditions are investigated. Single- and multi-layer models with narrow and wide streams produced stream leakages that differ by as much as 122% as the grid is refined. Similar results occur for globally and locally refined grids, but the latter required as little as one-quarter the computer execution time and memory and thus are useful for addressing some scale issues of stream–aquifer interactions. Results suggest that existing grid-size criteria for simulating stream–aquifer interactions are useful for one-layer models, but inadequate for three-dimensional models. The grid dependence of the conductance terms suggests that values for refined models using, for example, finite difference or finite-element methods, cannot be determined from previous coarse-grid models or field measurements. Our examples demonstrate the need for a method of obtaining conductances that can be translated to different grid resolutions and provide definitive test cases for investigating alternative conductance formulations.  相似文献   
Geological sections are still best drawn at natural scale. Sections with vertical exaggerations are rarely drawn correctly, and even when computed carefully give a false notion of the structural features. Many schematic sections which are not drawn to scale and are supposed to explain a proposed new tectonic interpretation give such a distorted and frequently absurd picture of the structural features that they cannot be regarded as valid.  相似文献   
Two‐ and three‐dimensional numerical modelling techniques, constrained by key geodynamic data, provide insights into the controls on development of porphyry‐related Cu–Au mineralisation in the Tertiary collision zone of New Guinea. Modelling shows that the creation of local dilation to facilitate magma emplacement can be caused by reactivation of arc‐normal transfer faults, where they cut the weakened fold belt. Additionally, dilation occurs where fluid overpressuring is caused by collision‐related, south‐directed fluid flow being localised into the more permeable units of the Mesozoic passive‐margin sedimentary succession. Rapid uplift and erosion, which may be a mechanism for magmatic fluid release in these systems, is shown to be greatest in the west of West Papua, where the stronger Australian crust acts as a buttress. Within the Papuan Fold Belt, uplift is greatest near the margins, where the weaker fold belt abuts the stronger crust and/or major faults have been reactivated. Increased orographically induced precipitation and erosion exposes the lower parts of the stratigraphy within or on the margins of these uplifted zones. On a smaller scale, 2–D coupled fluid‐flow ‐ thermal‐chemical modelling uses a scenario of fluid mixing to calculate metal precipitation distribution and magnitude around an individual intrusive complex. Modelling highlights the interdependence of the spatial permeability structure, the regional temperature gradient, and the geometry of the convection cells and how this impacts on the distribution of metal precipitation.  相似文献   
Further imaging observations of a sample of radio sources in the North Ecliptic Cap are presented and a number of new identifications are made. Using redshifts from spectroscopic data presented in a companion paper by Lacy et al., the photometric properties of the galaxies in the sample are discussed. It is shown that: (1) out to at least z ≈0.6 radio galaxies are good standard candles irrespective of radio luminosity; (2) for 0.6≲ z ≲1 a large fraction of the sample has magnitudes and colours consistent with a non-evolving giant elliptical, and (3) at higher redshifts, where the R -band samples the rest-frame UV flux, most objects have less UV luminosity than expected if they form their stellar populations at a constant rate from a high redshift to z ∼1 in unobscured star-forming regions (assuming an Einstein–de Sitter cosmology). The consequences of these observations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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