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The cable shovel is widely used in surface mining. High operating and ownership costs necessitate efficient use of the cable shovel. Operator practices have long been suspected to contribute towards the inefficient use of the shovel. Crowd arm and hoist rope speeds are key measures of operator practices. The objective of this work is to find the crowd arm and hoist rope speeds for optimal shovel performance for given initial conditions and material properties. Shovel kinematics and dynamic modeling, using shovel geometry and the simultaneous constraint method, respectively, have been employed to build models of the excavation process. Dynamic models of the shovel payload and the material cutting resistance have also been developed using geometric simulation and passive soil pressures techniques, respectively. These models are solved numerically by combining Runge–Kutta and Gaussian elimination algorithms to compute the work done and the resistive forces during shovel excavation. The algorithms have been combined into a shovel simulator. The simulator has been used to simulate the P&H 2100BL shovel. The simulation results indicate that input energy and digging time increase with increasing crowd arm and decreasing hoist rope speeds. The input energy per unit loading rate is proposed as an appropriate measure of shovel performance. High energy per unit loading rate occurs for high crowd speeds and low hoist rope speeds. For the simulated conditions and crowd arm and hoist rope speeds ranging from 0.25 to 0.5 ms−1 and 0.5 to 0.7 ms−1, respectively, the optimal crowd arm and hoist rope speeds were found to be 0.25 ms−1 and 0.7 ms−1, respectively, and the objective function value was 0.21 KJs/kg. This work establishes, theoretically, the fact that operator practices have an effect on shovel performance and is useful in establishing optimum practices. The results are the initial steps towards full automation of the excavation process.  相似文献   
Using the NASA Earth Exchange platform, the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) project mapped forest history wall-to-wall, annually for the contiguous US (1986–2010) using the Vegetation Change Tracker algorithm. As with any effort to identify real changes in remotely sensed time-series, data gaps, shifts in seasonality, misregistration, inconsistent radiometry and cloud contamination can be sources of error. We discuss the NAFD image selection and processing stream (NISPS) that was designed to minimize these sources of error. The NISPS image quality assessments highlighted issues with the Landsat archive and metadata including inadequate georegistration, unreliability of the pre-2009 L5 cloud cover assessments algorithm, missing growing-season imagery and paucity of clear views. Assessment maps of Landsat 5–7 image quantities and qualities are presented that offer novel perspectives on the growing-season archive considered for this study. Over 150,000+ Landsat images were considered for the NAFD project. Optimally, one high quality cloud-free image in each year or a total of 12,152 images would be used. However, to accommodate data gaps and cloud/shadow contamination 23,338 images were needed. In 220 specific path-row image years no acceptable images were found resulting in data gaps in the annual national map products.  相似文献   
This study explores the implications of recent extreme rainfall and flood events in the Sahel and the wider West African region for climate change adaptation. Are these events merely a temporal nuisance as suggested by the lingering desertification discourse or will more climatic extremes characterize the region over the next century? After reviewing incidences of severe rainfall and projected future climate variability, the paper examines local flood knowledge and decision-making, drawing upon a case study in Ghana. The data demonstrate that a variety of response strategies to flooding exist; yet, knowledge of and access to climate forecasts and other learning tools are essentially absent. So far, floods have not triggered mass displacement although cumulative environmental deterioration is likely to cause environmental refugees. The paper recommends to lay to rest the desertification narrative, consider the possibility of both floods and droughts, and mobilize local memory for anticipatory learning and practical adaptation.  相似文献   
The Very Large Telescope Interferometer [1,13] will be operated in air which will introduce small optical path fluctuations due to internal turbulence [4,6] and dispersion effects. Both may contribute to fringe contrast decrease. Longitudinal dispersion effects can be corrected by inserting an appropriate glass of variable thickness in one arm of the interferometer [3,5,11,12]. This paper presents a new method applied to VLTI in order to select the optimum glass, according to both the observing wavelength and the spectral bandpath, and to calculate its thickness. Results are presented in terms of improvement on the fringe contrast.  相似文献   
