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Throughout much of Earth's history, marine carbonates have represented one of the most important geological archives of environmental change. Several pivotal events during the Phanerozoic, such as mass extinctions or hyperthermal events have recently been associated with ocean acidification. Nevertheless, well‐defined geological proxies for past ocean acidification events are, at best, scarce. Here, experimental work explores the response of bivalve shell ultrastructure and isotope geochemistry (δ13C, δ18O and δ26Mg) to stressful environments, in particular to sea water acidification. In this study, the common blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, was cultured (from early juvenile stages to one year of age) at four pH regimes (pHNBS 7·2 to pH 8·0). Shell growth rate and ultrastructure of mainly the calcitic portion of the shells were compared between experimental treatments. Specimens exposed to low‐pH environments show patches of disordered calcitic fibre orientation in otherwise well‐structured shells. Furthermore, the electron backscattered diffraction analyses reveal that, under acidified conditions, the c‐axis of the calcite prisms exhibits a bimodal or multi‐modal distribution pattern. Similar shell disorder patterns have been reported from mytilids kept under naturally acidified sea water conditions. In contrast, this study found no evidence that different pH regimes affect shell carbon, oxygen or magnesium isotope ratios. Based on these observations, it is proposed that: (i) stressful environments, in this case low sea water pH, predictably affect bivalve biomineralization patterns; and (ii) these findings bear potential as a novel (petrographic) proxy for ancient sea water acidification. An assessment of the applicability of these data to well‐preserved fossil shell material from selected time intervals requires additional work.  相似文献   

Garber Schlag (Q-GS) is one of the major springs of the Karwendel Mountains, Tyrol, Austria. This spring has a unique runoff pattern that is mainly controlled by the tectonic setting. The main aquifer is a moderately karstified and jointed limestone of the Wetterstein Formation that is underlain by nonkarstified limestone of the Reifling Formation, which acts as an aquitard. The aquifer and aquitard of the catchment of spring Q-GS form a large anticline that is bound by a major fault (aquitard) to the north. Discharge of this spring shows strong seasonal variations with three recharge origins, based on δ18O and electrical conductivity values. A clear seasonal trend is observed, caused by the continuously changing portions of water derived from snowmelt, rainfall and groundwater. At the onset of the snowmelt period in May, the discharge is composed mainly of groundwater. During the maximum snowmelt period, the water is dominantly composed of water derived from snowmelt and subordinately from rainfall. During July and August, water derived from snowmelt continuously decreases and water derived from rainfall increases. During September and October, the water released at the spring is mainly derived from groundwater and subordinately from rainfall. The distinct discharge plateau from August to December and the following recession until March is likely related to the large regional groundwater body in the fissured and moderately karstified aquifer of the Wetterstein Formation and the tectonic structures (anticline, major fault). Only a small portion of the water released at spring Q-GS is derived from permafrost.

Investigation on the Pollution Potential of Waterworks Sludges Several contaminated sludges from water treatment plants with known or estimated concentrations of trace elements were investigated for their leaching characteristics and long-term stability using standard and advanced test procedures. Potentially hazardous elements in the sludge are zinc, nickel, and arsenic with concentrations of up to 1.2 g/kg dry matter (mass). Preliminary sorption tests with synthetic sludge components like iron hydroxide, manganese oxide, silicate clay minerals, and chitine powder as a model organic component showed that Cu is associated with the organic phase wheras arsenic is predominantly bound to the iron oxide minerals. The recently suggested pHstat test procedure was used to assess the leaching characteristics of metals at typical pH values. This procedure was compared with the DEV-S4 test, the current standard test in Germany, consisting of a simple lixiviation of the solids with water, without pH control. The pHstat test yields results which are much better to interprete than those obtained by the DEV-S4 procedure. The iron and manganese sludges are well buffered against changes in pH and redox potential so that low pH values and/or reducing conditions can hardly occur. Thus, in deposited material a sudden leaching of heavy metals is unlikely and due to the presence of iron and manganese oxides the pentavalent arsenic is protected against conversion into the highly mobile trivalent form at neutral to low pH. Co-deposition with reducing organic matter and alkaline stabilisation material or waste (like fly ash) could influence the binding properties and should be strictly avoided.  相似文献   
