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The sediment–landform associations of the northern Taymyr Peninsula in Arctic Siberia tell a tale of ice sheets advancing from the Kara Sea shelf and inundating the peninsula, probably three times during the Weichselian. In each case the ice sheet had a margin frozen to its bed and an interior moving over a deforming bed. The North Taymyr ice‐marginal zone (NTZ) comprises ice‐marginal and supraglacial landsystems dominated by thrust‐block moraines 2–3 km wide and large‐scale deformation of sediments and ice. Large areas are still underlain by remnant glacier ice and a supraglacial landscape with numerous ice‐walled lakes and kames is forming even today. The proglacial landsystem is characterised by subaqueous (e.g. deltas) or terrestrial (e.g. sandar) environments, depending on location/altitude and time of formation. Dating results (OSL, 14C) indicate that the NTZ was initiated ca. 80 kyr BP during the retreat of the Early Weichselian ice sheet and that it records the maximum limit of a Middle Weichselian glaciation (ca. 65 kyr BP). During both these events, proglacial lakes were dammed by the ice sheets. Part of the NTZ was occupied by a thin Late Weichselian ice sheet (20–12 kyr BP), resulting in subaerial proglacial drainage. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A flood emergency storage area (polder) is used to reduce the flood peak in the main river and hence, protect downstream areas from being inundated. In this study, the effectiveness of a proposed flood emergency storage area at the middle Elbe River, Germany in reducing the flood peaks is investigated using hydrodynamic modelling. The flow to the polders is controlled by adjustable gates. The extreme flood event of August 2002 is used for the study. A fully hydrodynamic 1D model and a coupled 1D–2D model are applied to simulate the flooding and emptying processes in the polders and flow in the Elbe River. The results obtained from the 1D and 1D–2D models are compared with respect to the peak water level reductions in the Elbe River and flow processes in the polders during their filling and emptying. The computational time, storage space requirements and modelling effort for the two models are also compared. It is concluded that a 1D model may be used to study the water level and discharge reductions in the main river while a 1D-2D model may be used when the study of flow dynamics in the polder is of particular interest. Further, a detailed sensitivity analysis of the 1D and 1D–2D models is carried out with respect to Manning's n values, DEMs of different resolutions, number of cross-sections used and the gate opening time as well as gate opening/closing duration. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The prediction of the morphological evolution of renaturalized streams is important for the success of restoration projects. Riparian vegetation is a key component of the riverine landscape and is therefore essential for the natural rehabilitation of rivers. This complicates the design of morphological interventions, since riparian vegetation is influenced by and influences the river dynamics. Morphodynamic models, useful tools for project planning, should therefore include the interaction between vegetation, water flow and sediment processes. Most restoration projects are carried out in USA and Europe, where rivers are highly intervened and where the climate is temperate and vegetation shows a clear seasonal cycle. Taking into account seasonal variations might therefore be relevant for the prediction of the river morphological adaptation. This study investigates the morphodynamic effects of riparian vegetation on a re‐meandered lowland stream in the Netherlands, the Lunterse Beek. The work includes the analysis of field data covering 5 years and numerical modelling. The results allow assessment of the performance of a modelling tool in predicting the morphological evolution of the stream and the relevance of including the seasonal variations of vegetation in the computations. After the establishment of herbaceous plants on its banks, the Lunterse Beek did not show any further changes in channel alignment. This is here attributed to the stabilizing effects of plant roots together with the small size of the stream. It is expected that the morphological restoration of similarly small streams may result in important initial morphological adaptation followed by negligible changes after full vegetation establishment. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A spatial risk assessment model is developed for the Great Barrier Reef (GBR, Australia) that helps identify reef locations at higher or lower risk of coral bleaching in summer heat-wave conditions. The model confirms the considerable benefit of discriminating nutrient-enriched areas that contain corals with enlarged (suboptimal) symbiont densities for the purpose of identifying bleaching-sensitive reef locations. The benefit of the new system-level understanding is showcased in terms of: (i) improving early-warning forecasts of summer bleaching risk, (ii) explaining historical bleaching patterns, (iii) testing the bleaching-resistant quality of the current marine protected area (MPA) network (iv) identifying routinely monitored coral health attributes, such as the tissue energy reserves and skeletal growth characteristics (viz. density and extension rates) that correlate with bleaching resistant reef locations, and (v) targeting region-specific water quality improvement strategies that may increase reef-scale coral health and bleaching resistance.  相似文献   