Solvent extractions were done on the carbonaceous chondrites Murray, Murchison, Orgueil and Renazzo, using CCl4 and CH3OH. Between 2 and 10% of the total carbon in these meteorites is extractable by ordinary techniques, most of it in CH3OH. After demineralization with HF, perhaps as much as 30% of the total carbon in Murray may be extractable with CH3OH. The extracts from Renazzo have isotopic ratios which suggest that they are mainly terrestrial organic matter, with lesser contributions from indigenous organics. The CH3OH-soluble organic matter from Murchison and both untreated and HF-treated Murray has δ13C values of about +5 to + 10%. and δ15N values of about +90 to +100%., both of which are significantly higher than the bulk meteorite values. The Orgueil CH3OH-extract also has a δ15N value well above the value in residual organic matter. Values for δD of +300 to +500%. are found for the CH3OH-soluble organic matter. The combined data for C, H and N isotopes makes it highly unlikely that the CH3OH-soluble components are derivable from, or simply related to, the insoluble organic polymer found in the same meteorites. A relationship is suggested between the event that formed hydrous minerals in CI1 and CM2 meteorites and the introduction of water-soluble (methanol-soluble) organic compounds. Organic matter soluble in CCl4 has essentially no nitrogen, and δ3C and δD values are lower than for CH3OH-soluble phases. Either there are large isotopic fractionations for carbon and hydrogen between different soluble organic phases, or the less polar components are partially of terrestrial origin.  相似文献   
Results of a survey of instrumentation and detector systems, either currently deployed or planned for use at telescopes larger than 3.5 m, in ground based observatories world-wide, are presented. This survey revealed a number of instrumentation design trends at optical, near, and mid-infrared wavelengths. Some of the most prominent trends include the development of vastly larger optical detector systems (> 109 pixels) than anything built to date, and the frequent use of mosaics of near-infrared detectors – something that was quite rare only a decade ago in astronomy. Some future science applications for detectors are then explored, in an attempt to build a bridge between current detectors and what will be needed to support the research ambitions of astronomers in the future.  相似文献   
This study presents an evaluation of a new biosphere-atmosphere Regional Climate Model. COSMO-CLM2 results from the coupling between the non-hydrostatic atmospheric model COSMO-CLM version 4.0 and the Community Land Model version 3.5 (CLM3.5). In this coupling, CLM3.5 replaces a simpler land surface parameterization (TERRA_ML) used in the standard COSMO-CLM. Compared to TERRA_ML, CLM3.5 comprises a more complete representation of land surface processes including hydrology, biogeophysics, biogeochemistry and vegetation dynamics. Historical climate simulations over Europe with COSMO-CLM and with the new COSMO-CLM2 are evaluated against various data products. The simulated climate is found to be substantially affected by the coupling with CLM3.5, particularly in summer. Radiation fluxes as well as turbulent fluxes at the surface are found to be more realistically represented in COSMO-CLM2. This subsequently leads to improvements of several aspects of the simulated climate (cloud cover, surface temperature and precipitation). We show that a better partitioning of turbulent fluxes is the central factor allowing for the better performances of COSMO-CLM2 over COSMO-CLM. Despite these improvements, some model deficiencies still remain, most notably a substantial underestimation of surface net shortwave radiation. Overall, these results highlight the importance of land surface processes in shaping the European climate and the benefit of using an advanced land surface model for regional climate simulations.  相似文献   
