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本文通过对黄河三角洲埕岛海域146个表层样的粒度分析,表明该区有5种沉积物类型,以砂质粉砂为主体,呈斑块状分布,极细砂与粗粉砂是沉积物的主要粒级,普遍分选差。运用"粒径趋势"分析的方法,分析探讨了埕岛海域表层沉积物净输运趋势。研究区的沉积物的净输运趋势大致以12 m水深为界,深水区沉积物的净输运趋势向岸,12 m以浅海域的沉积物具有离岸的净输运趋势,说明深水区沉积物受冬季风浪作用向岸运移作用显著,12 m以浅海域的沉积物受夏季风浪作用离岸运移作用显著,沉积物运移的季节变化已成为研究区海域沉积物净运移的主要控制因素。  相似文献   
会计信息是社会各方面的信息使用者了解企业财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,据以做出经济决策.并进行管理的有效工具。但是,近几年来“会计信息失真”已成为世界范围内非常严重的社会问题。其范围广、程度深、危害大,巳严重干扰了社会经济秩序。会计领域内的诚信缺失,一度成为人们议论的热点话题。由此可  相似文献   
地下水对岩体的强度和变形有显著的影响,由于地下裂隙水的渗流作用,岩体强度降低,围岩稳定性减弱。为了有效反映地下裂隙水对大岗山地下洞室群围岩稳定性的影响,根据岩体流固耦合作用机理,采用FLAC3D计算程序对该工程体稳定进行了计算分析。计算结果表明,渗流的作用虽然致使围岩稳定性更加不利,但由于加固措施得当,运行期的洞室群整体已趋于稳定。  相似文献   
In this study,under conditions of different flow and ice discharge,extensive experiments have been carried out in a 180°-bend flume and an S-shaped bend channel.The phenomenon and mechanisms of ice accumulation in the bend channel have been studied.Ice accumulation along the convex bank was normally thicker than that along the concave bank.The maximum thickness of ice accumulation in the downstream bend channel occurred close to the convex bank.The difference between the maximum thickness and the minimum thickness of ice accumulation was significant.The entire ice accumulation became unstable if flow Froude number was large.When the flow Froude Number is high,the entire ice accumulation becomes unstable.For Froude Number between 0.035 and 0.060,the bottom surface of ice accumulation became waved in form.Small changes in Froude number and ice discharge rate can change a channel from a state of no ice accumulation to uniform accumulation over the channel bend.The higher the ice discharge,the more uniform the ice accumulation.The experimental results have been compared with field observations of ice jams at the Hequ Reach of the Yellow River.  相似文献   
钨的地球化学性质与华南地区钨矿成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在地球演化早期的强还原条件下,钨表现为中等亲铁元素,因此地球中 90%的钨进入地核。在地幔和地壳的演化过程中,钨是极度不相容亲石元素,从而导致钨元素在地壳中的丰度约是地幔丰度的250倍。钨在岩浆熔体中主要以钨酸的形式迁移,在成矿热液中主要以氟、硼化合物或其络合物的形式运移。钨的矿化需要其在部分熔融、岩浆演化和晚期热液等各阶段逐渐富集。中国是世界上钨矿产资源最丰富的国家,约占世界总储量的60%以上,其中绝大多数矿床产在华南地区,与华南大规模的中生代岩浆活动具有密切的时空联系。微量元素特征(高Rb/Sr和K/Rb比值,低Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf比值)显示它们往往经历了强烈的岩浆分异,这可能与这些花岗岩通常具有高挥发分含量(如F)有关。岩浆中高的F含量对钨的富集和矿化十分重要,它可以降低熔体固相线、粘度和密度,有利于提高岩浆的结晶分异程度,因而使得高度不相容的钨元素在岩浆演化过程和后期热液阶段的富集与矿化。富挥发分岩浆的形成可能与俯冲板块后撤,软流圈物质上涌导致的多硅白云母等富F矿物的高温分解有关。研究表明,华南南岭地区侏罗纪的钨矿化花岗岩主要形成于太平洋板块的俯冲后撤,而华南南部晚白垩世钨成矿作用与新特提斯洋的俯冲后撤有关。  相似文献   
吉林省四平南部1:5万半拉山门、石岭街、下二台子、叶赫站幅的吉林省境内区调,首次在经过修订的下二台群黄顶子组下部条带状硅质大理岩中,采获丰富的小壳化石,初步确定为3属6种,其中4新种。属于辽北地区新确立的清河镇动物群辐射演化而来的新的动物群。从而,为这套地层的划分对片、时代确定,提供了重要的古生物佐证。  相似文献   
为了探讨海湾水库蓄水初期单次往复水平密度流的产生与效应,进行砂质斜坡沉积物与水体之间盐分交换的水槽实验。通过沉积物孔隙水与其上覆水的多剖面电导率动态监测,分析盐分的时空分布特征,并计算深水区、浅水区和中心区的边界层单位面积含盐总量。实验结果显示,进水在浅水区沉积物表面产生明显的渗入-溢出现象,浅水区沉积物孔隙水盐分浓度显著低于中心区与深水区同一高度的盐分浓度,深水区初始底边界层含盐量与初始边界层下边界盐分浓度均为最高;这表明进水过程在倾斜沉积物表面产生了前进密度流,水流携带的盐分在坡底累积。水槽进满水后深水区边界层含盐总量与边界层下边界盐分浓度快速降低,并且浅水区表层沉积物孔隙水与深水区同一深度水体之间的盐分快速达到平衡;这表明蓄水初期在两者之间形成了返回密度流,从浅水区表层沉积物冲刷出的盐分在密度流作用下再次进入沉积物。为避免再次进入沉积物的盐分在后期继续影响水库泛咸,建议在蓄水结束后尽快实施坡底咸水排除方案。  相似文献   
胡建平  隋兆显  陈杰 《江苏地质》2006,30(4):261-264