Natural and anthropogenic forcing factors and their changes significantly impact water resources in many river basins around the world. Information on such changes can be derived from fine scale in situ and satellite observations, used in combination with hydrological models. The latter need to account for hydrological changes caused by human activities to correctly estimate the actual water resource. In this study, we consider the catchment area of the Garonne river (in France) to investigate the capabilities of space-based observations and up-to-date hydrological modeling in estimating water resources of a river basin modified by human activities and a changing climate. Using the ISBA–MODCOU and SWAT hydrological models, we find that the water resources of the Garonne basin display a negative climate trend since 1960. The snow component of the two models is validated using the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer snow cover extent climatology. Crop sowing dates based on remote sensing studies are also considered in the validation procedure. Use of this dataset improves the simulated evapotranspiration and river discharge amounts when compared to conventional data. Finally, we investigate the benefit of using the MAELIA multi-agent model that accounts for a realistic agricultural and management scenario. Among other results, we find that changes in crop systems have significant impacts on water uptake for agriculture. This work constitutes a basis for the construction of a future modeling framework of the sociological and hydrological system of the Garonne river region.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal organization of depositional environments in drainage networks of foreland basins reflect the tectonic and erosional dynamics associated with the development of mountain belts. We provide field evidences for the initiation and evolution of a complex drainage system in the French South Alpine Foreland Basin related to Western Alps exhumation. Sedimentological and structural analyses of the Eocene–Early Miocene succession were investigated in the (1) Argens/Peyresq, (2) Barrême/Blieux/Taulanne and (3) Montmaur/St‐Disdier sectors. Combined with the existing structural data set, we propose a new model that integrates the regional tectonic activity, the palaeovalley orientation and their dynamics through time. The Eocene–Miocene deposits clearly show the existence of N–S‐oriented palaeovalleys. The systematic presence of early NE–SW‐ to N–S‐oriented strike‐slip and extensional faults in the palaeovalleys suggests that these tectonic structures were responsible for the formation of the initial N–S‐oriented basin‐floor topographies. The vertical offset of the strike‐slip faults induced sufficient accommodation space for the Cenozoic sedimentation since the Middle Eocene. It implies the creation of N–S‐oriented palaeovalleys during the northward Pyrenean‐Provençal phase, pre‐dating westward Alpine compression. Later, the Oligocene Alpine tectonic phase induced drainage expansion toward the orogenic wedge and the erosion of the exhumed internal massifs by transverse streams. The establishment of new connections between the old topographic lows formed a longitudinal drainage pattern that remains the locus of deposition in a regional sedimentary routing system. In this model, former strike‐slip faults correspond to weakness zones overprinted by the westward Alpine shortening that allowed the formation of the modern piggyback basin structure of the foreland and the long‐time preservation of the palaeovalley geometry.  相似文献   
The closed Tangra Yumco Basin underwent the strongest Quaternary lake-level changes so far recorded on the Tibetan Plateau. It was hitherto unknown what effect this had on local Holocene vegetation development. A 3.6-m sediment core from a recessional lake terrace at 4,700 m a.s.l., 160 m above the present lake level of Tangra Yumco, was studied to reconstruct Holocene flooding phases (sedimentology and ostracod analyses), vegetation dynamics and human influence (palynology, charcoal and coprophilous fungi analyses). Peat at the base of the profile proves lake level was below 4,700 m a.s.l. during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. A deep-lake phase started after 11 cal ka BP, but the ostracod record indicates the level was not higher than ~4,720 m a.s.l. (180 m above present) and decreased gradually after the early Holocene maximum. Additional sediment ages from the basin suggest recession of Tangra Yumco from the coring site after 2.6 cal ka BP, with a shallow local lake persisting at the site until ~1 cal ka BP. The final peat formation indicates drier conditions thereafter. Persistence of Artemisia steppe during the Holocene lake high-stand resembles palynological records from west Tibet that indicate early Holocene aridity, in spite of high lake levels that may have resulted from meltwater input. Yet pollen assemblages indicate humidity closer to that of present potential forest areas near Lhasa, with 500–600 mm annual precipitation. Thus, the early mid-Holocene humidity was sufficient to sustain at least juniper forest, but Artemisia dominance persisted as a consequence of a combination of environmental disturbances such as (1) strong early Holocene climate fluctuations, (2) inundation of habitats suitable for forest, (3) extensive water surfaces that served as barriers to terrestrial diaspore transport from refuge areas, (4) strong erosion that denuded the non-flooded upper slopes and (5) increasing human influence since the late glacial.  相似文献   