Håkon Mosby mud volcano (HMMV) is one of the most active and most studied seep sites in European waters. Many authors have described its thermal activity, dynamic of mud flows, and geochemical and microbial processes. It is characterised by a concentric zonation of successive biogenic habitats related to an activity and geochemical gradient from its centre to its periphery. Around the central area covered by mud flows, white and grey microbial mats occur among areas of bare sediment, whereas siboglinid tubeworm fields of Sclerolinum contortum and/or Oligobrachia haakonmosbiensis colonise the peripheral areas. The meiofaunal community is known to be structured among habitats, but the macrofauna has rarely been investigated and has never been sampled in situ. As part of the European project HERMES, using the ROVs Victor 6000 and Quest 4000, we sampled quantitatively the different habitats of the volcano for macrofauna sensus lato, retained on a 250‐ or 500‐μm sieve. We also sampled a newly discovered pockmark on Storegga slide (cne 5.6) and two pockmarks (G11, G12) in the Nyegga area. Macrofauna was identified and counted from phylum to family level. Our results on HMMV showed a gradient of increasing density and diversity from the volcano centre (1–3 taxa; 260 ind·m?2) to the peripheral siboglinid fields (8–14 taxa, 93,000 ind·m?2), with an intermediate situation for microbial mats. For macrofauna ≥500 μm, non‐siboglinid polychaetes dominated the communities of the central mud volcano area, white mats and S. contortum fields (83, 89 and 37% of the total, respectively), whereas gastropods dominated grey mats and O. haakonmosbiensis fields (89 and 44% of the total, respectively). Polychaete families followed the same pattern of diversity according to habitats within HMMV. Of 23 polychaete families identified, only one occurred in the centre, and three in the microbial mats. Capitellidae and Dorvilleidae (typical of organically and sulphide‐enriched areas) occurred at remarkably high densities in white microbial mats and in O. haakonmosbiensis fields. The S. contortum fields were the most diverse habitat with 12 polychaete families. The 250‐μm fraction showed similar taxa dominating the habitats, but taking meiofauna into account, nematodes became the major taxon in white mats and in S. contortum fields, where they were particularly large in size, whereas copepods dominated in other habitats. Meiofauna and macrofauna did not show the same patterns of density according to habitats. Using principal components analysis the habitats at HMMV were clearly distinct, and clustered according to dominant species of siboglinids and type of microbial mats. Pockmarks at Nyegga showed a similar concentric pattern of habitats around fluid sources as on the volcano, which seemed similarly to influence macrofauna composition, but at a much smaller scale. Total taxa and polychaete diversity are high in the S. contortum fields in these pockmarks as well. Regional‐scale comparisons including HMMV and Storegga suggested a higher influence of habitat‐type than seep‐site on the community structure.  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) thermal data from Shiveluch, Kliuchevskoi and Karymsky (Kamchatka, Russia) from 1993 to 2008. These different volcanoes show contrasting and variable patterns in their thermal data and lack reliable precursory thermal trends prior to large explosions. Pixel-integrated temperatures (pirT) at Shiveluch were above background during three phases: (1) 1993–1995, (2) 2001–2005 and (3) 2006–time of writing, each of which was associated with growth of an andesitic dome punctuated by explosions. The coarse spatial resolution of the AVHRR may have prevented observation of precursory thermal patterns at this volcano. Kliuchevskoi showed five phases, these show a rapid (days) or gradual (weeks to months) increase in temperature followed by rapid drop-offs, suggesting these basaltic eruptions start explosively, followed by lava effusion or vice versa. Fast magma ascent rates probably prevent the generation of thermal precursors. At Karymsky, elevated pirT values cluster into seven phases showing three trends: (1) persistently high pirT, (2) a gradual increase and decrease and (3) gradual increase followed by steep drop-offs. These trends are due to the extrusion of viscous andesitic–dacitic lava, not to Strombolian–Vulcanian activity, and show no consistent pattern prior to large explosions. PirT values at Karymsky Lake reflect the dyke intrusion that started the 1996 eruptive cycle at Karymsky. The values obtained here provide a baseline against which to monitor these volcanoes and Karymsky Lake in the future.  相似文献   