The relation of volcanism to tectonics in the Central American region has been established by a review of the literature as well as by field and photogeological work of the authors. The association of a deep trench off the Pacific coast, a parallel seismic belt, and a similarly oriented chain of volcanic vents farther inland, has been recognized by numerous earlier workers. These features form a tectonic unit, and are here termed the Pacific marginal zone.Seismic foci on the northeastern edge of the southern part of the Middle American Trench define a fault zone which dips under the continent and suggests movement of the oceanic plate underneath the Central American continent.An impressive chain of volcanic cones and associated shallow seismic foci is aligned along a prominent graben, best developed in Nicaragua where it is known as the Nicaraguan Depression. This feature probably originated in late Tertiary time. The southeastern end of the graben terminates at the northern ranges of the Talamanca Cordillera in Costa Rica. At the Gulf of Fonseca the trend of the graben changes from NW to E-W; the graben continues as the Central Depression of El Salvador at a higher elevation. Only the fault of the seaward border of the graben is defined in Guatemala, where it is represented by a NW trending volcanic chain.In Nicaragua and El Salvador the oldest cones are situated on the north-eastern boundary fault zone of the graben. These include remnants of the largest volcanic structures of the region. All the active volcanoes are on the southwestern boundary fault belt. Cross fracturing of this fault system controlled later northerly trending cone alignments, often with the youngest cones on the south end.The main graben and associated faults are considered results of tensional stresses on the crest of geanticlinal arching on the landward side of the Middle American Trench. This arching is believed to be due to regional compression originated by the movement of the oceanic plate against the mainland.In northwestern Central America the youngest stresses produced N-S normal faults that are marked by well-defined scarps. These stresses may be the result of right-lateral motion along the underthrust fault zone. The complex Comayagua graben north of the Gulf of Fonseca, the Ipala graben and associated faults in southeastern Guatemala, and the Guatemala City graben are all north-south features illustrating the extent and youth of this structural trend.The distribution of volcanic vents along the Nicaraguan Depression and the N-S trends underscores the close tectonic control of volcanism.
Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenhang zwischen Tektonik und Vulkanismus im mittelamerikanischen Raum wird aufgezeigt aufgrund einer Literaturdurchsicht und feldgeologischer Arbeiten der Verfasser. Die Beziehungen zwischen einem Tiefseegraben vor der pazifischen Küste, einem dem Festland parallelen seismischen Gürtel und einer ebenso orientierten Vulkankette weiter im Inland sind von früheren Bearbeitern bereits erkannt worden. Diese drei Einheiten werden hier zusammengefaßt und als pazifische Randzone bezeichnet.Erdbebenherde am Nordostrand des mittelamerikanischen Tiefseegrabens weisen auf eine Störungszone hin, die unter den Kontinent einfällt. Der Bewegungssinn spricht für ein Abtauchen der ozeanischen Platte unter das mittelamerikanische Festland.Eine eindrucksvolle Vulkankette und die mit ihr verbundenen Erdbebenherde sind längs eines bedeutenden Grabens aufgereiht, der in Nicaragua am deutlichsten ausgebildet ist und dort Nicaragua-Senke genannt wird. Diese tektonische Einheit entstand wahrscheinlich im Jung-Tertiär. Der Graben beginnt im Südosten an den nördlichen Ausläufern der Talamanca-Kordillere in Costa Rica.In Nicaragua verläuft er NW. Am Golf von Fonseca schwenkt er in eine E-W-Richtung und setzt sich in El Salvador in einem höheren Niveau als Zentral-Depression fort. In Guatemala ist nur der Südrand des Grabens erkennbar. Er ist gekennzeichnet durch eine in NW-Richtung aufgereihte Vulkankette. In Nicaragua und El Salvador liegen die ältesten Vulkane auf dem nordöstlichen Grenzbruch des Grabens. Zu dieser Gruppe zählen die größten Rumpfvulkane. Die meisten Kegel und alle tätigen Vulkane liegen hingegen auf dem südwestlichen Grenzbruchstreifen. Auf Querbrüchen haben sich jüngere, nördlich ausgerichtete Kegelreihen gebildet. Die jüngsten Kegel liegen meistens am südlichen Ende der Querbrüche.Es wird angenommen, daß der Hauptgraben und seine Störungen im Scheitel einer zum mittelamerikanischen Tiefseegraben parallel verlaufenden Aufwölbung entstanden sind. Die Aufwölbung kann auf Kompression der ozeanischen Platte gegen das Festland zurückgeführt werden.Im nordwestlichen Zentralamerika bewirkten jüngere Beanspruchungen die Bildung von N-S-Brüchen, die heute morphologisch als Steilkanten hervortreten. Diese Beanspruchungen können durch rechtslaterale Bewegungen entlang der pazifischen Störungszone ausgelöst worden sein. Beispiele dieser N-S-Struktur sind: Die Comayagua-Grabenzone, nördlich des Golfs von Fonseca, der Ipala-Graben und sein Störungssystem in Südost-Guatemala und der Guatemala-Stadt-Graben. Diese N-S-Störungen kennzeichnen das Ausmaß und das geringe Alter der Grabenbildung.Die Anordnung der Vulkane entlang der Nicaragua-Senke und der N-S-Brüche stellen die engen Beziehungen zwischen Tektonik und Vulkanismus in der pazifischen Randzone Mittelamerikas heraus.