Ternary (triangular) diagrams show the compositional variation of three end-members, recalculated to 100%, and represent the projection into two dimensions of three or more components (since an end-member may represent the sum of more than one original component), and hence multiple space. During the present century they have been of particular importance in chemistry, the earth sciences, colour-mixing and the studies of colour that underlie the development of geochemical colour maps. Such concepts can be traced back to Newton's Opticks although he did not use an explicit ternary theory of colour mixing. Development of the trichromatic theory of colour deficiency began with Mariotte in the 17th century and was definitively established by Maxwell in the 1850s. These colour theorems underlie the development in recent years of the colour maps now in widespread use in geochemistry. The progress of regional geochemical mapping in the British Isles has gone hand-in-hand with the development of computer software and hardware. The use of multi-element colour-combined geochemical maps can be traced from early work at Imperial College by Webb and his co-workers (1964–79) to its later application in the British Geological Survey's Geochemical Atlas series (from 1983 onwards). Between 1955 and 1975 the use of ternary diagrams came to be commonly used in studies of mineralogical composition, including economic minerals, petrology, classification, and phase relationships. In igneous petrology, the quartz–alkali-feldspar–plagioclase-feldspathoid double-triangle has achieved increasing international acceptance. We illustrate these applications with examples pertinent to the Northern Highland Caledonides, with particular emphasis on the lamprophyres and associated rocks. Two distinct multivariate trends of variation are shown to be present which may warrant further investigation to elucidate their bearing on Caledonian mineralisation.  相似文献   
Volcanic ash can disperse thousands of kilometres from the source volcano and provide valuable chronostratigraphic markers for palaeoclimate studies. We present new cryptotephra findings of historical and modern Icelandic eruptions in annually laminated lacustrine sediment records from several sites within a 570 km SW–NE transect across northern Poland. Sediments from the two lakes Wąsoskie and Szurpiły contain glass shards originating from the Plinian Askja ad 1875 eruption and showing bimodal, rhyolitic and dacitic affinities. A further cryptotephra finding in Lake Lubińskie suggests a potential origin from the Hekla ad 1845 eruption. These new findings extend the tephra dispersal map towards the south-east and provide valuable isochrons for the synchronisation of palaeoclimate proxy data at the termination of the Little Ice Age in central eastern Europe. Very low glass concentrations of modern cryptotephra in Lake Wąsoskie were potentially correlated with the Eyjafjallajökull ad 2010 eruption. Further findings in the uppermost sediments of lakes Szurpiły and Żabińskie in north-eastern Poland tentatively suggest other sources from either the Hekla and/or Kamchatkan volcanoes.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of rigid second phases on grain growth of a matrix phase. For this purpose, variable mixtures of norcamphor as the matrix phase, with glass beads (0.08–0.51 volume fraction) as second phase, were used to perform see-through rock-analogue experiments under static conditions at constant temperatures (50°C). Irrespective of the second-phase content, grain-size evolution of all mixtures can be subdivided into a stage of continuous grain growth, a transient stage and a stage of a finally stabilized grain size. On the grain-scale, the second phases affect the migrating grain boundaries either by pinning by single particles, by multiple particles or even by particle clusters. Summed up over the entire aggregate, these pinning regimes affect the average bulk grain size of the matrix grains, such that the changes in matrix grain size directly correlate with the amount of second phases, their dispersion and their degree of clustering. In this way, the matrix grain size decreases with increasing second-phase content, which can be expressed as a Zener relationship. Originating from the modification of an ordinary grain growth law, a new mathematical expression is defined, which allows the calculation of changes in the matrix grain size as a function of different second-phase volume fractions and particle sizes. Such models will be helpful in the future to predict microstructural changes in polymineralic rocks at depth.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Während man schon seit einiger Zeit Satelliten-Luftbilder für Festlandsbereiche interpretierte, nahm man allgemein an, daß die Meere auf diesen Bildern von einem einheitlichen und undifferenzierten Schwarz wiedergegeben würden. Es stellte sich aber heraus, daß auf manchen Bildern im Bereich der Meere deutlich verschiedene Grautönungen zu erkennen sind, die die Vermutung aufkommen lassen, es könne hier ein primärer oder zumindest sekundärer Zusammenhang mit submarinen Strukturen bestehen und es müßten sich somit Satelliten-Luftbilder auch meeresmorphologisch auswerten lassen.Zur Prüfung dieser Möglichkeit wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit aus einer Fülle von Aufnahmen 27 Satelliten-Luftbilder mit entsprechenden Seekarten und anderen Unterlagen verglichen. Es zeigten sich an einigen Stellen verblüffende Übereinstimmungen von gewissen Grautönungen mit bekannten submarinen Formen, während an vielen anderen Stellen zunächst nur unsichere Aussagen möglich sind. Vor allem läßt sich derzeit noch nicht entscheiden, ob und wieweit primäre oder sekundäre Zusammenhänge bestehen.Die zur Beurteilung der Satellitenbilder notwendigen technischen Angaben bezüglich des Aufnahme- und Übertragungsverfahrens werden kurz resumiert, ausführlicher wird darüber an anderen Stellen (vgl. Schrifttum) berichtet.Eine kritische Diskussion des Problems der Eindringtiefe von Licht in Wasser führte zu der Annahme, daß im Bereich des Sonnenreflexes größere Tiefen als bislang vermutet ausgeleuchtet werden und sich aus der Zusammenschau aus großer Höhe veränderte optische Bedingungen ergeben können, als wir sie gewohnt sind.Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, daß die Aussagefähigkeit der Methode noch an technischen Mängeln und dergleichen leidet, im Prinzip aber doch neue Beiträge zur Ozeanographie erwarten läßt.