The Netherlands is a low-lying country, in which 9 million people are living below sea level and 70% of the gross domestic product is being earned in areas below sea level. Therefore, protection against flooding is traditionally the primary focus of coastal policy in the Netherlands. Analysis shows that characteristics of Dutch coastal management very well comply with the recommendations and key concepts to support sustainable coastal management as issued by the EU in 2004 (EUROSION). Sediment management represents the core of erosion management in the Netherlands; key concepts like resilience, coastal sediment cells, favorable sediment status and strategic sediment reservoirs, are important building stones. Development and implementation of coastal erosion management in the Netherlands, has implicitly been guided by a systematic Frame-of-Reference. Characteristics of this approach are the definition of clear objectives at different levels (i.e. strategic, tactical and operational) and an operational decision recipe related to policy development and implementation. Application of the Frame-of-Reference to current problems and challenges in Dutch coastal management indicates its ability to reveal shortcomings of the existing approach, and to explore potential solutions. Where EUROSION offers important concepts to define coastal erosion management, the Frame-of-Reference offers a tool to discern different objectives and responsibilities. The combination of both strongly supports implementation of coastal erosion management.  相似文献   
The selection of basin characteristics that explain spatial variation of river flows is important for hydrological regionalization as this enables estimation of flow statistics of ungauged basins. A direct gradient analysis method, redundancy analysis, is used to identify basin characteristics, which explain the variation of river flows among 52 selected basins in Zimbabwe. Flow statistics considered are mean annual runoff, coefficient of variation of annual runoff, average number of days per year without flow and selected percentile flows. Basin characteristics investigated are those likely to reflect climatological, topographical and hydrogeological influences including that of land cover on river flows. The first ordination axis of flow statistics is strongly correlated with mean annual precipitation, mean annual potential evaporation and median slope. This ordination axis explains 64% of the variation of selected flow statistics among the selected drainage basins. The proportions of a basin under cultivation, and that with grasslands are correlated with the second ordination axis, which explains 6% of the variation of selected flow statistics. Mean annual precipitation is the most important basin characteristic, and this alone explains 50% of the variation of flow statistics. Median slope is the second most important basin characteristic. Proportions of a basin underlain by different lithological types had no effect on flow characteristics of selected basins. The paper has demonstrated the ability of redundancy analysis to identify basin characteristics that explain the variation of river flows among basins, including estimating the relative importance of these basin characteristics.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the relative timing of solid Earth tides and thermal anomalies associated with volcanic activity at Oldoinyo Lengai (OL), Tanzania, from 2000 to 2008. The low viscosity of OL's carbonatite magmas may make it particularly susceptible to tidal stresses. Thermal data from the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were filtered using the MODLEN algorithm and Earth tides were modeled using TSoft. Application of the Schuster and Chi-squared tests resulted in apparent correlations between times of thermal anomalies and the phase of the semi-diurnal and biannual solid Earth tides. However, for semi-diurnal and biannual tides limited acquisition times of the MODIS data account for the apparent correlations. Re-examining the data while accounting for the bias introduced by the limited acquisition times, correlations are no longer found. Onset times of eruptive events and times of thermal anomalies show no statistically significant correlation with the fortnightly tide, indicating this is not an influence on activity at OL. Tidal influences on magmatic activity, if at all present, cannot be observed in coarse resolution thermal data on semi-diurnal and fortnightly time scales. Based on the available data, correlations on biannual timescales cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
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