1995年以来,针对严重的区域性地面沉降和地裂缝灾害,苏锡常地区地下水资源保护和管理工作逐渐加强,特别是从2000年开始,江苏省政府分阶段实施限期禁止开采工作,首先在超采区实行地下水禁采,到2005年底,在苏锡常地区全面禁止开采地下水,全区地下水环境、地面沉降状况出现明显好转,地下水水位普遍回升,地面沉降速率逐渐减缓。根据近年来苏锡常地区地面沉降基岩标、分层标的系统监测资料,对地下水禁采后地质环境的效应特别是地面沉降的变化特征进行了初步分析、研究,并对该区今后地质环境保护工作提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   
The authors investigate monsoon change in East Asia in the 21st century under the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario using the results of a regional climate model, RegCM3, with a high horizontal resolution. First, the authors evaluate the model’s performance compared with NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data, showing that the model can reliably reproduce the basic climatology of both winter and summer monsoons over East Asia. Next, it is found that the winter monsoon in East Asia would slightly weaken in the 21st century with spatial differences. Over northern East China, anomalous southerly winds would dominate in the mid-and late-21st century because the zonal land-sea thermal contrast is expected to become smaller, due to a stronger warming trend over land than over ocean. However, the intensity of the summer monsoon in East Asia shows a statistically significant upward trend over this century because the zonal land-sea thermal contrast between East Asia and the western North Pacific would become larger, which, in turn, would lead to larger sea level pressure gradients throughout East Asia and extending to the adjacent ocean.  相似文献   
The characteristics of moisture transport and budget of widespread heavy rain and local heavy rain events in Northeast China are studied using the NCEP--NCAR reanalysis 6-hourly and daily data and daily precipitation data of 200 stations in Northeast China from 1961--2005. The results demonstrate that during periods with widespread heavy rain in Northeast China, the Asian monsoon is very active and the monsoonal northward moisture transport is strengthened significantly. The widespread heavy rainfall obtains enhanced water vapor supply from large regions where the water vapor mainly originates from the Asian monsoon areas, which include the East Asian subtropical monsoon area, the South China Sea, and the southeast and southwest tropical monsoon regions. There are several branches of monsoonal moisture current converging on East China and its coastal areas, where they are strengthened and then continue northward into Northeast China. Thus, the enhanced northward monsoonal moisture transport is the key to the widespread heavy rain in Northeast China. In contrast, local heavy rainfall in Northeast China derives water vapor from limited areas, transported by the westerlies. Local evaporation also plays an important role in the water vapor supply and local recycling process of moisture. In short, the widespread heavy rains of Northeast China are mainly caused by water vapor advection brought by the Asian monsoon, whereas local heavy rainfall is mainly caused by the convergence of the westerly wind field.  相似文献   
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