Essay of an ocean-morphological interpretation of Satellite-air-Pictures
Summary While for some time, Satellite-air-Pictures have already been interpreted for evaluation in the continental sphere, it was generally assumed that the oceans in such pictures were shown in an uniform and undifferentiated black colour. However, it was concluded that on some of these photos, showing the oceans, greyish shades were clearly visible which fact led to the assumption that one is confronted here primarily or, at least, secondarily by a coherence with submarine structures and, therefore, Satellite-air-Photos could perhaps also be construed in an ocean-morphological way.In order to test such a possibility, 27 Satellite-air-Photos out of a lot of pictures have been compared with the respective sea-charts and other data. In some instances, amazing conformities of certain greyish hues with the known substratal forms got visible, while in many other spots, so far, only vague statements can be made. First of all, at this point, it cannot as yet be decided whether and how far a primary or secondary context exists.The necessary technical data for the evaluation of such Satellite-air-Photos, with reference to the receiving and transmitting procedures, will be summarized in short, yet reports in greater detail can be found in the comparable literature.A critical discussion of the problems of depth of light-penetration into the water led us to the assumption that in the sphere of sunreflexes greater depths than so far presumed can be reached and, by the synoptical view from enormous heights, completely changed optical conditions may result, than we are so far used until now.Altogether, the results prove that the capacity of this method is still suffering from technical shortcomings, principally however, new contributions to oceanography can be expected.

Essai d'une exploitation des images par satellites pour la morphologie marine
Résumé Tandis que depuis quelque temps déjà on interprétait des images par satellites de zones continentales, il était admis en général que les mers, sur ces images, seraient rendues par un «noir» uniforme sans nuances. Mais en fait, sur plus d'une image, on peut reconnaître distinctement dans les zones maritimes diverses tonalités de gris qui donnent à penser qu'il pourrait y avoir là une relation de premier ou tout au moins de second ordre avec des structures sous-marines. Dans ces conditions des images par satellites devraient offrir un intérêt pour la morphologie marine.Afin de vérifier cette possibilité, dans la présente étude, on a comparé 27 images par satellites, tirées d'un grand nombre de prises de vues, avec les cartes marines correspondantes et d'autres documents. En quelques points apparuent des concordances surprenantes entre certains tons de gris et des formes sous-marines connues, tandis qu'en beaucoup d'autres endroits on ne peut encore rien préciser pour le moment. Avant tout, en l'état actuel des choses, on ne peut encore affirmer qu'il existe — et dans quelle mesure — des concordances d'ordre primaire ou secondaire.Les données techniques nécessaires pour l'appréciation des images par satellites en ce qui concerne les procédés de prises de vue et de transmission, sont résumées succinctement; elles sont traitées de façon plus détaillée ailleurs (voir bibliographie).Une discussion critique du problème de la profondeur de pénétration de la lumière dans l'eau, permet de supposer que dans la zone où pénètre la lumière solaire, des profondeurs plus grandes que celles admises jusqu'alors sont éclairées et aussi que de la «vue d'ensemble», de haute altitude, peuvent résulter des conditions optiques qui diffèrent de celles auxquelles nous sommes accoutumés.Dans l'ensemble les résultats montrent que les informations à attendre de la méthode, souffrent encore d'un insuffisance de moyens techniques et autres mais laisse entrevoir, en principe, de nouvelles contributions à l'océanographie.
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