Resumen Mediante información tomada de la literatura, trabajos de campo e interpretation fotogeológica, se establece la relación entre el volcanismo y la tectónica en la región de América Central. Se usa la denominación de zona marginal del Pacífico para identificar, como una unidad, la asociación ya reconocida por otros autores de la profunda Fosa Mesoamericana frente a la costa del Pacífico de America Central y las franjas paralelas de actividad sísmica y de cadenas volcánicas.Los focos sísmicos en el borde nororiental de la Fosa Mesoamericana definen una gran zona de afallamiento inclinada hacia el continente, cuyos movimientos indican que un bloque de la corteza oceánica se sumerge bajo la porción continental de America Central.Una imponente serie de conos volcánicos, asociada a focos sísmicos poco profundos, está situada a lo largo de un gran graben conocido como Depresión de Nicaragua, por ser en ese país donde aparece más claramente definido. Este graben, que posiblemente se originó durante el Terciario tardío, termina en su extremo suroriental contra las estribaciones de la parte norte de la Cordillera de Talamanca, en Costa Rica. En Nicaragua el graben está orientado hacia el NW hasta el Golfo de Fonseca donde toma un rumbo E-W a través de El Salvador, donde se encuentra a mayor elevación. En Guatemala se conoce únicamente una línea de fallas, la más próxima al mar, definida por una cadena de volcanes que tiene nuevamente dirección NW.En Nicaragua y El Salvador los conos volcánicos más antiguos están situados a lo largo de las fallas que limitan al graben en su lado nororiental. Allí se encuentran las ruinas de los edificos volcánicos más grandes de la región. La mayoría de los conos que incluye todos los actualmente activos, se localizan a lo largo de las fallas del borde suroccidental del graben. Fracturas transversales controlan la localization de varios grupos de conos alineados de N-S. Los volcanes más jóvenes se encuentran frecuentemente en el extremo sur.Se postula que el graben principal y otras fallas del mismo sistema han sido formados como resultado de esfuerzos de tensión, en la cresta de un geanticlinal que resultó del arqueamiento del lado terrestre de la zona marginal del Pacífico. Dicho arqueamiento se cree que resulta de la compresión regional debida al movimiento del bloque oceánico contra el continente.En la parte noroccidental de América Central los esfuerzos más recientes produjeron fallas orientadas N-S, fácilmente identificables por sus bien marcadas escarpas. Estos esfuerzos pueden haber resultado del desplazamiento dextromóvil a lo largo de las zonas de afallamiento paralelas a la Fosa Mesoamericana.El complejo graben de Comayagua, al norte del Golfo de Fonseca, y los graben de Ipala y de la Ciudad de Guatemala, orientados también de norte a sur, ilustran la extension y la joven edad de las fracturas.La distribución de los focos volcánicos a lo largo de la Depresión de Nicaragua y de las fracturas N-S muestran de manera evidente, la estrecha relación que existe entre la tectónica y la localización del volcanismo en la zona marginal del Pacifico de America Central.

, - . - , . . , , . , , - . - Talamanca Kordillere -. - - . Fanseca . . , , . - . . . , . . - N-S , . . : Comayagua, Fanseca, Ipala - . - . , .
Natural Resources Research - There have been many studies carried out in the past decades attempting to develop strategies for a safe injection of CO2 into storage sites without leakage and...  相似文献   
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